Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday's Critters #115

Saturday's Critters #115

To those who have not heard, I am truly sorry to pass on this sad news and to hear of the loss of our blogging sister Tina  @ EG Camera Girl and her husband Tom. My heartfelt condolences and prayers go to the family, may God give them peace and comfort in these difficult days. Tina will be truly missed in our blogging world. I will remember Tina when I look back at her beautiful photos, she has left many photograph memories that we can cherish.

RIP Tina.

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

For my post I am sharing a few Purple Finches that stopped by my yard briefly. They ate and ran  flew away.

Nibbles our grandpuppy is now a little over a year old.

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Tom said...

Yes Eileen, Tina will be missed.

Nancy Chan said...

Thank you, Eileen for this beautiful tribute to EG or Tina.
The Purple Finches are very pretty. Lol! Nibbles is so cute and I like the name "Nibbles". Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

So sorry to hear about Tina - and keeping the family in my thoughts.
Your photos are lovely, as always. My goodness, how Nibbles looks cute!
Thank you, Eileen, for hosting and have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Nibbles is adorable! Sad news indeed about Tina. She will be greatly missed.

NatureFootstep said...

We will all miss Tina and her beautiful mind. <3

your finches looks great at the blue feeder :)

Thanks for hosting.

Suza said...

wonderful pictures. Nice Birds and the lovely baby dog.
greetings susa

Ohmydearests said...

What wonderful birds! Love the puppy! Have a beautiful day!

Ela said...

Sorry to hear about Tina and her husband ! Condolences to their families!
As wlways your photos are gorgeous, Eileen !
Happy weekend !

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:)The finches look so pretty on your attractive green feeder, and Nibbles is adorable.:)I love the shot of Nibbles in the blue basket, cute! Have a great weekend Eileen!:)

Jocee said...

Your finches are gorgeous. i haven't seen them before.
Have a lovely week.

chica said...

Fiquei triste com a notícia. Não sabia sobre a morte da Tina !Sentiremos falta !Que descanse em paz!
Pena e que a família tenha consolo!

E as fotos, lindas todas aqui!

bjs, chica

Marit said...


Your dog is so cute, and I am amazed about how much snow you have sometimes :)

Happy Saturday!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful, and poor Tina, I will always remember her.

Hootin Anni said...

Thank you for hosting Eileen....I will remain humbled from our loss here in Blogland.

Hootin Anni said...

ps....I just followed your link to EG's blog...I'm a bit posted Tina AND Tom?

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

Really enjoyed the photos of the wildlife areas.

Nibbles sure looks like a cute, well mannered fellow.

Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Anonymous said...

These finches are so pretty!
By now I've posted 3 posts more. If you don't know how to navigate, just follow the red arrow on the bottom of the posts till you see "My Favorite College Town" - my post with the link of the 2 doggies. Have a great weekend!

Magia da Inês said...

Fotos bonitas.
As mascotes são muito fofas!

Bom fim de semana!

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Thank you for hosting Eileen this weekends critters.
Nibbles is very cute!!
The purple finches are lovely. Have a wonderful weekend :)

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Lovely tribute to Tina,her presence in blogsphere will be missed. Cute pup Nibbles has grown into a handsome adult!
Thanks for sharing and hosting.

Happy weekend Eileen!

Crissi said...

Hello Eileen, your photos are lovely, as always.
Hug Crissi

FAB said...

Hi Eileen. A very fitting tribute to Tina (and Tom) who we will all miss.

Lovely pics of the Purple Finches and the delightful Nibbles.

Have a grand weekend.

Laura. M said...

I feel sorry for Tina and Tom, rest in peace. Zest for his family.
Precious these birds, roses
Good weekend.

sandyland said...

excellent views- what happened ?/You said both ??

She was so talented-

Betty Manousos said...

so sorry to read of tina & tom passing so suddenly...keeping the family in my thoughts.

lovely pictures of the birds as usual.
have a wonderful weekend~

Lea said...

So sorry to hear about Tina and Tom.
Love your Finches, and your grandpuppy is adorable!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yes that was shocking news this week. Thank you for balancing it with those delightful finches and the gorgeous Nibbles... YAM xx

Cranberry Morning said...

I was so shocked earlier in the week to hear of Tina's tragic death. Lovely intro to your post today, Eileen. Thank you for hosting. Love that Nibbles!!!

Country Gal said...

Lovely tribute to Tina and Tom . She will be missed by all in the blogging and Face Book world . Lovely photos . Nibbles is a cutie ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

Little Wandering Wren said...

Feeling really sad and flat at the thought of Tina & Tom's passing, so beautifully written Eileen and your purple finches are perfect for this post. Thank you for hosting.
Wren x

Brian King said...

