Sunday, February 7, 2016

Throwback visit to Montezuma Wildlife Refuge

I have a list below of memes I am joining for this week, and to save time I am doing one post for all. They are all fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts. Special thanks to all the wonderful host and their memes, I hope you have some time to check them out.

These throwback posts are mainly for our memories. We always enjoy visiting the wildlife refuges in any city or state we are visiting. I have not posted on this Montezuma NWR in the Finger Lake section of New York. The Montezuma NWR almost 10,000 acres, the refuge was established in 1938 for migrating birds and other wildlife. To check out more of my wildlife refuge visits just click on the NWR label on my side bar.

Above top row, a Swan, flycatcher, mallards, more mallards. Middle row some flowers and vegetation, Eastern Kingbird, Great Blue Herons. Bottom row, Great Egret, more Herons, Northern Harrier andBarn Swallow.

Great Blue Herons, Canada Geese and some Mallard Ducks were some of the common birds seen at this wildlife refuge.

A view of Cayuga Lake near the Taughannock Falls State Park.

While we were touring the Finger Lake area we took a hike to the Taughannock Falls.

This waterfalls was also a great attraction and visit during our trip to the Finger Lakes, New York. I hope you enjoyed the trip and images. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate your visits and nice comments. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

As always thanks to the wonderful group of hosts listed below.

Thanks to Judith our  host of Mosaic Monday
Thanks to Monica for hosting NF Trees
Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to the hosting team of Our World Tuesday!
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


Marit said...


Beautiful photos! I love the Great Blue Heron, and the waterfall!

I wish you a happy new week ahead :)

Giga said...

Nice to look at everything you've seen, birds, plants, and of a waterfall. Beautiful. Regards.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

I would love to accompany you to a wildlife refuge such as this Eileen.
The variety of birds always amazes me.
Incredible to see Canada Geese, Great Blue Herons and Mallards all in the one small space - hard for me to imagine.
Our birds seem to have their own particular habitats.
Great post as always Eileen!
Happy February days
Shane x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first few pics could have been taken here in Florida by the looks of birds and beaches. i love those falls. wow and i bet they made a nice sound to

Anonymous said...

nice tour, thank you for sharing

Elephant's Child said...

How absolutely beautiful.
Nature is such a solace isn't she?
Thank you.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Although uncommon for me, I just love how you call some of these beauties "common" which they are to that type of habitat! The only time I see a Heron out this way is in the sky!!...:)JP

Mersad said...

Love that waterfall. The nature there is so gorgeous.

Mersad Donko Photography

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What an amazing waterfall! Love your beautiful bird photos too. It's so much fun to get outside with our cameras! Hugs!

riitta k said...

One summer aprox 20 Canada Geese landed at our summer cottage. They slept on the shore and came quite near me. There were a few young ones too. Handsome birds. They did not stay for long. Perhaps I was lucky because they might have eaten all my flowers :)

TexWisGirl said...

nice to see the greenery so didn't mind a throwback. :)

Cloudia said...

How strange to think that I see the same outside here in N. Calif

As Always, I love the whole feel of your photos

Charlene N. K. said...

What treasures you've gathered from your adventures! They're worth-recalling.

Michelle said...

That is a gorgeous waterfall.

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos ! Nothing like getting out there with camera in hand is there ? Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
What an outstandingly beautiful place!!! YAM xx

Linda W. said...

Lovely waterfall! Have a great week!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Another beautiful spot, and the waterfall is really amazing! And of course, I always love seeing the birds, and the flycatcher is one of my favorites, and fun to see in this series!

rupam sarma said...

Amazing. Beautiful pics.
Have a nice week ahead.

Debbie said...

Looks like another great nature reserve, the waterfall is spectacular!! The picnic table looks like the perfect place to enjoy lunch outdoors!!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
What a beautiful place!!Amazing sceanes!
Love all the birds shots and the waterfall!
Wonderful nature!Thank you for sharing!
Have a happy week!

Daniela said...

Sometimes I think that I'd love to be by your side when you visit such amazing places, and when you catch some fabulous moment in Nature Life !
You always leave me in awe, my dearest Eileen, I'm so grateful to you for this !
Have a most beautiful new week,
sending much love and hugs to you, sweetie !

