Sunday, March 27, 2016

Snow Geese, Middle Creek WMA

I have a list below of memes I am joining for this week, and to save time I am doing one post for all. They are all fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts. Special thanks to all the wonderful host and their memes, I hope you have some time to check them out.

Happy Easter everyone!

These days are just flying by, finally Spring officially arrived on March 20th. YAY for Spring! I am sharing a daytrip from March 9th to Middle Creek WMA near Lancaster Pa. My hubby, my brother and I went to see the Snow Geese that are migrating on the East Coast. The Snow Geese stop at the Middle Creek Wildlife Management area for a rest and refuel.  I did not count the geese but I would say there were around 50,000 Snow Geese,  1,000 or more Tundra Swans and various others ducks seen on this day.

Some of the Snow Geese were close to the crowds of people, they did not seem shy.

Seeing all these Snow Geese is amazing sight even for the non-birder.

Around the other side of the lake we found the Tundra Swans hanging out with some Canada Geese.

We waited a while to see the Snow Geese lift off the water to land on the fields.

The Snow Geese did not fly far, some actually just walked onto the field from the water.

One barn was in the distance and another barn off the road as I was driving. I like the big tree next to the barn on the bottom right. I hope these barns are ok for Tom's Barn Collective. We had great weather almost a summer like day, I always love seeing the Snow Geese and Swans. We found a nice diner called Knight and Day, for an early dinner before the ride home.

I hope you enjoyed my post. As always, I appreciate the visits and your nice comments.  Have a happy new week ahead!

As always thanks to the wonderful group of hosts listed below.
Thanks to Tom for hosting The Barn Collective
Thanks to Judith our  host of Mosaic Monday
Thanks to Monica for hosting NF Trees
Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to the hosting team of Our World Tuesday!
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


Ana Freire said...

A lovely post to celebrate Spring!
Happy Easter, to you and yours, Eileen!

Unknown said...

Wow, that's a lot of geese! Have a great week ahead!

Tom said...

Wow, I've seen snow geese a few times, but never as many as this. Love the barn withe red roof. When you are out critter watching I hope that a barn or two pop into view. Thanks Eileen.

Lowcarb team member said...

"Seeing all these Snow Geese is amazing sight even for the non-birder."

It is an awesome sight ... you have some lovely images here Eileen, thank you.

Happy Easter to you and your family.

All the best Jan

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful series of the Snow Geese Eileen.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Nice pictures and mosaics.. Happy Easter to you too.. :-)))

Small City Scenes said...

Aren't the Snow Geese fun to watch and listen to.
Happy and Joyous Easter to you and yours.

Rose said...

I really like both that blue sky and big tree in the one you like, too. Oh, almost the snow geese, too. It is amazing to see them in person.

Stephanie said...

We used to have a restaurant in Vancouver called Knight and Day. Had great food! Happy Easter! Great images!

Lynne said...

Wow . . . what an awesome sight to see . . ,

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Spectacular, Eileen. I don't think I've seen anything like that!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I probably told you that a couple of years ago, we had snow geese fly over, and it was fun to see them. But I would love to see this "gathering" of them -- How amazing and how beautiful they are!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Happy Easter!!

Linda said...

Beautiful and delightful, Eileen! Happy Easter to you. :)

RedPat said...

Those snow geese are truly amazing! What a sight!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I was thrilled to even get to see a single Snow Goose a few weeks back! Wow, thousands there at that area you visited. Beautiful geese! Have a pleasant Monday tomorrow!

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos ! Hope you had a good Easter . Yes it was a summer like day here to today temps were 70F sunny and wonderful was out side all day with camp fire going and tidying up the yard . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

Linda W. said...! Those snow geese are beautiful.

GreenComotion said...

50 thousand birds - wow!
Very awesome photos, Eileen.
Have a Happy Week!
Peace :)

magiceye said...

Happy Easter!!

Ohmydearests said...

Wow! What an experience! I would so love to see that one day!beautiful images! Happy Easter to you + your family!

Zizi Santos said...

Amei esses lindos pássaros da neve!
a grande árvore logo terá folhas da primavera!
tenha uma linda semana

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Now that is a magnificent sight of all those geese Eileen. Fantastic to see in person.