Beautiful finch photos! Very cute dog! Still has a "puppy-ish" appearance.

Gayle said...

Tina's kind comments are missed.
Nibbles is a cutie.

Jeevan said...

Very sorry to know about the demise of Tina and her husband! I was thinking about Tina, why she hasn’t posed for last few days... but it’s really shocking. Can I know what happen to them?

BTW. You got fantastic shots on finches!

Lee Ann L. said...

Gorgeous birds!!!

Sharon Wagner said...

Thanks for passing along that sad news. I've had visits from her blog and that's a shock. She'll be missed in the blogging world. And I can only imagine how much in the real world.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Eileen, I think I'm in love with Nibbles...:)JP

Gail said...

I see a few purple finches here but not many. They are gorgeous.

Jenn Jilks said...

Wasn't that sad bout Tina, AKA EG? How wonderful she will be missed. I thought about her all day.
Thanks for hosting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My favorite photos to remember from EG camera girl are the reflections she took. she was the queen of shadows and reflections. my heart hurts for her family and for blog lands loss of her.

Nibbles is really growing up fast and makes me think of our dog Max.. love the little pastel pink birds

Linda W. said...

Your grandpuppy is adorable!

Phil Slade said...

You pass on such sad news Eileen. Tina was a visitor to my blog amnd me to hers. But thanks for doing so.

Your Purple Finches are quite remarkable in their spring colours - almost "Magenta Finches". Nibbles seems to share your curiosity about the world beyond the immediate - he's a little "cracker".

Have a lovely weekend and thanks for allowing me to join in your special day.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

We'll all miss Tina.

Loved your array. Those finches are awesome...wish we had some of them around these parts :(

Lynne said...

Very sad to hear about Tina and her husband . . .
It sounds like their deaths were sudden and tragic . . .
Thank you for letting us know Eileen . . .

I loved your photos . . .
Cute of the grand puppy a year ago . . .
What a difference a year makes!

Thank you for hosting Saturday's Critters . . .

GreenComotion said...

I am saddened to hear about the loss of Tina & her husband.
Thanks for sharing the news, for I would not have known.
Warm regards,

Small City Scenes said...

Nice tribute to EG---she will be missed.

Love those Finches. Sweet pup.

Have a good weekend.

Giga said...

For me, the message of EG Camera Girl was a shock. He can not get to the town, with its no longer be among us. * Birds are beautiful. These have not seen in nature. The dog loved. * I know that you were with me, and the comments were disabled. It's not me, and they turned off the worst I could not turn on. There have been many different attempts, but only copy of this post, and then re been available for help. Already there are comments. Regards.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

My condolences to our blogging friends and their families.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh I love your 'grand puppy' ~ great photos and so cute!

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

HappyK said...

Nibbles sure has grown. A cute puppy into a beautiful dog.
As always a collection of great photos.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, thanks for the beautiful tribute to Tina and her husband. I'm still reeling from the shock of their deaths. Tina was a talented photographer and her soft nature shone through in her posts. I love the pup in the shopping basket. And Nibbles has grown into a beautiful young lad. Thanks for hosting this meme. Blessings Jo

Daniela said...

I hadn't seen Purple Finches before, they're so lovely ... my darling, how many things you're teaching me about birds, thank you !

Enjoy your weekend, darling,
sending big, dear hugs to you
with love and gratitude

Halcyon said...

I was really shocked by the passing of Tina. Her blog always brought a smile to my face. I loved the way she made ordinary nature scenes so special. I enjoyed your memorial to her. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my isn't Nibbles just so cute ... love the photo's.
Your birds photo's are also good to look at too, such lovely colouring.

I hope you have a good weekend.

ALl the best Jan

Florence said...

What a lovely tribute to one who will be truly missed.

Love those finches!

Maude Lynn said...

I'm so sad to hear about Tina!

Christine said...

I was so saddened to learn of Tina & her husband 's untimely passing. Her wonderful talent will be missed. Thank you for this lovely tribute to her.
Your feeder was a hive of activity this week, Eileen! Wonderful photos of the finches.
I am totally smitten with your grand Puppy! He is so adorable!
Enjoy your weekend!

A Colorful World said...

It was so sad about Tina and Tom! Thank you for doing a memorial. We will all miss her. I hope the family keeps her blog open so we can go back and enjoy her posts for a long time.

Love your grandpuppy. Sweet dog! Hope people will go by to see the jaguar video!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

So sad about Tina. Thank you for your beautiful tribute, and even the purple finches unknowingly signify our mourning. Nibbles has surely grown-- cute pup!

Anonymous said...

delightful, thank you for sharing.

DIMI said...

Ηello Eileen!
I'm so sorry for your friend Tina.
The pictures of your yard birds as always beautiful!!
Nibbles is so cute!!!
Have a lovely Sunday!Hugs!

