Saturday, February 4, 2023

Saturday's Critters # 477

 Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

Hello and happy Saturday!

 If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

Can you believe it's February, here I am still sharing some January photos. These are images from my neighborhood and back yard.  Hubby and I have not been anywhere special to see the critters and birds. Hopefully soon we can get out soon and see some different sights.  

1. Jan 12th, Hubby and I tried on various days to see the Golden Eagle, it was still hanging around and some lucky birders and photographers were able to see it. We did see the usual birds at the lake and in the area.  Below are an Eastern Bluebird, not sure of the flock of birds flying away, a view of the boat ramp at the lake, the Common Mergansers are being seen every day, a bridge over the lake close to where the Golden Eagle was being seen and Canada Geese are regulars. 

Click on images for better viewing.

2. Jan 12th, a large group of Common Mergansers. Every morning, they were seen in the same area of the lake. 

3. Jan 15th, we drove around the lake giving ourselves another chance to see the Golden Eagle. The usual Common Mergansers, Hooded Mergansers and a juvenile Bald Eagle. I did catch a glimpse of the Golden Eagle, which was only a tiny brown speck in the distance. Other birders were there and able to capture some good photos that day. Timing is everything, my timing is not so good. 

4. Jan 16th,  I was getting obsessed with the Golden Eagle. It is being seen only a short drive away 5-10 minutes around the lake. I could not count my sighting of a tiny brown speck flying away as my first Golden Eagle sighting.  Some birders were lucky to see the Golden Eagle perched in a tree right next to the bridge. 

My sightings, the moon and a contrail, another juvenile Bald Eagle, I did see a beautiful leucistic Red-tailed Hawk, Common Mergansers, Hooded Mergansers, Belted Kingfisher, adult Bald Eagle, Red-shouldered Hawk, vultures on a deer carcass. It was interesting to see another hawk chasing the leucistic Red-tailed Hawk, they put on a little air show. 

5. Jan 16th, we drove around the lake making a loop on the way home. I caught what I believe is a Red-shouldered Hawk. 

6. Jan 18th,  I noticed the Turkey and Black Vultures flying over our neighborhood. At one time there had to be at least 30 vultures flying around. Another chance to see the Golden Eagle, no luck there. I did see the Northern Mockingbird, I heard a lot of Nuthatches and the usual Common Mergansers out on the lake. Hubby and I did drive and walk on the NCR bike trail that day. 

7. Jan 18th, seen from my deck, the vultures are often seen in our neighborhood, I think they know the hunters leave the deer carcass in the forest or at the edge of parking areas. There were more vultures in the sky at this time, I could not fit them all into one photo. 

8. Jan 18th, a Northern Mockingbird was seen hanging out in a tree on the boat ramp parking lot. 

Thank you for sharing your critters and post!

Thanks to all my visitors and for your past and present comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves and respects wildlife. Thank you for linking up a critter post.

Here is my linky:

I am also linking up to Anni's blog party found here I'd Rather B Birding   Anni always has some beautiful birds to be seen on her blog, check it out! Also, I am also linking up to Heidrun's Mosaic Monday  I hope you can stop by and visit Heidrun and check out the Mosaic Monday post. 


Cloudia said...

Exciting post Eileen

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful birds and scenery on your outings. Thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Wonderful sightings, I like the Red-shouldered Hawk and the team of Mergansers. Hope you will have a closer sighting of the elusive Golden Eagle soon.

italiafinlandia said...

You have enjoyed a good variety of birds. Good for you.
Thanks for sharing. Happy weekend and happy captures again and again!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Eileen That is a great capture of the Red-shouldered Hawk. and it must have been wonderful to see the sky full of vultures.. Thanks for hosting and leaving comments I hope you have a grea week ahead.

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,

Beautiful photos! They are all so pretty. The Northern Mockingbird is also very cute.
Take care, and have a happy weekend!

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Great photos and collages from your trip around the lake.
Here we also see mergansers, but just like with you, much too far away to see them properly in the photo.
Photo 5 and 8 are my favourite.
Would you post my link?
I wish you a very nice weekend.
Greetings Irma

KB said...

Love the mockingbird. Beautiful

chica said...

Tão lindas as fotos e mosaicos...Adorei ver! Ótimo fds, tudo de bom, beijos ,chica

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have a hawk each morning, at first i thought cooper but now maybe red shoulder. hard to tell, i can't see his tail up that high but he has a lot of specks on his chest. has to be a male because he is about really big

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
There was a real sense of being out and seeking in your post today, Eileen... was the Golden Eagle? the Hawk? ...the Vultures?... aw heck, you know I always enjoy my weekly visit here! YAM xx

Rostrose said...

Hihi, "Mission Golden Eagle" ;-) Dear Eileen, I can empathize with you that you absolutely want to see the golden eagle - and more than just a small dot in the sky. But I'm happy about your other sightings - you got particularly close to the Red-shouldered Hawk and the Northern Mockingbird, that's great! What irritates me is your comment "hunters leave the deer carcass in the forest or at the edge of parking areas"... Why are they doing this? To feed the vultures?
Wishing you a very happy weekend ❤️ and all the best!

biebkriebels said...

