Saturday, December 3, 2016

Saturday's Critters #155

Saturday's Critters #155

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

Yesterday was my 60th birthday, where did all those years go? Most were all very good years and I am thankful for each year. 

On October 23rd, hubby and I visited Lake Morton in downtown Lakeland just to see the swans. Back in the 1950's Mr Pickhardt,  a Lakeland native purchased a pair of White Mute Swans from the Queen of England. The city of Lakeland had to pay for the capture, crating and shipping of the Mute Swans  to Lakeland Florida. Now, Lakeland is known for being home to over 200 swans. There are also  Australian Black Swans, White Coscorba swans from the Faukland Islands, Black-necked Swans from South America and their are other species of birds like ducks, geese and pelicans.

There is an annual round up where the birds are gathered for a medical check up. The swan is the logo of the city of Lakeland.

The birds tend to swarm around people who feed them, there are machines around the lake where you can purchase food for the birds. They seem very tame, we walked around the whole lake and the birds were everywhere we had to walk around some they were just relaxing on the grass.

These birds seem free to go anywhere, we even saw some crossing the street. Thankfully the cars and drivers know they have to stop and give them the right away.

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

I am using the new Mr. Linky tool. The previous linky seemed to change in price.  Also, this new Linky will run from Saturday to Saturday. If you have problems linking please enter your URL in the comment and I will try to fix the problem.  Thanks for participating with my Saturday's Critters. 

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Beautiful series of photos, the white swan is majestic.

  2. Beautiful photos.
    Have a nice weekend.

  3. The close up of the swan is stunning Eileen! Have a great weekend:)

  4. Congratulations to your birthday. But you are still young Eileen. :)

    Love the swans. both the black and the white. We have Mute swans in where I live , but no black ones.

  5. I was surprised to open your blog and see our Black Swans. Would be nice to see so many species together.

  6. Both the black and white swans are beautiful and so graceful! Great photos of critters and water lilies. I would love to feed these beautiful critters. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Happy Birthday for yesterday!

    Your visit to Lake Morton had to be wonderful, and your swan pictures are breathtaking!

  8. Hari Om
    Swans definitely have to count among the most elegant of birds! Happy weekend. YAM xx

  9. Wow, these are so beautiful! And as always, wonderfully captured. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Oh wow, Eileen, black swans, white swans, ducks, spoonbills. What a beautiful sight. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great day. Jo

  11. Happy Birthday! (Oh to be 60-- or 70 --or 80 again!) Those swans are certainly very graceful, but I envy all your Wood Storks. As you know, they have moved their breeding range up north! I was lucky just to see two yesterday, the first in weeks.

  12. Happy, happy Birthday, Eileen! :)
    I keep looking at your photos over and over because they are so beautiful! I love swans. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Nothing is more elegant than a black swan--lovely!!

  14. Hello, I want to make more spirit to Blogger's Sunday Walk. The last few times I've walked "alone" - therefor I invite all bloggers to join BSW 2017, and hope that many accept the challenge and document what happens four Sundays a year.
    Happy Weekend!

    Nice pictures this week, sorry for not joining for a while ;:OD)

  15. Eileen, what a wonderful critter collection this week!

  16. Beautiful!
    Have a great week-end!

  17. Happy birthday! I turn 60 this month, too!
    I enjoy seeing the open water, as much as your birds!

  18. Fantastic photo's, there is something about swans, my two favourite photo's are your first and second I just love the framing of them.

    Many Happy Birthday Wishes ... if you are doing/have done any special celebrations, enjoy them.

    Happy Weekend

    All the best Jan

  19. Wow! A swan's paradise! I love your photos especially the first two shots but they are all fantastic!
    Thanks for hosting!
    Happy Saturday!

  20. A different world than Maryland. They are all beautiful.

  21. it's lovely to see so many swans Eileen. What a great variety you have at Lakeland. I was very interested in you saying there are vending machines for swan food. Such a good idea for urban parks where very often people feed the wrong food to semi-wild ducks and geese, food which is often bad for them and can even kill them.

  22. I hope you celebrate your birthday at least all weekend, E!

    Yes, all nice shots; but the one of the white swan is amazing.

  23. Lakeland is such a beautiful city! I didn't know this about the neat! Happy weekend my friend! Enjoy this fabulous weather! Hugs, Diane

  24. Wow-zers!!! those first 2 are stellar!! gorgeous captures, i always enjoy seeing the black swans!!!

  25. Been there. It is so cool how acclimated all the critters are to humans. Though the nesting swans can let go an evil sounding hiss.

