Saturday, April 30, 2016

Saturday's Critters #124

Saturday's Critters #124

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.
Are Saturday's coming fast for you, I am surprised how quickly the month of April disappeared. Happy May to everyone, I hope our weather will be warmer.
I am sharing some images from our visits to Virginia Beach and Back Bay NWR. While walking on the beach at Back Bay NWR we saw dolphins, northern gannets, pelicans, gulls and a grebe and an osprey on the bay side.

Brown Pelican

Horned Grebe

Red-wing Blackbird

Northern Gannet

Double-Crested Cormorant

Northern Gannet


Dolphin and Cormorant

Dolphins near the shore.

Osprey on nest.  I hope you enjoyed my collection of birds and the dolphins. As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Hi Eillen,
    Hooray - the weekend is here!

    Your photos in this post are marvelous. The action shots of the birds in flight are awesome.
    Some new birds which I haven't seen before.
    Very beautiful series!

    Thank you for hosting.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  2. Wonderful critters!! I love the blackbird!

  3. Great shots as usual. Fun to see Dolphins. Love the colors on the Red Wing.

  4. Lovely captures! Seeing dolphins is always a magical experience! Have a lovely day!

  5. Great selection of birds Eileen. Looks like you had a lot of fun at the beach taking their photos. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

  6. Nice to see you have the Horned Grebe. We have a few pairs at our nearest wetland but they stay on the other side of the water so I can´t get close to them :(

  7. Hi Eileen

    I love red wing blackbirds! Their wing color is so unexpected and always a surprise to see.

    Are you enjoying retirement, Eileen? My husband said he's veen busier than ever after retirement--lol--he actually said going to work was easier than helping me watch our 3 year old granddaughter :)

    Have a nice weekend!

  8. Good morning, my dearest, and happy day to you !
    I'm so overjoyed to be hosted at your so wonderful link-up party, that's the most wonderful way to wish you a beautiful end of your week, may it be filled with joy and wonder, sweetest Eileen !
    Much love


  9. Hari OM
    Heheheh, I was screwing my face up trying to identify the bird in front of the ship.... till I read it was a dolphin!! Perspective worked its mischief.. Happy Weekend Eileen! YAM xx

  10. Wonderful photos! The blackbird is very pretty and I love the osprey. Have a great weekend, Eileen!

  11. Looks like a fun visit to the beach and the wildlife refuge with several great sightings. Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen! Thank you for frequently visiting and commenting on my nature blog ;)

  12. When we lived in Southern Calif. that is how we saw pelicans - it seemed always in the air - they're a bit elusive, eh? Have a happy weekend!

  13. Lots of critters here. I like the red winged blackbird best.

  14. Hello,
    Beautiful photos! I love the Red-Wing Blackbird and the osprey on nest.

    Happy Saturday and Weekend!

  15. Hi Eileen,
    Magnificent series of these critters.
    Photo 3 is my favorite.
    Best regards, Irma

  16. Very beautiful shots ! I participate on Sundays in "Camera Critters".

  17. I like your red-wing blackbird. Beautiful!

  18. lovely photos - great selection of birds and dolphins!

  19. Thanks for your comment Eileen:
    "I like them more than the common Canada Geese I see here".
    That's because you're not used to seeing them where you are!!
    I also like better your Canadian geese! LOL!
    I would have loved being there with you to see the dolphins!
    I love your Red-wing Blackbird shot, a real beauty, both the bird and your shot :)
    Keep well and enjoy your WE!

  20. Ahhh the beautiful waters and critters of the ocean! Lovely pictures, Eileen. Great shots of the osprey and blackbird but how wonderful to see the dolphins!

  21. Eileen, I love the birds in flight.

  22. Good Morning Eileen.
    Watching Dolphins and Northern Gannet what could be better.

    Have a grand weekend.

  23. Good Morning, Eileen.
    Nice photos--you are certainly much better capturing birds in flight than I am.
    Looks like you saw plenty---and pelicans are always my favorite.
    Have a happy weekend

  24. Maravilhosas,adorei.Uma sensação de paz! bjs, ótimo fim de semana,chica

  25. I do agree with you ...
    April has zoomed by!

    Lovely selection here Eileen, I particularly like the Red-wing Blackbird,

    Have a lovely weekend and a Happy May!