The Yum List said...

That waterfall sure is enticing.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
fabulous photos of all these birds, the sky, the landcape and the cascade. So beautiful !
Best regards, Synnöve

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

What a lovely place and such beautiful photos, Eileen! I really enjoyed this post and I like very much the new look of your blog.
Have a great week ahead!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A beautiful Wildlife Refuge Eileen.... The Waterfall pictures are great... My favorite hike destination is a Fall! I'm especially grateful these days that you are highlighting our wonderful National Wildlife Refuges (emphasis on "our" as you understand).

Magia da Inês said...

As fotos são lindas. O lugar é lindo! Amei a cachoeira.

Boa semana!
❤ه° ·.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Enjoyed. That fall is incredible

Nancy Chan said...

Hello Eileen, the view of Cayuga Lake and the Taughannock Falls are both beautiful.

Gayle said...

Love the water fall. Could almost hear it. Happy Day.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The Eastern Kingbird is very interesting, I don't recall seeing one. (But maybe I have an confused it with something else.)

Mary Hone said...

I love the waterfall. Nice photos.

This N That said...

Amazing shots..Fantastic water fall...I have never been in that area...thanks for sharing..enjoy your week...

Bob Bushell said...

Aren't they splendid, thank you Eileen.

HappyK said...

Lovely photos. Love the waterfall.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous area and I love those falls.

Leora said...

Another place I would love to visit. Montezuma NWR is not too far from us(several hours drive?). I will keep it mind. Thanks for all the lovely photos.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Hi Eileen! Wow - your nature pics sure make me want to "get outta Dodge" soon. I work from home and just haven't gotten away in so long! (daughters wedding last August, hubs new job, health issues and home improvements) have kept us on course.....but not as fun as vacation, haha!

Thank you for sharing, and thank you for visiting, and for your sweet comments. Have a wonderful week full of love! ♥♥♥

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Eileen!
Wonderful variety of birds and scenic spots in your collage. I regret not visiting the Finger Lakes region when I lived in NYC. It looks so beautiful! My husband and I will definitely try to take a side trip up state when we visit NY. Have a wonderful week!

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

A fab spot about an hour away west of us! And love those falls. Cayuga is a great lake to visit...

Ailime said...

Hi Eileen, thank you for your visit! I love the nature and travel with you for these stops is a privilege! Thank you very much. Magnificent photos of your travels! Hugs and good week.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful scenery and beautiful waterfalls Eileen. The bird collage is lovely too. Happy week to you :)

Photo Cache said...

Oh my the falls is awesome. I can imagine having a picnic nearby.

Fun60 said...

I was very excited by these photos as I will be visiting the Finger Lakes in May. It looks a beautiful place.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love that you got up close, i see you saw my post of them waterfall when we were there, i wanted to be sure ...

but it is fun to see what folks see when they visit. i love seeing it up close. so different. what a gorgeous area of New York state. great shots. have a great, Eileen. have a real ball. relax a bit too. ( :

mick said...

Great photos and they all look really special places to visit. The lake is especially beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful captures of beautiful places as always, Eileen, and I do look forward to seeing them every week!! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty!! I do LOVE the waterfall!! I hope you have a great week!! Enjoy!!

Merlesworld said...

Great photos, such a pretty place.

Our photos said...

Wonderful ! I really love the waterfall !

carol l mckenna said...

All wonderful ! Love the collage of photos and all the nature photos ~ favorite I think is the waterfall ~ nice one!

Wishing you a Happy Week ^_^

Debby Ray said...

What a beautiful place and wonderful photos! Great mosaic of those lovely birds too :)

Lois said...

Beautiful pictures of the birds and the waterfall! The St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge is just south of me and in the winter you can sometimes see endangered Whooping Cranes there. I have not yet been able to get a picture of one though!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place with such lovely birds all around,

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Wow, the falls at Finger Lakes are amazing Eileen.

Rose said...

Wow, Eileen, you sure to have a bunch of wonderful photos. I bet you have fun looking back through them. I get started looking for some particular photo, and get detoured and forget what I am looking for.

Cranberry Morning said...

