Thursday, December 21, 2017

A HodgePodge

Happy Thankful Thursday,

I have not been anywhere lately except for our walks on our local fire roads and on the local bike trail.  The Super moon photos were taken from my deck. 

I felt sorry for this Dark-eyed Junco, it appears to have a tick stuck to the side of it's face. I hope it fell off. 

November 25th , a scene from our local bike trail. 

A house off the bike trail has a big gnome collection, we enjoy looking at during our walk. 

November 26th, our walk was at the Hemlock Gorge. A nice trail along the stream. 

November 26th,  after leaving the Gorge area we made a quick stop at the top of our lake and the mud flats to look for birds.  

Driving home from our walk at the Hemlock Gorge we passed by this barn. Looks like a drive-thru barn.

For the Skywatchers and moon watchers, here is my almost full moon on Dec 2nd.

The Supermoon on December 3rd.

I hope you enjoyed coming along on my walks. 

I am thankful for peaceful days with nothing special needing to be done. 
I am thankful for the mild days, to enjoy a walk outside. 
I am always thankful for your visits and your comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting. Thankful Thursday
Thank you to the hosts of   Skywatch Friday
Thanks to Tom the host of The Barn Collective

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


  1. Hello,

    Wonderful walking trails. Funny with all the gnomes!

    Happy Thursday!

  2. Desejo um Santo e Feliz Natal com muita paz e saúde para a minha amiga e seus familiares. 🎄

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  3. Hi Eileen,
    fabulous photos of the different landscapes in the Wintertime.
    I like them all.
    Best, Synnöve

  4. Hari OM
    Unusual to see a tick on a bird, I would have thought - looks pretty engorged so would likely drop away very soon. And wow... that moon!!!

  5. Your moon pictures are fascinating - just fantastic!
    Happy day
    ♥hug Crissi

  6. What a marvelous walk. I would have enjoyed being near that flowing water immensely...just to hear it, let alone see it!!...:)JP

  7. I too hope that the junco can rid itself of the tick.

  8. Interesting place to walk and what a beautiful moon. Yes, I have also enjoyed walking this week in the milder temperatures. Have a great day.

  9. Loved the post. Beautiful pics.
    Greetings from India.

  10. Poor little junco! I hope it drops off soon. Gorgeous trails and I love the moon photos. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  11. Poor junco :(. I enjoyed the pictures from the bike trail, especially the waterfall.

  12. still nice shots. Some of the best come from close to home. Yep, poor junco...wich we could help him

  13. It's beautiful on your walk. I hope your junco was able to lose his tick somehow.

    Merry hugs to you!

  14. Such nice places to walk, and enjoy. I've never thought about birds getting, but I suppose they are like any other animal.

  15. Hello,Eileen!
    You had such a beautiful walk.I always enjoy your surroundings.
    Your full moon photo is amazing! Very powerful and alive.
    Happy day to you!!

  16. May you always walk in such beauty!

  17. ...a wonderful place to enjoy nature.

  18. Hello Eileen!
    What a beautiful place for a walk!
    Wonderful nature!
    Lovely pictures from the trail!
    Poor little junko!
    Great shots of the moon!
    Have a lovely day and a happy weekend!

  19. Hello Eileen,
    Beautiful pictures of the walk.
    I also wish you a magical Christmas and a happy new year.
    Best regards, Irma

  20. What a great place you have to walk. Love the junco and waterfall.

  21. I appreciate the many walks you two enjoy and share with us. The stream is so pretty with the reflection. The moon shots are amazing. All the best to you and yours this Christmas.

  22. I haven't been anywhere much either so I thank you for the nice walk through nature, Eileen! The poor Junco!

  23. LOL, Gnomes are so cool! I have several and often pose them doing various mischievous things that I have previously blogged about. It is good to have fun. A smile and some laughter makes everything better.
    Enjoy your day.

  24. One more gnome and they can take over the world.

  25. We enjoyed coming down along your walks...and the supermoon.
    Have a joyful pre-Christmas weekend!

  26. poor juno, i get a lot of injured birds here at my feeders!!!

    you have beautiful places to walk, and your moon shots are always the best. i have a few too that i need to share!!!

  27. I have never seen a tick on a bird and i just googled it and found this which was a shock.
    Nearly all ticks I've seen on birds have been attached near eyes, ear canals, crowns, or foreheads--the sorts of places where a beak can't nip. A bird probably has trouble scratching off ticks with its claws, so it's easy for the parasite to hang onto a bird's head while taking a blood meal.
    those gnomes are so cute, i enlarged and i like the one with his arms on his head best of all

  28. Poor old Junco, that must be a gigantic tic. The best are beautiful.

  29. Beautiful photos and I love the gnomes! I might need to get one! Thanks for linking up today Eileen!

  30. I hope the tick fell off too!
    Very nice trail.
    Always love your moon shots.

  31. How fun to walk alongside rushing water..the moons shots are wonderful..and I am like you hoping that tick fell off the Junco!
    Hope you have a wonderful holiday!!

  32. This is a wonderful collection of photos to demo that you don’t need to wander far to see that beauty surrounds you. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  33. The Gorge hike looks so beautiful!! Love your moon shots, too.

  34. I love your collection of photos. That first pic of the moon is spectacular!!

  35. You have great places for walks. Feel sorry for the little bird. Hope it fell off.

  36. I wish I had gotten a shot of the moon on the appropriate date. Thanks for posting this.

  37. Nice walks..and, isn't amazing that folks were actually walking on that moon!?

  38. Love some of these, Eileen. That walk along the creek would be wonderful...that barn looks interesting. Just a beautiful area!

  39. Very nice trail indeed.The moon shots are stunning.
    Have a lovely day and a happy weekend!

  40. That is a big fat tick! I really hope it will fall off. Nice walking trail!

  41. Wonderful walks and photos, Eileen. Poor little Junco. Amazing you got such a great shot. Hope that tick is gone, too.

  42. Awesome shots..pretty scenery..Thanks for taking us along on your walks..I always enjoy your photos..Merry Christmas

  43. Super Moon shots. I hope the Junco is ok. I am not a Gnome fan but someone has to be---LOL

  44. Awesome moon shots ~ love the Gnomes and the sweet bird photo!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year to you all,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  45. Loved these photographs Eileen.
    Merry Christmas Wishes to you and yours.

    All the best Jan

  46. Hi Eileen, I sure miss the Junco's - have not seen any here in my neighborhood or community. Had seen several up in Ocala, FL though. Have a wonderful weekend. Merry Christmas!

  47. That trail along the stream looks so peaceful :)

  48. Gnomes!
    Interesting barn
    Merry Christmas!

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. Lovely landscapes. The gnomes seem out of place, but they are amusing.

  51. Good moon pictures.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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