Saturday, November 30, 2019

Saturday's Critters #311

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

Below is a House Finch couple. Whenever I see these finches on my deck or at the feeders I try to check out their eyes.  These finches have been known to have Avian conjunctivitis.

 These birds can become blind from the disease and it is contagious. The bird feeder could become contaminated and spread to healthy birds.  If you see any birds with swollen eyes and looking irritated it would be best to take the feeders down until the bird is gone. 

I pass by these ponds on the way to the local food store, on this  morning, I saw two Bald Eagles on the ground and a big flock of Canada Geese. I know the eagles look small in the photos, but you can see their white heads.  I wish I had my camera with me, my phone does not take good photos.

Click on the mosaic for a larger view of One Eagle is standing in the field and the other eagle is next to the edge of the pond. They may be the Bald Eagle couple that have been known to nest in the trees nearby.

 If you click on the photo below, you will have a better view of all the Canada Geese. The road goes up hill a little here and I took the photo from my car.  The  white buildings in the top left corner are part of a family style restaurant called Friendly Farms. They have been here for years, a very popular restaurant. They have delicious crab cakes.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments !

Here is a list of my linky parties;

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the host Anni.


Small City Scenes said...

Super shots, Eileen. I love to see the Eagles---anytime. Thanks for info about the Finch eye problem.

rupam sarma said...

Lovely birds pics.
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for hosting.
Greetings from India

italiafinlandia said...

Nice views also today: amazing Bald eagle in the field.
I wish you a joyful Thanksgiving weekend!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

These birds'eye seem OK yes. it must be awful for a bird to go blind. Love the lake with so many geese on it. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Nancy Chan said...

The pretty birds look like they were attentively listening to something. Very nice countryside photos even though there is less green now.

NatureFootstep said...

strange that the eagles don´t scare the other birds away? Maybe because they are on the ground? Nice to see canada goose, I have just seen a few this year, very unusual.
Winter is here and it is sunny and quite chilly.

chica said...

Que lindas tuas fotos,aliás sempre assim! Ótimo fim de semana! bjs, chica

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

Awe... These birds are so sweet! I always wonder what they are singing so happily! Thank you for the eye tip!

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,
Beautiful photos of eagles and Canada geese! The kake looks wonderful.
Happy Weekend!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

These are beautiful bird photos.
Great to see the many Canada geese and the white-tailed eagle, it's so difficult to get so close, so I'm looking forward to seeing something like that!
have nice weekend!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Conjunctivitis was very common among House Finches near our old home in Illinois. Down here in Florida I have seen only one House Finch in our local preserve, a healthy female. When we lived in Dallas, the east and western populations converged around 1980 and suddenly we went from none to many. Couldn't find the eagles until I realized that your mosaic was there for that purpose!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cute little birds, the female is adorable. so sad to hear about the eye disease.. it seems nature and humans these days are struggling to live in our natural world. I saw an eagle soaring in the sky last week, the population here is growing. they don't come over us often, they hang out at the preserves

Bill said...

Wonderful shots of the birds. How grand you got a photo of the eagles, it's always great to see them.
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for hosting.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Poor little finches, sad to imagine them becoming blind and flying into things. We have a similar problem here with our koala populations. Koala chlamydiosis is a sexually transmitted disease with symptoms ranging from infertility and blindness to excruciating urinary tract infections and kidney failure. This is now at epidemic levels, with some wild populations in Queensland having a 100 per cent infection rate.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

PS: Thank you for hosting, Eileen!

Tom said...

...around here Canada Geese don't seem to want to migrate, if there's open water they are happy to stick around. Thanks Eileen for hosting, enjoy your weekend.

Marie Smith said...

Cute pose on the finch on the left.

You did well to get the photos with your phone. I never have any luck with my phone and bird shots.

eileeninmd said...

I love seeing the eagles any time too. Thanks MB for the visit and comment. Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Rupam Sarma, for the visit and comment. Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, for the visit and comment. Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Nancy, for the visit and comment. Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Yes, I think these two birds are ok! Thanks Margaret, for the visit and comment. Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

I think the geese felt safe with their numbers. Thanks for the visit and comment. Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Chica, for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marit, for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Elkes, for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Ken, it is sad to see these birds with their sore eyes. Thank you for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sandra, I am glad the eagle populations are increasing. They are doing well here too. Thank you for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Bill, for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Nick! It is sad to hear about the Koala's disease and the infection rate. Thank you for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for participating!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Tom, it is the same here. The geese will stay with the open water. Thank you for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marie, for the visit and comment. Have a great day and weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

So far all our finches are healthy but we keep an eye out for any signs of conjunctivitis. A couple of years ago the goldfinches were really affected by it.

