Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday's Critters #117

Saturday's Critters #117

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

I am looking forward to seeing my spring/summer birds move back in. In the meantime I just have a few yardbirds to share this week. I hope you enjoy.

The Common Grackles look pretty with their shiny colorful feathers.

Above is an occasional back yard visitor the Red-wing Blackbird.

The Pine Siskins are not regular visitors but sometimes I see a few of them once in while at my feeders.

I've been seeing the American Robins everywhere lately. What yard birds are you seeing now?

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


DeniseinVA said...

I love these photos. The grackles do look pretty and the lighting is perfect. Thanks for hosting Eileen and have a great weekend.

Tony McGurk said...

I've never heard of Grackles before Eileen, their colours are beautiful.

TexWisGirl said...

i like the sharp-eyed grackles, too.

my work nights have changed again so i hope to be able to join in with more critters for a while again.

Daniela said...

My darling Eileen,
I'm participating for the firt time, and I'm so overjoyed by it !
Thank you for hosting and thank you for the Lovely Lady you are, blessed be !

Sending love on your Saturday and your Sunday as well,
dear hugs across the many miles
with esteem

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) Wow! Beautiful captures of all the birds,and lovely closeups. The only bird I see of the ones you share is the Siskin, but it's also only an occasional visiter to my garden. Have a great weekend!:)

Jo said...

Good morning Eileen. Happy Critter Saturday. Your Pine Siskin image is spectacular! I have raptor in my post today but have many yard birds which I hope to post soon. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great day. Jo

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful collection. Never saw the Common Grackles this beautiful when I was in CostaRica. It´s gorgeous.

Sue said...

Hi Eileen--my, the photo of the grackles makes them look pretty.
We don't get them here, but did have lots of them when we lived in Illinois.
Hubby had an ongoing war with them---they could really devour a suet cake in a
matter of hours!
Hope you are enjoying the warmer weather

diane b said...

I like the common Grackle's blue heads

Betty Manousos said...

good morning eileen,
great variety of birds and fantastic bird photos as usual. i'd never get tired of seeing those american robins!
thanks for sharing.
happy weekend!~

Ohmydearests said...

I love Robins! We have a few Cape Robin Chats that are regular visitors to our garden all year round. Have a beautiful week!

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Hello Eileen, Thank you for hosting Saturday Critters.
I love looking at your beautiful captures of American birds, so different to what we have here in the UK. Your Common Grackles are so colourful!
Have a wonderful weekend :)

Hootin Anni said...

I've never seen grackles with so much 'blue' on them like this....I'd be thrilled if our grackles would show that color. Amazing.

Elaine said...

Love the shot of the Robin. I'm looking forward to seeing them again soon....

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I love all the different birds that in visit our garden. I was able to link in myself today but Thanks for hosting and enjoy your weekend.

Magnus said...

Beautiful birds!

Happy weekend!

chica said...

Que beleza e tenho que me repetir sempre! LINDAS TODAS, uma mais que as outras! beijos, chica, lindo fim de semana!

Gattina said...

Beautiful pictures they are so cute ! I participate on Sunday's Critters, so my post is not yet published.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice variety of visitors to your yard! You really captured the iridescence of those Common Grackles. They are the "Bronzed Grackles" that I knew growing up in New Jersey. Here in Florida we have the smaller thin-billed and darker "Purple Grackles." I put up a backyard feeder the first winter after we moved to Florida in 2004 but had to discontinue because the Muscovy Ducks flew up on it and spilled most of the seed within minutes. Putting a cage around it did not help. Monk Parakeets and pigeons contributed to the mess. This created a feeding frenzy in violation of the local ordinance which prohibits feeding the ducks. My backyard birds are mostly herons and other waterbirds.

Unknown said...

Hello Eileen, I envy your array of birds to your garden. I guess my Ibis could be called a "yard bird", have a great weekend

Phil Slade said...

Good Morning Eileen. Thanks for allowing me to join in your day today. The Grackles look absoloutely splendid in their iridescent spring colours. And it is so nice to see the Red-winged Blackbird but I am surprised that they are not more commonly seen in your yard. They are one of my favourite North American birds.

Have a great weekend.

Tom said...

I just goy home and have yet to see a robin, when I do spring will be here

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Each with its own special-ness!!! YAM xx

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Eileen
Well they may be called Common Grackles but they do look so pretty with their shiny colorful feathers.

Lovely selection.

Wishing you a good weekend.

All the best Jan

Deb said...

