Saturday, November 12, 2016

Saturday's Critters #152

Saturday's Critters #152

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

On this day we went for a drive to the Lake Apopka wildlife drive. This is our second visit here and we were not disappointed with all the birds and wildlife sightings.

A Great Blue Heron with it's fish dinner.

One of the many pretty Little Blue Herons.

I am not sure of this Hawk id? Red Shouldered Hawk? Update: Per Ken the hawk is the Red Shouldered hawk, possibly a juvie. Thanks Ken!

Belted Kingfisher on the wire.

Just the eye of the gator.

An Anhinga airing out it's wings.

My Bald Eagle shot, we were surprised to see the eagle land on the pole and even more surprised when the mate arrived for some afternoon delight. I missed that shot.

I hope you enjoyed my birds and photos from the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Linda said...

Really amazing and lovely series, Eileen! The eye of the!

Nancy Chan said...

Looks like you had a fruitful visit to Lake Apopka. Your critters' photos are beautiful as always. Have a beautiful weekend, Eileen!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

All fantasic photographs Eileen and you will see that I managed to get linked in myself so have a wonderful weekend.

chica said...

Uma linda coleção e a primeira mostra um momento maravilhoso! beijos, ótimo fim de semana! chica

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful wildlife. Glad such places still exist. :)

Thanks for hosting and wishing you a happy weekend. :)

Jutta K. Germany said...

Du hast deine Vögel besser vor die Kamera bekommen als ich.
Tolle Aufnahmen
Liebe Grüße
und ein gemütliches wochenede wünsche ich dir

Nancy J said...

All very lovely, and then came the 'gator!!! Guess even he has some beauty lurking there.

diane b said...

Fabulous shots of your critters. I love the first shot but the eagles is great too. All good.

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful photos, Eileen! I hope you have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great capture -the first one getting his food! And the eagle is so regal! Have a great weekend.

Jo said...

Hello Eileen, I love the Great Blue Heron with its dinner; I love the Little Blue Heron; I love the Belted Kingfisher. Oh I love them All. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great Saturday. Jo

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
My word, that is quite the varied selection today! Have a great weekend! YAM xx

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Wonderful array of different birds and the alligator.
I love all the pictures.
Have a nice weekend
Best regards, Irma

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That looks like a neat place to visit. Very nice photos! The fish appears to be an exotic plecostomos (sp?), descendant from a released aquarium dweller. They get very big and often are released when they outgrow the tank. We have them in our local lake and I am amazed at how the herons can swallow them with their sharp spines and all. Yes, the hawk is a Red-shouldered-- maybe quite young one.

Christine said...

Hello Eileen! Thanks so much for sharing your incredible photos! The bald eagle is a magnificent creature!
Wonderful shot too of the heron eating the fish!
Thanks for hosting!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
This is fantastic. Wonderful shots of these great birds.
That shot of the hawk is amazing with the clear blue background. Well done!!

Kind regards,

Noushka said...

Gorgeous photos Eileen!
Congratulation for 'your' catch of the GB heron with his fish!!
What a fabulous place to observe all sorts of animals up close!!
Enjyou you WE :)

Marleen said...

These are magnificent photos Eileen! I love the Kingfisher.

Janneke said...

Great photos, especially the Bald Eagle, the alligator and first photo of the Heron. I wonder which fish he has caught it looks like a kind of cat fish.

Mostly.Nature said...

Looks like a great day out. That's a nice looking kingfisher. I would love to go birding in Florida one of these days (...years, ...decades)

Phil Slade said...

Hi Eileen. You do have some fantastic shots today. I cant help you with that hawk I'm afraid but I'm sure someone will be along soon with the ID. I really like the Little Blue Heron picture and of course that Bald Eagle - magnificent.

Sue said...

Nice photos, Eileen. I especially like the one with the heron and it's dinner.

You have quite a variety of birds down there. You can keep the gator though--ha!

