Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday's Critters # 514

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

Hello and happy Saturday!

 If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

On Sept 16th hubby and I enjoyed a fun outing with our son, DIL and our grandsons at the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve in Thurmont Maryland.  

1. There were a lot of birds to be seen at the wildlife preserve, many were native of Australia and Africa. Parrots, Black Swans, Cockatiel, Parakeets, Storks, Peacock and the Barred Owls are seen in my mosaic. 

2. White bellied Storks also known as the Abdim's Stork, found in Africa. 

3. The butterfly garden, lots of pretty flowers and a few butterflies and bumblebees. Wyatt looking like a junior birdwatcher took control of our binoculars that hubby was using. Wyatt ended up carrying our binocs throughout our visit.  

4.  We had some food for the animals in the children's zoo feeding section. There were goats, llamas, alpacas and some cows.

5. This goat was having a roaring good time, looking for food.

6. This Ring-tailed Lemur looked to be practicing yoga. 

7. Kangaroos with a Giant Tortoise. 

8.  Murals of various birds, it was fun seeing our grandsons posing with these pretty birds. 

9.  We had some food for these Koi fish, they were practically jumping out of the water for the food. 

10. The Green Iguana is one of the largest, they can be found in Florida. 

11. We saw some of the animals like the Zebra  that could be seen  on the wildlife preserve safari ride.   

12.  Giant tortoises look like they were going to kiss. 

We enjoyed our walk through this wildlife preserve, our grandsons loved all the animals and birds.

Thank you for sharing your critters and post!

Thanks to all my visitors and for your past and present comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves and respects wildlife. Thank you for linking up a critter post.

Here is my linky:

I am linking up to Heidrun's Mosaic Monday  I hope you can stop by and visit Heidrun and check out the Mosaic Monday post.


  1. Your grandsons are very adorable, and it looks as if they really enjoyed the zoo! That's a great collection of exotic birds.

    Thanks for hosting Saturday Critters.

    best, mae at

    1. Hello Mae,
      Thanks so much for the comment and your critter link! I think we all enjoyed the zoo visit. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  2. What a fantastic outing you had at the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve! The photos are fantastic; there are so many favorites, but the pictures of your grandsons, the zebra, the tortoises, and the goat are particularly wonderful.

    1. Thank you Shiju, for the comment and your critter link! Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  3. So many lovely critters. Thank you for visiting my blogs regularly!

    1. Thank You Roentare, for your comment and your critter link! Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Looks like that you all had a great time in the wildlife preserve. Those owls are looking so funny haha..always love their face expressions. The yoga lemur is cute. Interesting that only a few butterflies in butterfly garden...Have a great weekend ,Eileen!

    1. Hello Angie,
      Thanks so much for the comment! I loved the owls too. It was late in the season to see more butterflies. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Fun time with adorable grandsons!
    Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you for the comment and your critter link! Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  6. What a fun trip to take with your family Eileen and you certainly saw lots and lots of different critters that day. Thanks for hosting and commenting, I hope you have a lovely week ahead

    1. Hello Margaret,
      Thanks so much for the comment and your critter link! It was a great family outing, we all had fun. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Hello Eileen,
    How wonderful that you can do this with your son and grandsons, enjoy it, it can also be very different, we have that experience, so no contact at all for five years.
    Beautiful photos and collages.
    The barred owls are my favorite this time.
    I wish you a very good weekend.
    Greetings Irma

    1. Hello Irma,
      Thanks so much for the comment and your critter link! The owls were one of my favorites. I enjoy any time I get to have with my family, it was a fun day. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  8. A fun day, this is such a sweet age!
    And the Lion-goat! So funny. Oh, I need to resume to yoga!
    Great murals, too. Why not join Sami on Monday with these?
    Thank you for the stroll through the park and have a nice Satuday, Eileen!

    1. Hello Iris,
      Thanks so much for the comment and your critter link! I have been thinking about taking beginners yoga, maybe like the Lemur way. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Interessante passeio a esse Parque de preservação!
    Lindo demais e com os filhos e netos, fica ainda mais bonito.
    Lindos os netos, grandes, espertos!
    ADOREI! beijos praianos, chica

    1. Thank you Chica for the comment and your visit today!
      It is always great to spend time with our family. The grandsons are growing fast.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  10. how nice! It reminded me of a ZOO in Hawaii. I would nog mind going back there. :)

    1. Thank you Monica, for the comment and your critter link!
      I would love going to Hawaii, once of my favorite places.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Hello Eileen,

    Wonderful photos of the birds and animals. I'm sure your grandsons was happy to see all of them. My favorite is the Ring-tailed Lemur. They are so funny to watch, and I have seen them in a zoo here too. Your grandsons looks very cute.
    Take care, and enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you Marit, for the comment!
      The zoo visit was a fun time for the whole family.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you William, for the comment!
      I loved the kangaroos too, I would love to see them in the wilds of Australia.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  13. what a great post! i enjoyed every single photo.. such a variety! the grandsons are looking more like twins each day. I am thinking she gets lots of people asking if they are. they are so precious, they out shine all the animals. that goat made me laugh like crazy. there is not a single photo that doesn't tell a story. kissing tortoise?? wow.

    1. Thank you Sandra,
      So glad you like them! We had a fun day at the wildlife park.
      The goat was silly, it wanted more food. I loved the tortoises.
      It was fun to spend time with the family too.
      Take care, have a great weekend.

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you for the visit and comment. Have a great weekend.

