Saturday's Critter's #56
Hi everyone, I hope you had a great first week or so of the New Year.. It's Saturday and its time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
Also, I hope you can check out the post at Anni's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.
Since being retired I am checking out my local bird list to see what new birds maybe in the area. Usually I have not been able to chase down birds since I was working. Now I am going to have to check on the list and I may be able to pick up a lifer or two.. This weeks rare birds in the area were not lifers just an odd bird for Maryland. The Sandhill Crane was one of my chase birds but I have seen them here before.
So I am off and hubby is along with me. I decide to make this huge loop trying to first find the Sandhill Cranes.. The weather was not the best for birding..we drove in and out of fog and drizzle..I find the correct road and the parking lot suggested for the Cranes sighting..The corn field (where the cranes were sighted) was socked in with heavy fog. If the Cranes were there they were hiding in the fog. Hubby must have thought I was crazy going out in these conditions..Oh well no luck with Cranes but I did see a few chickens running around the parking lot in the fog.
Next I decided to drive to where the Warblers were being seen, I am not sure if it was the fog, but I missed the spot and drove right past it. I figure what the heck we come this far lets check out the Marshy Point Nature Center. You can see above a few swans and some Gadwall and something else out there lurking in the fog..We walk back to the visitor center to use the loo and we see some odd sights inside..
A starling on a bear's paw..I believe the starling was raised inside the visitor center. It was out of its cage, flying around when it landed on the bear.
An unusual sight to see...a Northern Bobwhite in the hand.
This female Mallard (behind the sign) is another inside bird. Notices were on the door warning do not let the duck outside.. It would not survive..
Another odd sight was coming out of the visitor center and finding this wild turkey sitting in the corner.. It got up right away and walked over to us..
I was able to walk around it, but she seemed to block hubby's way. I think it was her way of asking for food.. Hubby finally managed to get around the turkey.
Next stop where a couple of warblers were being seen at a local park & ride near Baltimore. The warbler must not have wanted to make the long flight to Central America. If it was me knowing the cold weather coming this week, I would have flown south already..The warbler being spotted is the Cape May Warbler. I found this bird at the exact spot is was reported in a tree at a park and ride. Easy peasy, sometimes I can be lucky with my mission..Half of my mission was accomplished one bird seen out the the two I was aiming for..Neither were life birds for me, just odd to be seeing them in Maryland. Stay tuned for more birding adventures.... I hope lucky ones...
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.
Again I thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Please visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
Hi everyone, I hope you had a great first week or so of the New Year.. It's Saturday and its time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
Also, I hope you can check out the post at Anni's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.
Since being retired I am checking out my local bird list to see what new birds maybe in the area. Usually I have not been able to chase down birds since I was working. Now I am going to have to check on the list and I may be able to pick up a lifer or two.. This weeks rare birds in the area were not lifers just an odd bird for Maryland. The Sandhill Crane was one of my chase birds but I have seen them here before.
So I am off and hubby is along with me. I decide to make this huge loop trying to first find the Sandhill Cranes.. The weather was not the best for birding..we drove in and out of fog and drizzle..I find the correct road and the parking lot suggested for the Cranes sighting..The corn field (where the cranes were sighted) was socked in with heavy fog. If the Cranes were there they were hiding in the fog. Hubby must have thought I was crazy going out in these conditions..Oh well no luck with Cranes but I did see a few chickens running around the parking lot in the fog.
Next I decided to drive to where the Warblers were being seen, I am not sure if it was the fog, but I missed the spot and drove right past it. I figure what the heck we come this far lets check out the Marshy Point Nature Center. You can see above a few swans and some Gadwall and something else out there lurking in the fog..We walk back to the visitor center to use the loo and we see some odd sights inside..
A starling on a bear's paw..I believe the starling was raised inside the visitor center. It was out of its cage, flying around when it landed on the bear.
An unusual sight to see...a Northern Bobwhite in the hand.
This female Mallard (behind the sign) is another inside bird. Notices were on the door warning do not let the duck outside.. It would not survive..
Another odd sight was coming out of the visitor center and finding this wild turkey sitting in the corner.. It got up right away and walked over to us..
I was able to walk around it, but she seemed to block hubby's way. I think it was her way of asking for food.. Hubby finally managed to get around the turkey.
Next stop where a couple of warblers were being seen at a local park & ride near Baltimore. The warbler must not have wanted to make the long flight to Central America. If it was me knowing the cold weather coming this week, I would have flown south already..The warbler being spotted is the Cape May Warbler. I found this bird at the exact spot is was reported in a tree at a park and ride. Easy peasy, sometimes I can be lucky with my mission..Half of my mission was accomplished one bird seen out the the two I was aiming for..Neither were life birds for me, just odd to be seeing them in Maryland. Stay tuned for more birding adventures.... I hope lucky ones...