Love your beautiful bird photos!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It really is a shame you missed the Golden Eagle, Eileen. It is such a magnificent raptor. Here in southern Ontario they are reliable spring and fall in migration, especially in the fall where if conditions are right it is possible to see several in one day. Better luck next time!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Well, you did see a nice assortment of raptors despite missing a good look at the Golden Eagle. The weather has kept us from getting out-- this morning the temperature dropped to -10 degrees F.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

No golden eagle, but you found a great collection of other birds, Eileen. NIce photos. Thanks for hosting and have a good new week.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Cloudia!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Nancy, for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Luisella, for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Margaret! I enjoy seeing all the birds!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marit, for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Irma!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you KB, for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Chica,
Thank you for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sandra! I love to see any Hawk!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Yam! I am happy to see any birds on my outings, the birds are not always a guaranteed sight. Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Traude, for the comment and visit! I was on a mission, you will see it was mission accomplished on another post. Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marianne, for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you David, for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ken, for the comment and visit! It is super cold here today, only 10° this morning.
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Nick, for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Amila said...

Beautiful bird photos. You are lucky to live in a place where you can easily watch many birds. The photo of red-shouldered hawk is wonderful. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend!

Jeanie said...

You've had quite the sightings this week! I just have my little downy woodpeckers, but I'll take it! Happy weekend, Eileen!

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning great sightings! I have read the golden eagle will visit Missouri's waters during real cold winter spells-but so far we haven't seen one-would love to though

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Amila! Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jeanie! I appreciate your link and comment! Stay warm and take care. Have a great weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Kathy! The Golden Eagle is a great visitor, I hope you get to see one. Have a great weekend.

Jenn Jilks said...

You are right, timing IS everything. I am just too slow.
I like your birds. Thanks for hosting!

Angie's Recipes said...

I don't think I have ever seen a golden eagle...that mocking bird looks so sweet and adorable.

Bill said...

Wonderful bird sightings and beautiful photos. Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Jenn! You have some great trail cam photos. Have a happy weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Angie! The Golden Eagle is a beautiful bird. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Mascha said...

Such a lot of birds I never see... wish I had a lake nearby!
(my photos shows a very small pond at the high school campus, that's all of water here)

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Bill! I appreciate the link and comment.
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Mascha! I appreciate your comment and link this week. Have a great weekend.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen :=) So sorry you didn't get to see the Golden Eagle, I'm hopeful you will see and share it on your next visit to the lake. Lovely captures of all the other birds, especially the Northern Mocking Bird, the Hawk, and the shots of the vultures flying around in the sky..
All the best Eileen, and thank you for hosting.

Tom said...

...Eileen, I'm amazed by how many critters you see, I should get around more! Thanks for hosting and enjoy a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sonjia! I was determined to see the Golden Eagle, a great bird for my neighborhood. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Tom! I try to get outdoors for a walk and to see the critters. Have a happy weekend.

magiceye said...

Reminded me of the old Golden Eagle beer that was once very popular in Mumbai :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You still might get to see it! And you sure saw a nice variety of birds on your outing. Love the mergansers! Hope you warm up this week. Take care!

William Kendall said...

That is a lot of vultures.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment and visit!
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Diane, for the comment and visit! I am glad the Golden Eagle is still being seen here.
Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you William!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Barbara Rogers said...

Hi Eileen. Thanks so much for your frequent comments on my blog. So glad you host Sat. critters! What fun.

Lea said...

Red-shouldered Hawk! One of my favorite birds! Great photo!
Have a blessed day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Barbara, you are kind to return the visit and comment. Take care, have a great weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Lea! The hawk is beautiful. Have a great weekend.

Debbie said...

so sorry you did not get to see the golden eagle, timing is everything. in sight and in capturing a picture. your mergansers images are great. all the ones i see are so far away it is difficult to get pictures. i am seeing a mockingbird at my feeders, i don't remember seeing them at this time of year previously!

enjoy your weekend, i assume it is very cold by you too. it's freezing here but at least the sun is out. many thanks for hosting!!

RedPat said...

You did see a nice assortment of birds even if you didn't get a good look at the Eagle. Maybe you will catch it this week. Thanks for all the nice comments, Eileen.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful series of photos of our feathered friends ~ always great photos here ~ thanks ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Debbie, I appreciate the link and comment. Yes, it is very cold here today but it is expecting to get warmer tomorrow and Monday. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you RedPat! I was not giving up on the Eagle. Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Carol! I always appreciate your links and comments. Have a wonderful weekend.

Karen said...

