Saturday's Critters #57
It's Saturday time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
Also, I hope you can check out the post at Anni's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.
I am sharing some of my yardbirds seen this past week..
A Dark-eyed Junco sitting in the White Pine.
A puffy looking Blue Jay.
The pretty male Cardinal.
A female Cardinal
The European Starling with a female cardinal in the background..
I hope you enjoyed my yard birds and photos..Again I thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.
To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Please visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
It's Saturday time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
Also, I hope you can check out the post at Anni's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.
I am sharing some of my yardbirds seen this past week..
A Dark-eyed Junco sitting in the White Pine.
A puffy looking Blue Jay.
The pretty male Cardinal.
A female Cardinal
The European Starling with a female cardinal in the background..
I hope you enjoyed my yard birds and photos..Again I thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Please visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
HI Eileen I love seeing what birds have visited your garden and these are really lovely ones. It must be cold by the look of them being puffed up. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Wonderful birds! I love the cardinals and the starling. Have a great weekend, Eileen!
Nice closeups, Eileen. I guess all our birdies are puffing up for winter.
I just love the birds that visit your yard - and the photos are so much fun. I think this week my favorites are the Blue Jay and the Cardinal.
Good morning Eileen and thanks for the link up again.
You have some exceptional pictures today, the Cardinals, Junco and expecially the Starling, a species often overlooked by photographers.
Have a lovely weekend.
As aves são lindas de todas as cores.Adoro vir aqui e vê-las! beijos praianos,chica
Hello Eileen,
Beautiful pictures of these birds.
I love the pink cardinal on the third picture.
Have a good weekend.
Best regards, Irma
You take some great photos! Thanks for sharing them with us.
I've linked to a post this week that I think you might have already seen, but even so it's the first time I've linked it anywhere.
Thanks for such a fun link up.
All the best
Very enjoyable yard birds, so cute. Thanks for hosting Eileen. Have a great weekend :)
Hi Eileen, beautiful images. I kept scrolling back to the Dark-eyed Junco. it's such a clear image of a greenish bird against the green pines. Thanks for hosting this meme. Happy Saturday to you. Jo
Cute shots of the fluffed-up birds, it must be cold. I just adore to see the cardinals, I miss them. I have to admit the iridescent feathers of the starling are beautiful, even though I don't like the birds since they are imported and wreak havok on the local birds.
of these saturday critters of yours...i really like the puffy blue jay, AND the surprised look of the male cardinal's face!! cool shot also, of the little starling with the blurred cardinal in the background! :)
Eileen, those shots are amazing!
You're lucky to see so many birds in your garden! Thanks for sharing! Have a nice weekend!
The birds have their feathers all puffed up for warmth so I guess it's mighty cold there!
I haven't been feeling up to be out gallivanting around town for any critter photos for this weekend. But, I sure did enjoy your lovely birds. They're all so 'winter plump'!!!
Oh yes, the Dark-eyed Junco is a fantastic photo, and the rest are wonderful as well.
Even the starling looks pretty in his photo. For some reason, I don't usually think of him as a pretty bird, as I do the male cardinal. Thank you so much for the reminder of the linkup, Eileen!
So glad I could link this week and I like the cardinals - my MM topic! I saw one lone starling on our woodpecker feeder, just hope if the rest of the family's about he doesn't show them where it is!
Thanks for hosting Eileen.
These are fabulous! The junco cracked me up! He looks a little sleepy! LOL
Such lovely captures.
Thank you for hosting.
Gorgeous birds and a fantastic photo shoot !! Have a happy weekend :)
Seemed like they were puffy and cold
adorable puffy birds! and great color range, too. :)
Great photos Eileen . . . I think they all knew it was
Photo Day . . . looking at you with a keen eye!
you are getting some amazing images of you beautiful yard birds!! all puffed and fluffed and prepared for winter!!!
beautiful close-ups!!!!
Beautiful. Love the chubby Junco.
Eileen, how wonderful to have all these beautiful birds in your yard. You must have delicious food for them. Have a wonderful weekend.
Dearest Eileen;
Oh, what LOVELY birds visitors you have♡♡♡ Especially the European Starling has amazing color! Yes, I also thought the cuties are puffed up and felt sorry for the cold weather :-)
I finally found time to write after come home. Night Night from Japan, Dear friend♪
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*
what is happening with you this weekend, Eileen. hope you are staying warm & cozy. so happy to be with your critter friends this weekend. i have an eagle to share from our boat ride while in Canada last August 2014. so fun. take care. ( :
love all your birdies today. so fun to see them up close & personal. we should name them. do you ever do that? i name my squirrels. silly? i think not. ha. ha!!
