Friday, March 5, 2010

Baltimore Oriole

 I posted this Oriole  for my Bird Photography weekly and Camera Critters  entry. Below is a post about all the different state birds. This post is just about the Maryland state bird which is the Baltimore Oriole. It is a beautiful and colorful bird. We only get to see the Orioles here in Maryland during the summer months. I have heard they like oranges, grape jelly and sometimes you see them trying to drink the nectar from the hummingbird feeders.

I found this Oriole eating the blueberry suet hanging  on my deck.

Here are a few Orioles I've seen in different parts of Maryland

To see more wonderful and cute critters visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters  Thanks Misty Dawn for hosting the fun critter meme.

And to see more wonderful birds and animals you should really visit the Friday Ark

Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you enjoyed my Oriole.


  1. I want to hunt a Oriole desperately.

    How can I miss the action while you have successfully done it.

    Thanks for the driving force from you.

  2. I love Orioles, and can't wait for them to show up here. For the past 3 years we have had a family and all the "kids" coming for grape jelly. What a treat.

  3. great shota and a beautiful bird. We have Bullock's Oriole out this way and only furing the summer.
    Our state bird is the American Goldfinch. Sweet bird, so colorful. MB

  4. What beautiful, colourful birds they are- quite splendid.

  5. Beautiful bird. I don't imagine I'll see a Baltimore Oriole in Oklahoma.

  6. What a spritely little fellow! I love how you captured the sun shining on his bright orange color.

  7. Lovely pictures.Yes,Orioles love oranges and grape jelly.Put these out and they will come.

  8. A nice photos of the Baltimore Oriole.

  9. ...sigh...
    never would have thought before, how much peace and calm birds are able to provide.

    A nice start into the weekend for you all.

  10. Beautiful bird! I've never seen an oriole, maybe I should put out oranges and grape jelly.

  11. What a beautiful bird, they are so colorful. Great photos Eileen.

  12. IT has the most striking colour. So pretty. You are lucky to have it visit.

  13. Gorgeous! I want one to visit my feeder! Are you using any special blueberry suet??

  14. Yes, they are very beautiful birds. I plan on trying to do more to attract them more this year. You've got some great shots of them.

  15. Beautiful capture of the Baltimore Oriole! Amazing!

  16. So that's an oriole?! I've never seen one. Such striking color, beautiful.

  17. perfect birds it so much...

  18. Eileen: I hope one day to lure one into my feeders. Those are some great photos.

  19. I've never seen an Oriole before except in pictures and on nature shows. Your photos are wonderful Eileen. Great lighting too.

  20. Beautiful shots!
    They are certainly very colorful.
    Mine’s here: Carletta’s Captures.

  21. What perfect timing you have with Spring Training just starting here in SW FL the Baltimore Orioles are one of our local teams here in Sarasota/Bradenton GO ORIOLES!!!
    As always beautiful photos :)

  22. Gorgeous birds and lovely shots. You are lucky you are in Maryland!

  23. Wow, Oriole is very pretty.

    Please come and meet Chelsea, our new adopted baby.

  24. Beautiful photo's of a beautiful bird

  25. Sooooo pretty!! Don't think we have these. Our, Texas, state bird is the Mockingbird. Big-loud-bruts. But I love them.

  26. Beautiful bird. I love the colour. Great shot

  27. Stunning is definitely a perfect word to describe these birds! Great shots too! Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend :-)

  28. The Baltimore Oriole is a bird we rarely see here in my world however last Spring I did see one..perhaps if I place orange halfs in feeder they will come!
    Spring just ahead!!

  29. I love Orioles! SO beautiful!!! He let you get some very nice shots too. :)

  30. This sure is a beautiful bird.

  31. He's a beauty! I've yet to see one here in Michigan, but one year in Virginia I was lucky to a pair nest in my backyard.

  32. Hi Eileen, I have never seen an Oriole.. I don't know how many we have here --but they are so gorgeous. I need to get an orange and put it out --to see if I can attract them sometime. SO pretty.

    Thanks for sharing.

  33. that was a really beautiful bird. Such colors. :)

  34. Another beautiful bird I didn't know at all! Very nice photos!

  35. Nice shots of the Orioles in different locals Eileen. I like the photo of the juvenile the best.

    We get the similar Bullock's and Hooded Orioles here in the summer. They haven't arrived yet ;-)

  36. That is such a beautiful bird and you have taken a great series of photos of it.

  37. You have a very beautiful Oriole ours are not that colourful.

  38. I love Orioles! The Baltimore is certainly one of the loveliest in the group.

  39. They're so lovely...Thanks for sharing!

  40. Such a lovely colorful little bird! I've never seen one where I live so I appreciate all your marvelous photos greatly.
    Hugs and blessings,

  41. Now that I know orioles DO live in my area I'll be on the lookout for these beautiful birds!

  42. I can't wait to see my firt oriole! I go through jar after jar of grape jelly feeding them all summer long, they are so beautiful. Great photos.


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