I don't think I've ever seen a golden eagle in person! I am happy to report we are seeing more bald eagles here in Connecticut and on occasion one is seen soaring over our fields, always a joy to behold.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Karen! It is nice to see you visiting. The eagles are a treat to see. Have a great day and happy new week!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, What a nice post. I hope my pictures, on John’s Island, are coming through the World Wide Web as nicely as yours do. When I click to get the larger image it just fills up my screen and it is a joy to go through all of them. In image #6, a collage, the scene in the bottom right looks to be a perfect place for bird watching. Sweet capture of the Northern Mockingbird. What a sight to see all the Black Vultures! Although I will not have a new post to link up this week, I will be enjoying many of those who have linked up. Thank you for hosting and sharing Saturday’s Critters. John

roentare said...

I am mesmerised by the hawk. I dont get to see them a lot and they always interest me so much.

Sondra said...

hope you get the look you want of the Golden....thrilling bird

Marie Smith said...

I don’t see the mockingbird here. A beauty for sure! The eagles are always a treat and I love all ducks! Great photos!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Eileen, and happy February.
Shame you did not get to see the golden eagle, but you've shared some great sightings here.
Lovely to see the Red-shouldered Hawk.

Enjoy your weekend and have a good new week.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Wonderful captures. Like all those mergansers and the golden eagle.

Linda said...

Love your birds! Thanks for hosting.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you John! I appreciate the visit and comment. I am happy to hear you enjoyed my photos, I do like the larger views. We do enjoy all our outings, sometimes the birding is good at the NCR bike trail. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment. I have been seeing more hawks lately. Have a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sondra! Coming soon on another post, the Golden Eagle. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jan!
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Karen!
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Linda!
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marie, for the comment and visit.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

Jeevan said...

I hope you see the golden eagle someday and capture it spectacularly!
Excellent capture of birds and the lake banks; terrific view of vultures in the sky.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jeevan! Have a happy new week!

Teresa said...

Tus paseos siempre me encantan y disfruto viendo tus reportajes. Te dejo abrazos y besos para ti y tu marido.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

In your quest for the golden eagle you saw a bunch of other birds around. Amazing the number of vultures that you have. You'll find that eagle soon enough!

ashok said...

Great pictures

Anni said...

The luesistic rt hawk is called a krider's hawk, I believe. Great photos as always.
Yes, it's all about timing!!
And, thanks for joining us at IRBB this weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Teresa, I appreciate your comment. Have a wonderful new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Alan, yes the Eagle is coming soon. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Anni! I will have to google more on the Krider's hawk. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for your visit and comment. Have a wonderful week!

ellen b. said...

Love that red-shouldered Hawk and that sweet Mockingbird! Hope your Sunday and new week are good!

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

I love all these marvelous bird photos!
I have a photo with some fish and a Haiga I created using the photo.

Hena Tayeb said...

Wow so many beautiful birds in your area.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Never a dull moment in your neck of the woods, you have an impressive collection of birds I would love to see a Golden Eagle for real! Have a great week Eileen
Wren x

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ellen!
Take care, have a happy week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the link and comment!
Take care, have a happy week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment!
Take care, have a happy week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Wren!
Take care, have a happy week!

Rainbow Evening said...

a Red-shouldered Hawk is one of my favorite birds ... great bird.

Rain said...

Beautiful post, I think that shot of the vultures is amazing!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm sure it is frustrating to miss out on the Golden Eagle but on the bright side, you do see so many wonderful birds every time you go out -- I'd be delighted to see that many any time. (and I'm especially glad you've been able to get out there this time of year..)

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment! Take care, have a happy week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Rain! Take care, have a wonderful week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sallie, I appreciate the link and comment. I am delighted with all the birds I see! Take care, have a happy week!

Veronica Lee said...

Wonderful sightings and fabulous captures, Eileen.
I especially love the mockingbird.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Veronica! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

Tanza Erlambang said...

Mockingbird is a smart bird.
love it

Majo Dutra said...

I enjoyed reading your January diary, so special!

Have beautiful and luckiest days!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful series Eileen.

NatureFootstep said...

how wonderful to see so many birds. I think there are 2 mergansers on a nesrby lake but they are too far away

Laura. M said...

Muy atento estaba el halcón. Gran avistamiento . Buena semana Eileen.
Un abrazo.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Tanza! Take care, have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment ! Take care, have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Bob ! Take care, have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Monica ! Take care, have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Laura! Take care, have a great day!

EricaSta said...

The Bird-Show is every week one of my favorites, Eileen. Than I take more time to read the descriptions, to admire your captures. Sometimes, I have luck to catch one bird here iwith my camera ...

Thank you for sharing at

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Heidrun! Take care, have a great weekend!

Angie said...

Eileen - love the Northern Mockingbird! Have a terrific weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Angie! I appreciate the visit and comment. Have a great weekend.

Ana Freire said...

A águia é majestosa! Mas todas as demais imagens estão fantásticas! Existe uma grande diversidade de espécies no lago que nos mostra!
Grandes partilhas, como sempre, Eileen! Beijinhos! Continuação de dias felizes!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ana! It is always a treat see the Eagles, we are lucky with all the wildlife sightings near our home. Enjoy your day!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...