Thursday, February 25, 2016

Eastern Neck NWR, part 2

I am linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences
I hope you can join in on the fun and share your fence scenes and pretty skies.

Blog update:
To those who have not heard, I am truly sorry to pass on this sad news and to hear of the loss of our blogging sister Tina  @ EG Camera Girl and her husband. My heartfelt condolences and prayers go to the family, may God give them peace and comfort in these difficult days. Tina will be truly missed in our blogging world. I will remember Tina when I look back at her beautiful photos, she has left many photograph memories that we can cherish.

RIP Tina.

This is part 2 of our visit to the Eastern Neck NWR in Rock Hall Maryland. I am sharing some of the birds we saw, the trails and views of the river and bay.

My mosaic above shows a lot of the birds we saw during our visit to the wildlife refuge. Top row: American Black ducks, Common Mergansers, Ring-billed Gull. Second row are the Turkey Vultures, Bald Eagle and Black Vultures. The third row Great Blue Heron in flight, Tundra Swan group, Tundra Swan. Bottom row is a Northern Cardinal, Flock of Canada Geese, various Gulls.

For Teresa Friday's Hunt one of two images for the week's favorite above: The Tubby Cove boardwalk.

Thanks to Teresa for hosting.

Friday's Hunt
1. the letter I
2. week's favorite
3. something blue

The Tidal Marsh Overlook trail.

Live life to the fullest, there may not be a tomorrow!

A flock of Canada Geese in my skywatch shot.

The Chester River Sanctuary and in the distance you can see the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

For my week's favorite and something blue a Bald Eagle couple with an airplane flying over. I hope you enjoyed this post on the wildlife refuge and my photos. Thanks for visiting and for the nice comments.

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check for more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences this past year it has been fun looking for fences for my post. Also, thank you to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for doing such a great job at hosting Skywatch Friday.    I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..


Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
a wonderful Mosaic in the first and fantastic impressions of this area. Great !
Best regards, Synnöve

Marit said...

The Bald Eagles are really beautiful! I enjoy your photos very much :)

Happy Weekend!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelente e belo trabalho minha amiga.
Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

Giga said...

After such beautiful places I can walk and walk and enjoy the birds and the river and the bay. Regards.

Suza said...

fantastic pictures of a wonderful nasture.

chica said...

De tão lindas as fotos,podemos voar na imaginação por lá! bjs, lindo dia! chica

Christine said...

Beautiful sights and scenery and so many species of birds! That was a fantastic place to visit! Your photos of the Bay bridge bring back so many fond vacation memories for me and I love the last shot with the plane in the background!
Enjoy your day!

Tanya Breese said...

pretty place and photos...i love the eagles with the little blur of the plane! have a great day :)

TexWisGirl said...

nice boardwalk! i like the vulture cleaning crew, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now i want to walkout that long walkway to that little island and see what is there and what i can see. love that second photo.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Lovely pair of eagles, Eileen.

Karen said...

Wonderful photos, Eileen. The one of the pair of eagles is great! I awoke yesterday to find ducks and geese swimming in my driveway, flooded by the heavy rain!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


Could have been a wetland down the road. But we don't see that many eagles down this way. Durn it.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh that is my kinda place... the eagle shot is amazing. YAM xx

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

I really like the shot of the boardwalk leading into the hut.

genie said...

It was fun seeing “Chester River” because that is where my daughter is. Love the boardwalk and all the birds you were able to see. I cannot wait to get back up there and return to Rock Hall. It was so nice there. Hope you have a nice weekend without any more crummy weather.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Awesome pics and collages.. Love the eagles.. Terrific!!!.. Cheers..

Gail said...

What a wonderful place to visit teeming with all these beauties.

Have a great weekend.

Nancy Chan said...

I would love to walk on the broadwalk and enjoy the surrounding. Lovely bird images.

Cloudia said...

I really enjoyed this post a lot, Eileen.

Breathtaking said...

Beautiful shot of the Bald Eagles Eileen, and I love the mosaic with all the birds,... the Cardinal shot is so pretty. It must have been a lovely walk!:)

Debby Ray said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen. I especially love those boardwalks!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Lovely mosaic!
Such beautiful scenery and so many kind of birds!
My favorite are the Bald Eagles and the Cardinal!
I really like the boardwalk picture!
Thank you for sharing!
Have a happy day!