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Wonderful selection Eileen....lovely shots! The fish in the first image looks spiky and interesting. Thanks again for hosting and sharing....

Happy weekend!

ekullumanali said...

All are ready for action.

Lea said...

Wow! A wonderful series of photos!
Great photo of the Heron with fish dinner!
Have a beautiful week-end!

Magia da Inês said...

✿゚ه° ·.
Fotos incríveis. Gostei mais da primeira foto e do jacaré.
Fauna diversificada, imagino que no Lake Apopka também tenha muitas flores diferentes e bonitas.

Bom fim de semana com tudo de bom!
╰⊰✿⊰ه° ·.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love them, especially the heron!

TexWisGirl said...

loved the heron shots, the kingfisher with wide-open bill. very cool!

Florence said...

Gators and birds, oh my!! Lovely!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

Debbie said...

your florida birds are so friendly!! i loved them all, especially the kingfisher but the eagle was my favorite!!

i can't help on the hawk, i hope you got an i.d. have an awesome weekend eileen!!!

rainfield61 said...

I wonder whether these birds know about Saturday's Critters.
Otherwise they will make up for this weekly event.

Mary Hone said...

I love love that first shot of the heron. You have some great shots here.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
marvelous photos of the different birds and the gator.
Enjoy your weekend ahead.
Best, Synnöve

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, belas fotos que mostram a beleza animal, as mesmas são perfeitas, gosto muito da Graça Real, é uma ave espectacular.
Bom fim de semana,

Small City Scenes said...

All great shots. Love the Kingfisher and the Heron with lunch.
Have a great weekend

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he sure looks happy with that fish in his beak.. love all the pics, especially that big EYE gator

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Wow, you have some great close-up shots here. Very nice work! I especially love the Great Blue Heron with fish dinner and the Belted Kingfisher. Another great Saturday's Critters and I'm going to link up with my Cracker Jack Bears. :-) Thanks for hosting, Eileen, and have a happy weekend!

Linda W. said...

Fantastic photo of the heron with a fish in its mouth!

GranthamLynn said...

I love joining you every week. Thanks for letting us horse people join the party!
Have a great party!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Great action shots of your birds, Eileen.

Of course the successful fisher wins the show!

GreenComotion said...

Very beautiful critters and photos.
Thanks for hosting.
Have a Happy Weekend!
Peace :)

21 Wits said...

Good morning Eileen, I think that Gator is saying, I've got my eye on you! Great day out for you too! Have a wonderful weekend.

photodoug said...

Eileen, Happy Veterans' Day weekend. Great photo of the Blue Heron feasting. Thanks for sharing.

Lynn said...

I do love the critters. Thank you for the fun post!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

You caught a great menagerie. Love that eagle shot.

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

That gator eye! captivating..

rupam sarma said...

Helloo, Beautiful photos.
Have a nice weekend. Greetings.

Anonymous said...

Well, although you "had me" at the Heron, my eyes grew a tad larger with the Hawk (red-shoulder, I think) and then I saw and read about your Eagle shot. It is mating season you know, so nothing wrong with an afternoon delight!!...:)JP

HappyK said...

Amazing shots. Love the blue heron with his dinner.

Sonja said...

You must be in the South to be seeing all that green and lovely birds, to say nothin of the alligator!

Marit said...


Beautiful photos! The Bald Eagle and the Gator is great shots.

Happy Weekend!

RedPat said...

Fabulous, Eileen! This is going to be a winter of great pics from you!

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

Amazing shots as always! I had to chuckle at the first one because this morning when I went for my walk and was in the alley behind my son's house one of his cats crossed my path with something dangling from HER mouth that she'd found in the neighbor's garden. Shudder. That regal and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Someone had a lucky day an we all reap the benefits

Little Wandering Wren said...

Luckily I know you have a great big zoom as that eye of the gator is way too close for my liking!
Have a great Sunday
Wren x

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Stunning shots - love the heron and the big fish. Everything is wonderful - well the alligator is a little scary, but great shot.

