Saturday, April 23, 2016

Saturday's Critters #123

Saturday's Critters #123

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

Happy Passover to all that celebrate!

I have some more backyard birds to share from the past couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy.

As usual all these photos are taken thru my windows, some windows may be clean and some have drops from the the rain or snow we had on that day. Above are the Red-bellied Woodpecker, Pine Warbler and a Carolina Wren.

This Hermit Thrush was seen out my treadmill window.

My yard is full of Chipping Sparrows lately, they are cute birds and sometimes really feisty.

One of my many Carolina Chickadees.

A male Downy Woodpecker..I hope you enjoyed my collection of backyard birds. As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


GreenComotion said...

Happy Birds and very happy photos, for a Happy Saturday's Critters!
Have a Happy Weekend, Eileen!
Thank you so much for hosting SC.
Peace :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Eileen you have a wonderul variety of birds coing to your gardeen tofeed andI particulary love the Woodpeckers. Many thanks for hosting andI hopre you have a very happy weekend,

Unknown said...

Cute birds! I love the woodpeckers. Enjoy your weekend, Eileen.

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen
The birds you get in your garden are wonderful, especially the Chipping Sparrows. I bet they are quite common but I find them very pretty.
Your pecker is cute we have one similar but it never came to my feeder.
Warm hugs, enjoy your weekend :)

NatureFootstep said...

gorgeous set of birds as usual. :)

Thanks for hosting :)

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I love your Hermit Thrush. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great Saturday. Greetings, Jo

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful birds Eileen. Thank you for hosting Saturday's Critters and have a great weekend :)

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful photos of beautiful and cute birds!
Thank you for hosting, Eileen, and have a lovely weekend!

chica said...

Aplaudindo daqui! Que lindas todas!ADOREI! Ă“timo fim de semana! bjs, chica

Christine said...

Hello Eileen and thanks again for hosting
I love the line up of sweet little sparrows! The thrush seems just as curious to look at you, very nice capture!
Have a lovely weekend!

Tom said...

what a wonderful collection of little feathered friends

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Hello Eileen, the woodpeckers are really beautiful,they all are....lovely shots! Thanks again for hosting and for all the kind comments.

Happy weekend!

Jenn Jilks said...

That treadmill is worth its weight in gold!

Lynne said...

I like the "hats" that the Chipping Sparrows find to wear . . .
And I like "the looks" of all your other critters too . . .

photodoug said...

Eileen, great backyard birds. Thanks for sharing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tht little chippy is so sweet and you do have the best spot for a treadmill. my glass has more than a few spots....

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Great variety and quality of through-the-window photos!

Brian King said...

Great angle on the Red-bellied Woodpecker! The Pine Warbler is a beauty! That's one we don't get at the feeders.

Kate said...

You have a wonderful collection of your visiting birds!

21 Wits said...

Good morning Eileen! We have a gorgeous (noisy, busy) woody who has been pecking away on our metal ladder propped against our poll barn. Not sure what he wants from it (silly bird) but he's been busy all week with it! I can't really see what he/she thinks is so important but woody does! Enjoy your weekend, I'm off to work but off tomorrow! Yay!

Phil Slade said...

Hello Eileen. It's very striking how many different species you have on your feeders. I guess it's because you still have a little cold weater around? Those Chipping Sparrows are delightful birds with their red caps but the Red-bellied Woodpecker is my favourite today.

Enjoy your weekend.

Ohmydearests said...

Wonderful images! You are surrounded by so many lovely birds! Have a beautiful day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It sure is fun to capture the woodpeckers swinging on the feeders! Happy weekend sweet lady! Hugs, Diane

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Now that's a great idea- watching birds outside while exercising! Thanks for hosting, Eileen!

Linda W. said...

Your first photo of the red bellied woodpecker is fantastic!

Sharon Wagner said...

You must have so much fun watching all your back yard critters. They are good reason to keep the windows clean!

Irene said...

Great post! Love the woodpecker. Used to have them here too, but it's been a while since the last visit. Love to have them back :)

Happy weekend!

Debbie said...

WoW!!! full house for sure, you have a lot of beautiful birds visiting. your captures are beautiful!!!

riitta k said...

That woodpecker is so cute! I photographed today my life's first bird photos. A pidgeon :))) But you have to start somewhere :)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eileen and thank you for hosting. A wonderful collection of backyard birds you have shared. I love the red bellied woodpecker. We have a lot of chickadees, too. They are quite amusing to watch. I appreciate your blog friendship and sweet visits to my blog. Have a great day.

Stone Cottage Adventures said...

Thank you for hosting this fun party! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Outstanding!!! YAM xx

Small City Scenes said...

A great variety of birds----all beautiful.
Thanks for sharing

Bob Bushell said...

I love your backyard birds, they are beautiful.

rainfield61 said...

A snail moves very slowly.
It takes time to reach your place.
And greet you a good weekend.

Linda said...

Beautiful and happy birds! Love this series, Eileen! :)

Ranten said...

Happy weekend!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

What are you feeding your birds?

I always use thistle and sunflower seed or suet. Seeds from fresh fruit are served in a dish along with oranges or apples when I have them.

BrownDog's Human

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

love these little guys

It is all about the iddy bitty eyes

carol l mckenna said...

