Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy Thankful Thursday

 Hello and happy Thursday!

A new year and the first Thursday of 2020. 
May the New Year bring with it all the fulfillment your heart desires. Have a wonderful New Year! 

We spent 3 days of our road trip in Hilton Head South Carolina. I think the Fish Haul Creek beach Park  was one of our favorite places to walk and see birds. 

Our second visit to this beach was at a very low tide.

 Black Skimmers in flight. Click on photo for a larger view.

 I am guessing this is a Black-bellied Plover.

 Another look at the Black Skimmers on the beach.  It is funny seeing all those red legs.

 A Willet on the beach at low tide.

 Sorry, another guess at a bird id, the long bill with a pinkish base is a Marbled Godwit.  Also Dunlins?

 I believe these are the Semipalmated Plovers.

South Carolina designated the Lettered Olive as the official state sea shell.  I think we found one, I just took a photo and we put it back down on the beach. 

 A pretty Snowy Egret, seen not far from the Bald Eagle.

 Possibly a juvenile Semipalmated Plover?

I realize everyone is entitled to their opinions and political views. But, I am sickened to read the current administration has dramatically weakened the Endangered Species Act. One of our countries widely supported and successful environmental laws. This law helped to bring back the Bald Eagle from the brink. We are in the midst of an unprecedented extinction crisis. 

This Bald Eagle was seen on the Fish Haul Beach in Hilton Head South Carolina.

I am thankful for the past year's experiences. I am looking forward to a Happy New Year filled with new possibilities.
I am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


chica said...

Tão lindas as fotos! Praia legal de estar e ver! beijos, chica

rupam sarma said...

Awesome pics.

Gunilla Teckenberg said...

Hi Eileen!

Här i Skandinavien har vi inte denna ebb och flod som ger så fantastiska miljöer för bl.a. fåglarnas födosök. Där kan man sitta länge och iaktta allt som händer genom vattnets rörelser.

Jag förstår din frustration, för alla som bryr sig om naturen och miljön är det synnerligen bistra tider för vi ser med blotta ögat vad som sker och då har det gått långt. Vi måste alla ta ställning för vår vackra natur och dess innevånare och höja våra röster. Det minsta vi kan göra är att göra så mycket som möjligt, tillsammans blir våra röster allt högre.

En god fortsättning på det nya året!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Belas fotografias, gostei.
Um Excelente Ano de 2020.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Happy New Year, Eileen. The Semipalmated Plover is identified correctly and the godwit is certainly a godwit, but it looks to me more like a Hudsonian Godwit, but the picture doesn't quite give enough detail to be 100% sure. I think that any person with an ounce of sense or sensibility shares your dismay at the weakening of the Endangered Species Act. All the wildlife of all the world are the patrimony of everyone and not just the country in which they happen to be located.

eileeninmd said...

Thanks David, I appreciate the id help. I wish more people cared more about the wildlife and the environment. Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Gunilla!
Yes, we must all make our voices louder! I care more for the wildlife, our clean air and water than a greedy corporation. Thanks so much for caring and for the comment. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

Tom said...'s nice to see that you and your feathered friends that the beach to yourselves!

Marie Smith said...

Such glorious creatures! I’ve seen a number of them here, never the egret though. Thank you for sharing!

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,

Your photo of The White Egret are very beautiful. The enviromental laws are both useful and necessary for many birds. The big eagles here in Norway ( Aquila chrysaetos ) have been helpet from extermination by similar laws.

Have a nice day!

R's Rue said...

Love it. Your photos are stunning.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How amazing to see the Eagle right on the beach! WOW! And the shore birds are all so pretty....delicate coloring and nice long legs! lol So much fun to see so many at one time too. Happy New year! Hugs!

RedPat said...

I love the pics of the eagle wading in the water!

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful shore photos ~ delightful to see ~ Another great place to visit ^_^

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jeanie said...

I think I have one of those lettered olive shells I picked up at Myrtle Beach long ago. I never knew they had specific names but of course they would! Lovely birds!

Red said...

You found lots of action on the beach. You had a great walk.

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
What a nice pictures. Great to see all these birds along this coast.
And what a nice shell you have found. Amazing to see that bald eagle.
I wish you all the best for this new year!!

Best regards,

Ailime said...

Hello Eileen,
I wish you a great and happy new year!
Beautiful photos you have captured.
I had love all of them.
Have a good week end.

Small City Scenes said...

I love the red legged guys. Super shots and glad you replaced the shell

italiafinlandia said...

Upon my word, I had never seen an eagle on the beach before!
Thanks for sharing this series of lovely critters.
All the best for the New Year to you too!

Vera said...

Lovely photos, as always. That must have been a nice trip.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You get more out of a walk on the beach than anybody I know. Great photos showing a what a winter walk is like and the variety of birds to see.

I am also troubled by the weakening of the environmental laws. I am in industry and I can tell you that industry had adapted to the rules. I hate to see things go backward because there has been so much work getting to where we are.

Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy 2020.

Michelle said...

I love that egret and wow on seeing the eagle! Thanks for linking up!

Photo Cache said...

Wishing you the very best of the New Year.

Worth a Thousand Words

Jenn Jilks said...

Good to have help IDing them. There are so many!

HappyK said...

I liked all those red legs too!! : )

Tanya Breese said...

Great trip and great pictures! Happy New Year!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

The beach is one of my favorite places - watching birds, waves, etc.

Hootin Anni said...

You saw some great birds Eileen. It's been a while since I've walked along the beach. Your photos make me wanna go.

Rose said...

What a wonderful set of photos...I would have loved seeing them all.

Sondra said...

It's been a long time since my last visit to Hilton saw some awesome shore birds...hope your new yrs was good.

roughterrain crane said...

Hope the New Year will be happy and wonderful for you and your family!

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
I wish you all the best for 2020.
What beautiful photos you show
Great to see that sea eagle, I also think the shell is super beautiful.
Best regards, Irma

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful photos! I especially like the one of the egret! Such a handsome fellow! I'm so glad your back! You were missed! Happy New Year!

Debbie said...

i wonder how unusual it is to see a bald eagle on the beach?? it seems so odd to me!! the shore birds are so beautiful, i enjoyed seeing them as they have all left my area!!

nice capture of the snowy egret, strutting it's stuff!!!

Klara said...

all the best in 2020, Eileen, to you and your family.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

The beach is fun at low tide, and you captured some beautiful shots. Happy New Year, Eileen!!

Lea said...

Love all the bird photos, especially the Snowy Egret! I have never seen one, but we are in its migratory path, so I keep hoping.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Lowcarb team member said...

Always lovely to see your photographs, thank you.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

What a wonderful place to explore!

Saturday's Critters # 584

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