Linda said...

Excellent bird photos as usual, Eileen!

Stewart M said...

Great set of pictures. The fish that the heron has caught is an odd looking beast!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Anni said...

When we lived in Colorado, bald eagles were seen often...but here in Texas, I've not seen ANY! Would I ever love to see one in the wild. What a great series today, Eileen.

Thanks so much for adding your link this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'. It's always a pleasure to stop by and visit with you.

Sussi said...

great photos!

Ela said...

Wow !! These are beautiful critters and photos !!
Happy weekend !

baili said...

you have wonderful way of capturing .birds and gator are eye holder

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Wonderful shots of some fantastic birds, Eileen.
Thanks for hosting.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful array of the birds Eileen, and of course, the gator.

This N That said...

Fantastic shots, Eileen. Love the hungry Heron and the gator..great variety..

R's Rue said...


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Adore the shot of the GB having dinner -- and all of your photos are so wonderful -- I am so delighted that you are where you are!! For your pictures, for the hints of places we need to visit this season (starting next month as soon as we get there and get organized!) .... and just because I'm so happy for you that you're there. (Happy happy, but must confess to huge envy of the Kingfisher picture... those guys just will NOT let me take their picture!!) . Also it was nice of you to give the eagles their privacy ;>)))

Rose said...

You sure do get some great bird shots...I would be so happy if I had taken these.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Eileen, another super collection you've shown us here, thank you.

I love the Great Blue Heron with it's fish dinner...
And the eye of the gator - just brilliant.

Sending good wishes for the coming new week

All the best Jan

The Yum List said...

What a great shot of the Great Blue Heron with it's fish dinner! Snapped at just the right moment.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

A fun series of photos Eileen! The gator surprised me for some reason! But the Kingfisher, is my favorite, they intrigue me for some reason.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Lindas estas fotografias.
Um abraço e boa semana.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Such awesome nature photography! thanks!

Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

Giga said...

Beautiful pictures of birds, reptile and the eye is quite nice and not dangerous. Regards.

Charlene N. K. said...

The birds are so beautifully captured! I love bird-watching through your blogs!

Lady Fi said...

Your shots are amazing. I love that first one!

Ohmydearests said...

these images are all WONDERFUL, Eileen! have a beautiful day!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

it is fun to see how you capture them at their best moments. love the fish in the heron's mouth. way way cool. ( ;

A Colorful World said...

Loved the wildlife photos! The alligator was awesome, and loved the anhinga spreading its wings and of course the bald eagle! Hope things are going well with you. Two weeks till we pull out of our driveway! Still have SOOO much to do! :-)

Splendid Little Stars said...

great captures!
That gator eye is quite menacing!

Laura. M said...

I like to see animals like this, Eileen, free and in their natural environment. Good fish has the herons. Beautiful pictures-
Buen martes.

KL said...

These are absolutely gorgeous pictures. Did you use a telephoto lens? Where is this place? I am guessing Florida or Louisiana by seeing the gator.

Les Fous du Cap said...

Très belle série ;-)
Céline & Philippe

Pat Tillett said...

Fantastic series of great photos! Really good...

Nieprujsietak said...

Piękna seria zdjęć aż chcę się podziwiać. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

Anonymous said...

Those are fabulous looking photos!

Unknown said...

Twoje zdjęcia zawsze piękne,te ptaki na fotkach wspaniałe ,pozdrawiam.

Ana Freire said...

Amazing sequence, Eileen!
I love all the photos! Specially that one with the eye of the gator!
Enjoy your day!

Helma said...

I was last time too late to link the pair of kingfishers. Also, tomorrow morning I'm already at 6 hours away and only at 17:00 back home, then it is almost over by the time of day to link the kingfishers. Maybe next week then?

The pictures you see army leaves are truly visionary sich. Great beautiful pictures of birds wonderfull !!!

Pietro Brosio said...

These are very nice critter images!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...