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos Eileen ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

nicol2carm said...

All the pictures are wonderful. But the picture with the Bald Eagles is my favourite.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful fence shots ~ great composition !

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos Eileen. Loved them all but thought the one of the eagles and the plane was really neat. Have a great day :)

Unknown said...

You have an amazing blog. Thanks for you visit to my neck of the woods. My favorite is the walkway to the little house. Love it.

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful post, Awesome clicks.
~ Have a nice weekend ~

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous trail and lovely shots.

Alexa T said...

"Live life to the fullest, there may not be a tomorrow!" Wonderful!!
So amazing images of wild nature... An interesting place to visit and to enjoy the viewing of close...of so many wild birds!!
best regards, as always!

GreenComotion said...

The boardwalk photos and the bird pics are awesome.
The Eagles' photo has such nice detail, I can almost count the little feathers.
Have a Happy Day, Eileen!
Peace :)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Eileen, thank you for taking us along to this beautiful place! Love all the different birds, especially the swans. So special. The boardwalks are wonderful. It looks so peaceful there. Great shot of the eagles with the plane in the background! Hope you have a great day! x Karen

Rose said...

Oh, Eileen, I do love your fence shots! And of course I enjoyed the bird shots...


thats a great boardwalk that you show

Hootin Anni said...

Naturally the eagles hafta be my favorites of the day....but I must say I LOVE the tree outcropping at the end of the boardwalk...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Absolutely wonderful views and birds, Eileen! And speaking of your Eagles, the adult just soared over!!...:)JP

RedPat said...

Love the post and the fences of course.

Irene said...

What a post, so many great captures. First of all, I really love the Cardinal, and then the Tubby Cove boardwalk. Love to visit a place like that!

HappY weekend, Eileen

Irene :)

Lynne said...

What a thrill it must be to see Bald Eagle . . .
So magestic . . .
Great photos Eileen . . .

Penelope Notes said...

That was a timely capture with the plane and the birds on the branch sitting side by side!

Jim said...

Wonderful shots.

This N That said...

Love the Eagles Great Boardwalk shot!!Have a nice evening..

Jenn Jilks said...

A lovely tribute to Tina. We have never met, but shared photos of several places we have both been to in Central/Southern Ontario.
As ever, I love your birds! You have such fun and take such joy in your birding adventures.

carol l mckenna said...

So sorry to hear about EG Camera girl ~ it read as though both her and her husband died? Is that accurate?

Lovely photography always and love the sky shot with Live Life to the Fullest ~

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

LV said...

You always share some of the most interesting tings. I enjoy getting to see places and things I would not not otherwise.

Photo Cache said...

Is Tina the one behind the lens of EGCamera Girl? Did she pass on? How sad. I love her photos. Take care.

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Thanks Eileen for letting us know about Tina...this is indeed sad news.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Eileen, what happened to Tina? I went to her blog and there is nothing on it. Would you mind emailing me? Thank you.

Ida said...

Great fences here today, those boardwalks are really lovely. Always a treat to see the different birds, especially the eagles.

I did the GF in reverse order today and had not heard about Tina. I just went to her blog and there is a post today. Am I missing something about her passing?

The Yum List said...

Sorry to hear of the loss to the community. RIP Tina.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh Eileen, I just went to Facebook and saw about Tina. Your tribute post here is lovely. I was in shock when I saw it and made my first comment as I hadn't been on FB For a couple of days. I will miss her blog. We just never know. You are so each day.

HappyK said...

Beautiful photos as always.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen, like always, your photos are incredible. The Eagles are stunning. Great fence on the boardwalk.
I did not know of the loss of Tina. Thank you for sharing. My sympathy and prayers for the family.
Have a nice weekend ahead. Hugs

Lois said...

Love seeing those eagles. I see we both have boardwalks on our blogs today too! I was so upset when I heard about Tina. We will all miss her very much.

ellen b said...

Eileen, Thank you for passing on the sad news about Tina, EG Camera Girl. I always enjoyed her beautiful photographs over the years.

The photos you shared for Good fences are wonderful...

Stephanie said...

