Saturday, May 6, 2017

Saturday's Critters #177

Saturday's Critters #177

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

I may be away from my computer and internet for a bit. I will visit your blogs and comment as soon as possible.  

Below, left to right are the Black Skimmer, Bonaparte's Gull with the orange legs and the rest are the Laughing Gulls.

Lots of Black Skimmers and various Gulls.

Ruddy Turnstone

Gulls and Skimmers in flight.

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Hi Eileen-
    Wonderful new series!
    I didn't know there were different Gulls.
    Thanks for hosting.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  2. Thank you for hosting Eileen. I love the last photo of the birds in flight. Wishing you a nice weekend.

  3. Wishing you the best of weekends, darling Eileen,
    amazed more and more at the stunning Nature you share with us !


    XOXO Dany

  4. Hello Eileen, the Black skimmer are spectacular with those pointed bills and of course, the Ruddy Turnstone is always my favorite. Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great Saturday. Jo

  5. Hi Eileen, Thank-you for hosting! Wonderful to see the sea-birds. The black skimmer is a handsome bird. Take care and come back soon! x Karen

  6. ...I started counting, but lost track!

  7. that was a very pale Ruddy turnstone. Guess it is not breeding time. :) It is a beauty anyway.

    Thanks for hosting, Have a great week.

  8. Wow !!! Fantastic photos !!!!!
    Happy May, dear Friend !!

  9. Hello,

    Beautiful photos of the gulls! We see them sometimes in the summer here.

    Happy Saturday, and enjoy your weekend ahead!

  10. Didn't know you had Ruddy turnstones there. We get them here in summer. Love the skimmers.

  11. Hi Eileen, I have never seen so many birds in one place. Thank you for hosting and have a beautiful day!

  12. Seeing such sights brings back lovely memories of holidays we had in Florida, Thank you Eileen, and take care, Gordon.

  13. Hello Eileen
    Beautiful series of photos of different types of birds.
    Perfectly photographed, my compliments.
    Best regards, Irma

  14. Paisagens praianas! Lindas, encantam sempre! Ă“timo fim de semana! bjs, chica

  15. Helloo, So nice post and pics. Last pic just awesome.
    Have a nice weekend.

  16. Incredible sea birds Eileen.
    I'm always partial to the bonaparte's gull...they're so small and pink legs/feet. At least I see them as pink instead of orange. Maybe I'm color blind and didn't realize.

  17. ohhh that are many of them. Nice shots.
    happy weekend

  18. I wonder how a laughing gull laugh.

    Ha ha ha ha ha?

  19. Beautiful seabirds. Some of theme we can see here too.
    I like your new header. Beautiful.

    Wish you a happy weekend !

  20. I love the skimmers! Such an interestingly coloured beak!!! Great birds, as always!

  21. I like those skimmers. So far, over the past ten years, I have seen only one in our local wetlands.

  22. I've always thought black skimmers look comical, beautiful but comical.

  23. Laughing Gulls always tickles me. Happy Day.

  24. Eileen, nice capture of the Ruddy Turnstone. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Lovely beach shots, Eileen!
    Thanks for hosting.

  26. It's a rare occasion that we are near a beach so you photos are a real treat. Love those birds.
    Have a great weekend!

  27. WoW eileen...what mob scenes, amazing to see i would imagine!! awesome captures!!! have a wonderful weekend - many thanks for hosting!!!

  28. What could be better on this Critter Party Day . .
    Oh my, Laughing Gulls . . .

  29. Great flight of seagulls. The last photo is great Eileen
    Good weekend.

  30. One of the first things that endeared my wife and I to Florida when we moved here from the desert...listening to the laughing gulls

  31. That's a lot of birds! I like your second photo.

  32. What an incredible bunch of birds!

  33. Nice photos.
    Sure a lot of birds in that last one!!

  34. The black skimmer is quite unusual to my eyes. We don't see them here.

  35. Beautiful shots, Eileen! Such lovely beach scenes, and great shorebirds! I will be joining in again soon!

  36. Such a glorious series, Eileen! I feel as if I am there with you! Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you are having a great weekend. :)

  37. Gorgeous shore bird photography ~ always a delight here ~ thanks,

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  38. Dearest Eileen; Wow, what many Gulls and Skimmers in flight♪ Their beak is really unique with the same orange outstanding legs(♡^.^♡)

    So sorry for my long absence. I'll be back with my regular pace p:-)
    I DO hope you are having wonderful weekend.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  39. Quite a spectacle by the sea

  40. Another lovely selection of photographs Eileen, thank you.
    Hope the coming new week goes well for you.

    All the best Jan

  41. Wonderful photos . Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

  42. Sweet guys! Love the crowd in the last photo.

  43. awesome gull series... love the take-off of gulls in last pic!

  44. The Skimmers are pretty..Great picture of the Turnstone..Hope you are having a great weekend..

  45. There is a lot of birds in those shots!!!!

  46. Hi Eileen, The Skimmers are so unusual and striking-looking birds. Have a pleasant coming week. Enjoy your blog break.

  47. Love the photos and I wish I could be on a warm beach to see the seagulls myself! But I had no idea there were different varieties of gulls, and Canadian Geese until we lived in Alaska and saw them there - Who knew, right? Okay, I've a feeling you did! :-)

  48. Good Morning Eileen!!! That birds so nice. Really cool pics ..

    Happy week ..

  49. Hi Eileen,
    marvelous photos of all those wonderful birds. Amazing !
    Best, Synnöve

  50. Good morning Eileen, as I play catch up again before I head to work, again! Always fun to check in on your critters, and lovely captures you share for us. Enjoy your week.

  51. Hi Eileen, great photos! Always nice to be down by the water.
    Take care.

  52. just wonderful! love the mass of red beaks!

  53. Hello Eileen, awesome collection of birds. So many together! Happy week, warm hugs!

  54. So lovely with all those birds.

  55. It's getting to be beach weather finally, but it seems to alternate from spring back to winter too much so far. - Margy

  56. Beautiful photos! The Black Skimmer looks so great.

  57. The skimmer looks like he's leading a parade!

  58. Hello Eileen,
    Beautiful pictures are in your post.
    The Black Skimmers are really amazing. I have never seen this one.
    With a lot of pleasure, this post has been reviewed again.
    Best regards, Helma

  59. Hi Eileen...oh my I am not sure what is going on, it shows no comments and that has to be wrong. I so enjoyed seeing your Skimmers, the Mystery Bird that I only saw myself the first time this past February. I love to watch them skim over the top of the sea water, amazing flights. Hoping that you are doing well~

  60. Can I consider my Ferns as critters? Lol. I guess not but still I have entered in your meme. What some gorgeous shots you have taken, especially the one where the birds are flying out. Almost a National Geographic Shot.

  61. Hi There, You must be traveling!!!! I have missed your posts and your FB posts..... Hope--whatever you are doing --that you are having an awesome time...

    Great group of Birds... We are at the beach --and have seen several of the same birds here...


  62. Hey! I am new at your blog (: I am following you now(;
    I hope you can visit mine and follow me back (; Have a good day!

  63. Wow! That is a LOT of Skimmers! I thought seeing about 25 Royal Terns yesterday was a lot!! Enjoying going backwards in your blog!


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...