I love the photo of the geese and herons. And a beautiful waterfall.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful photos!! I especially like the waterfall. I always find tranquility and peace at them. Wishing you well!

GreenComotion said...

What a beautiful place to visit - a lake and the falls close-by.
Lovely photos of those beautiful birds, the lake and the falls!
I enjoyed the visit :)
Thanks, Eileen, for hosting.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Ruth said...

For some reason, I thought you were going to write about Costa Rica when I read your title. Well, it was fun to learn more about this NWR. The waterfall is lovely.

Indrani said...

Such wonderful collages you make with your photos!
I have recently started collages inspired by you. :)

Linda said...

Lovely pictures! I wonder how the name Montezuma came to be used that far north?

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:)

A nice memory for you, and wonderful scenery and bird share for us.:)I always appreciate the way you write the names of all the birds in order, under your bird collage. Great shots of the Cayuga lake, and the waterfall.Enjoy your week!:)

Lowcarb team member said...

Another lovely selection, thank you.
I always love water ... so I really liked your waterfalls

Hope the new week has started well.
Take Care

All the best Jan

Christine said...

Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful memories and photos with us, Eileen! The refuge is clearly a success with so much wildlife thriving there.
I would love to see those falls too! Another beautiful spot!
Enjoy your day!

Bethany Carson said...

Lovely to see the falls! Looks like a great spot to visit!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Waterfalls are amazing and I could stand beside one and almost become hypnotized.
Happy Tuesday!

Adam Jones said...

Oh my Eileen! That waterfall looks so inviting. Love all the bird pictures too. Eastern Kingbird looks like a lovely bird.

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Beautiful waterfall! I could sit there for hours.
Enjoy your day!

EG CameraGirl said...

What a treat to look back at milder weather!

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Beautiful pictures and collages.
Perfect photographed, my compliments.
Nice place to stay.
Best regards, Irma

Rohrerbot said...

This looks like a great walk with a potential for amazing wildlife. I like going back to revisit places that we've been to.

Silver Parrot said...

Looks like an amazing place!

Small City Scenes said...

Great shot--all of them.
Love the falls it reminds me of Palouse Falls out here.

GranthamLynn said...

Gorgeous shots.
Hope your having a good week.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Loving those pictures of the falls and the park. Have a really great day tomorrow!

Lynne said...

Great photos . . .
I love the beautiful green . . .

Sonja said...

It does look like a lovely place to visit, and enjoyable to look back on when it's winter!

Pat Tillett said...

A great collection of beautiful photos Eileen.
I love the large waterfall. Would love to see and hear it.

September Violets said...

What a beautiful area! I was surprised at the 10,000 acres, that's wonderful to have such a large area denoted to wildlife.
The water is so pretty, and I see a heart shape formed around either side of it in the rock face ;)

ann said...

I have never been to New York, so I am always amazed to see the native New York. It is very pretty, so I am glad that you have shared some of the wildlife there. Surprisingly, we have the same birds here.

Sharon Wagner said...

Picture perfect waterfalls. Mother nature at her best.

Tom said...

wow, you were in my back yard

Neil said...

Great trip you have been on.

Lea said...

Love the waterfall!

Anu said...

There are great variety of birds. The waterfall is gorgeous. Nice photos!

Little Wandering Wren said...

It is always a pleasure to visit you, especially to have your birds eye view of the wildlife refuges. Sorry I've been patchy with my visits the internet is intermittent here!
Wren x

Crafty Green Poet said...

That's a lovely waterfall and a great selection if birds

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful photos! What a beautiful waterfall!

NatureFootstep said...

I loved to see the waterfall. Not often I see any. :)

Maggee said...

Great pictures! I am making a list of NWRs that we might pass in our travels to visit family here and there... Just in case! But no one lives up north... so Montezuma NWR will just have to wait for another time! Hugs! said...

Thanks for taking us along on your trips! Your pictures are awesome as always,have a great weekend,phyllis

Ana Freire said...

Great shots, Eileen!
The wildlife... the falls... absolutely amazing images, all of them!!!!
All the best!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have visited Montezuma NWR several times. Great spot.

Rambling Woods said...

Very lucky wildlife waiting for their photos to be taken....

Unknown said...

I love your photos of the waterfall, it's gorgeous!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...