Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween

Happy Thursday

Having blogger problems  my latest post is here eileeninMd Wordpress blog

Saturday's Critters will be here as usual, I have two critter post ready to go now.

Happy Halloween, enjoy your day!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Our World, My World

Hello and Happy Monday!

I have to say I jumped the gun when I posted before about this fall not being colorful. The last few days the woods around our house were looking colorful and beautiful.  Hubby and I took a few walks on the fire road and to the lake.  

We start off on our nearby fire road and see the Turkey Vultures perched on the old Great Blue Herons nest from last season. The tree has three heron's nest, one right above the other.

On our walks, I look for the birds, mushrooms and just about anything nature related.

The colorful trees around the fire road during our walk. 

These tiny mushrooms were growing on a fallen tree. 

The lake looks pretty with the colorful trees and the taller pine trees.

 Learn from yesterday, Live for Today, Hope for Tomorrow! Quote by Albert Einstein

 These are hubby's photos, he went for an evening walk to the lake. The sunset made the trees look beautiful.

Some Canada Geese hanging out on a log at the lake.

The sun setting made the trees look a darker red. 

Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there. 

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday's Critters # 306

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

I am sharing some of my more recent yard birds. The male Cardinal likes to feed his mate.  They really like to eat the peanut suet balls.

Off and on I will see a small group of American Goldfinches at my  feeders.  They like the sunflower seeds and the thistle seeds.  You can see they have lost their bright summer color and now are a dullish looking brownish-yellow.

Protect wildlife, protect nature.  Don't let them become history.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments !

Here is a list of my linky parties;

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Happy Thankful Thursday

 Hello and Happy Thursday,

I have mentioned many times how I am thankful for the small things, like skywatching, finding birds and for the pretty Autumn colors.  

Oct 19th, hubby and I took a walk not far from our house. It is near the top of our lake, known as the Prettyboy Reservoir. When the lake is lower, I call this area the mud flats. I can usually find some sandpipers, ducks and Canada Geese. On this day we saw and heard the Belted Kingfisher and a few Red-bellied Woodpeckers.  

 The Belted Kingfisher made it's fussy rattle noise and flew off to another branch.

 It was a pretty sky day, contrail and wispy clouds.

After the walk, we drove the longer way home around the reservoir and surrounding watershed.  We stopped at one bridge to look at the colors, hubby found a Great Blue Heron flying toward us.  The Heron was too fast for me and my camera.

Enjoy the colorfest, winter will come soon. 

There were some pretty colorful trees on the lake shore, this is the view from the bridge above.

The Red-bellied Woodpecker was heard and seen in a few areas that day. 

I am thankful for the small things in life.

I am thankful for clear blue skies and nice weather days. 

I am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Our World, My World

 Hello and Happy Monday!

For my post today, I am sharing our day trip to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. We drove on the popular Skyline Drive in the park, from the Front Royal park entrance down to the Big Meadows area. We wanted see to some fall colors and pretty trees, it seems this year is not going to be a good year for colorful trees. Not in this area or at home. Maybe due to the warm weather and or the drought? The colors were spotty, here and there. 

 We did see some pretty red and yellow leaves, the sky was a pretty color blue.

We did see more colorful trees up close, when we took a walk on my favorite Limberlost trail.  There is an apple tree near the parking lot, we saw a large group of horse back riders on the horse trail.

 Me and my shadow, our walk on the Limberlost Trail.  These ferns were pretty.

Some of the yellow colors and trees on the Limberlost trail.

 I like the sunburst and colorful trees on the photo below.

As far as bird sightings, it was too windy. I did hear some Dark-eyed Juncos, Kinglets and we saw a family of Eastern Bluebird at the Big Meadows. 

 It was a windy day, The Eastern Bluebirds were hanging out around this pine tree.

 A view of the colors on the Big Meadows.

The Range View overlook, it was one of our first stops and the last stop on the way out of the park.  You can see the view shows mostly green trees on the mountains, the moon looks small but still bright in the sky. 

Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there. 

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday's Critters # 305

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

We were dog-sitting Nibbles and Chewy while my son and DIL went on their honeymoon. I think Nibbles and Chewy loved going on walks with us. 

Nibbles took on the job of watching for squirrels.