  26. Eileen, what a graceful collections of swans. Thanks for sharing.

  27. number two photo is AMAZING. I did not know they had all those swans there. so beautiful

  28. Hi Eileen, This is such a neat post with your visit to Lake Morton. Your swan photos are great! Congratulations on the big six ohhh! :-) Your Saturday’s Critters is one of my favorite memes. I like the new Mister Linky! Eileen, thank you so much for all your kind comments on my blog! Hope you have a happy Saturday and a fine week ahead!

  29. Congratulations to your birthday!

    Love the birds:)

  30. A happy, happy Birthday, Eileen! Lots of joys, lovely moments and good cheer to you and family! Hope you have a very special celebration all weekend; as I said in my post, it seems that with the end of november started the month of winter holidays and much more. From St. Andrew to New Year is, hopefully, all about joyful Holidays!
    Wonderful swans and various large birds! It must be so nice to walk so near of them, to see them in their splendor, (as in your gorgeous photos above) and very interesting their story, as well.
    Happy Birthday, once again, and a great sunday, too!

  31. Had to pop in and say Happy Birthday! Haven't been up to posting and commenting of late... Hope that you have a wonderful celebration! Love all the swans...Gotta ask--what are the long-legged, Ibis-lookalike ones??

  32. Wow that is a lot of feathered creatures all together. Nice shots
    Happy weekend

  33. Happy 60th birthday to you, Eileen! We are the same age, I just turned 60 on October 27th. I hope you have a great time! Your photos are fantastic, I love all the swans, so many, and beautiful array of colours! Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope your weekend and birthday are filled with love, peace and joy!

  34. Belated birthday wishes Eileen. Happy weekend...

  35. Lovely pictures Eileen..
    Happy Saturday..

  36. A series of beautiful pictures made the Saturday morning fabulous..

  37. Eileen thank you so much for these fantastic photos of such beautiful Swans and their history in Lakeland ~ fascinating ~

    Wishing you a fun weekend ~ ^_^

  38. Those are such beautiful swans. Happy belated birthday!

  39. Hi Eileen. What a beautiful white swan, and wonderful story of how they were acquired! Your photos are so good of the lake, and all of the birds.

    I'm still trying to link a critter post to your blog, but, I guess I just don't get it yet! I'll figure it out one day.

    Hope you had a glorious birthday, you're still a youngster! Have a beautiful weekend!

  40. Hi Eileen,
    wiite and black delusions are always beautiful to see.
    In the Netherlands there is also a song about :-)
    White Ibises are beautiful and wonderful to encounter.
    Very nice evening.
    Greetings, Helma

  41. Happy Birthday, Eileen! The swans are so elegant!

  42. Happy Birthday ro you ~ xox

    Wishing you fun in your weekend ~ ^_^

  43. Great pictures and beautiful swans. Happy Birthday!

  44. It's like the birds are saying, "Hey everybody! Eileen is taking pictures."

  45. A very Happy Birthday to you. : )
    Oh I love the second picture of the white swan. Beautiful!!!!

  46. Happy Birthday, Eileen...Still a kid ..Beautiful swan elegant

  47. Those first two swan images are just amazing! Hope your birthday was wonderful.

  48. Happy birthday! Love your photo of the black swan.

  49. They are beautiful! Hope your birthday was delightful.

  50. Congratulate birthday !!
    My birthday was 1. dec., but I am 8 years older...

    I wish you a happy sunday.

  51. Amazing pictures. Beautiful swans !!! They are happy in the water.
    I wish you a good Sunday Eileen.

  52. Beautiful swan photos!
    I enjoyed them all,
    Keep well Eileen :)

  53. Hello,

    Happy Birthday to you! Very beautiful photos! The swans are so pretty, and you have captured them very well!

    Happy Sunday, and I wish you a nice new week ahead!

  54. Hello Eileen!:) Lakeland is the perfect name for this town, and the variety of birds actually on and around the lake is wonderful to see.
    especially in your third image. Lovely photos of the swans too. We also have machines filled with yellow corn, and popcorn, for the birds around our ponds and lakes. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.:)

  55. I do love ALL swans!!! That very first image is my favorite with the water lilies! Awesome

    Eileen, thanks for visiting Hootin' Anni's and linking up at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend. Your post is a treasure.

    Also, a belated happy birthday. Hope your day was very special.

