Thursday, January 2, 2014

First birds of 2014

January 2, 2014

Linking up with NF Winged   and  Skywatch Friday 

It feels weird typing JANUARY 2014,  2013 flew by and  a new year has begun..

I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year's eve. And I wish everyone all the best in 2014! Happy New Year!

My first post for the New Year 2014, I am sharing some birds for NF Winged and some pretty sky shots for my Skywatch Friday.  As I type this post it is cloudy and cold, maybe some sunshine to come later in the day.

I always like to see what will be the first birds I see in 2014.. On January 1, I looked out my dining room window and my first birds were a trio: a Downy Woodpecker, Dark-eyed Junco and a White-throated Sparrow.

A first of the new year Dark-eyed  Junco.

Some of these shots are from the last week of December and our walk on the bike trail.

A immature Bald Eagle flying over the trail..

The sunsets shots are also from one evening last week.

I hope you enjoyed my birds, sky and post. Thanks for visiting my blog and I always appreciate your comments.

A reminder..I am looking forward to seeing you join in and share your critters on my MEME called Saturday Critters..early Saturday Morning..join in on the party and post your cute pets, wild animals, birds and the cute farm animals.

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and to see more of the winged critters check out NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to Monica the host of NF Winged.   I wish everyone a safe and happy long weekend.


Ramakrishnan said...

Charming birds and exquisite sky shots.

Leora said...

I really like the junco. Such a handsome bird.

Thanks for inspiring me to go out and look for birds in my backyard yesterday.

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen!
I am impressed with the number of different sparrows there can be!
Another new one to discover for me!
Yes indeed it feels weird to think 2414 after a whole year of 2013!! LOL....... Funny enough, it's that way every year, HAHA!
Thanks for sharing all these yard birds, in the south of France the migratory ones from scandinavian countries have not yet arrived!! :(
Cheers, keep well!

Sonja said...

A lovely way to start the New Year. I'm really looking to becoming acquainted with some of your (U.S.) birds this year. It will add extra meaning to seeing the birds. Have a great year Eileen.

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
Very nice shots!!
Great that woodpecker. And what a fantastic shots of that beautiful colored sky.
I wish you all the luck and health for 2014.

Best Regards,

DIMI said...

Happy New year Eileen!!With joy and happiness in your family!!!Wonderful shots!!!Beautiful birds!!I really like the skies pictures!!Winter scenery indeed!!Have a lovely day!!Hugs!!

Joop Zand said...

Thanks for this nice post Eileen.....your pictures are lovely.

Greetings, Joop

jp@A Green Ridge said...

My heart skipped a beat over the immature, Eileen...because I watched "the twins" fledge this past year!...:)JP

Giga said...

Śliczne ptaki odwiedziły Cie na rozpoczęty 2014 rok. Pozdrawiam.
Cute birds visited you on started in 2014. Yours.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful clear photos of the birds and an amazing sunset.
Best regards, Synnöve

Life Images by Jill said...

always wonderful to stop by and see your birding, animal and nature pics Eileen. I have always thought your yard must be lovely!
Have a wonderful year ahead.
and thanks for your support and comments on my blog over the past year. I really appreciate them.

Jo said...

Wonderful first bird post of 2014, Eileen. I love your White-throated Sparrow which looks like our Buntings. I will be posting on your Saturday meme this weekend for sure. I was just a little laid low last week with the malaria bug but back on form now. Have a great day. Jo

Brian King said...

We've got all but the Juncos. Not sure why they don't come to the feeders. Beautiful sky shots!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


TexWisGirl said...

beautiful winter skies. i like the touches of blue in the junco's feathers. :)

Irma said...

Beautiful collage of birds, but the sunsets are my favorite.
Very well photographed, Eileen.
Best regards, Irma

Linda W. said...

Nice sunset! I went to the Oregon coast yesterday and saw a huge flock of small birds of some type. Tried to photograph them but they got spooked and flew away.

HappyK said...

I nice collection of birds to start out the new year!! : )

Montanagirl said...

Nice series of photos, Eileen! I love the sunset shots.

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

Your bird photos are beautiful! I love the close up of the Dark-eyed Junco. Happy 2014 to you!

Our photos said...

Nice are your bird photos, Eileen!

Gail Dixon said...

The juncos are so sweet, as is the white-throated sparrow. I'm hoping I get to see these guys this winter. Your sunsets seem fluorescent. Very cool!

Steffi said...

Fantastic photos of the birds and skies,Eileen.Happy New Year 2014 to you and your family!

HansHB said...

Lovely photos!
Happy New Year to you!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Gorgeous collage of feathered characters and magical sky colours.

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant birds of 2014, cheers Eileen.

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful birds and lovely skies!! What a wonderful world you have, Eileen!! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty!!


orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen;
I always enjoy your breathtakingly beautiful pictures♡♡♡
Beautiful birds and the redish sun set is SO stunning, my friend!!!

Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*,

Elaine said...

Very nice, Eileen! I love the shot of the bald eagle!

George said...

You've gotten the new year off to a great start as far as bird and sky photos are concerned. These are wonderful.

Carver said...

Beautiful sky and great captures of the first birds of the new year.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

With our bad weather today, the birds are coming to the feeders like crazy… I do have a problem right now though… The Starlings are trying to take over. I don't want to put my bird feeders up now --but will probably have to do that for awhile when it gets warmer… I've never had Starlings before… Have you?