Brian King said...

I've seen many finches with the disease. Often they'll have it in one eye and not the other.

Jenn Jilks said...

I miss our Canada Geese! Glad you're watching them for us!!!
Seriously, this is a good warning. I've got an extra feeder, and I swap them out, cleaning the one. So far, so good.
Thanks for hosting.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What beautiful winter views! And how amazing to spot the eagles. We have lots of finches at our feeders right now. I'll remember what you said! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
There is a nasty virus hitting our garden birds too and maintaining hygiene of tables and hangers is very important. Timely reminder, Eileen! Hope you are ready for a new month &*> YAM xx

Debbie said...

i have seen many house finches with this problem, (i always feel so bad for them) i did not know about taking the feeders down. i have seen these birds actually sitting in my time i will take them down and wash them!!

i see the eagles, lucky sighting!! have a great weekend and many thanks for hosting!!

Red said...

The eagles may have a great restaurant thee with Canada geese being on the menu.

carol l mckenna said...

Love the little birds photos ~ all very lovely ~ ^_^

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Cloudia said...

Thank you dear, E

Phil Slade said...

That's good advice about keeping feeding stations clean. Over here it has been claimed that not cleaning feeding stations resulted in spreading disease in Greenfinches.

Jeanna said...

Mmm, crab cakes, I can smell them cooking now (actually it's leftovers from last night's fish fry). You are a great human to notice those things, that's a wonderful tip about keeping an eye out for conjunctivitis. Very exciting about the eagles, there are a few places where they gather close by in the winter. That's one of the few things I like about the cold weather.

RedPat said...

The eyes look good on these two birds! Crab cakes sound really good, Eileen!

Lowcarb team member said...

So lovely to see the house finch couple.
Many thanks for passing on the good advice regarding keeping feeding stations nice and clean.

All the best Jan

Michelle said...

Those are some sweet finches. I have them at my feeders and enjoy seeing them.

Our photos said...

Like the bald eagles, very nice !

krishna said...

That is a very good information Eileen. I need to keep an eye on my bird feeder.

Sami said...

The finches are so cute. Love crab cakes too :) Have a lovely weekend Eileen and thanks for hosting.

handmade by amalia said...

What a pretty pair! Great photos.

Linda said...

RIght now all I have out are two finch feeders that are disposable. I'll put out my regular feeders when the bears leave the neighborhood.

Sue (this n that) said...

Hello Eileen, its a shame about the Finches eye problems... it would be quite easily spread too, as in humans I guess. That's a good suggestion to be vigilant about the feeders.
That's a magnificent photo of the Canada Geese! What a sight.
Have a great week ahead xx

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Lovely capture of the pair of finches. None visit my feeders but they must be around. We saw them frequently at the old farm an hours drive away.

Maria Rodrigues said...

Wonderful photos!

Jeanie said...

I haven't seen any finches at my feeders this year and I usually do. But I've seen that eye condition before, when I was in Massachusetts a few years ago. Very sad.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I was noticing the finches on my porch railing this afternoon and snapped a few pictures. I didn't know about avian conjunctivitis, and will certainly pay better attention when they are so close, thanks for the tip!

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

Sondra said...

I haven't had a bird in my "hospital" for a while with the conjunctivitis, it is quite easy to cure if you can catch the bird and get to a rehab the Eagle shot too.

carol l mckenna said...

Love the little finches and great series of nature shots!

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
What a nice shots of these eating birds. They are happy with all bird seed.
Nice pictures of the nature area.

Best regards,

Rose said...

I really thought I had visited this I want to check it out on the computer...

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That’s sad about the eye disease the birds can have, I hope everybody is as careful as you are. I hope you are enjoying your blog break. I will eventually have some critters again...I even have some from this summer that I have not blogged about yet. And now we are heading back to Florida soon and you know we will see iris there. Thank you for hosting and for all you do.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

enjoy your bloggy break. hope you will enjoy and get done what you hope for. can't believe it is December already. time flies. but i am enjoying this crisp cool weather. Happy December!! ( ;

Laura. M said...

No sabía lo de los ojos de los pájaros los Eileen. Espero que se recuperen.
Te deseo un buen diciembre.
Un abrazo.

Angie said...

Eileen - I didn't know about Avian Conjunctivitis - thanks for the tip. Lovely photos!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...