Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday's Critters #10

Saturday's Critters #10

Hello and happy weekend everyone.  It's time for my Saturday's Critter party.  I hope to see you and your critters there too. It has been an awful week here with snow, ice, freezing rain and a day with no power.  I am trying hard to catch up with the post and leaving comments but I seem to be lagging behind. The one day with my power off and no internet service is the reason.  I hope everyone has had a great week. I am looking forward to the weekend...and to SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goldie Girl loves car rides, she even enjoys going food shopping with hubby.

Here she is watching hubby put the groceries in the back of the car. 

Back at home, I will see the House Finches visit my feeders. The male is colorful with his red head and chest. Sorry the weather has prevented our usual weekend outings. I am hoping for a decent weekend to do some birding..

 To see more beautiful birds and cute critters

Also please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin. Also, sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.

 Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy weekend.


DIMI said...

Good morning Eileen!You sure have an awful weather!I hope it gets better very soon!Goldie Girl is so sweet!!What a beautiful bird!I feel sorry for them out there in the cold!
Wonderful images!Have a warm and safe weekend!Thank you for hosting my post!Hugs!!

Phil Slade said...

Goldie Girls seems to be saying "Hey dad, What's in those bags for me?"

Have a great weekend Eileen. Thanks for hosting and I hope it warms up soon for all of us.

katerchen said...

Eileen auch von hier..
ein schönes Wochenende mit einem LG vom katerchen
Autofahren..viele Hunde mögen das sehr

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Eileen I do not know it my comment went through on this post however I wanted to know if there is a 'thing' I can put in my side bar like Stewert has? NOw if there is, please (in very simple language) tell me how to put that in there please.

chica said...

Lindo tudo ,mas adorei o cachorro e seu lindo olhar!!!beijos,chica

DeniseinVA said...

She is such a sweet looking dog Eileen, with a sweet personality to match I am sure. A lovely bird photo too. Happy weekend to you and I think most will say roll on Spring now :)

Ela said...

Goldie Girl is so beautiful :)
Lovely pictures
Have a nice weekend :)

Ramakrishnan said...

Love the melancholy, yearning & pleading look in Golden Girl's eyes :)

Deb @ Homespun & Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Goldie is such a beauty and while I have finches in the summer time they must leave for the winter...such a cute shot of yours :)

Here in South Western PA we did get that ice...I got some nice pics...but maintained power. So sorry that you lost yours is far too cold for that, ugh.

Icy BC said...

Goldie is adorable and your housefinch is beautiful..Looks so cold! Happy weekend!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

aww, what a sweet face. looks like a nap is needed. or was that a wink? when i find more critters i will be back. happy weekend to you!! ( :

Giga said...

Mój piesek też lubi jazdę samochodem, ale nie jest taki spokojny jak Twój. Zdjęcia kardynała jest sliczne. Pozdrawiam.
My dog also likes to drive a car, but it is not so quiet as yours. Photos of Cardinal is very pretty. Yours.

EG CameraGirl said...

Goldie Girl is such a sweetie! I'd be happy to take her for a ride anytime. ;))

yonca said...

We didn't get snow here not even a day all winter in Izmir but i am longing for spring too, Eileen.
Golldie Girl is so sweet :) Happy weekend!!xx

Tammy said...

Goldie is so sweet! You can tell she loves the car! Very pretty Finch!Hope you weather improves soon !

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Goldie must have a snack or two in those grocery bags- she's watching! She is such a sweet dog.

Hootin Anni said...

I LOVE!!! the close up of Goldie Girl! She's a doll.

Of course, you know that already.

Happy Saturday Eileen.

Hootin' Anni
Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'

Anonymous said...

Goldie Girl is such a sweetheart....looks like she is hoping there is a treat in those bags for her.
So sorry about your bitter weather. We are all anxious for spring!
The finch photo is lovely, too.
Hope you enjoy the day. I appreciate you hosting and I look forward to visiting everyone!

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, so sorry you had such awful weather. And sorry I've been absent from Blogger and visiting blogs for so long . I thought I'd be able to post regularly while here in South Africa, but I've been having such a great time just lolling about, catching up with friends and my gardening, that I've posted so little in the past month. Greetings. Jo

Lynne said...

Goldie Girl's sweet face warms my heart! And your finch pic made me wonder why we don't that finch variety here in Michigan. What is the secret . . .

diane b said...

Goldie girl has such a loving face. I hope you guys warm up soon. We have great temps at the moment 82°F.

Irma said...

Hi Eileen, your dog Goldie is so beautiful, the bird is also beautiful.
Very well photographed.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Goldie Girl is so incredibly adorable!!!

Jeanne said...

Your sweet puppy just happy to be with you, never mind the weather!

TexWisGirl said...

i just love your sweet goldie girl. :) thanks for hosting, eileen!

Pat said...

It's always a delight to see your beautiful Goldie Girl. Try to stay warm!

Debbie said...

oh eileen, so sorry you didn't get to take your regular walk. seeing your pictures is something we bloogers enjoy just as much as you enjoy taking them!!

your goldie is so sweet. those eyes could melt your heart. it's so easy to see why you love her so much!!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

such a precious shot of Goldie

rainfield61 said...

Both critters are lovely.

You receive such a beautiful gift.