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

Again I thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Please visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
Well, you may have missed the Cranes, but that is sure a pretty image of the misty/foggy lake. Did you hear the Cranes at all? You certainly did see some odd sights in the visitor center! :D And the turkey should be thankful he wasn't on someone's dinner platter a few months ago. He looks very healthy!
Now that must be an interesting visitor centre. Love the pic of the starling on the bears paw, and obviously the turkeys know where to get a free feed
I think you were lucky considering the weather. Foggy pictures are neat. The bear looked like it was meditating :) thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.
Looks like you had a good day, even if it was foggy!
Happy New Year Eileen! So good to be back in blogging area and to share with you some of my simple thoughts and my non-perfect photos... lol :)
It's been quite a while since I discover your place and I'm so thankful for it!
Have a good week, a sunny day and a year of 2015 full of good health, cheerfulness and bright sunny moments with family and friends worldwide!
Respectfully, Alexa
Enjoying your bird shots, especially the turkey on the porch.
Hi Eileen-sounds like you are making the most of your retirement. I think you'll find the best part of it is being able to go wherever WHENEVER you like--and you'll find most birding spots empty.....something hubby and I always like.
Have a good weekend and happy birding!!
I'm sure you'll enjoy lots more adventures like this now that you're retired - some successful, some less successful, but all enjoyable because you have the time to do them!
I love the foggy view of the lake (?). Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen, and thank you for hosting!
Hi Eileen Firstly, thanks for hosting. Good selection of birds for the meme even though you did not see all the birds you wanted. Did you see there was a male Mallard in that shot with the female. Perhaps they will have ducklings later on. Have a wonderful weekend.
Great critters photos! That turkey looks fat! Mallards are pretty!....that female mallards husband needs to loosen up a bit from the looks of it....ha.
Always nice to see a turkey after Christmas!
Hello Eileen.
Beautiful pictures, i love the second picture.
Really quite amazing I find.
Have a very good weekend.
Best regards, Irma
Nice you got the Cape May Warbler. I failed to see even one this fall. Well, a bird in the hand is better than a crane in vain! We awakened to dense fog this morning. Will plan to get out and maybe get shots as it dissipates. I like it when it just rises up in a layer, but there is a bit of wind and this is not likely.Best wishes and thanks for hosting!
What an amazing post of different critters. I loved the chickens and the starling on the bear's paw. I, too, love the mist on the water image. I love them ALL. Have a great weekend. Jo
I think it's usually hard to find birds posted on e-Bird. Sometimes my husband and I are lucky though. I don't like to drive TOO far to find a posted bird...unless there's something else I also want to see and photograph. And you did well finding alternatives to take photos of!
Hello Eileen,
Nice shots!! The bear and the starling is really fantastic.
Kind regards,
so many sightings on such a foggy day... i love your swan pic with the fog over the water... and how nice all the critters were so friendly at the nature center. hope all is well. have a great day~
You missed the cranes but made JP for it in other ways Eileen. A Starling with a bear was a rather unique tick and the Cape May Warbler a beauty. I hope that fog has home by now.It's the worst thing ever for birding.
Dearest Eileen; Oh I like the birds in the foggy scene very much♡♡♡ How cute to see the starling on a bear's paw (found the new word 'tick' from your friend above me:)
Thank you very much for hosting and wishing you a wonderful weekend my friend.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*
It is so neat that you are already making new retirement adventures! What fun going on bird chases! Love it. Even if not totally successful it's good fun and I may try to set some bird goals instead of just hoping to see anything at all when we get out and about. Thanks for the idea and for hosting.
Well, I wasn't expecting chickens, quail, or a turkey! :-) The warbler is a beauty! It's too bad the weather interfered with the crane sightings, but it's not what I would call a loss by any means.
A great collection of CRITTERS Eileen!
Cheeky turkey, trying to intimidate your husband to give food! I must remember to change your button on my sidebar.
Have a good weekend.
What a lovely post. Really like the fog over the water. Looks very atmospheric.
i loved all your critters, even the stuffed bear. or at least i hope he was stuffed. LOL.. never seen chickens, turkeys and ducks wandering like pets, but i would love to
the starling on the bear paw is sorta cute! congrats on retirement! awesome! the way you've managed to blog every day and work and all is amazing, so enjoy an easier schedule! :)
cute little birds all around.
Hello Eileen!!
What a wonderful and interesting place to visit!!!
Such beautiful birds!Great shots!Like the bear and the starling and the foggy view of the lake!
Thank you for sharng!I really enjoyed your pictures!Have a happy weekend!
Good Morning Eileen, what a great grouping of photos on these "inside" birds! It is so wonderful to see them being taken of so lovingly! Just loved the Starling on the bear's paw! Happy Birding!!
I love the little warbler. Such a pretty colour. I don't see them in our area. Deb
That was some serious fog. A duck inside, really? The bobwhite in the hand is adorable. Good luck in your retirement.
I really LOVE coming here on Saturdays!! your birds are cuties but my favorite is the fog shot, I just adore that!!!
life is going to be awesome for you now!!!!