Photo Cache said...

Happy New Year. I am looking forward to enjoying your nature/bird and sky shots this year.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful series of images. I liked the pink sky.

diane b said...

Love the Junco shot and the beautiful skies with the leafless trees in the foreground.

Anonymous said...

Nice post, Eileen. And Happy New Year!

Karen said...

It's always a treat to the first bird of the season! Lovely sky shots, the pink is so pretty.

Rebecca said...

I'm not used to seeing 2014 either! Time does go faster each year... Beautiful photos - especially the sky shots! Happy New Year!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A great start for the year -- both bird- and sky-wise! Happy New Year. And thanks for all your wonderful posts and for hosting the new meme (I'll be there this week!).

Stephanie said...

Wonderful shots!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Very nice skies and gread bird shots. I love how birders like you are so aware of their surroundings.

Kusum said...

Lovely birds and stunning winter sky shots!

lina@womens perspectives said...

Wonderful nature shots, Eileen.
Wish u the best year.

Anonymous said...

Your colorful header is very cute!Since I live in the city, I don't see the woodpecker that much - such busy bees! Great captures for the beginning of the year:)

Al said...

Pretty birds - I love that bald eagle. Have a wonderful 2014!

Lew said...

Nice group of birds to start the new year! I like the woodpecker.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a great way to start the new year with these pretty little birds outside your window. Your skies are gorgeous. I especially like the eagle against the blue.

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots of sky and birds!

Phil Slade said...

You found some good species and photos to start your year's birding Eileen. Sounds like your weather is similar to ours at the moment. Lets hope it improves for both of us.

All the best from the UK.

Joyful said...

Beautiful sky shots! Happy SWF!.
I also like the little birds. You always take wonderful close ups. Happy New Year to you Eileen.

Hootin Anni said...

The sky hots are gorgeous....and the bald eagle soaring is something I'd like to see around here!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, I DID enjoy your bird and sky photos!

Unknown said...

Great shots Eileen. 2014 has come by ever so quickly. Happy New Year.

magiceye said...

Great way to begin the new year!!

Lea said...

Pretty skies and marvelous birds!
Have a wonderful week-end!

Lynne said...

Love your sightings . . . The Junco is a much lighter grey than those I see here. Love the pewter like color.

Indrani said...

The sky shots are truly GRAND!
Lovely series to start the new year with.

Anonymous said...

Awesome bird photos and divine sky shots ~ always wonderful here ~ xxx

Thanks for visiting ^_^

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Love those feeder birds. We suffer from a lack of small dooryard birds most of the year here in Florida.

Pallavi said...

Aren't they just beatiful dear Eileen :) thats a wonderful start to 2014!

Leovi said...

Some nice pictures with exquisite lighting, excellent framing !
Cute and fun photos from your paradise ! Happy 2014 ! Leovi .

Louis la Vache said...

WOW - some beautiful sky shots, Eileen!

«Louis» hopes you are staying warm!

Ingrid said...

I think your blog will become the favorite one for my cats with all these beautiful birds,lol !

Betty Manousos said...

i always enjoy seeing your beautiful photos, eileen.

the sunset photos are truly stunning!
happy weekend-keep warm!

Tamera said...

Happy New Year! Great post to kick off 2014. I love the woodpecker, what a gorgeous bird!

Ailime said...

Olá Eileen, deve ser uma maravilha poder acordar e observar logo pela manhã esses lindíssimos pássaros!
O céu azul e por do sol absolutamente fantásticos!
Feliz 2014!
Abraços. Ailime

Elizabeth Edwards said...

when you take these pics where are you? you look like you are similar to a cat peering at them. ready to snap. ha. ha! ( :

NatureFootstep said...

you got the eagle in perfect position. :)

Debbie said...

hi eileen, i don't think i have written the date yet?? i do everything on the computer and i rarely write checks. i just don't think i have ;)

my juno's are back also and not one would pose today for a piture. i'll get them, i just have to be more patient!!

gorgeous skies, i am forever chasing the setting sun!!

Laura said...

Beautiful views Eileen! Wishing you a very happy New Year:-)

Willow said...

Beautiful sky shots !!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

All great shots- and I love the last one of the pretty

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Wow! Bald Eagles and Downies and Juncos - wonderful Winter views of great birds. Have a good weekend and stay warm!

Celeste said...

Lovely sky shots Eileen, I love the contrast of the bare branches against the winter sky.
Happy New Year to you and your family :)

SandyCarlson said...

Happy New Year, Eileen! Your photos are beautiful.

Custom Comforts said...

Very pretty photos! I've never seen a dark eyed junco. Very hansom, soft colors like the morning dove.

rainfield61 said...

2013 has left a beautiful sky to 2014.

Nancy said...

It is always rewarding to take pictures of birds. Judging by the seeds, you take good care of the birds in your yard!

AmitAag said...

Wonderful pictures, Eileen!

Thomas Lee said...

a lovely sky to end the day,Happy New Year!

Nisha said...

Loved the bird shots, they are so intriguing at times.
However, my favourite shot is the last one. ;)

Unknown said...

You get some really nice birds.

Maria said...

Great skies as usual!

lorik said...

I very much enjoyed your birds and skies! Beautiful. My favourites are the 2nd and 5th.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...