I loved seeing the eagles, that beautiful place you visited.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great post, I am so sad and shocked about Tina and her husband.

Beth @ PlantPostings said...

What a great place to visit! I'm so sorry to hear about Tina. I didn't follow her blog, but I know how hard it is to lose a blogging friend. We all get to know each other so well over time. Take care, Eileen. I imagine springtime is in full swing in your neighborhood now?

Linda W. said...

What a lovely place to go bird watching! Thank you for letting me know about Tina. I, too followed her blog and am sad to hear of her passing.

Nancy Chan said...

Thank you, Eileen for passing on the sad news about Tina and her husband. I appreciate it. May God grant the family peace and comfort at this time of grieve.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I really enjoyed this post. The eagles and the plane is an amazing shot. Such a huge variety of birds - you are very fortunate to see so many. Have a grand weekend.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

How sad to hear about Tina and her husband! May her family be comforted with good memories and the beautiful photographs that Tina loved to share on her blog.

Love your photos, Eileen. Live life to the fullest, indeed.

Ohmydearests said...

oh no! what sad news about Tina! lovely images, Eileen! have a beautiful day!

Bob Bushell said...

Absolutely stunning photography Eileen.

Debbie said...

what a wonderful tribute to tina and tom eileen, so beautifully stated. awesome images and mosaics today, i really like The Tubby Cove boardwalk that's a great capture!!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Very sad news to learn about blogging friend Tina and her husband, my condolences.

You have shared a wonderful selection of photo's again Eileen, my favourite is the the Tubby Cove boardwalk...
"Live life to the fullest, there may not be a tomorrow!"

I wish you a good weekend ahead

All the best Jan

joo said...

Hi Eileen,
I'm back for a long time and it's such a great pleasure to watch nature with you again! Terrific post.
Have a nice weekend:)

Shantana said...

Really sad to hear the news of Tina. My condolences.
Eileen, loved your mosaic and beautiful shots of the eagles. Have a great weekend!


Jim said...

Hi Eileen ~~ I like your Bald Eagles. The picture is nicely taken also. They look so majestic there in the tree. The airplane was really neat being there with the eagles.
Looks like you had a good walk out in the wildlife refuge. This is a good time of the year to get the lay of the land when there isn't so much foliage. I originated that saying for me up in the New Hampshire woods when we lived there.

Our photos said...

Owwww, that is a wonderful series !

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Oh my, you are spoiling us with all these great shots. I don't know which I like the best. Thanks for sharing the beauty and enjoy your weekend.

Small Kucing said...

I have not heard about Tina and her husband. She uvisited my blog in and off may they RIP

Al said...

Beautiful photos. I'm saddened to read about Tina and her husband, what a terrible tragedy.

Pat Tillett said...

Gorgeous photos Eileen! The small and the large!
That is terrible news about Tina.

Small Kucing said...

5hqnk Eileen. I just red tge comments in Tina's blog. Rest in peace

handmade by amalia said...

A beautiful tribute, Eileen. Such a senseless loss.

ak_ut said...

great shots !!! happy weekend, eileen :-)

Daniela said...

I'm so very grateful to you, my dearest Eileen, for your majestic photographs, you make me feel part of a world which doesn't seem the ordinary world which I live in, thank you again and agian !
I'm so sorry for the loss of your blog friend and of her husband, I didn't know them, but I'm sending a prayer to the Lord ... may them rest in Peace !

With so much thankfulness I wish you a Most Beautiful day, sweetest friend of mine,
sending dear, big hugs to you
with love

Kristiina said...

Those Bold Eagles are just fantastic. A beautiful set of photos.

R. Täysin arkista

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely series Eileen. Hope your weekend is a great one with lots of birding :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

A nice tribute to Tina, Eileen and more exciting photos of birds.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute for Tina and Tom. Lovely series of images. That boardwalk shot is amazing! Love the eagle and plane too. Thank you so much for linking to Friday's Hunt.

Ana Freire said...

A wonderful mosaic, with so much to see...
I love the boardwalk... and the quote... that it's so true!!!
All the best!

Anonymous said...

Condolence to a dear friend of yours.

I seems you enjoyed the place and I can sense its a beautiful one.
I like the shot you had with the eagle, they were portrayed a beautiful predator.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...