Montanagirl said...

Hi Eileen - Goldie is such a sweetie. Don't feel too bad, we haven't been out hardly at all this winter. There are no deer to see as a rule, no Antelope, and not many birds either. We finally just decided to stay home more, at the price of gasoline.

Karen said...

Goldie is such a sweetie! Lovely shot of the finch!

Maude Lynn said...

That second picture is just too cute for words!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Awwww..just look at that face! That's enough to melt the snow!!!...:)JP

HappyK said...

Oh you just have to love that sweet face. : )

Stephanie said...

Sorry to hear about lack of power and awful weather conditions. Great shots of Goldie Girl and the Finch. Have a great day!

Kerri Farley said...

Goldie looks sweet - and love the finch on ice! I am longing for Spring!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm glad you are safe.. I can only imagine how bad your week has been. NO FUN...

Goldie Girl seems to love going for a ride in the car. So --hubby buys the groceries???? Interesting.... George would too I'm sure if I'd let him.. But--we usually just go together--so that we can get the RIGHT stuff... (I need his good eyes when reading those tiny labels. ha)

Have a good weekend.

lina@happy families said...

Cute expression of Goldie Girl. Poor bird in the extreme coldness.
Stay safe and warm, Eileen.

SquirrelQueen said...

Sorry to hear about your power outage and bad weather. We are having snow, snow and more snow tonight. I'm ready for spring too.

Goldie Girl is adorable. I love the close-up.

Anonymous said...

Eileen your doggie is adorable in your photos and great shot of the male cardinal on the icy branches ~ carol and artmusedog, xxx ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

Linda W. said...

Your dog is such a cutie!

Unknown said...

She's so cute! I think she's waiting for a snack. The groceries must smell so good to her.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Beautiful and ever so patient....

Have a great week Eileen!

Rajesh said...

Goldie girl is so sweet.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Goldie Girl is such a sweetie and i love the colour of the house finch

sunshine said...

Cool dog, he seems to like driving.

Anonymous said...

Goldie Girl is absolutely beautiful. Good of her to help your husband grocery shop!

Your house finch is a charmer, and I think it's wonderful that you can get even one picture of a bird in your horrid weather.

Take care, stay warm, and I hope it improves soon.

Kay said...

Goldie Girl looks so sweet. My dog Hiker also loves to ride in the car. She doesn't care where we go as long as she gets to go.

NatureFootstep said...

it´s been thawing here for three days now so the snow is almost gone again. Sorry to hear you were out of power. That is not fun nowadays.

Bob Bushell said...

Oh yes, I love that one, well done Eileen.

Merlesworld said...

Beautiful dog i would take her shopping too.

George said...

That's a cute picture of Goldie Girl looking back over the groceries. I hope we all get some waker weather soon.

Willow said...

Eileen your Goldie Girl is such a sweet looking soul and a beauty of course !

SandyCarlson said...

Your goldie is a beautiful pup. Lovely post, Eileen.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Look at that sweet face peering over the back seat! Whenever we've been hunting at the grocery store for our pack, Topaz has to inspect all the things in the bags.
We'll all be more than ready for spring this year!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your Goldie Girl is a sweetheart! The weather has curtailed my activities, too, over this winter.

Katarina said...

Your Goldie girl is sp pretty! She seems so content, riding the car!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I understand about the weather and bird watching. I have not taken any pictures since Thursday due to rain. Your pictures of Goldie are darling! Poor little House Finch looks really cold. Have a good Sunday and stay warm. Hope you do get some birding in this next week!

Pallavi said...

I love Goldie girl! My Romeo and Juliet send woofs her way :)

Our photos said...

Your dog is so lovely!

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Dog looks so cute and comfy!

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hello! ~
I see your girl Goldi loves riding car.
I know my Bellusia also loves it.
Lovely bird.
I wish you a nice week.

Pia said...

Your Goldie Girl is a cutie!
It seems you have a hard time with cold and snow.... poor little birdie is sitting on a branch covered with ice.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

What a sweet, sweet girl. One of my dogs just loves going on an adventure in the car. The other - it took 4 yrs but finally she is relaxed. They just want to be with us!

Betty Manousos said...

awww! that second photo caught my eye
your goldie girl is such a cutie!
gorgeous shots as always, eileen.

Laura said...

Your Goldie is adorable!

Saun said...

Goldie is so cute love the way she is looking at your hubby. Happy Monday!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
How sweet you Goldie Girl is♡♡♡ Your pic of the House Finches is SO lovely, my friend. I definitely WILL join here someday♪

Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan,xoxo Miyako*

Anonymous said...

Love Goldie's sweet face. Looks like a lot of ice on your branches.

vivi ka said...

Goldie Girl is so cute! My Nala never sit in the car like her. I'll be back here with my Critter's post!
Thanks for hosting! :)
Have a nice day!

Unknown said...

I also enjoyed your pictures

Helma said...

Delicious photos Eileen. Your dog as a companion comfortably in the car and he looks at you, or he wants to say: Is there something hahahahaha ... Finch is also a wonderful picture with its beautiful red color.
The critters are quite nice to be right on eht blog of those to come.
Greetings, Helma

Anonymous said...

Just love that second shot of Goldie Girl. A beautiful dog!

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...