Thursday, February 21, 2019

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thankful Thursday! 🙂

These are some images from our little getaway to Ocean City Md Feb 4-6th.  We stayed at a Doubletree hotel on the beach and we had a nice partial view of the ocean. 

Our "partial" view of the ocean from our hotel room and balcony. The sky and view looked beautiful.  

More of our partial view, Ocean City Maryland beach. 

We saw a few Ruddy Turnstones at the inlet and there were some Long-tailed Ducks.  I was missing the Purple Sandpipers, not seen on this trip. 

A few Bufflehead ducks.  

Looking back at the Ocean City fishing pier. 

Ocean City jetty 

Hubby's favorite thing is to watch the waves crashing on the rocks. 

The temps were in the 40's this day and there were surfers catching waves. 

Ocean City Inlet sunset. 

 Sun is setting and lighting up the amusement rides.

More of the sunset at the inlet.

I see a small line of birds in flight, maybe cormorants or ducks. 

A pretty sunset and some jet contrails. 

FYI, I changed my comment form so I can reply. If you ask me a question I will reply with an answer or I will thank you for commenting and for your visit.  I will see how long this will work, when weather permits I prefer to take walks outside and I have less computer time. 

I am thankful for each day I see the sunrise and sunset.  
Each Day I am Thankful, Grateful and Blessed!
am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


  1. Gostei do pôr do sol tem belas tonalidades, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  2. Uma foto mais linda do que a outra!Adorei ver! Lindo dia! beijos, chica

    1. Thanks so much Chica! Have a happy day and weekend ahead!

  3. Purple Sandpiper is a rarity here, a bird I seldom get to see, so I would have ben disappointed too. The World Wood Carving Championship is held in Ocean City, MD each year. Have you ever been to that? I am sure that some of the work on display must be incredible. The Canadian Nationals are held in March each year and I have the pleasure of being one of the judges for the second year in a row, and some of the prize winning carvings will go on to compete in Ocean City.

    1. Hello David, No I have not been to the World Wood Carving Championship. It sounds interesting, I will see when the next one happens. I am sure the wood carvings are beautiful. Thanks for the comment, enjoy your day!

  4. Looks like a great beach visit and stay with a fantastic view from overlooking baloney! I enjoyed the series on sunset and glowing beach ride.

    Thank you

    1. Thanks Jeevan! Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend ahead!

  5. awesome captures of my favorite place in the entire world. what is it about the vastness of the ocean that always draws us there. the sunsets are spectacular, especially the one with the amusement rides!!!

    i hope you walk, rather than leaving replies!!!

  6. You had a lovely view from your hotel. I also love the colorful sky shots. Thanks for linking up today.

  7. Great sunset shots. You've got to be out there to get all the good outdoor scenes.

  8. That would be a nice view to have whenever you woke...and some really beautiful scenes! We have sunshine today, and I am really thankful for that!

  9. Hello Eileen,

    Beautiful photos from the beach, and the sunset is so pretty!
    Happy Thursday!

  10. You have some beautiful skies! That sun setting on the amusement park photo is especially striking!

  11. I think your partial view was great, Eileen! I love the Bufflehead ducks!

  12. Beautiful series of photographs. You had a great view of the beach from your hotel. I like watching the waves crash into the rocks, too. The sunset was gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your photos.

  13. Great sky captures with all times of day and so many layers

  14. So many beautiful things to see and be thankful for. Love your views, the waves crashing and the birds! Lovely. Have a good Thursday, Eileen.

  15. Lovely photos from your getaway Eileen. Happy to see you saw some birdlife too. Enjoy your day :)

  16. I love being on the ocean especially sitting on a balcony or at the beach. I like to surf but not that cold

  17. The skies are so different and so beautiful!

  18. Beautiful views of the beach from your balcony. Stunning sunsets are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderfu day.

  19. Absolutely stunning are the sea, red skies, and the Ruddy Turnstone, and Bufflehead chicks.

  20. Lovely images of the beach. I really like the sunset photos.

  21. Beautiful and soothing to see all these gorgeous photos Eileen. The ocean is wonderful and those sunset shots... amazing :D)xx

  22. Gorgeous sunset shots, Eileen and love our feathered friends too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Looks like a full ocean view to me!! Love the shot of the pier, and all of the sunset shots are gorgeous!

  24. I would die for such a view from the balcony. Fabulous skyshots. The colors look so vibrant 😊

  25. It looks very pretty. I bet it's chilly this time of year.

  26. Stunning orange sky. I like the way the balconies jut out toward the water. Nice job catching the surfer and all are great shots that make you feel the spray and hear the crash of the waves. Arcade and amusement ride shots are among my favorites.

  27. Gorgeous, Eileen. So nice to have the beach to yourself, too. Love how the sun hit the amusement park and the line of birds flying in the sunset. Truly sigh-worthy! x K

  28. You always make the most of your trips. Your partial view is wonderful, I've had some partial views of just the sky.

  29. Thanks for sharing these lovely views!
    Have a nice weekend.

  30. A beautiful spot to have a few days away with gorgeous views and stunning sunsets. What's not to like!

  31. Beautiful pictures ! Even in winter it's nice to walk along the beach. The view from your hotel was great !

  32. I certainly agree with you about being outdoors & less computer time. After my heart attack my eyes opened up & I realized the world is passing me by sitting at the computer all day!! I limit myself to one hour, blogging/visiting. Now...for your post...beautiful, every bit. I've been to Ocean City, and enjoyed it. I'm with both of you: sunsets, birds, & crashing waves.

  33. Stunning sunset capture,have a nice weekend.

  34. What gorgeous photos, Eileen! It has been years since I've been to the Atlantic coast. You are making me long to go back!

  35. Beautiful, Eileen. I love the sunset shots and I do see the line of flying birds---excellent.
    I am thankful every day I am on this wonderful place called earth

  36. Absolutely wonderful
    I liked the bridge

  37. gorgeous nature. this was great getaway. have a lovely weekend, Eileen.

  38. Hello Eileen,
    a really great view from your hotel room :-)
    I find the stonecraft photographed very nicely but I am impressed by the Bufflehead ducks. We do not have these in the Netherlands.
    The photos you have taken of the sky and his beautiful orange gilt are really fantastic. I really enjoyed it.
    Greetings and a very nice weekend,

  39. The sky is lovely on a winter day! And the birds...I’d love to see a bufflehead. The waves crashing on the rocks reminds me more of the Oregon Coast ...the Pacific Ocean is so much wilder than what we see here in ?Florida of the Atlantic or the Gulf. I guess your part of the Atlantic is more scenic. Have you guys been to Oregon? I remember your Washington State trip ...and I guess the ocean there is the same pretty much )).

  40. Oh those fabulous skies, the sunset is just beautiful.

    All the best Jan


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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