Great shots and gorgeous 'yard birds' ~
Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol
that Junco is just absolutely precious. all of your birds are so cute and fluffed up. ours a very thin and no fluff at all. maybe because it is cold where you are... beautiful pics of beautiful birds.
Hello Eileen!!
Such beautiful birds visiting your yard!Great closeups!Like the Junco sitting in the White Pine,the Blue Jay and my favorite of all,the Cardinal!!Have a happy weekend!!
good morning Eileen~ what beautiful birds visit your home. i've always loved the bluejay but they can be loud. i've also loved the starling for all it's speckles. hope all is well. have a great day~
Eileen, that Junco is just GORGEOUS!!!!...:)JP
Such beautiful birds in your yard - I especially love the cardinals. We don't have them here, I wish we did!
Beautiful shots. They're all fluffed up to keep warm.
Splendid bird images on show this morning. Love them all!
Really nice bird photos - Send the Cardinals over here to Montana to visit me!
Depois das flores e borboletas o que mais gosto são dos pássaros... a primeira foto é uma fofura!!!!
Ótimo fim de semana!
Muita paz e muita luz!
Beijinhos do Brasil.
Wonderful bird shots. Love it, Eileen.
The top photo of the chubby bird in the grasses captured my heart.
Love that pretty, puffy Junco!
I love the pictures .. !!! Beautiful birds .. Great series of shots .. Greetings ..
Super looking Cardinal and the Junco looks so cute.
Nice pics! I especially like the cardinal. We don't have those birds around here, and I so enjoy the photos of others.
Such colorful birds ... The starlings I see are never as pretty.
Nice photos. They all look nice and puffy looking. Makes them look nice and warm.
Boa tarde Eilleen, obrigada por mostrar tão belas aves!
Lindíssimas e as suas fotos estão fabulosas!
Desejo-lhe um excelente fim de semana.
Abraços. Ailime
I especially like the starling with all those winter stars!
Oh Eileen,
all the birds are beautiful.
Great pictures.
Greetings from Polish.
Really fell behind this week, but coming back later to add some critters to your wonderful meme, Eileen. In the mean time, so good to see the Blue Jay, the Cardinals, the Junco and the Starling - all great close-ups and so colorful! I hope you have had a good week!
Those birds look plump and content, Eileen!
All of these bird portraits are excellent, but I especially like your first photo. The pine needles are a wonderful background.
Very nice ! I love the first one. He is sooooo adorable.
They all looked so fluffed up it must be cold!
I love looking at all the pretty colors of the starling,even tho they can be a pest,great shots! Thanks for hosting! Phyllis
Nice birding. My friend in Michigan has been posting Redpolls. I thought of you.
Your birds are looking well fed and happy! The first starlings showed up at our feeders the last couple of days. I don't mind a few, but the flocks are always a bit overwhelming to the Junco's and the other polite birds.
Hi Eileen
Sorry for the late entry--some days do not have enough hours in them! ;)
Loved all the birds in your post!
Love your sweet birds!
Hello Eileen!:) Lovely to see so many gorgeous birds in your yard. I love the first shot too, of the junco all puffed up like a little ball. Woderful shots Eileen.
Thanks for sharing your backyard buddies at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend Eileen.
You know how I loved 'em all.
Such beautiful birds. What if all these birds sing altogether?
lovely photos, specially the junco, what a sweet bird!
I have always loved cardinals. They are beautiful creaturs. We actually had a pair raised a couple babies late last summer here.
Oh look at that Junco, he is so sweet all fluffy and sleepy! Great post :)
Thanks for sharing your birds..Looks pretty much like my population..Did you see the cardinals on Sunday Morning today? They were gorgeous..
all your birds today look really fluffy. No snow seen. Is it still cold?
Loved that sleepy face of the junco
You always have such a pretty variety of critters to see!
Brilliant close ups of the fluffy birds!
Hello Eileen, I actually can't remember if I left you a comment here yesterday, and it's easier to write a new one than go back to look for it :) I do remember your photos when I came by here yesterday. The junco is such a lovely start to the post. There's something about the vertical fall of pine needles in the background that really works well. That said, I loved the cardinals, jay and starling as well! Have a happy day!
Thank Carol, I appreciate your comments and visits.. And yes, you did already leave a nice comment... Enjoy your day!
The cardinals are very pretty!
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