    All the best Jan

  26. Helloo, Beautiful photos.
    ~ Have a nice weekend ~

  27. Some new birds; some not for me but all lovely to look at. The silhouette of the ship in the back ground is an added treat to the composition of the photo.

  28. Good Morning Eileen. Your walk along the shore was very productive. What a great selection of birds and others you saw. I rather like the Red-winged Blackbird, not to mention the sitting Osprey.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend and thank for hosting again today.

  29. Hello Eileen.....lovely series of photos!
    I like the Red-wing Blackbird and the seascapes.
    Thanks for hosting.

    Happy weekend!

  30. Must have been a good day for dolphin sighting.

    How good are you at identifying snakes? See if you agree with me that what I have visiting at my front path is a copperhead.

  31. A great collection of wild life photos!
    Have a marvellous weekend!

  32. Nice collection of photos .. . Happy weekend :-)))

  33. Aren't the dolphins fun to spot! I still get so excited when I see one. Enjoy your weekend! It's HOT here already! Hugs, Diane

  34. This was a nice post dedicated to all things air and water. It's so nice to see ospreys being so prolific now.

  35. what a great group of images for me, it's like being home!! my favorites, seeing the dolphins, they sure did come in close. they are amazing to watch, lucky you!!

    many thanks for hosting eileen, have a great weekend. we are expecting a lot of rain!!!!

  36. Hi Y'all!

    Love the sea birds! Really miss them when we go to the high country.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  37. Happy Saturday to you too Eileen, and I agree I'm hoping May is warmer too. It's been a strange spring so far. Your lovely photos make me want to go to the lake! Wonderful times and cute critters to be found there, always.

  38. Will the birds and the dolphins talk when they meet each other?

  39. Great share on birds in flight,Eileen!
    We have fun watching the hummingbirds, cardinals and an occasionally Bobcat walk by. Country living is wonderful:)
    Have a fabulous week.

  40. Wonderful birds series. The dolphins were really so close to the shore. Thank you, Eileen for hosting.

  41. Eileen, I've never seen a red wing blackbird, it's sharp looking and the wings so brilliant! Love your critters and of course I'm crazy about dolphins! Always get to view the best nature with you!! Thank you for hosting!

  42. We rarely get to see dolphin in sea... but they never come very close alike these. Superb capture on the birds and great flights above the sea... Wonderful day light! During my recent visit to a bird sanctuary here, I saw many little cormorants and a grebe.

  43. Wonderful shots.

    (you didn't note the craft in the background ;)

  44. Lovely collection of photos, Eileen! Happy Saturday!

  45. You have so many birds, fantastic images Eileen.

  46. Aqui esta frio!
    lindas fotos!
    gostei muito!
    estou participando

  47. Happy Saturday to you too Eillen. This last month has flown by.
    I love seeing the differnt birds you have in your part of the World. I'm always amazed by their beautiful colours, thank you so much for sharing them. Thank you also for hosting Saturdays Critters :) Happy Weekend!

  48. Exciting to see those dolphins so close to shore.

  49. Que maravilha e belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  50. Gorgeous seashore photography! Dynamic!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  51. So many critters you found on that trip . . .
    I liked the one with the bird flying and the ship in the background . . .
    Thanks for hosting, happy weekend . . .
    How about some warmer weather . . . can you do anything about that!

  52. Hi Eileen,
    there are again many beautiful link in your post with lots of lovely animals :-) Your own photos are beautiful and I actually see an amazing dolphin. Have a very nice weekend.
    Greetings, Helma

  53. There are some great shots there with the aircraft carrier in the distance. I remember watching the pelicans for hours when we visited that part of the world. My husband fished and I pelican-watched. We have lots of graceful black cormorants up here and I love to watch them too.

  54. Thanks for hosting us, Eileen! It is always a thrill to see dolphins in the wild!

  55. Blackbirds always remind me of going to my grandma's house when I was little. There was a marshy area between her house and my aunt's house several miles away. It was filled with cattails and even from the car you could hear the birds calling. - Margy

  56. Amazing. Thank you for this enjoyable post

  57. Great Blackbird shot...Love the Dolphin...Have a good weekend..

  58. It's hard to get pictures of birds in flight. Great job.
    Love the red winged blackbird.

  59. oh, I did enjoy the birds and dolphins! Always such a treat seeing dolphins swimming close to shore....Happy Days!