All wonderful bird photography ~ love the 'head on one of the 'Hermit Thrush' looking right into the camera ~ fantastic!

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

Nancy's Notes said...

Eileen, you always have the best photographs and best feathered friends! Love your posts and I've missed seeing you, but I'm back!
Great day and keep getting those great shots of the best birds ever!

Jeevan said...

Absolutely loved the bird images and excellent capture through the windows! Indeed the birds look cute and the sparrows were bewitching.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

What a great variety of birdies you get, Eileen!

I think I've seen those chipping sparrows before, but they don't come to the backyard in D.C.

Aritha V. said...

Beautiful! I love the A male woodpecker. Perfect pic!

Al said...

Such pretty birds - I love that woodpecker. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Love that plump little Hermit Thrush! He was so puffed up to keep warm. You are so fortunate to see so many different birds at your bird feeders, Eileen. Have a happy weekend!

Helma said...

Hi Eileen, I see again many beautiful birds. I did this time no link (or should I link an earlier post), but next week I will link again. I wish you a very happy evening.
Greetings, Helma

Anonymous said...

That Red-bellied Woodpecker is really cute.

TexWisGirl said...

such cuties. they just make me smile!

Polly said...

Hello Eileen, your gorgeous bird photos always bring a smile to my face. The Woodpeckers and Chickadees are very handsome and the Pine Warbler and Wren are so cute. The Hermit Thrush looks well fed. Our Sparrows here in the UK aren't particularly colourful but they are sweet, hopping around the garden always keeping busy :-)

RedPat said...

I was watching some Chipping Sparrows today - they are sweet!

Amanda Peters said...

Wonderful photos, have seen a few Woodpeckers this weekend too.
Amanda xx

Anonymous said...

lovely pictures, thank you for sharing.

Inspired By June said...

Excellent captures, Eileen! Love the woodpeckers! I have a pair of gold-fronted woodpeckers now and they are extremely entertaining!

diane b said...

I like the hermit thrush with his big fat tummy.

Ana MĂ­nguez Corella said...

Lovely pictures... Have a great weekend...

NatureFootstep said...

The Chipping Sparrows are really cute. Love their head coloring.

A Colorful World said...

Great collection of bird visitors, Eileen!

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos . We have a lot of the same birds here to but your Chickadee the Carolina Chickadee is very close to our Black capped Chickadee in looks . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

LA Nickers said...

Thanks for the prompt! I did a participating post for NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) and the April A to Z Blogging Challenge.

You have to use your imagination on the animal part. Beasts are mentioned, but somewhat figuratively.

Find it here:

Titled, But Not Unbridled: A Rhyming Reel on a Royal Ideal

Powell River Books said...

We have some of our regular birds back: tree swallows and robins, but I am anxious for the barn swallows to return. Hope they build a nest at our cabin again this year. They are messy, but so much fun to watch. - Margy

Anonymous said...

Sorry, you beat me getting back to me about Sat. Critters, but I love linking here!
Thank you for hosting Eileen, and hope to see you there between Sun-Wed 7pm, Pacific time for the Poppies-SEASONS. Have a great Sunday and upcoming week! "See" you very soon:)

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What fun backyard visitors you've had! Today I saw my first Indigo Bunting - I hope they stay, they're a fun bird-resident to have around!

Linda said...

Love your birds! I have stopped putting out seed for a while because neighbors have seen a bear in our subdivision.

The Yum List said...

You really are fortunate to have so much beauty right in your own backyard.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Hi Eileen, this is the first time I'm participating in your Saturday's Critters. I'm truly enjoying your photos and all your guests' too.
Have a great weekend.
Greetings from sunny southern France,

Ela said...

Wow !! Gorgeous photos of birds !!
Happy weekend :)

Nancy Chan said...

The birds are beautiful and the woodpecker is colourful!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Always a pleasure to drop in and see the wonderful feathered friends congregating in your back yard, Eileen!
Thanks for hosting and have a great week!

Lowcarb team member said...

You have some lovely backyard birds.
I do like the Red-bellied Woodpecker and those three sparrows are just great.

I hope you are enjoying the weekend, I wish you a good week ahead.

All the best Jan

This N That said...

Great birdie shots, Eileen...The Thrush looks like she is full of eggs...Hope you are having a good weekend..


Tu es l'amie des oiseaux et de la Nature et tu les photographie avec talent.


Janneke said...

Gorgeous bird photos and I'm always amazed about the difference in birds you have there and we have here. That pine warbler is such a little beauty.
Regards, Janneke

BZ Dogs said...

Cute Red Head!

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Love seeing all the woderful birds that visit your garden. You are so lucky and such gorgeous photos :)

Hannah said...

That first woodpecker is so adorable, Eileen, the sweet expression, and the pink stomach feathers showing above the curved tail.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Wow, I LOVE all the gorgeous Colorful Sweet birdies♫♫♫
For me, the Chubby thrush is favorite -;) The Red-bellied Woodpecker is so pretty and Downy Woodpecker reminded me of my recent tiny luck of Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker p;-)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Gunn said...

Superb images!

Ana Freire said...

So cute!!! Lovely shots, Eileen!
Another amazing post!...

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...