Hi Eileen ...I love the gathering of the Grackles photo. I have yet to see one here (Ontario, Canada). I have spotted two robins and pine siskens since the spring-like weather has arrived. I have doves, chickadees, blue-jays, gold-finch, starlings, juncos, cardinals, downy wood-peckers, nut-hatch and two pileated wood-pecker who visit ever few days. My favorite are the chickadees.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

You do have beautiful birds coming to your feeders! What great photos!

Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! I like the first photo very much. Thanks for sharing.

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos .Pine Siskins are one of our winter birds ans will be leaving soon but the others you have here are our spring and summer birds and they are all here as well as our Song Sparrows . We still have our winter birds here and the spring birds so our yard is busy now lol ! Our Chipmunk made another appearance yesterday to collecting food . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

I love the Grackles Eileen, they have a look of the English Jackdaw about them.
The Siskin is much like our Common Sparrow.
Many thanks for hosting.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Great collections of beautiful birds♬♬♬ I wish I could see Grackles and Pine Siskin looks cute♡♡♡ Wonderful close-ups.
So sorry for my recent absence and thank you very much for your comments and hosting(♡^.^♡) 

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Brian King said...

The grackles start getting very noisy this time of year! We have robins all year, but see more of them now.

Connie Smiley said...

Your grackles are beautiful, Eileen, and I love the red-winged blackbird. Can't wait 'til they get here!

Lee Ann L. said...

Beautiful birds!

Lea said...

Beautiful birds!
I did not know that Grackles were so pretty!
Have a great week-end!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Those are some COLORFUL grackles. Must be breeding season...ya think.

Loved your shots

21 Wits said...

Good Morning Eileen, and happy Saturday. Your first photo wins for best bird presentation (in my eyes) they're all great captures but that one really speaks to me. I haven't seen as many Robins as usual but lucky for me, bright red Cardinals are making a return here. Of course I've yet to capture a cool shot yet. Soon, hopefully. Enjoy your weekend.

Gayle said...

Grackles are dominating our feeders these days. They are beautiful and racaous at the same time.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful birds especially the Grackles with their lovely feathers. Thank you for hosting and have a beautiful weekend!

Maude Lynn said...

I'm seeing a lot of robins, too! Love the grackles!

rupam sarma said...

So beautiful bird pics.
~ Have a nice weekend ~

MadSnapper said...

i love the blue on the grackles. spring is springing. we are in a heat wave down here.

Linda W. said...

Nice bird photos! I enjoy watching all birds, even the yardbirds.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Great photos my friend. We've seen quite a few robins here in Florida this month. It's a great time to bird watch in the Spring! Happy Saturday! Hugs, Diane

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Happy spring, Eileen! Lovely grackles.

rainfield61 said...

These birds welcome spring.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

The Grackles are really handsome and as I've never seen them before they look very special to me! They are all beautiful of course...
Thanks for sharing and hosting.

Happy weekend Eileen!

Katarina said...

It's great seeing all those fabulous shots of birds - many of them who are unknown in my part of the world.
Happy weekend!

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely bird photography as usual ~ grackles look pretty but they scavengers ~

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, and a great selection of birds, the grackles are so colourful!

Debbie said...

lovely visitors to your feeders. my Grackles have returned by the hundreds and are such a nuisance at the feeders!!!

happy weekend eileen, many thanks for hosting!!!!

GreenComotion said...

Never knew that Grackles had such beautiful colors too!
Great shots, Eileen!
Have a Happy Weekend!!
Peace :)

Christine said...

Really great to see such a variety of birds visiting your garden Eileen! The Grackles are pretty birds I've not seen before.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Eileen, I've never seen Grackles before - they really are striking! One thing I didn't know was that red wing black birds would come to feeders. I learn something new every time I visit! Here, we have been getting wild pigeons. I always know spring is here when they return. I've yet to get a good photo, though. They spook easy. Hope your weekend is nice. xx Karen

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You have really captured the iridescence on the plumage of the grackles very well.

RedPat said...

I've been seeing robins but the rest are still our winter birds. When the Red-winged Blackbirds arrive that is spring!

Amanda Peters said...

The birds are all beautiful, wonderful markings. I do like seeing your birds so different from ours.
Amanda xx

Giga said...

I love the birds from the first picture. Regards.

Vilt og vakkert said...

Heisann... small birds are so sweet ;:OD) Have a nice Sunday!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Always a joy seeing your beautiful yard birds!Gorgeous pictures!
Like the beautiful and colorful Common Grackles!
So cute!!Have a lovely weekend!

Anni said...

I've returned...This time to send along my thanks for sharing this awesome post with such a great series of images!! We birders at I'd Rather B Birdin' are so appreciative with your participation.

Marit said...


