Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hodge Podge

I am linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences and Random 5 Friday
I hope you can join in on the fun and share your fence scenes and pretty skies.

Wow, another week has just flown by.  I am sharing some various scenes and photos from our outings during the month of March. I hope you enjoy.

For Nancy's Random 5 Friday.

1. I am so happy to see the spring migration happening. I am glad winter is finally officially over (or is it)?

My skywatch is full of Canada Geese in flight. Spring migration is happening and the weather is not stopping it.

2. I am not the best birder, I second guess some of my id's and  there are times I can be totally wrong. I do try. I am not 100% positive but I believe this is the Red-tailed Hawk above. I think they have a nest nearby, they are always around our yard. :(  Edit: the correct id for my hawk, it is the Red-shouldered Hawk.

3. I love to birdwatch, I can watch the birds in my backyard or during a daytrip or while on a vacation. The birds are always included in my plans.  Mrs Cardinal at the birdbath... for Tex's Good Fence see the blurry fence behind the deck railing.

For Friday's Hunt.  Thanks to Teresa for hosting Friday's Hunt.
1. Starts with O
2. Week's favorite
3.  Spring or Fall

Skywatch & favorite...a pretty sky shot. I love all the different cloud shapes.

Canada Geese seen during our walk at George's Creek.

A peek at the horses and fence from our walk on the trail. You have to click on the image to see all the different fencing.

4.  I enjoy the simple pleasures of watching the sky near sunset.

5. Taking photos of the moon is addicting to me and this moon shot is also another favorite...My moon shot from March 15th. I hope you enjoyed your visit and my post. Thank so much for stopping by and for the nice comments.
To see more pretty skies, fences, barns and fantastic photos from around the world please visit the memes below.

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences.
Thank you to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.
Thanks also to Teresa Friday's Hunt  
Thanks to Nancy for hosting Random 5 Friday.

  I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..


  1. Lovely images as always Eileen. I too am glad winter is over and we can look forward to more Spring weather.
    Great image of the moon and Mrs Cardinal.
    I did not read your title properly at first and was looking for a shot of a hodge pig (hedgehog) silly me!
    Have a great Thursday :)

  2. Hhello!

    Yes, I hope the spring is here, no more winter.
    Beautiful shots of the Red Tailed Hawk, and the moon :)

    Happy Thursday!

  3. Good Morning, Eileen. I especially love the moon photo and the Cardinal. I also love to sit and watch the sun set. I hope warmer weather is coming your way!

  4. well done on capturing the migration shot of the birds, awesome. Spring is arriving for you as we are heading into Autumn and that makes me happy :-)

  5. Excelente trabalho minha amiga e belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e boa Quinta-Feira.

  6. Eileen, what a lovely mix of photo's for us all to enjoy.
    Isn't 'Mrs Cardinal' on the bird bath great and a lovely blue sky with all those clouds. The shapes that clouds can form are often amazing.

    I do agree with you the week is flying by.

    Have a lovely Thursday

    All the best Jan

  7. Hello Eileen ... I also meant to say I like the slightly different lay out to your blog!

    All the best Jan

  8. So beautiful shots - superb!
    Happy day
    hug Crissi

  9. Bom dia, lindas fotos bem conseguidas, desfrutar assim da natureza é fantástico, admiro as suas fotos.

  10. Espetáculo de fotografias trouxeste aqui! Adorei ver! Lindo dia! bjs, chica

  11. Thank you once again for sharing your outings and photos and knowledge, Eileen! I love to see the birds return this time of year. Thats a lovely shot of Mrs Cardinal!
    Great sky shots also and you do take wonderful photos of the moon!
    Have a lovely day!

  12. good morning! wonderful photos...i love your sky shot and the little guy at the bird bath!

  13. Exceptional images today Eileen. LOVE the "V" of the Canada Geese in the sky! [we used to see this in Colorado a lot since the geese took up residence there year 'round]

    I really enjoyed this today.

