Thursday, January 15, 2015

Taking a chance

Linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences  

So here I am once again Jan 9th watching the bird list for Maryland and what do I see a Common Redpoll appearing at a feeder at the Black Hills Regional Park's visitor center.  The Redpoll has been on my list of must see birds for some time.. Hubby and I arrived at the park at 11am and started watching the feeders.

Above one of the feeders, I see an American Goldfinch and a few Pine Siskins.. No Common Redpoll.. The visitor center had feeders in the back and feeders in the front of the building.. So here I am like a crazy person walking back and forth from the front to the back..

A pretty House Finch.. but not a Redpoll.. Did I mention it was a cold and breezy day?

The lake above is one of the views from the visitor center.. A pretty blue sky  for Skywatch Friday and a fence scene around the boat dock for Good Fences.. Looking and waiting, waiting and looking... for the Common Redpoll.

A distant shot of some of the ducks and Coots in the lake... And a fence shot for my Good Fences post.

A little closer look but not too close, lol.  Some American Coots, the Wigeons and a few other ducks..The zoom on my CanonSX40 is good but not that good.

We did have some pretty views while waiting for the Common Redpoll to show himself.. I seriously believe it was hiding in the bushes waiting for me to leave..Two and a half hours go by and no sight of the Redpoll.. I guess you can call me a quitter, I gave up, hubby and I left a little after 2pm..

In the distance, I could see another fence scene and a farm.. If you look hard you can see a fence behind the bare trees..So my wild chase was not completely a waste I was able to take some fence photos..and I was happy to see the Pine Siskins again...Oh and wouldn't you know it the Common Redpoll showed up at 2:40 just after I left. My luck on chasing birds has not been good. :(

I enjoy taking moon shots when I can, this is the moon setting on the morning of Jan10th.

This sunrise was taken from my driveway on Jan 11th... So this has been part of my week in activities and photos... I hope you enjoyed and my quest to see the Common Redpoll will continue...

Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments..I hope you enjoyed your visit.
To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check for more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.  I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..


  1. Aves, lua e céu maravilhosos! Lindo dia! bjs praianos,chica

  2. Sorry you didn't get to see your Redpoll. I've often found that when I'm looking for something, it never appears, but shows up as a nice surprise later on when I least expect it! Good luck in your search.

  3. Beautiful photos, Eileen!
    For example the House Finch is very pretty, and I love the photo, so bright and sharp!
    The sunrise looks lovely.
    Have a nice weekend!

  4. Bad luck with your attempt at seeing a Redpoll but you got some good shots anyway. I like how in the first shot the birds are hanging on sideways defying gravity.

  5. Hi! The moon and sunrise photos are very beautiful. The lake photos are very cool too. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Beautiful photos, your day was not wasted. Love the sunrise one.

  7. All photos are beautiful. I enjoy taking moon shots,too! :) Have a nice day!

  8. A great selection of photos Eileen

  9. Nice shots. The very best feature of the camera-pass gets you outside...and opens your eyes. That is wonderful...ain't it?

  10. Better luck next time. I don't think I would have lasted as long as you in those temperatures. Beautiful views!

  11. Hi Eileen, the birds kept you on your toes didn't they! You managed to get some really beaut shots in though. Lovely scenery and you certainly snared some fences too :D) Good luck next time for your Common Redpoll. Oh, and I just love the moon pic and that sunrise is spectacular. Cheerio for now

  12. I meant to write here more than an hour ago,
    guess I got distracted by something else :)
    This is a beautiful post with wonderful views
    of that lake, just love it!
    I even found the tiny fences ;)
    And I want a camera that does moonshots too!
    Have a great day

  13. These are the kinds of days and photos that long live upon our souls!

  14. my favorite foto today is your driveway view. wow and wow again. and i like that small beach at the lake..

  15. I love the little scene on the lake in shot nr.6. And the sunrise from your driveway is stunning!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  16. Beautiful shots of the finch, moon, and sunrise. Sorry you weren't able to see the redpoll--hope you find one!

  17. I haven't seen any redpolls yet this winter but a friend had FOUR at her feeder. I haven't seen a pine siskin yet, either. Woe is me. ;)

  18. Beautiful series pictures, Eileen.
    I love the barmsijsjes on the first picture, and the beautiful finch in the second picture.
    The sun and the moon are subleim.
    Best regards, Irma

  19. What a little rascal that Redpoll is! Lol Beautiful post as always, Eileen.

  20. lovely shots of the water birds and smaller visitors at the feeders. great moon, beautiful sky, love the farm. laughing out loud at the redpoll just waiting for you to exit before reappearing!

  21. Beautiful sunrise, Eileen. Maybe that birdie will come out of hiding on your next visit, or show up when you least expect it.l

  22. Pretty skies and birds! I'm sure you'll capture that Redpoll someday...

  23. Hello Eileen!!
    Great post!!
    Wonderful series of pictures!!
    Great shot of the House Finch,the sunrice and the moon !
    Have a happy week!