  60. Hi Eileen, Would you believe that I have lived in FL now for four years and have yet to see a dolphin or porpoise? I have seen them many years ago here in FL near the Keyes. I have also seen them frequently in Southern California Pacific waters. Great picture series! Have a happy weekend!

  61. Each photo was wonderful and I thank you!

  62. Nice work! It's not easy getting a picture of dolphins from the shore.

  63. It's been a long time since I saw the porpoises.

    I like your Red-winged Blackbird, they're always around Lake Siri and the fish ponds in W.V. But they are very careful to make sure I don't get a good picture!

  64. Your photos make it look like you are the only people on the face of the earth! Such wide open, beautiful expanses - broken only by the appearance of a solitary dolphin or the graceful wingspan of a bird. Lovely!
    And, for the first time, I qualify to join your link party. My post relates to animals! Thank you for hosting!

  65. Dearest Eileen; I LOVED to see the photographs of all the different birds flying scene♡♡♡ It sure is a rare chance for me; you know what, I feel great when I catch my regular Egret fly to change places a bit p:-)
    The Red-wing Blackbird has colorful wing with black body♬♬♬ Must be a little easy to identify even for me, if I can see here:-)

    Have a wonderful New Week, I am slightly busy for so-called Golden Week in Japan.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  66. beautiful selectionof birdsin this post.I love the Grebe and Osprey especially. Thanks for hosting and also for linking me in. Hop you have a great week ahead Eileen.

  67. Eileen I've often seen dolphins at sea and I love them but I don't think I've ever seen them so close to shore. That's amazing.

  68. As always you sharing fantastic photos !! Thanks !!
    Happy weekend :)

  69. I am so jealous of the northern gannet!! Awesome sighting.

    Brown pelicans/ ---as a comparison to the white pelican are my favorites of the two. I can watch them for hours at a time.

    Stopping by I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend to add your link to the tool there gave us a thrill; thank you Eileen!!

  70. One of my favourite birding pastimes is to sit and watch Brown Pelicans diving into the sea.

  71. i love the pelicans, they are my favorite bird.. and all the birds in flight are wonderful... there is nothing more exciting than watching dolphins at play...

  72. Nice shots, Eileen. I particularly like the osprey on its nest.
    Have a great new week and Happy May!

  73. Eileen, great way to start the month of May. Thanks for sharing.

  74. That is a wonderful wildlife refuge! I'd love to visit it. Your photos are so good, especially the ones showing action! those are very hard for me to get (too old, too slow, not the best camera ... take your pick (or all of the above). Once again, I couldn't get a post ready for Saturday Critteers == next week I hope.

  75. I always love to see a pelican coasting along!

  76. My wife and I haven't been to the beach in several years, so your photographs really make me yearn for it. Great shots and beautiful critters... Blessings!

  77. Hello Eileen!:) Amazing photos of all the birds in flight, and how cool to see the dolfins. They sometimes appear off our shores, but never that close to the shore. Love your Blackbird and Osprey shots.:)

    Hubby and I are kind off catching up on our rest this week, now that our friends have left. I think we both need another week to recover!!:)) Anyway I'm glad I'm not too late to share in Saterday's Critters, and will do my best to visit others.
    Have a good week.:)

  78. Another sequence of great captures!...
    I loved them all!
    Great work, Eileen!
    A big kiss...

  79. Great Virginia Beach photos! Love that you saw some dolphins!

  80. Gorgeous photos! It took a second pass through them to see the aircraft carrier just behind the bird in one of them.

  81. Such beautiful birds! I also like seeing that aircraft carrier on the water in the distance. Reminds me of seeing them when I was a kid growing up near Mayport Navy Base in Jacksonville Beach.

  82. Beautiful! What a great series of birds, and I love the dolphin! What an amazing sight.

  83. A wonderful series of images Eileen. How marvellous to find an eagle's nest so close to home!


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...