Friday, September 9, 2011

My latest lifer...Cape May Warbler

For my Friday Ark and Camera Critters post I am showing my latest lifer the Cape May Warbler.

The coolest thing about my new lifer, It was seen right on the fireroad in the reservoir just across from my house. Usually I will run all around trying to add a new bird to my life list and this one practically came to me. Very NICE!

The Cape May Warblers are described to have a blackish crown, yellow eyebrow with some chestnut. A yellow throat but may have some chestnut at the throat area too. Olive green back, yellow rump, white belly and undertail and a white wing patch. Breast side and upper belly are streaked with black.

I have seen different warblers over the years at these same berries they are on the top of the plant or tree called the Devil's Walking stick, also known as Hercules Club. What names! I think the white and the purple colored berries are pretty. I was very happy to see this beautiful bird and to add another warbler to my life list.  Now, I have to figure out how to grow this plant in my yard from the berries. Is this possible, does anyone know? I assume there are seeds in these berries. How cool would that be to have this plant in my yard and have all these beautiful warblers coming to eat the berries.

I hope you enjoyed my new lifer the Cape May Warbler  and to see more cute and wonderful animals please visit the Friday Ark  and Camera Critters.  Thanks to the hosts of both the Friday Ark and Misty Dawn of Camera Critters. Thank you also for stopping by to see my post. \

I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend and HAPPY BIRDING...


TexWisGirl said...

i'm just as impressed with that tree as i am with the warbler. beautiful! :)

NCmountainwoman said...

I love your blog. I'm looking forward to checking your archived posts.

Unknown said...

I agree! those flowers are pretty as well, but to catch a bird, and such a special bird - awesome!

Elaine said...

How exciting for you! You definitely need to figure out how to have some of that Devil's Walking Stick in your yard.

Sue said...

Glad you got another bird for your list. I'm not really sure what that plant is--I'm sure it would grow from seed, but it might be easier to take cuttings from the tips of the branches and get those rooted. See if you can find out the name of it--that would help.

Bob Bushell said...

Well done on another lifer.

Unknown said...

Those dark berries make such a wonderful background.

Carletta said...

I know this was very special for you Eileen - congrats on the capture!
I love that tree. I'm going to google that and see if it will grow here. It's an attractive plant and attracting birds is a plus. :)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet-looking bird.

Dan Huber said...

great life bird!


Kay L. Davies said...

Very pretty bird and very pretty berries. I hope you figure out how to grow them to attract the warblers.
I love reading about the bird coming to you, instead of you looking for it. Wonderful!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Powell River Books said...

Good capture. I always have trouble being quiet enough to get birds to "pose" for me. - Margy

EG CameraGirl said...

How exciting, Eileen! I haven't started my life list yet but I really think I should. It sounds like a fun thing to do.

Where do you keep your list?

Cheryl said...

Nice shots. I'm so happy one of the birds on your life list came to you for a change!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful bloom and the pretty bird is a great bonus.

Beautiful critter.

Pussy Cat, have a blessed Sunday!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of the bird. said...

I dont know who is more beautiful...the bird or the berries....with the dopubt...I chose BOTH



eden said...

Great shots of the warbler. Love all your photos.

Francisca said...

I'm learning a lot about birding from you, Eileen, and your enthusiasm is infectious. This is a pretty Cape May Warbler, and I'm also fascinated by the white, black and pink plant right behind him.

Phil Slade said...

It's always good to get a new bird Eileen and even better so close to home and when you are least expecting it. Shows the value of always keeping your eyes and ears open! Good idea about the berries and I'm sure they will grow if you pot a few up on the windowsill where you can watch them.

Unknown said...

I can see that you had fun running after this cute little bird. Happy birding...Thomas

Tammy said...

The bird is nice, but what really caught my eye is that wonderful plant in the background. It adds so much interest to your shot.

Gattina said...

I have never seen such plant or tree, these colored berries are really beautiful and the little yellow bird fits in perfecty !

Anonymous said...

Ive never seen or heard of such a plant. The photos are wonderful.

chris said...

Wow i would love to have lifers coming to me instead of me running after them ;-) BEautiful lifer you got, and even more, you got nice shots! congrats!

NatureFootstep said...

congrats to the lifer. But it did not really want to cooperate, did it? But you got shots enough to id it. :)

936000 said...

Congrats on your Cape May Warbler!!! I love the wee warblers! Wish I could help with the plant issue, but I am clueless!

Dawn Fine said...

Congrats! one of my favorite warblers~

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely birds, it's always nice when a new bird is so co-operative!

Icy BC said...

What an exciting finding! The flowers and the berries stood out beautifully with the Cape May Warbler.

Anonymous said...

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