Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes;

I am featuring the Anhinga  we saw on the Anhinga trail in the Everglades National Park this week.  It seems only right that they have a trail named after them in this park. We saw so many Anhingas, I would think their population is not at risk.

 COOL eyes!

The Anhinga species is found all over the world. They are sometimes called a Snakebird, American Darter, or a Water Turkey. 

Anhinga rookery in the Everglades National Park. They are cute fluffy babies.

Juveniles will stay brown until after the second or third winter.

Within two weeks the tan down is replaced with white down. After three week from hatching the juvenile's first feathers will appear. The baby on the nest a the bald head, the down will appear later.

The female Anhinga has a light brown head and neck and upper chest. And the male is a glossy black-green and it wings and tail a black-blue. The tip of the tail has white feathers. The back upper part of the body is streaked with white.

 Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your nice comments.
Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.
I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


chica said...

Lindíssimas e a primeira foto, ainda mais! beijos,chica

Arija said...

Beautifully documented. The chicks look bizarre, one would hardly credit that they could turn into the adult birds.

HansHB said...

Awesome photos!

Rohrerbot said...

I so love these shots Eileen. You've got some wonderful nesting pics here. Beautiful birds with a gorgeous backdrop. I can't wait to actually visit Florida one day. Looks like a lot of fun.

TexWisGirl said...

the first shot looks so much like skunk fur (my dogs just killed one this week and the buzzards had a hey day). anyway, i just recently saw baby anhingas on another blog. they are cute!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!Wonderful shots!And these chicks looks so strange!I have'nt see the Anhinga bird before!Thank you for sharing!Have a lovely week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I can never decide whether I think these guys are beautiful or ugly. Your pictures are great and have me leaning toward beautiful. (Especially the babies are wonderful.)

Faye said...

What an unusual looking bird--and there is something snake-like in its appearance. Especially the neck and those exotic eyes. The babes look like dumplings! :-)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

nice views. love the new header shots too. so springy. fun!! ( :

mick said...

Amazing photos. I see Anhingas rarely and never that close.

Montanagirl said...

They are really beautiful birds! Thank you for sharing these great photos of them! Maybe I'll get to see one some day!

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen..the third one looks like a pig pile, but with Anhinga's
instead : )!!
The first shot is wonderful, and those babies oh my gosh are they soft and fluffy!!
Great shot!!

caite said...

that first one is just fantastic!!

carol l mckenna said...

Amazing gems of nature and your photography is awesome! ^_^

Thanks for visiting and providing great support for my up and coming gallery adventure ^_^

SquirrelQueen said...

Those eyes really are cool.
I have never seen or heard of the Anhinga before. The babies looks like little fluff balls. So cute.
You got some really great shots Eileen.

Phil Slade said...

Superb shots Eileen. I never realised the young ones were so pale and I never heard them called "water turky" before - a bit unfair. Like you say it's cool they are found all over the world and I remember seeing Anhingas in Africa. They are not here in the UK though - not tropical enough.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Eileen for so many great photos and so much interesting info about the Anhingas. Gorgeous birds... Love the eye in the first photo. WOW!!!


Anonymous said...

Anhingas are such neat birds, I haven't ever seen one.

Carver said...

Fantastic shots. I don't think I've ever seen that bird. I loved your captures.

Jo said...

Oh Eileen, what images you have here. I have never seen such a bird. Thanks for sharing. Thanks too, for all your visits to my blog. I've spent a few days "under the weather" with a rather bad bout of malaria. This morning is the first time since Friday that I feel less than shaky and feverish. I hope you're having a good day. Greetings, Jo

Lynne said...

Amazing photos Eileen!

Karen said...

Gosh, those ugly chicks grow into magnificent adults. I'd be framing that first shot...wow!

Maria said...

Hey, you were very fortunate to catch these; they are so fascinating to me.

George said...

Thanks for the information and the wonderful photos.

Elaine said...

Wonderful set of photos! I really like that first shot.

Vores have said...

Lovely pictures! Hanne Bente

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant post about the Anhinga's, they are so precious.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Peculiar species .. Looks like a cormorant with fine beak .. Very interesting .. Ahinga! .. Nice bird .. thanks for sharing ..

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures, Eileen.
The first picture totally awesome.
Best regards, Irma

Brian King said...

Great photos! I've never seen one in person. Love that first close up!

i stora drag said...

Fantastic photos, Eileen! The babies are so cute! I'm not sure they live here in Sweden. They look a bit like the cormorants.
Have a nice 1st of May! Greetings Pia

EG CameraGirl said...

Fascinating! This is a new bird to me.

Gail Dixon said...

Beautifully done! I've never seen juvenile anhingas and was just in awe over these photos. Thanks for all the information, too. I need to do more of that. Great post!

rainfield61 said...

The first picture is a very good close-up.

And what a beautiful eye.

Sharon Wagner said...

A rookery! Thanks for the tour.

Jen Sanford said...

Gorgeous! Love the name Water Turkey!!

Naturegirl said...

Eileen these were delightful to view! Great captures!

Debbie said...

very cool eyes, i really love these images. some firsts for me!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful series. The first shot is really awesome.

betchai said...

what great shots, cool eyes, indeed!

inge said...

Wow the last picture the bird almost looks like it has silver wings

Ailime said...

Olá Eileen, maravilhosas fotos dessas aves bebés que adorei! Parabéns pelo seu belíssimo trabalho fotográfico. Beijinhos Ailime

Brightcetera said...

Awesome photos, Eileen!
The eye almost looks like the eye in a peacock feather. How gorgeous is that?!

Happy Birding! :)

Anonymous said...

They do seem to be everywhere here in central Florida as well. They are pretty this time of year in their breeding colors. Great shots of the babies. I don't see them often.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oh this is so neat, Eileen! I've never heard of Anhinga before so thanks for sharing!

tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

Cool looking birds,the babies look so cute,all goofy with their down feathers,thanks for sharing!phyllis

Suzan said...

Ahhh - those baby chicks - almost featherless are so strange looking. They're almost like a swan!! And that snakebird!! It looks like fur and not feathers!! Would LOVE to have permanent blue eye shadow like that :-}}}

AVCr8teur said...

I am not familiar with these birds and I am glad to hear they are not endangered.

Red Nomad OZ said...

Your first shot is marvellous!! The Australasian Darter (aka snake bird) looks very similar in shape, but not such striking colours. Or maybe I just haven't seen one as close up as you did!!!

MyMaracas said...

I wasn't aware of these birds until now. They are amazing! Thanks for sharing so much information, and for your beautiful shots.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

These are such fantastic and interesting looking birds. I haven't seen them before, so your photos were a treat!

Icy BC said...

They look fascinating and such awesome birds!

Tammy said...

These are incredible shots, Eileen!

Rambling Woods said...

Wow Eileen... These are amazing shots... Michelle

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...