Thursday, June 23, 2016

Blue skies

Hello, at this time we had pretty blue skies and lovely weather. I am a warm weather person and I love sunny warm days. How about you, do you love summer?

This week I am sharing some fence, sky scenes and birds from my yard. Also, sharing some of the clematis, beautiful blooms this year on my fence. Sometimes I find the hummers sitting in the tree tops but my hummingbird likes to sit on top of an old antenna on our roof.

The male Ruby-throated Hummingbird has been seen often sitting on top of an old antenna on our roof. I guess it gives him all over view of the whole yard and his feeders. The male hummer is very protective of his space and feeders.

"When we feel stuck, look at the sky. The clouds reminds us that everything changes."  unknown

I just loved seeing the clematis growing in my yard this year, I hope you do not mind I am sharing more blooms growing along my fence.

 "Where flowers bloom, so does hope." Lady Bird Johnson. I love all our summer blooms, they make me happy.

Another species of called Jackmanii Clematis growing in our yard.

Happiness is feeding the birds. The Blue Jays seem to know just when I come outside with the peanuts.

I never get tired of the blue sky! Above my capture May 29th of the moon and a couple of jet contrails.  Thanks for visiting and for all the nice comments. As always, thank you for visiting and for the nice comments. I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead.

Here is a list of linky parties for part of the week, I hope to see you there.

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences.
Thank you to Sylvia, Yogi and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.


Marit said...


I love the warm weather too, but not when it's getting too hot ;)

Beautiful clematis in your garden, and I get never tired of them!

Happy Thursday!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Lovely images. Have a nice day.. :-)))

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

love the flowers on your Clematis plant and you are so fortunate to have Hummeries in your garden. Great shots Eileen.

chica said...

Maravilhosos céus azuis e enfeitados pelas flores e pássaros! Lindo dia! bjs, chica

thomas said...

nice weather a blue skies,have a nice weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

I am so jealous of the bluejay. The hummer is one I always adore watching.

Warm days? No not me...I like our mild to chilly winters best. But then, if it was warm and sunny without the blistering heat index I may change my tune.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) Lovely nature photos, and your Clematis is so beautiful. I love the flowers but they will not grew in my garden, and after several failed attempts, I'm happy to view them whenever and wherever I can. Cute photo of the hummer, and lovely shot of the Bluejay. Enjoy your day!:)

Sue said...

Hi Eileen--love your clematis--they seem very happy where they are.

Lea said...

A beautiful series of photos!
Clematis is one of my favorite flowers - all the colors and bloom shapes - great!
Lovely birds, too!

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous clematis. love the sweet hummingbird, too. and loved the quote about sky and change. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Fun post Eileen, enjoyed the hummer.

Naquillity said...

LOVE your clematis. they're beautiful along your fence. i'm sure you never tire of looking at their blooms. that hummingbird seems so content watching over his space/ feeders. and hopefully the blue jay had his/ her fill of peanuts... hope all is well. have a great day~

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Summer is my favorite season! And I love your purple flowers...would look pretty at my purple house! heehee! Sweet little hummer too. Enjoy your day! Hugs!

Indrani said...

Lovely soothing blue skies!
We are having dull grey skies for a long time now. :(
Happy SWF!

Nancy Chan said...

I prefer mild and cool weather but I need warm weather for drying my laundry. Beautiful clear blue sky and I love your clementis. Mine is the small leave with tiny white flowers.

Ohmydearests said...

Beautiful blue skies! Lovely birds and blooms! Have a beautiful weekend!

Mary Hone said...

Those clematis are so pretty. I love the little hummers. We always see them in Arizona in the winter, and they are so fun to watch.

Inger said...

