HAPPY 4TH of JULY, I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.
My entry for this weeks
Camera Critters are some of my backyard birds and juvies. Click on my link to vist more critters.
It is so much fun to watch the juvies interact with their parents.
Chipping Sparrow and juvie. The juvie was too excited about being fed it couldn't stay still.
Momma Redbellied Woodie, you can see the juvie on my post below. You can see the difference on the female's head the red stops and does not go all the way to the beak like the males redhead.
Carolina chickadees seem to be all over the yard. I assume that their nesting was successful and there are plenty of juvies. They were using two of my birdhouses.
Wood Pewee is not a feeder visitor, this one stopped by and sat in my weeping cherry tree. I do hear them in the woods next to my house.
Not sure if this is a male or female juvie Cardinal, I am guessing it is a male. The Cardinals seem to be plentiful in my yard. I am always seeing males chasing other males away.
Tufted Titmouse juvie, mouth open waiting for food. The Tufted Titmouse is one of my year round birds.
I believe these are both juvenile Titmouse, they are fun to watch chasing each other around the trees and yard.
Thanks for stopping by to see my post and blog. Have a safe and happy 4th of JULY!