  14. Beautiful lovely series, never seen Mrs. Cardinal before... My absolute favourite is the blue skyphoto with the bare branches.
    Enjoy the springtime

  15. That skywatch fav is my favorite too :)

  16. such beautiful skies and springtime arrivals. :) love mrs. cardinal posing for a fence shot. :)

  17. Gorgeous skies! Lovely little cardinal! Beautiful moon!

  18. yesterday i was standing staring into our jungle and suddely realized Mrs Cardinal was sitting 5 feet from my face staring at me, perched on the fence. i stayed still looking her in the eye but alas the camera was in the house.. when i moved she flew away... we had 3 cardinals zooming together back and forth yesterday.. i love the trees against the gorgeous sky.. so beautiful

  19. Hari OM
    We are debating the nature of "spring" over here too... icy cold winds are keeping us alert! The birds don't seem to mind; cycle turning as per the usual for them I think... YAM xx

  20. Wow! That's a lot of geese in the sky! And I have a bird id I'm going to ask on Saturday. See you then! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Diane

  21. Oh, Eileen I always love your bird photos and they are wonderful. Love the moon and the horse fence too. Hug B

  22. you are the absolute best and most dedicated birder i know. really eileen, your life and free time are centered around the birds and nature. what an amazing life you have!!!

    i love the migration image and the hawk, great snaps!!! as always, i am amazed at your moon images, the best i see!!! and i did chuckle at your words about spring!! did we miss it??

  23. Great shots!!!! Beauty under so many forms in your photos, Eileen!
    The photo with the Cardinal, the one with the sky... and the sunset, are my favorites!
    All the best!

  24. Helloo, Beautiful post and pics.
    Have a nice weekend. Greetings.

  25. I too thought winter was over -- but now we've got snow on the ground once again.

  26. Great shots of the birds. Red tailed hawks have a very distinctive red tail. That looks like a rough legged hawk....I think.

  27. Hi Eileen, beautiful captures! I have seen some Canada Geese making their way here to Montreal, as well, and I always enjoy seeing and hearing them!

  28. Love the little bird with the tiny fence behind it ~ Wonderful shot!

    Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^

  29. Wonderful photos , Lots of rain here April showers bring May flowers WOOHOO ! the only migrating birds left for us now to show up are the Warbler's , Oriels ,hummers , Thrashers, Oven birds, Wrens and what ever newbies we get lol ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  30. Gosh you always share the best Eileen! Thanks for schooling me every day. What camera do you use?

  31. You always make joining your traveling sights such a joy. Nicely done. Thanks for taking the time to visit my place.

  32. Lots of geese flying over here, too. I can't ever seem to get a decent flight shot!

  33. Lots of great shots this morning! Yes, we have our geese back, but they are a sorry lot in all the snow that has fallen in the past 3 days. Hopefully we will get some warmer weather soon, so they don't look so depressed.

  34. The shot of the Canada Geese high in the sky is quite wonderful. It truly evokes the spirit of nature as these birds migrate to their northern breeding grounds. It's so much more evocative than the park residents we have induced into forgoing their migratory journey.

  35. Splish splash, takin' a bath! I saw that mooon...

  36. Love the bird you captured at the birdbath! Beautiful sky and one time please, give an instruction how to capture a moon. Have read it on the internet, but too difficult to understand for a layman like I! Have a great weekend!

  37. That's a lot of geese up there in the sky!! Lots of great photos as always.

  38. Wonder of heaven. When doing photo, bird, she looked at your camera Eileen :)))

  39. Beautiful photos I love the fences, I have posted my first ever Fences photos today. Have a great week.

  40. Your Moon shots are always great, Eileen. I don't know how you do it - I've never gotten a good one! I love Mrs Cardinal!

  41. All great images but I love the cheeky look that cardinal is giving you!

  42. Good job on this thank you for sharing

  43. We are seeing a lot of geese flying around now too. And just a ton of robins this year!

  44. Gorgeous collection! Happy Friday!


  45. hello Eileen! A lovely series of photos. I'd like to walk that path that takes you by the field with the horses.

  46. Pretty sky's. I would never question your bird ID. You seem to be right on. Have a good evening!

  47. outstanding pictures of beautiful Birds. Fantastic, as usually.

  48. Red shoulders, red tailed, red handed hawks I cannot tell the difference. I enjoyed the pic though. I love the migrations. I wish more of our geese would head south for the winter.

  49. I enjoyed your tidbits about your life...I like the cardinal shot. As for hawks, I am never sure of them. When I look at some of the bird books, all the hawks seem to have dark morphs, light morphs, etc...and I just don't understand how some people can say this is this hawk. I usually know Northern Harriers because of the way they fly and their white rump patch, but even at that I have been wrong.

  50. Hi Eileen, Many beautiful photographs. I love that sky! I also like the picture of the migrating geese. Have a really fine day tomorrow!

  51. Mrs. Cardinal was posing so nicely for you in front of that fence. That's a lot of geese. We have them fly by over head quite often here but not that many at a time.

  52. Nice photo collection, and your moon shots are always good.

  53. I can always count on you to get a great shot of the moon. That's pretty scenery behind the geese at the creek. Love the grasses. I'm glad migration is right on schedule. Our poor cardinals can't get a turn at the birdbath - too many starlings! I counted nearly 30 in the yard today, filling up the birdbaths and eating or standing in line at the feeder.