Your pictures made me happy this morning.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love blue skies and sunshine, but hate heat. our summer is horrible, i just looked up your weather temps for today... your high for today is our low. we woke up to 80 at 4 am and head for high 90's and so humid we can't breathe outside. so i do not like summer at all. i love our winter, which is your summer. i would be very happy with what you have today.... i am happy with bright sun no matter the temps but i stay inside all summer. love the bird pic

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen. Our Clemetis was and is beautiful this year as is yours. We have Nellie Moser and a new one called Josephine.
Hummers are so much fun to watch. We have a Filbert tree by all our feeders and the hummers like to sit on the branches and watch the world go by. I like to watch the clouds also and I do love the warm sunny days.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Lovely shots. Enjoyed my visit tremendously.

Linda said...

Hello Eileen, your birds are beautiful and delightful! This weekend is a long one here in Quebec, as tomorrow is St-Jean Baptiste Day, and next weekend is a long one as well, as next Friday is Canada Day! Take care of yourself and I hope all is well with you.

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful clicks.

Carola Bartz said...

Your clematis is quite spectacular! Gorgeous blooms and colors.
Our hummers are very protective of their space as well. There often is quite the commotion going on in our backyard.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen, Beautiful views and those blue skies are stunning. Love the fences with the clematis. Gorgeous blooms and the Blue Jay is beautiful!!
Have a great weekend ahead.

Karen said...

Ooooh! Your clematis is beautiful! Mine has finished blooming for awhile, and I miss it so. Your noting how clouds remind us of how things change range so true to me. I recall taking great comfort in watching the skies when I first moved away from home. I was so homesick, and I recall thinking how my mom and dad were seeing the same skies back home. Of course, they weren't since we were 1000s of miles apart, but I was pretty young and didn't know much yet. Have a great weekend, Eileen.

Cloudia said...

You share the beautiful life of a beautiful person with us, E

Debbie said...

your clematis are the best i have ever seen, they are just gorgeous!! this is a great bluejay capture!! i am loving the little bit of distance and the greenery in the background of this image.

our skies have been a super blue as well, but not today...we have lots of clouds today!!!

Crissi said...

Beautiful shots - I love Clematis!
happy day

Marie-Anne said...

We just went through a heat wave, over 40'C, and I didn't like it at all! As for the skies, they are almost always blue in our area! I never tire of looking at your lovely birds and flowers, dear Eileen! They are gorgeous!

Jo said...

I never tire of seeing the blooms in your yard, Eileen. The blue skies and the critters (Hummingbird and Blue Jays) are always welcome too. Have a great day. Jo

Maude Lynn said...

I love that shot of the hummingbird!

RedPat said...

I must say again that you have a fabulous yard!

carol l mckenna said...

Love the little bird on the end of the post and always beautiful nature photography and wonderful presentation ~

Happy Day and Weekend to you ~ ^_^


Thats a lovely Clematis growing along your fence.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Your flowers are pretty and I agree with the quote about the does remind about how things change. Have a lovely day!

HappyK said...

More beautiful photos. I love looking up at the sky and do it very often.
I like all the seasons and always glad to see the next one coming. : )

Janneke said...

I certainly love warm sunny weather in summer, but not like today, it's rainy, grey and hot with a high humidity. Your Clematis are so pretty, but I most admire the hummingbird and the Blue Jay, just beautiful.

Ida said...

Great post filled with lots of wonderful photos.
That little hummer is sure perched there nicely.
Oh my we both did fence with Clematis today - You have some really pretty ones for sure.
Nice shot of the moon and planes.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I used to be a cool weather guy but now I am most comfortable when it is hotter than blue blazes outside.

I love all your colorful blooms.

Mike's Travels said...

Lovely blue skies. We are missing that here in London!

Anonymous said...

Great composition here. You had a lucky day,
Thank you

Christine said...

I am definitely a lover of blue skies and warm sunny days of summer! Those blue skies with the contrails are perfect!
The clematis is so pretty growing on the fences and trellis in your garden and that is a great shot of the blue jay!
Best wishes!

This N That said...

Love the Hummers..your Clematis is beautiful...We had jet contrails last week from jet helicopters..I wasn't quick enough to get pictures..

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely skies, pretty birds and flowers Eileen. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend :)

Photo Cache said...

Your photos show how beautiful summer can be.

