Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday morning walk

This morning hubby and I went out for a walk on the fireroad closest to our house. I am trying to get back into the groove after being off for my hand surgery. The fireroad still has 3-6 inches of snow and is difficult to walk in but I guess it is good exercise. Kind of like walking in sand feels like a real workout.  My Goldie Girl does not seem to have any trouble walking thru the snow.

On this shot you can see some of our reservoir thru the trees. Most of the lake looks frozen.

Goldie Girl doesn't seem to mind me stopping so I can listen for the birds. We could see deer and other animal tracks all along the fireroad as we walked.

I was looking and listening for the birds as we walked. I could hear Canada geese in the distance, Bluejays and crows seemed to be fussy, a woodpecker knocking, the cute sounds of the Tufted Titmouse, Downy Woodpeckers and Chickadees. A Red Tailed hawk was flying over my yard just as we arrived home from our walk.

A Red Tailed hawk and a pretty blue sky. you can really see the distinctive red tail on this shot.

I am link up with Mary's Mosaic Monday and That's My World.  Thanks to Mary and the hosting gang at That's My World. Also, thanks for stopping by to see my post. I everyone has a great week.


  1. I'm glad you are able to get out again; especially happy that you are able to snap some pictures once again!

  2. Thanks for allowing me to join you,at least virtually,on this walk.The scenery is spectacular.You have to love that blue sky.

  3. what a lovely series of photos, looks like a wonderful winter walk

  4. Goodness, what a lovely walk! I'm sure your Goldie girl had a wonderful time. Great photos - I hope your hand is feeling much better. Take care:-)

  5. Hi There, Looks like you all including your Goldie enjoyed the little walk outside... I love to walk in the snow--especially when there is a gorgeous blue sky above... PERFECT.

    What kinds of hand surgery did you have? I am beginning to have trouble with my right hand --and wonder if I might have Carpal Tunnel???

    Thanks for your thoughts.

  6. What a lovely walk! Your goldie is adorable!!

    It was BEAUTIFUL out today - I got to be out for about 5 hours .... it was HEAVENLY!

  7. As long as I am seeing more pictures, it certainly indicates that you have recovered well.

  8. Great shots! Love your Goldie Girl :-)

  9. Wow Eileen, that is a fabulous shot of the hawk! Glad to hear you are getting back in the swing of things. Our snow is covered with a layer of ice now, so it is dangerous to walk on... :(

  10. Glad you are able to get for your walks again. Love the mosaics, have not seen blue sky in ages. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I was wondering if I am just anxious for spring or not but the birds seem to be twittering more these days and I heard the Pheebee of the chickadees the other day. We had a sharp shinned hawk in the yard today. I am glad to see you on the mend and out looking for the birds again.

  12. Oh how grand! These are just wonderful! I especially like the picture of the hawk!!! Well done! Cathy

  13. Mm, what a nice day.. and beautiful pictures too :)

  14. Eileen! What a wonderland you found on your walk. These images are just glorious!

  15. What a beautiful sky although it's difficult to tell whether the dog is happy to be out in the cold or not!

  16. Goldie Girl is a sweetie! Great shots, looks like a super walk that you had!

  17. Wonderful mosaics as a result of your being out walking. I grinned thinking of how challenging it would be to walk in such conditions. A "work out" describes it well. Be careful now...

  18. Happy to hear you are getting out. Your Goldie girl is a bauty. Gorgeous shots.

  19. Goldie is so comfortable in the snow. I love your shadows on one of the photos.

    Hope for a speedy recovery of your hand.

  20. What a beautiful winter walk! Looks like you had beautiful weather for it!

  21. What a wonderful view to see on your walk. Just lovely. Sometimes the snow gets overwhelming, but it sure is pretty! : ) Your dog is beautiful.

  22. It is wonderful to see your winter photos way over here in sunny Australia, so thankyou for sharing with us. Thank you also for coming to my blog and for your lovely comment. Have a great week.

  23. What a picturesque walk. It looks so pretty and Goldie is adorable. Hope your hand is better soon.

  24. These are lovely - all too soon the snow will be but a memory and you've captured it wonderfully -we have a couple of Redtail Hawks nearby and the birds are chatting away - sounds like an aviary. I love it!
    Hope you have a great day,

  25. The hawk is amazing! I always loved walking in fresh snow to see what tracks I could find! It's even fun to see little bird tracks in the snow! Happy Monday! ♥

  26. Hi Eileen, That sure was a nice walk! Beautiful pictures. Enjoyed the picture of the Red-Tailed Hawk and the photographs of your pup. Have a wonderful day!

  27. Lovely mosaic. Don't you love sunny winter days - the air is so clear.

    Carolina Mts

  28. Hi Eileen!
    Beautiful photos and mosaics. That last picture is truly amazing. I hope you submit your photos to local papers and tv news stations because you take awesome photos!

  29. An absolutely gorgeous set of photos!!! I loved seeing that amazing hawk shot...and what a sweet furbaby!!! Have a wonderful day!!!

  30. Glad to hear you're out and around. Great hike!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  31. These are wonderful winter shots. I'm sorry you had to have hand surgery and hope your recovery will be complete soon.

  32. How wonderful to be able and get out for a good walk! It does look cold, but such a beautiful place to walk and I love the hawk and, of course, your beautiful doggie! Your photos are superb as always and I really enjoyed the walk! Hope you have a great week, Eileen!


  33. You present them so well, truly lovely shots.

  34. Beautiful set of winter shots. The pet is surely enjoying it.

  35. What a wonderful dog. I do love snow and sunshine - so magical, just like your photos.

  36. Sheba and I want to go for a walk with you!!

  37. Great shots of winter and lovely mosaics. Have a warm and nice day.

  38. That looks like such a beautiful, peaceful place to walk! What a sweet companion you have :)

  39. Goldie Girl! What an absolute cutie, love that photo! The mosaics are great too!

  40. Goldie Girl sounds like the perfect companion for walking along a trail!

  41. What a gorgeous day topped off with a shot of the bird. :-)

  42. Really beautiful photos. I love the scenes and your Goldie is such a cutie.

  43. A walk with hubby in sunny, cold weather with birds and your dog--what could be better?

  44. I just came over from Fungal Threads. Thanks for taking me on your walk. Great day!

  45. Your photos are quite beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    All the best, Boonie

  46. What a lovely walk Eileen, all the photos were great and I enjoyed seeing Goldie Girl, she's a real beauty. Hope your hand soon gets back to normal.

  47. You have a beautiful place for winter walks, I love the scenes in your collages.

    Goldie Girl is so beautiful and she looks like the perfect hiking companion. Great shot of the hawk against that blue sky.

  48. Lovely collages -- I see the hawk's red tail! Glad you are able to get out again.

  49. Nothing better than a walk in the woods with your dog and camera! Beautiful pictures.

  50. Bare winter trees have a charm on their own. They let you see beyond and yonder. What is Goldie contemplating...ready for a hug?

  51. I have a red parka and yellow pants when I go to the snowy mountins like yours. Easy for people to find me if I get lost.

    Looks like the snow is hanging around for quite a while yet.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. " TCI resort, T...