  56. Interesting and . . . how beautuful . . .
    AND Happy Birthday . . . I loved my 60th year . . .
    Enjoy It Eileen . . .

  57. Pure photography. I love the Black Swans, splendid.

  58. That Lake is one amazing place that's for sure. Hope we get to visit it this season again. The swans are so graceful and lovely.

  59. Gorgeous photos! I especially like your second shot.

  60. Looks like a classic assemblage of species in a waterfowl collection but it's great to see wild birds there too. I am sure they benefit from great habitat, a certain degree of protection and a few handouts too! Happy Sixtieth birthday!

  61. Happy Birthday Eileen, I hope you have enjoyed a very special celebration. Good to see your Aussie Swans - such elegant creatures Swans!
    Have a lovely week.
    Wren x

  62. Happy Birthday, Eileen! The swans are gorgeous.

  63. Bom dia, fotos maravilhosas com qualidade e beleza, as aves são lindas.
    Feliz semana,

  64. Looks like people are still stealing our swans!! Nice shots.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  65. Happy birthday! So odd to see the same birds I sometimes pursue in the wild (wood storks, blue herons, etc.) just palling around with semi-domesticated fowl like the mute swans (the white ones) and the black swans. I guess many birds are opportunists and will just go where the easy food is. It would be so neat to participate in, or at least watch, the annual roundup. Do you know when that is?

    Thanks for sharing, Jodi

  66. I can join your Saturday Critters every week only if my mushrooms can walk and talk.

  67. gorgeous moon. hope you had a great Birthday, Eileen. thanks for you all your comments. means the world. going through some tough stuff. hubby has lots of stress. it is a tough time in our family. keep us in your thoughts & prayers. thanks! Beth ( ;

  68. Happy Birthday! I enjoyed this festive post with all the amazing birds.

  69. Happy Birthday. Better not to think as much as a year, because it sometimes interferes with the further life. Birds are beautiful, I love it. Regards.

  70. Beautiful photos, the swans are lovely - I particularly like the photo of the white and black swans swimming happily together, it seems somehow symbolic.

  71. Gorgeous shots of the swans! I love the black ones.

  72. Hi Eileen, In my previous comment I forgot to commend you on your new header. It is great! I like the moon in the middle. I really think your moon pictures are some of the best I've seen in the blogosphere. Hope you have a happy day today and a fine week ahead!

  73. Dearest Eileen; Happy belated birthday, Dear friend. I'm 61 years old, happy to know we are in the same generation♪
    What a GREAT place, beautiful lake with lots of wonderful birdies.  When I first see thee GORGEOUS pictures, I was almost in tears thinking our swans killed by bird flu. We could see about 400 of them in our city park. First 2 pictures are BEAUTIFUL♡♡♡

    So sorry for my absence and late comment. Still coughing but starting visiting friends.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  74. PS; Always make me think back my reminiscent memories with my family going the city lake enjoy seeing them and having lunch together (♡^.^♡)
    Maybe, that's why I love birds p:-)

  75. Oh, what a majestic sight. Lovely creatures.

  76. OH Eileen that second photo in this post ( love them all but THAT one is just exquisite! :)

    Happy belated birthday as well :)

  77. Happy Birthday! I'm always late for the party.
    Fantastic photos in this post. Love them all. That one photo sure has a lot of different long legged birds in it.

  78. Happy late birthday Eileen...not sure if I caught it on FB, or not, I always try to take a peek, but sometimes I miss. I love the images from your share today, and especially the Swans at the top. My favorite is the image of the Mute Swan and the sunlight upon it's feathers. That would make a great greeting card, or calendar cover...just saying. Thank you so much for all that you do. Hugs~

  79. Hi Eileen,
    marvelous photo of the black and white swan. Gorgeous !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  80. Beautiful photos of the Swans...
    Amanda xx

  81. All absolutely gorgeous but I loved the 2nd one most. Maybe because I love swan -- they are such majestic looking creatures. And loved that black one with red hairdo as well. Seeing it for the first time.

  82. Hi Eileen, Ohh, ahh, Swans! Fabulous. So glad you also had Wood Storks there to watch. Have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow. I believe next several days will be cool ones.

  83. WOW i feel happy when visit you because i know that i will find each time very precious creatures hanging around at you blog dear.
    this lake is fabulous and swans are so BEAUTIFUL

  84. Great shots, Eileen!
    But the first two images... are pure poetry!...
    Just beauty, in every pixel... :-)


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...