Worth a Thousand Words

LV said...

You had some very nice blue sky sights today. Nothing beats what nature gives us.

Alexander said...

I love the composition of the first photo. The bird is so cute. The rest of the photos are amazing too.

Have a great weekend!

Alex's World! -

Pauline said...

Stuck as we are in mid winter, just the sight of your blue skies is good for the soul. I'm a clematis lover, they are a wonderful addition to your fence.

Jim said...

Beautiful shots in this collection.
Sydney – City and Suburbs

ann said...

Hello Eileen. Here I am way down at the bottom of a nice long list of followers. Here the pretty birds have all gone to the hills or even Canada, stopping here in the spring for food and a rest. Instead we now have English sparrows and robins. Some house finches. Crows. I enjoy seeing all of your clematis. You have a an impressive collection. Enjoy your weekend.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Eileen
Your blue skies could rival our Colorado blue skies! I love the last photo with the moon peeking out in the lower corner. You clematis is beautiful! We had a week of high 90's so mine wilted a little and I'm hoping it will pick up as it cools off again. Hummingbirds are my favorite. I have been remiss in getting my hummingbird feeder u--must do that this weekend. Enjoy your weekend!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Congrats on the blue sky/moon/contrails shot. It's a beauty!! Have a nice weekend.

Linda said...

Great shots! Love the jay.

The Yum List said...

What stunning skies!

Lady Fi said...

Wonderful blue skies and birds!

NatureFootstep said...

pretty skies. :) Love the image of the Blue Jay. An unusual view of it :)

Jenn Jilks said...

Right now, we need more rain! The blue is amazing, though!!!!

Zizi Santos said...

Flores e céus lindíssimos
seu jardim é encantador!
e os pássaros vem visitar!
lindas imagens!


Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful clouds, and of course, the Blue Jays.

Jayne said...

Being a Brit in Texas, I find summer very challenging. Especially when I want to be out there with my hands in the dirt and it's 85 degrees and 90 percent humidity! Not fun! I do love blue skies though, and clouds fascinate me. Lovely photos :-)

Florence said...

I love the blue skies! It has rained so much here for so long this year that blue skies are especially appreciated. Sweet little hummingbirds are fiercely protective of their territory. And the clematis blooms are just gorgeous. Happy weekend!

Klara said...

I envy you on blue skies and nice weather (being a warm weather person myself and having an autumn weather instead of summer right now). however nice images.

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Very nice and light post thanks to the clear blue skies. Love your sky shots and the photos of the hummingbird.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful pictures, Eileen. I wish you a very nice weekend.

magiceye said...

Heartwarming images!

Amy said...

looks so sunny and warm there, unlike our cold wet winter weather...

Pietro Brosio said...

Very fine photos, Eileen, beautiful post!
Happy weekend!

Gunn said...

In Norway we have SUNSHINE and RAIN, and I am not always sure if it is summer.
Anyway, we have Clematis ( only a few ) and I guess they come in all different colours.
We have a tiny little green house with some eatable stuff that we are excited about.
Gardening is quite nice. Still lots to learn.... :-)


orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Wow, beautiful Blue sky with Hummingbird♪ Haha, I might miss catching the sight of him with my bad eyes. Lovely Blue Jay and I love the blue sky especially this season in Japan :-)
Beautiful quote, I thought about the beauty of the flowers have♡♡♡

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Maria Glória said...

Hello Eileen!
Birds, skies and beautiful flowers! Days beautifuHello Eileen!
Birds, skies and beautiful flowers! Days beautiful.l.

Maggee said...

I love warmer weather also! I planted a Belle of Woking clematis vine this spring in a pot... It hasn't really taken off yet...but I have high hopes! Hugs!

Ana Freire said...

Beautiful flowers and photos from your yard, Eileen!!!
I do not get tired to appreciate them...
Lovely place!
A big kiss

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
marvelous Summer impressions and wonderful photos again.
Have a great day !
Best regards, Synnöve

Lady Fi said...

Beautiful blue skies and bird shots.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...