Oct 12th I saw 3 Monarchs at our Butterfly bush.

One morning, I looked out my dining room window to see this Hawk on my deck railing. I was glad I did not put out my bird feeders earlier. 

 I am guessing this is the immature Cooper's Hawk, it was looking all around for a meal.

We had a surprise visitor early Friday morning, my hubby woke me up at 2am saying we had a black bear on the deck. It knocked over a metal trash can that had a heavy cinder block on top. I keep all my bird feeders and seed in the trash can, the heavy block was to keep critters like raccoons from eating my seed. Obviously the heavy cinder block did not deter the bear any.  Hubby had a view from our kitchen window at the bear's butt sticking out of the trash can. The trash can was right outside and under the window.  I had a good view of the medium sized  bear walking away by our gate and down the end of the driveway. The bears have been seen in our area for the last month or so.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments !

Here is a list of my linky parties;

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Happy Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday! 

 I am always awake early, it is dark when I wake now. I was happy to see this pretty sunrise on the morning of October 12th. The sunrise now is after 7am and the sunsets almost 6:30pm. November 3rd daylight savings time ends, time for me to hibernate.

A pretty colorful sky and sunrise.

 On October 12th,  I saw my first of the year White-throated Sparrow. Looks like the winter birds are returning, I hope the sparrow comes back so I can take a photo. I also noticed a Downy Woodpecker going inside one of my bird houses, lately more Goldfinches have been at my feeders. I am seeing more Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wrens and Carolina Chickadees at the feeders too. The Mourning Doves, Northern Cardinals and White-breasted Nuthatches are here too.

 Seen on October 12,   is this is an Eastern Phoebe or a PeWee? edit: David of Travels with Birds 
has helped with the id, this bird is the Eastern Phoebe.

 The full moon on October 13th, it is called the Hunter's moon.

I was thankful for clear skies on the morning of Oct 13th, the full moon was looking bright and beautiful.

I am thankful for the sunrise and each new day!
I am thankful to see the winter birds returning to my yard.
am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Our World, My World

Happy Monday,

           To my blog friends in Canada,   Happy Thanksgiving! 

After my son's wedding, my hubby's sister and her husband from Florida stayed at our house for a few days. We had fun showing our neighborhood to our BIL. We all  went on a few walks with the dogs on the local fire roads. Also we all met up with hubby's cousin who lives in Baltimore, we all had fun walking around the Baltimore Harbor and the Federal Hill neighborhood. Lunch at Nick's Seafood Restaurant was delicious, Crab Cakes in Maryland are the best.  

The Prettyboy Dam and reservoir, Gunpowder River, Lake views with Nibble and Chewy.

The Prettyboy Dam,

Our neighborhood, the Prettyboy Reservoir. 

Nibbles and Chewy going for a walk. 

Mosaic of Baltimore, the Harbor, Oriole baseball stadium, Baltimore National Aquarium, Flag, Federal Hill Neighborhood, Raven's Ray Lewis sculpture, Raven's football stadium, harbor. 

Baltimore's Harbor, it is nice to see new buildings being built. Seeing the cranes is a good sign. 

Baltimore's Federal Hill flag, the Federal Hill provided a panoramic view during the War of 1812. This flag is the 13 star Colonial Flag. The Betsy Ross Flag has the stars in a circle. 

Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there. 

Thanks to Cath the host of Country Scapes

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday's Critters #304

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

These are some of my yard birds, Monarch butterflies and a couple of neighborhood birds from our walk on the fire road. They were seen from Sept 25 to Sept 29th. 

On Sept 25th, the female Red-bellied Woodpecker at my suet ball feeder. 

Sept 27th Northern Cardinal trying to hide from my camera.

Chipmunk caught in the act, the mouth shape looks like a peanut. 

On Sept 29th we walked on the fire road for about 3 miles round trip. The next 4 photos are from 9/29. This Northern Flicker was calling out to another, when I found it sitting high in a tree top.

Off the fire road, I was watching a few birds eating these berries.  Below is a Tufted Titmouse. 

I am guessing this is a Red-tailed Hawk, I see a dark belly band and dark tips on the wings and brown head. 

A close cropped photo of the hawk in flight.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments !

Here is a list of my linky parties;

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...