  54. Great images as always.

  55. Great series of photos! The red beak of that cardinal is awesome!

  56. Excellent captures!
    The migration capture is exhilarating!
    Happy SWF!

  57. A fun collection of shots. Love Mrs Cardinal.

  58. Heisann! Fantastic...
    Do you want to join National Walking Day ... on my blog this weekend?
    Wish you the best ;:OD)

  59. Hi Eileen,
    fabulous photos of the Spring time and the bird and landscapes. Your sunset and moon photo are spectacular as always...
    Best regards, Synnöve

  60. Enjoyed the photos very much Eileen. Thank you! Hav a great weekend.

  61. I always enjoy your lovely photos. Love the geese in flight, the blue sky shot and sunset shot. Have a beautiful day!

  62. Happy Friday Eileen!
    Inspiring photos and I do love the sunset!


  63. Wonderful series (as always). Spring is really here and down here -- the humidity is rising (Blech). Happy Friday!

  64. Your photos are one of the best, excellent images.

  65. Hawks!!! we see lots of them, and occasionally an owl . .
    needless to say - when my little dog goes out - I'm right there with him . . . we like it that way.

  66. How wonderful to see the spring migration! Lovely shots.

  67. Hi Eileen, Even a Hodge Podge makes for an excellent post on Viewing Nature with Eileen! I love the way you combine the memes and your photos, as always, are wonderful! My favorite this time is the pretty blue sky shot. Give yourself a pat on the back for that one! Wishing you a fine weekend!

  68. Um espetáculo de imagens!
    Amei todas elas!
    tenha um ótimo fim de semana!
    Eileen, acho que vou participar
    desses memes.

  69. Great post. Birdwatching is always fun...unless they leave you a present when flying over. Love that moon shot. Have a wonderful weekend. Hopefully the snow will stay away. Aloha.

  70. Wonderful varied post again, Eileen, the picture with the colored clouds is my favorite this time.
    Thanks for sharing the beauty and enjoy your wekend.

  71. These are great shots Eileen. Love the red-shouldered hawk in flight! I saw a huge falcon fly over my yard yesterday, but I have no idea what kind it was. He had a very long tail like the Cooper's hawk, but it was bigger. Two seagulls were actually chasing it away! I've never known seagulls to pester a hawk, but maybe they were feeling threatened. I wonder if it was a peregrine falcon (will never know!). That's a wonderful sighting of the Canada geese, seeing them in such numbers when migrating is still a thrill for me :)

  72. Wonderful shots! Love that moon and Mrs. Cardinal! Have a great weekend!

  73. Beautiful shots of the moon and hawk. I'm not perfect at naming birds. I have to do a lot of online looking trying to name the correct id.

  74. Eileen, A nice selection of shots. How do you get such great moon shots??? Really nice. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  75. Hate to burst your bubble, but that's definitely not a red-tailed hawk. It's a bit hard to tell on the computer, but with that banded tail it's either a red-shouldered or broad-winged hawk, probably the former.

  76. I know that we have a lot of Canadian Geese around, but I never get tired of seeing them both on the ground or in the air, there's just something so captivating about them. And the moon is equally captivating, your shots are always amazing!

    Stay warm, and have a good weekend!

  77. The moon, the birds and the sky! A perfect triumvirate!!!

  78. Nice shot of the geese - it has been a long time since I saw those arrows in the sky.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  79. Lovely variety to this post, and they are all wonderful! I always am impressed by your moon shots. I am horrible at birding. I mostly just think, "Oh, pretty bird." LOL Thanks so much for joining me for Friday's Hunt. Have a great weekend.

  80. A magnificent series of pictures, thank you for sharing them!

  81. I've never seen Spring birds migration...only in pictures like this one!! It must be so much joy for soul, a delight to observe. Your blue cloudy sky is gorgeous and also the sunset... And the moon, amazing like always! Very interesting aspects seen from so up close!
    Have a great week ahead and a lovely day of Sunday!

  82. Surprised to hear you say you are not the best birder . . .
    You are MY best birder!
    Wonderful photos Eileen . .
    Blue Ribbon for your moon!

  83. Mrs. Cardinal looked just a touch aggrieved at being interrupted at her bath I believe. I love to watch the birds too. We get quite a few raptors around here and I just find them fascinating.

  84. Oh my gosh! Love, love the cardinal and the moon. Fabulous! Thanks so much for joining in R5F this week Eileen. Have a great rest of this week.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. " TCI resort, T...