Mersad said...

Awesome wildlife images as usual, but I have to say I also enjoyed the barn shots in the end. Happy Easter Monday.

Mersad Donko Photography

Charlene N. K. said...

I love the sight of these thousands of geese flocked together and in flight. Just magical! Beautiful shots once again!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Birds of any feather in that quantity are mesmerising - but these are astoundingly beautiful... Hope your weekend has been joyful! YAM xx

Suza said...

fantastic pictures
greetings susa

Irene said...

Amazing bird shots .... love the one where the snow geese are landing on the field. So many of them!

Wish you a happy Monday and a great new week!

Sue said...

I enjoyed your snow geese. They are always a thrill to see taking off--such a noisy ruckus! Hope you had a Happy Easter

rupam sarma said...

wow amazing. Beautiful pics.
Happy Easter to you and Have a nice week ahead.

Janneke said...

I loved reading this post with magnificant photos of the snowgeese. It´s just gorgeous how you captured them in their flight.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Hello Eileen, what impressive photos!
Happy Monday and Happy Spring!! ♥

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Fotografias fantásticas.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love how you got the geese swimming, in flight, eating ... It's wonderful to see so many at once and in such beautiful surroundings!

riitta k said...

Oh how great - such a huge amount of birds. I have never seen such a phenomenon.

4 Lettre Words said...

We see one from time to time here in GA...and what a treasure. They are lovely!

Tomoko said...

How wonderful! So many birds step by step photos. I feel like I am watching a film.
Have a good new week.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

so pretty, almost like snow. hope you had a great Easter, all is well. ( ;

Cranberry Morning said...

What a treat it would be to see those snow geese!!!

Mary Hone said...

Wow what a sight that must have been. And i can imagine the noise too.

September Violets said...

50,000 geese!! That would have been something to see AND hear!! Lovely shots Eileen. I like the one where the geese have lifted off the water, you really get an appreciation for the size of the flock in that one.

Nancy Chan said...

What an amazing sight to see so many birds in one place! Have a beautiful week!

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

Oh the snow geese are beautiful! We get some Canadian geese around here but not these : just lovely captures! :)

Debbie said...

a beautiful cluster of snow geese, i can't image seeing that many together!! amazing captures, clicking at just the right moment!!! have a great week eileen!!!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

OK Eileen, how many photos of snow geese do you have? When one sees a phenomena like the gathering of them in multitudes it would be hard not to keep clicking hoping for something different or better each time.
I do this with the cardinals that come to our feeder and deck and lately have started saying to myself, put the camera down, you have enough photos so just enjoy them. Ha!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the place. So many birds all in one place.

DeniseinVA said...

Marvelous photos, amazing to see so many geese at one time. Have a great week Eileen.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Eileen these photos are really special. The birds in flight look amazing.
Thanks for sharing this!

Have a lovely week,

Christine said...

An amazing sight to see even just through your photos, Eileen! I'm sure the noise was pretty terrific also!
Very nice barns too!
Have a fun week!

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Happy Easter, Happy spring! What a delight to see all the snow geese...I rarely see them.

and LivingFromHappiness

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

WOW!! So many beautiful snow geese! They almost look like snow on the ponds and grounds.

We have a big snow melt going on --most of the blizzard snow is gone. Springtime in Colorado is never dull --lol!

Fun60 said...

That must have been some sight to see those thousands of snow geese taking off.

Our photos said...

Wow, that's a lot ! Reminds me of a old Camel album (the snow goose) !

Anonymous said...

Awesome, thank you for sharing.

joanna said...

Such large numbers! A little frightening, but such dramatic impact.

Cath said...

That is a lot of bird activity Eileen...what a wonderful sight. See you around and enjoy the week ahead.

Merlesworld said...

Lots of snow geese there, very pretty sight but I guess pretty noisy too.

Lorrie said...

All those snow geese are a wonderful sight. Did they make a lot of noise?

Photo Cache said...

I have never seen that many birds at one spot before. Wow.

Worth a Thousand Words

Pondside said...

The snow geese migration is really something. We see them in the Fraser Valley - also the swans. It is a startling sight to see a flock flying over the highway. I am surprised that there aren't more accidents as everyone slows down to take a look!

ann said...

