Tuesday, March 2, 2010

State Birds

I thought it would be fun to see how many of the state birds I have seen in my own state of Maryland. The Maryland State bird is the Baltimore Oriole.  I have been lucky to see it visit my blueberry suet feeder last summer.

                             Baltimore Oriole .......Maryland State bird

Some of the state birds, I have photos of are included in my mosaic.

I have been lucky to see most of the state birds in my mosaic right here in Maryland. Except for the Mountain Bluebird I saw in Idaho and the Western Meadowlark I saw in Montana.

The most popular state bird..the Northern Cardinal

I was surprised to see multiple states have the same bird listed as their state bird. The Northern Cardinal being the most popular coming in with a total seven states. The next popular bird in 6 states is the Western Meadowlark.  The Northern Mockingbird is next with 5 states, the Amercian Robin and American Goldfinch both have 3 states each. The Black Capped Chickadee and the Mountain Bluebird are the state birds for two states each.

Georgia State bird..
 click photo to see larger image of two Brown Thrashers. I just read today they they might want to change their state bird to a Cornish Chicken. I think I like the Brown Thrasher more than a chicken. What's up with these chickens anyway.

List of USA State Birds

Alabama...Northern Flicker....my yard
Alaska.....Willow Ptarmian.. never seen this bird.. I have to look the bird up in my field guide.
Arizona....Cactus Wren... saw this one at the Grand Canyon
Arkansas.... Northern Mockingbird....my yard
California....California Quail... would be a new one for me
Colorado....Lark Bunting....would be a new one for me
Connecticut....American Robin....my yard
Delaware....Blue Hen Chicken....not seen yet..weird why a chicken?
Florida......Northern Mockingbird....my yard
Georgia...Brown Thrasher....my yard
Hawaii....Hawaiian Goose...sorry I wasn't into birding during my Hawaii trips
Idaho...Mountain Bluebird...seen in Idaho and one of my favorite birds
Illinois....Northern Cardinal...my yard
Indiana....Northern Cardinal...my yard
Iowa....American Goldfinch....my yard
Kansas....Western Meadowlark...seen in Montana
Louisiana....Brown Pelican... seen from a Maryland beach
Maine....Black Capped Chickadee...not seen yet
Maryland....Baltimore Oriole...my yard
Massachusetts....Black Capped Chickadee.. not seen yet
Michigan...American Robin...my yard
Minnesota....Common Loon..seen in Ocean City Md
Missouri....Eastern Bluebird...seen in my yard
Montana...Western Meadowlark...seen in Montana
Nebraska...Western Meadowlark...seen in Montana
Nevada....Mountain Bluebird...seen in Idaho
New Hampshire...Purple Finch... my yard
New Jersey...American Goldfinch...my yard
New mexico...Roadrunner..not seen.. but hopefully someday
New York...Eastern Bluebird..my yard
North Carolina...Northern Cardinal...my yard
North Dakota....Western Meadowlark...seen during Montana visit
Ohio...Northern Cardinal...my yard
Oklahoma...Scissor tailed Flycatcher...not seen yet
Oregon...Western Meadowlark...seen Montana trip
Pennsylvania...Ruffed Grouse..Seen in Shenandoah Nat'l Park
Rhode Island...Red Chicken...another state chicken?
South Carolina...Carolina Wren...my yard
South Dakota...Ring-necked Pheasant..seen walking down my street
Tennessee...Northern Mockingbird...my yard
Texas...Northern Mockingbird...my yard
Utah....California Gull..not seen, is this a common bird for Utah?
Vermont.....Hermit Thrush...seen in woods near my house
Virginia...Northern Cardinal...my yard
Washington...American Goldfinch...my yard
West Virginia...Northern Cardinal...my yard
Wisconsin....American Robin...my yard
Wyoming...Western Meadowlark...seen in Montana


District of Columbia...Wood Thrush.. not a state but added in..seen in the woods next to house.
I think I counted ten birds out of all the state birds I have not seen yet. Hopefully, someday I will be able to add them all to my list. The Black Capped Chickadee is seen in western Maryland so it is possible for me to see this bird in my home state. I do see the Carolina Chickadee in my yard.