Beautiful birds! I love the Red-wing Blackbird. I have never seen it before.

Happy Weekend!

HappyK said...

What a great picture of the crackles. Shows off all their pretty colors.

Donna@LivingFromHappiness said...

Look at all those birds....I am not seeing many still even with the springlike weather...maybe more this that young red-wing blackbird.

Anonymous said...

Great pics, appreciate you sharing

Carole said...

Wonderful bird photos!

Alexa T said...

Hello Eileen!
You have a lovely serie of birds; I never seen before Common Grackles or Red-wing Blackbird. So, great question... In my "yard" is pretty difficult to see special birds!! But Puiu is a very good observer of nature and sometimes I can tell that he enjoy very much seeing little birds like sparrows...But I never had the chance to capture in pics...:)
Best regards and a pleasant weekend!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i was watching a hawk being attacked by other smaller birds today. it was wild. have a nice weekend, Eileen. ( :

Blogoratti said...

Really splendid photos indeed. Warm greetings to you!

The Yum List said...

Living in an apartment we're not getting any yard birds over here, but we do have an awful lot of pigeons!

Cranberry Morning said...

I always love your bird photos Eileen. And the grackles have those iridescent feathers. So pretty! Thanks for hosting.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I've been excited to see a few robins already too Eileen, that must mean spring is here!

Ana Freire said...

Beautiful birds!
I don't remember ever had seen any of these...
Excellent work, as usual, Eileen!
Enjoy your Sunday ahead!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Always enjoy your birding photos! Congratulations on Saturday's Critters #117. Lots of great contributors to the meme. Thanks for putting it all together. Hope you are having a fine weekend!

Anonymous said...

It seems our Red-winged Blackbirds moved on, leaving us with a few Grackles, Starlings, Cowbirds, for the most part. I still hear the Cardinals as evening draws near, and spy the House Finches, White-throated Sparrows, Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, Mockingbird, and the Yellow-rumped Warbler occasionally, but they're so often hurried along by the multitude of frenzied birds.

Anu said...

Nice photos. I like Siskins - they are so lively and cute birds!

Linda said...

I used to see pine siskins when we lived on the mountain at Bryce Resort but not so many here. We do have goldfinches and all the usual feeder friends.

Rose said...

I just totally, totally love that shot of the Grackles....I don't know what about it appeals to me so. But I so love it.

Green Thumb said...

I hope I can find lovely critters like that you see in you place!

Aimz said...

I love the red winged blackbird, black with a splash of red - stunning!

Rudi Frakarsa said...

all those birdies look lovely :)

A Colorful World said...

The grackles are really pretty! I know you will be happy to see a different variety in your yard too. Thanks for your comments. I've been enjoying having some critters to share lately. Have a great week!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Some wonderful birds, Eileen. I was not familiar with the Grackles before, they are very nice.
Enjoy the new week ahead!

My Desktop Daily said...

Lovely shots, Eileen. Thanks for hosting.

Noushka said...

Hi Eileen,
You rally have very beautiful bidrs in your yard!
The one we have in common is the siskin!
I love your header :)
Keep well and enjoy the new week!

Noushka said...

Thanks Eileen for dropping a comment on my birds of prey.
I have linked up yes, realizing I hadn't' for so long...
I am trying to pick my life up again but it is hard. Fauna photography is helping a lot :)
Warm hugs

This N That said...

Your Grackles are much prettier than ours...Robins have been here for months..I think some spent the winter..Living so close, I think we share the same bird population..Happy Sunday..

Unknown said...

Pretty birds! I love the metallic colours of the grackle and the rusty brown on the robin.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I never before noticed how lovely grackles could be. I was so thrilled to see Spring Robins for the first time in years here. Made me smile and brought back wonderful memories. Thanks so much for hosting and for yor comments as always.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Grackles are superb, and the Blackbird is out of this world.

Irene said...

Great collection, so many cute birds!

Lynne said...

Love your birdies . . .
Can you believe it . . . I haven't seen a Robin yet!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful captures! I've been seeing robins here since Feb. 2.

Valerie said...

Delightful bird captures Eileen. The Grackles sure have subtle yet colourful plumage.

Liz said...

A fabulous series, Eileen!

Linda said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen, and I love how you have showcased them!

Helma said...

I have again a lot of beautiful and cute animals seen Eileen :-)
What has our earth still beautiful creatures :-)
Also you pictures and especially the American robin and the common grackle (which I did not) are really beautiful!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! Your Grackles are so pretty...ours are not as colorful! I spotted my first Robin just the other day...a good sign for us all...:)JP

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "If you never go, you will never know." "Travel, before you run out of ...