Isn't it glorious to be able see such forces of nature? The snow geese are beautiful. Occasionally they migrate here along with the Canada geese, but we don't see the tundra swans. Darn. Loved your photos. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful bird photography.

Stewart M said...

Great shots - I may have said this before, but this is one of the wildlife sights I really want to see one day.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Klara said...

what a wonderful trip you undertook. beautiful images.

Gayle said...

No wonder they are called snow geese. Nice captures. Happy Day.

Anu said...

What a amazing number of the Snow geese! Great series of these birds!

Hootin Anni said...

I am truly flabbergasted.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

What a lovely post! I especially like you photos of the barns. Have a wonderful week!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Amazing to see so many geese!

Murthy K v v s said...

Snow geese are new to our area..but those are just like cranes.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

What a glorious sight to behold, truly moves the spirit and makes one appreciate nature even more.
Wishing you a lovely week, Eileen.

Penelope Postcards said...

Snow geese also fly into my Westcoast neighborhood by the hundreds and love to settle on any farm fields they can find. Of course, there are also the Canadians that spend winters in Palm Springs that come home for spring and summer. :)

Indrani said...

Such fantastic bird captures!
Hope you had a happy and love filled Easter celebrations!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I witnessed a Snow Geese migration in Kansas when we went to see the Sandhill Crane Migration. They were there by the thousands along with the thousands of Sandhill Cranes ... but they kept separate. At night when we were in a blind watching for the Sandhills to land on the river(which they didn't do because there were 5 eagles sitting in wait in the trees on the other side of the river)the Snow Geese came in and though it was too dark to really see them, the sound was deafening. That was a wonderful experience ... I am glad you shared this with us, it is nice to know someone else who understands what I am saying when I say ... amazing :) Thanks, Eileen ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, belas imagens dos gansos, resto de Feliz Pascoa.

carol l mckenna said...

You are a true 'birder' as exhibited by your excellent photography ~

Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

That is a lot of geese! We have just started to welcome them back, but so far I have only seen Canada geese, and maybe a duck, but I'm not sure. But, I will welcome any returning bird, because I am desperate for signs of Spring!
Enjoy your week Eileen!

magiceye said...

Belated Happy Easter!!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
fabulous photos of all these birds. Really good to see, what a big space they have. Amazing !
Best regards, Synnöve

Rohrerbot said...

That's gotta be exciting Eileen. The sign of Snow Geese migrating through the area is always a sign spring is around the corner. I love them as they fly over my head with their loud chatter. Have a great week ahead!

Debby Ray said...

I have never been to Amish country...somewhere I have always wanted to go. Your photos are fabulous and oh my...all of those birds!!

Birgitta said...

Just love your bird photos!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

These are amazing sights, Eileen! To see all those beautiful snow geese together and also the tundra swans, is very special. I can imagine it was quite noisy, too! Love the barns and the beautiful tree. Hope you had a lovely Easter and a wonderful week! xo Karen

Neil said...

That sure is a lot of birds. Happy Easter.

Sonja said...

That's an amazing number of Snow Geese. I only saw a few on my Wrangel Island trip.

diane b said...

It sure is an amazing site

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful! I actually got to see some flying over this year, but it would be amazing to see them on the ground like that.

Linda said...

Wow, look at all the white geese! And flying too!

Laura. M said...

I hope you had a good Easter, Eileen ;)
Precious photos that you leave us today.

Bethany Carson said...

Amazing photos! It must have been fascinating to see so many snow geese in one place. Thanks for sharing that experience with us!

Noushka said...

WOW!! That is a lot of birds!
It is wonderful to see how rich nature is where you are!
Many thanks Eileen for dropping by, I realise how dreadful I am with blogging and in the near future it will get worse with a removal hopefully soon.
Warm hugs :)

NatureFootstep said...

that´s a lot for geese for sure :)

Christian Perrin said...

What a spectacular sight! I suppose living in a more temperate climate, you'd get to see some amazing migrations like this - it's not so noticeable in the subtropics where I am.

Pietro Brosio said...

Hope you had a very Happy Easter!
Wonderful nature images!
Greetings from Turin!

Rambling Woods said...

Happy Easter... Wow on all the geese... Migration is amazing.... Michelle

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...