This is my entry for Outdoor Wednesday and for Nature Notes
Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks to Susan of Outdoor Wednesday and Michelle of Nature Notes for hosting these fun memes.


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

That's a pretty impressive list of birds you have seen.The mosaics are a good way to show them.I enjoyed this.

Light and Voices said...

Wowza! What a list of birds! I really enjoyed seeing your collage of birds. Just lovely.
Joyce M

Ebie said...

Very impressive collection of birds! I know I have not seen even a third of them.

Fantasmic mosaic!

Carolyn Ford said...

These cute little feathered friends certainly keep you outdoors! What an adventure finding them and then photographing them too. I love the mosaic...a great way to share!

diane b said...

Great mosaics of the states birds. I'm surprised there is more than one state for some of the birds. But then you have so many states. I love the yellow ones in your header and of course the beautiful red cardinal. You are lucky to have seen so many and photograph them.

My name is Riet said...

What an interesting post this is about all your different birds. My favorite is that red cardinal, we don't have those here.

Xavi said...

Thanks Eileen, for your always kind comments.
I love the mosaic. Impressive list of birds!
Have a nice day.

happily retired gal said...

WOW ... you see so many more different kinds of birds where you live than where I do. Love all your photos and the wonderful mosaics!
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

Ms. Bake-it said...

I lvoe the mosaics showcasing your photos of state birds! A Few of my favorite birds are the cardinals and the blue birds.

~ Tracy

Maria Berg said...

I have been out siting in the forrest her next by our hours for 1 hour today looking for birds - now I feel I have been there so many time so I want to go somewhere else but i do not know where I want to see more and different kind of birds.
Love looking at yours, MB

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I really enjoyed seeing all the birds you captured with your camera lens, Ellen, and reading the list of the official state birds. I live in NY and never saw a blue bird! If I had to choose a official bird for Brooklyn, NY, where I live, it would be the sparrow. That is the bird we see the most of, followed by the pigeon.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Wow, Eileen. You did a lot of work for this post. Your bird photos are really nice! I'm from NJ and, as you listed, we have the American Goldfinch as our State bird.

Very nice visiting with you!
Kindly, ldh

rainfield61 said...

They are so colourful. Don't know how the world will be if without them...

Carver said...

What a great idea for a nature notes post. Very interesting and wonderful shots of the birds too.

LV said...

What a great variety of birds. That was so interesting how you put all this together. I enjoyed reading and hearing about each one. Nice job

Elaine said...

Lovely mosaics and a lovely post. You took on an ambitious project. It seems like you are in a location to see most of the state birds right close to home. Ah, but if you want to see our Willow Ptarmigan you'll have to make a trip to Northern Canada or here to Alaska.

Rambling Woods said...

This was a great post Eileen and I can see the work that went into it. I have never seen the NY blue bird, but I guess there is always a chance that I will....Thank you for adding this post to Nature Notes...Michelle

Jeanne said...

Eileen, your post is the most awesome bird info and I loved it. Lots of bird fact and photos that kept me glued to your post. Wonderful, thank you for a lovely informative post.
Hugs, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

This was fun to read, Eileen. It's amazing you have seen so many birds! The mosaics look like they were a lot of work!

Unknown said...

That is one fine collection you have there. One could almost get a bit envious :)
Well done!

Anonymous said...

wow, I'm impressed! Beautiful mosaics, And your header photo is gorgeous.

Eden said...

Beautiful collection of bird photos. Wish I could travel more around our state so I can get a chance to see most of our state birds. Thanks for sharing Eileen. I love all your photos. And sorry for the late visit.

SquirrelQueen said...

Your mosaics are great, so many beautiful little birds. You have seen so many different ones.

I saw lots of Willow Ptarmigans when I lived in AK, they are very neat birds. Here in SE WA I rarely see the American Goldfinch in my yard.

Dawn Fine said...

Great list of birds Eileen! I always love your collages!

squirrel said...

My my that was an impressive list and very good photos to boot!

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