  24. Well, even though you didn't get your bird, your shots are beautiful.

  25. Failed today, will be another time. There are other birds in the pictures and great views. Regards.

  26. Hi,very nice pics of birds(second one i like the most) and wonderfully sweet description!

  27. Sorry you weren't able to spot a redpoll. But you got some nice photos anyway!

  28. Any day you can get beautiful photos like these is never wasted. Love those little finches. I guess I am lucky to have Red Poll at our feeders. They really are sweet but very shy, unlike the Chickadee. Deb

  29. Such a nice way to spend and afternoon. Lovely shots of the lake and birds and fence, too :) Have a great weekend. Good luck with your continued search for the Redpol.

  30. Lovely captures of the birds, and lake scenes. It does look cold, but very pictureque. Better luck next time for the Redpoll.

  31. the sky has been amazing this winter!!!!

  32. I was at Black Hill yesterday and it was bitterly cold. I saw quite a few House Finches but no Siskins and no Redpoll. I did catch sight of the Trumpeter Swan (tagged) and the Greater White Fronted Goose but, alas, no Redpoll. Oh well, maybe I'll get another chance this winter to see this bird.

  33. I love the Common Redpoll image and the beuaituful sunrise in the last shot

  34. And there I was, hoping to find you had found one, this is a story indeed.Your sunrise, the #1 for me today. Enjoy every day. without answering to the time clock, and the drive.

  35. Great to see all these birds. But you maa is fantastic on again and the colors of your sky are really gorgeous!

  36. I'm back again - after a week. I can't seem to sit at the computer for more than one day a week anymore! Too many other things I need to be doing. Beautiful photos today, Eileen!!

  37. I have no doubt your persistence will pay off one day soon in search of the Redpoll. :)
    You got some wonderful shots of your day though.

  38. I have to look and see what a red poll is...I know I have seen them on others blogs but never in real life. Your luck sounds like mine.

  39. I'm sorry you didn't see the redpoll, but I certainly enjoyed the pictures you got on your quest. Don't give up!

  40. Nice series ! I love the House Finch !

  41. A wonderful collection of photos. That's a pretty fence in the 6th shot. Pretty birds, too and oh, that moon!

  42. You have my kind of luck! It doesn't look like a wasted trip though- all the pretty sights and your camera did get a workout..not to mention you, too, going back and forth! Beautiful moon shot!

  43. We have tons of Pine Siskins..I'll have to look more closely at our purple finches..I don't know if we have Common Redpolls or not..
    Pretty Lake..
    Beautiful sunset..

  44. I hope you get the redpoll someday soon, but the pictures you did get are fun and you are so brave to stay out in that weather as long as you did!

  45. Beautiful landscape and bird shots. We finally have blue skies for the first time in a couple of weeks.

  46. Beautiful views. That's a lovely little House Finch.

  47. Your pictures are beautiful, even without the elusive Redpoll. I hope you capture it, though!

  48. Though you didn't see what you were looking for, you captured some nice shots and I love that sky.

  49. A nice collection of pictures. Beautiful sunset! I like the feeder. Looks like it would be hard for squirrels to get at.

  50. I am sorry that you didn't get to see the common redpoll. It reminds me of the many trips I made to,see the snowy owl last year and the times I didn't see it.

  51. It's nice you have a place like that to visit and watch the birds. I love the lake! The sky in the last photo is gorgeous!

  52. your stills of birds seem full of action!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  53. That's a bummer that you missed the Redpoll, I've never even heard of it. I did enjoy your fence shots very much. I especially like the one with the gazebo by the water.

  54. From start to finish, a perfect set of photos that fit their 'themes' perfectly!

  55. Enjoyed viewing your wonderful photos!

  56. I admire your dedication and fortitude In your search for the redpoll Eileen. In the meantime you got some great shots and I thank you so much for sharing them. Have a great weekend!

  57. Don't you just hate it when everyone sees the bird except YOU?!?! I share your pain ... and I also believe this proves how intelligent birds are - they sure know when to hide!! Have a good weekend, my friend!

  58. Dearest Eileen; Although you got wonderful pictures of finches, ducks and scenery with fence, so sorry for not sighting the Redpoll. I'm sure you can SOON♪  Yes, and I LOVE the moon shot of yours.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  59. You didn't waste your time even if the Redpoll didn't make your day. Great moon shot.

  60. I saw my first Pine Siskin of the season just two days ago.Maybe soon they'll be hanging off my feeders just like in your picture!

  61. Will it help if I tell you the Redpoles haven't visited here for almost two years. The last time they were here though there were MANY . . . I am hoping and waiting . . . like you.
    Great post Eileen . . .

  62. I love all of your pictures so much, they're amazing! Especially the ones of the Hourse Finch, the moon and the sunrise. So beautiful! :)

  63. The Pine Siskins are adorable. Don't think I've ever seen one. I did see goldfinches visiting again this week. Maybe next time the Common Redpoll will be more cooperative.

  64. Wonderful post and pictures !

  65. love ths sky shots and of course, the birds :)

  66. Good luck on your Redpoll hunt Eileen, I hope you get it eventually.
    Lovely photos as always :)


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