RedPat said...

That is a lovely tribute to EG and her husband. We will all miss her so much.

Amanda Peters said...

Sorry to hear the news of a passing friend.

Lovely little birds, such a nice colour.
Amanda xx

Rose said...

That is just like the and run! Nibbles was such a cutie...cannot believe how he has grown.

Debbie said...

The purple finches are beautiful, I don't get them here!!

Lois said...

Your grandpuppy is adorable! Those purple finches are pretty too.

Ana Freire said...

So sorry to hear about Tina and her husband.
I did not know her blog. Was an accident?
I love all the photos... and I love to meet Nibbles... it was so cute, when it was little... with the red t-shirt... :-))
Have an happy Sunday, Eileen!
All the best!

September Violets said...

It's so sad about Tina and her husband, you've written a lovely tribute.

Linda said...

Our blogging community really feels like a community in times like this. I cry at the loss but I am heartened by the caring.

DeniseinVA said...

Very poignant Eileen, Tina will be missed greatly. She was a wonderful lady and her love of all things came through in her incredible photography.

I enjoyed your photos and the ones of Nibbles made me smile. Thank you and have a wonderful Sunday.

Ingrid said...

I had got a comment from Tina and yesterday when I opened her blog I was shocked to read what had happened. It's always sad to loose a blogfriend although we don't know us personally.

Love your pictures !

Elizabeth Edwards said...

sweet of you to remember CameraGirl, she is one who will be truly missed. i know i will think of her often. i was going through all my comments since the beginning of my blog and remembering her, kind comments & constant encouragement. Andy @ Eye Candy showed her & the husband's obituary, i must admit i did try to google them, my hubby thinks it must have been a very bad accident to have them both lost, so so sad, with no luck in finding it online, i was so glad he did post it, they have a big family who will be missing them so much. that is so tough. rough. i agree with the others above, the caring and loving memories of her will keep us going. she was well loved and appreciated for her amazing photography.

what a cutie ... i really enjoy the one in the grocery cart. precious! ( :

Anni said...

Love the finches Eileen!! And....Thank you so very much for sharing this post on I'd Rather B Birdin' for the week. Much appreciated. Have a great Sunday.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Yes it's very sad about Tina and her husband.

The purple finches are such a lovely colour

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

I really have to get out there and get and get a few photos of how wonderfully fuzzy and full my dog's coat is right now, and join in your fabulous link party. I haven't been able to sort myself out since Uncle passed, but things are coming along.
I had only visited Tina a few times, and she was a wonderful photographer. I am so very sorry to hear about her passing.

photodoug said...

Eileen, nice capture of the Purple Finch activity. Thanks for sharing.

Barb said...

You've got a whole flock of finches. Nibbles has really grown. I think of Tina nearly every day now - a good reminder to live life to the fullest (which I believe she did).

This N That said...

Lots of Purple Finches around now..Cute puppy..Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

21 Wits said...

Good morning Eileen, the loss of Tina, and her husband still lays heavy on my heart. She is still in my thoughts, she will be missed dearly. Her passing, and early morning outing with a Boy Scout race, along with other well directed plans with temps in the 50's caused me being a day late to post here. I did gather a few photos for your critters though. Oh and your photos all lovely shots but oh my goodness that pup in the cart, oh he's so cute. Funny thing how going to a few of our pet shops around here, you can enter feeling the blues, meet a few no make that a lot of furry friends, and life is feeling good again. Take good care of you!

Hilary said...

There are so many lovely tributes circulation in the blog world and on Facebook for the the lovely and talented Tina and her husband, Tom. So sad.

Alexa T said...

So sensitive tribute for Tina. Such a sad news and indeed like you said "Tina will be truly missed in our blogging world."
Nibbles is such a little cute and I see that is enjoying walks along with you! so nice to have a companion! It seems spring is near, so till next post; Best regards and a good week ahead!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful purples.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
I read about this accident. Sorry for this lost !
Your photos of the red finches and the young dog are really wonderful.
Best regards, Synnöve

Hannah said...

The finches are really cute, Eileen, such interesting patterns in their feathers! I saw a finch years ago but not recently. Your grandpup was a really cute puppy, and looks like a smart dog.

Liz said...

I will really miss Tina's blog posts. She was one of the first few people I followed on Blogger when I started blogging nearly 5 years ago. She was always full of encouragement when I started out.

Jeanne said...

Was so sorry to hear of Tina's death and your memorial was lovely

NatureFootstep said...

my favorite this week is the cute little puppy.

Thanks for hosting :)

Anonymous said...

It's still hard to believe we won't be able to see any more of Tina's beautiful photography. Beautiful tribute to her. Love all those finches.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...