Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

HAPPY 4th of July to everyone!

I tried to make my mosaic this week with red, white and blue colors. So, I have some Bluejays, Cardinals, my pretty Bluebird, a Penta flower called Butterfly red, the flag on my deck and a pretty sky photo.

I like these flowers and they reminded me seeing red fireworks exploding in the sky.

I am linking up with three memes with this post

 for Mosaic Monday  Thanks to the host Mary of Little Red house
Blue Monday   Thanks to host, Sally of Smily Sally
Ruby Tuesday  Thanks to host, Mary  of Work of the Poet

Thanks to everyone who visit my blog and post, Have a great 4th of July and a great week.


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Thanks for the pretty photos.They really do show the red,white and blue very well.

Inday said...

Ah, they're all a marvel to me Eileen. Great concept of making them into a collage to make post a lot easier. Wish I can hold one of those birds. Mine in my yards just want me to leave them alone to enjoy their feed!

Have a safe day through the week! :)

I always enjoy your nature.

Claudia said...

Oh my goodness Eileen what a stunning post this week.

The colors pop off the page.

Lovin the red white and blue theme of course.

HOpe you are having the best 4th.


Snap said...

Eileen, Well done! They are all lovely ... red, white and blue! Happy Holiday!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I just knew there would be red, white & blue birds in your mosaic Eileen - well done!
Happy 4th of July to you.

EG CameraGirl said...

Very nice, Eileen. I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

Traci said...

I love seeing your mosaics each week! Love watching our birds, but seldom get good photos of them. You do a wonderful job!

A Garden of Threads said...

Wonderful pictures of the birds, the bluejay is fantastic. Such saucy fellows. Have a wonderful week and take care.

Lori E said...

We have Stellar Jays here in B.C. They look different than yours. Oh how I wish we had those beautiful red cardinals.

Mary said...

LOVE your red, white and blue!!! Have a wonderful holiday! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely...Happy 4th Eileen...Michelle

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Perfect post for the 4th of July. Great shots.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Indrani said...

Great collages!
Greetings from India!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: A wonderful showing of the red, white and blue in birds and flower.

Carol said...

great shot, Eileen! Love the birds and the red flower does seem festive for the fourth! Very pretty!

SmilingSally said...

U hope you had a happy 4th; we did.

Happy Blue Monday, Eileen!

Joyce said...

Love your nature mosaics. You are so lucky to have so many beautiful birds in your area. We have lots of seagulls here and every so often I spot a bird. We do have large cranes and one was in my driveway last week just walking back and forth and driving the dog nuts:-) I use to put out a feeder but other animals would eat from the feeder and then some decided to live in our attic so no more feeders for us.

Anonymous said...

I love visiting your blog as I get to see so many birds that we don't have here in Australia. Thanks for posting about them and of course, for your wonderful pictures!

Best wishes and happy 4th of July from your Aussie friends,
Natasha, Stacey and Holly.

diane b said...

Great holiday pics. The cardinal looks embarrassed. The red flower is a Penta , sometimes called a star flower. I love them so easy to grow.

Joyce said...
I just saw the above link and this week the subject is birds and thought of you. You might like to participate.

Valerie said...

OH, I especially love the bluebirds, bluejay and the flags mosaic! Wonderful!

Lynn said...

Nice mosaics, I love the bird shots!

Carol said...

Wonderful mosaics! I enlarged it to see your great shots of the birds.

luna said...

So pretty mosaics and bird photos!
Happy BM!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

where do you go to watch all these lovely birds?

Jan n Jer said...

Very patriotic mosaics. Love the birds.

LV said...

You can always find pretty things provided by nature. You really found some lovely sights for today.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Good Morning, Eileen!

I hope all is well with you. Loved seeing your mosaics, and I agree, I think the pintas in that shot do resemble firework. I just planted some in our yard (they are pinkish), and I am hoping they do well.

Hope you had a wonderful Fourth and that you have a Happy Blue Monday, too!


Sheila :-)

Unknown said...

Happy 4th of July.

WOW, your bird photos are insane.

Diann said...

Hi Eileen!

What beautiful photos and mosaics! Your pictures of the birds are just amazing!

Anja said...

Dear Eileen,

you have to be a very patient person, so many fotos of different birds. Remarkable!

and thank you for passing by my blog.

Have a great week too!


Josefine Bergqvist said...

Your photos are just amazing! I love your bird photo!
Thanks for the comment o my blog!
Have a nice day!

Chubskulit Rose said...

It's always a treat to see your entries Eileen, thanks for sharing them to us.

My Ruby Tuesday could be found here

Anonymous said...

Can't go wrong with red, white and blue!

Ralph said...

All reds and blues are great for a national holiday. However, that cardinal is an outstandingly beautiful bird a seed-eating and lovely wonder!

LifeRamblings said...

those are such lovely mosaics. i particularly like the bird photos. Happy 4th!

Dena E's Blog said...

I soooo enjoy your notes to my blog and even more so, stopping by yours to check out your latest pics..BEAUTIFUL as usual they are Sweetie!!! Blessings and Hugs Dena

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely post for Blue Monday. Your collages are wonderful. I hope you had a great day. Blessings...Mary

anne said...

Happy fourth of July to you!

Carletta said...

A very unique idea for the holiday Eileen! I like how you tied all the natural red,white,and blue together.
Love the cardinal shot and that little red 'firecracker' flower.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

pick 2 to 5 awards to accept...
love your posts.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

beautiful blues!

SquirrelQueen said...

I love your red, white & blue collage. Hope you had a wonderful 4TH.

Animor said...

I love the sequence of different colors photos. Love the red flower, in Phils you can see them around in different colors too. It's beautiful.

Robin said...

Beautiful choices Eileen - we both went with "firework" flowers this week :).

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

eden said...

I always enjoy visiting your blog, Eileen! You always post amazing photos. Beautiful collage.

Happy Ruby Tuesday

Gemma Wiseman said...

Your red cardinals are such a stunning sight! The shape of their top knots fascinates me! A great series of photos!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

So much beauty around you. Those birds must really trust you!


Halcyon said...

What lovlies! We had some bluebirds in our yard for awhile, but they decided not to stay. :( I think they are some of the prettiest birds. And of course, I always love the color of a cardinal. Great mosaic!

CailinMarie said...

Happy Blue Monday on a Tuesday!
I just love these mosaics - the birds mixed in with the flags mixed in with the greens are lovely! Really Really wonderful.

Stephanie V said...

Interesting mix of photos and memes. Those red flowers are like fireworks...good eye.

Phil Slade said...

Nice mosaic Eileen. the colours work really well, especially with the red cardinal on board.

D. Jean Quarles said...

Lovely photos. Have a great day.

Regina said...

Happy 4th belated.
All are gorgeous and wonderful photos.
Have a great week Eileen.
R e g i n a

Anonymous said...

Great collection of photos. I am trying my first mosaic!

Irene said...

Great post Eileen! Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July .... and wish you a great week!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Incredible Eileen. The mosaic is terrific, but I'm glad you included the pictures separately as well. Espcially the bluebird -- I love that guy!

Snooze said...

beautiful 4th of july photos and the bird was gorgeous.
My Ruby Redness

Dhemz said...

awwwwwww...just gorgeous!....:)

thanks for dropping by Eileen...great to be here!

Eden said...

Beautiful photos as always, Eileen. Really stunning captures. Have a nice day always

Unknown said...

Amazing photos, I wish I could take pictures like these.

Elaine said...

Gorgeous set of mosaics!

Carver said...

Great post for the fourth of July. It's fun finding the flag colors in nature.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...