Hi, This is my first time to see one of your "Critters" posts. Very neat! I will work on putting one together one of these coming Saturdays. I love that picture of the little bird on the bear's paw. Can we assume the bird knows the bear is not alive? LOL. Have a great weekend. John
what a great stop. People who care for 'wild' birds are the best
Oh my goodness, gracious not just lovely captures, but make me laugh out loud fun stuff! You really made my morning!
I'll bet you never expected to see so many birds in the visitor center!
I love the starling on the bear paw. CUTE! And chickens are pretty nice in my book, even though they're not sandhill cranes.
Gostei muito e adorei ver o simpático peru! bjs praianos,chica
What a great nature center! :) The birds are so cute there. :)
The bear and the Starling takes the biscuit, wonderful photography.
These are cute little animals again Eileen.
Have a great weekend.
Hi Eileen - Nice photos you shared from that Nature Center. The Starling on the Bear's Paw is classic!
almost didn't see the starling - love the warbler
I love the misty photo and it's always nice when birds turn up exactly where you've been told they would show!
Who would have thought ... warblers in the winter? Or even Sandhills if you had spotted one. They are long gone from here ... would never survive the cold we are experiencing. I think 50% success is a worthwhile trip, Eileen ... Good for you :)
Andrea @ From the Sol
I admire the people who get out to photograph birds in the wild, somehow I never make it. Your nature center is nice, the wild turkey has such beautiful feathers, it makes me think of how Benjamin Franklin wanted them to be our national bird. The warbler is beautiful, I would be happy to photograph one. There were supposed to be Sandhills at a nearby wildlife area but we didn't get over there to see... it's been foggy here lately too.
Another great place and wonderful nature photography! Love the 'misty' photo too!
Happy Weekend,
artmusedog and carol
Very nice series !
Awesome photos, Eileen.
I never knew of a warbler and now I know a bit.
Have a Beautiful Day!!
Peace :)
Love the Warblers..We don't have them here..
How very fun...I would love visiting that place!
And that fog was thick!
Nice collection of images! :-))
Lots of friendlies in this post! :-) Sorry you missed the Sandhills you were searching for, but the Warbler was a sweet find, as well as all those domestics (and that cute bird on the bear!)
Wow you certainly saw some strange bird environments with the duck and the turkey...but what a greta spot to see some great birds. Linking in my post from my new blog.
Hi Eileen,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to introduce yourself. Now I have the opportunity to check out the birds and other critters here on your blog. I love to watch the birds in my backyard.
Congratulations on your retirement. It looks like you are enjoying it already.
So funny about the turkey! No wonder the Native Americans were able to domesticate them. There are domestic turkeys who look at lot like that too.
What a fun place!
Animals seem to be well cared for and are kings on those grounds!
I wish it could be like that everywhere :)
Lovely post Eileen!
That visitor center sounds awesome and my kind of place to go to! It must be cool to hold a bird in hand and seeing all the others freely flying (or roaming) about the place.
Seeing your birds reminded me of what occurred several days ago.
I snapped a picture of a what I believe is an American Kestrel. My Abby was frozen at the window with her muscles in her hind legs very pronounced. It was like she wanted to leap through the window to get to whatever she saw. When I looked through the window and spied the Kestrel roosting on the edge of our roof, I was shocked and quickly grabbed the camera. I hope the picture(s) turned out. If so, I'll have to do a Feathered Friday instead of a Feline Friday! LOL. :-)
Hello Eileen!:) A very Happy New Year to you too! Such a great assortment of photos. I'm sorry you missed the cranes but the nebulous shot of the lake is fantastic, and I just love the Starling on the bears paw, and the turkey,.. what a lark!:))
I've been away so long I have kind of forgotten how to join in the Saturday's Critters. I'll try to sort it out for next week Eileen. I hope you have a happy retirement, with lots of photographic adventures!
Warm Regards..
I love your not so wild turkey. I know a family that raised wild turkeys from some eggs they found. They lived out in the country and and the turkeys turned into terrors chasing their kids and such. I am not sure what happened eventually but my friend's wife was not a fan.
I know you will enjoy your retirement, Elaine! You didn't see lifers on this trip but there were rare sightings all the same (love the chickens in the fog). So good to see critters that wouldn't survive in the wild with a safe place to enjoy life. Had to smile at your quest in the fog and mist.. no letting weather stop you, and that's just the way it should be :) Thanks so much for hosting Saturday's Critters!
Isn't retirement grand?
Love all the inside/outside birds here, especially the Starling on the bear paw.
Fantastic Eileen!! I do so love the foggy image. Wow.
And the starling on the bear's paw is incredible timing.
Thanks for sharing the link this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'
Noice Birding, Eileen!
I was out of commission, internet-wise, for a bit. But my camera was working, so life was fine!
I love the Northern Bobwhite, Eileen! Thank you for linking us all up! Happy new year.
love the bird on the bears claw :) Great shots Eileen :)
The visitor center looks like a neat place to visit. I enjoyed the shots in the fog.
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