  15. It’s great to introduce your grandchildren to animals in this way. A zoo is a fine place to do it. When my daughter was little, probably from about the age of five onwards, I used to take her to the Toronto Zoo, and begin her slow, but gradual education into wildlife, their breeding biology, ecology and so on, all geared to her age, of course. Then we’d go home and she had books to learn from too. She also got to buy a toy animal, one each visit, and she built up a whole African diorama. Fond memories. Today, she is a fine naturalist, though.

    1. Thank you David, I appreciate the comment and link today. I loved visiting the zoos as a child and I still enjoy seeing all the wildlife. Our grandsons seem to really love all the animals, we all had a fun zoo visit. Take care, have a great weekend.

  16. What a wonderful visit you had at the zoo. Glad your family came along and enjoyed it too. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you Bill! I appreciate the critter link and your comment. Have a great weekend.

  17. Hi Eileen, Thanks for taking us along to Catoctin Wildlife Preserve. I will be smiling all day after seeing the Ring-tailed Lemur practicing yoga! 😊 And, so interesting that the Kangaroos are teamed up with the Giant Tortoise! And the tortoises kissing … oh my! 😊 Also enjoyed all the photos with your son, DIL, and grandsons. The grandsons are sure growing up fast! Thanks for another great Saturday’s Critters. Happy weekend and week ahead to you and yours. John

    1. Thank you John, for the comment and visit today! It was a fun day for the whole family, we all enjoyed seeing all the wildlife. Our grandsons are growing up so fast, too fast. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  18. That was a lovely family day out Eileen. I'm not quite sure if the grandkids have the exact technique for binos yet but they have a good teacher in yourself. The Giant Tortoises sure made me smile as I have never seen snogging tortoises before now. Have a great weekend.

    1. Hello Phil,
      Thank you for the comment and your critter link! The tortoises were cute, nose to nose.
      We tried to take the binocs back but he started to hug them and was not letting go. We bought a pair kiddie binocs in the visitor shop. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Delightful place and lovely photos of the animals and the family, Eileen. The sort of day that happy memories are made of. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Thank you Nick, for the comment and your critter link!
      It was a happy day for the whole family.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Great photos! Wonderful family time!
    Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you Lea, for the comment and your critter link!
      Family time was a joy!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  21. That is so much fun seeing your grandies! I tend to enjoy things when the littles are there. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thank you Jenn, for the link and comment. Spending time with our family at the zoo was fun. Take care, have a great weekend.

  22. ...Eileen, you have a fabulous collection today, but your two towheads are the crowd pleasers.

    1. Thank you Tom, for the comment and critter link. It was a fun day for the family. Take care, have a great weekend.

  23. That looks like a wonderful fun place for your adorable grandsons. Years ago I visited a petting zoo with our granddaughters and family. A goat grabbed my lightweight nylon hiking pants and ripped a strip of the fabric up from my knee to (almost) indecent exposure! Luckily found a nearby thrift store where I found an even flimsier replacement which allowed me to continue our adventure.

    1. Thank you Ken, for your link and your comment. That is some story, the goat was making a meal of your pants. Glad you could find a replacement. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  24. You must have enjoyed the outing indeed. The critters are all cute but the real gems are your grandsons.
    They are lovely.
    Happy weekend to all of you!

    1. Thank you Luisella, for the visit and your comment.
      We did enjoy our outing with the family!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  25. What a fun day! I bet it was fun to go with the little ones just to see the expressions on their faces!

    1. Thank you for the comment!
      I appreciate the visit!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  26. These are the kind of days that make nice family memories.
    Like the new header shot a lot, Eileen.

    1. Thank you RedPat, for the comment and your critter link!
      Yes, family moments and outings make great memories.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  27. I haven't been to a zoo in years but what fun to share the experience with the little ones. They get so do I! Wonderful photos!

    1. Thank you Diane, for the comment and your critter link!
      It has been awhile since hubby and I visited a zoo, it was fun going with the family.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  28. My goodness, you've got critters from around the world today! I have someone else's photo of some otters, but didn't think that would count as my critters. They are just there to be cute. Have a great weekend Eileen!

    1. Thank you Barbara! It was a great zoo to visit with the family. There were so many different animals. Take care, have a great weekend.

  29. I'm sure walking the preserve with your grandson's was a whole different experience. It's fun to see what they see and what they might delight in. They are cuties! A lot of great critters in your post today. Happy Saturday to you.

    1. Thank you Ellen! It was a fun outing with the family, fun watching the grandsons enjoying all the animals. Take care, have a great weekend.

  30. What a wonderful assortment of wildlife and a great opportunity to share your love of critters with the grandkids.

    1. Hello Maria, thank you for the comment and I appreciate the critter link!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  31. It is great that your Grandsons have a love of all critters like their grandparents and are learning to be proficient with the binoculars at such an early age. I love that you got to see plenty of Aussie animals here, although that cheeky Ring tailed lemur looks like the star of the show!
    Have a lovely weekend
    Wren x

    1. Hello Wren,
      Thank you for the comment! I appreciate your visit!
      It is a joy to spend time with the family.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  32. Dear Eileen,
    what a great outing with your family! Your grandsons have grown so much! I can understand why they liked this Wildlife Preserve. So many lovely, adorable animals - it's hard for me to decide, but I think the Ring-tailed Lemur practicing yoga is my favorite today! :-DD
    All the best and happy weekend
    🍁🌻🍂 🌻🍁

    1. Hello Traude Thank you for the comment! I appreciate your critter link! Our grandson are growing like weeds, so fast.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

    2. Like weeds, that's true - it's the same with Jamie ;-)

  33. Beautiful series of nature fun time photos with your family ~ adorable grandchildren ~ you are blessed ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you Carol, for the comment and I appreciate your critter link!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  34. The grandkids have grown up so quickly. They are adorable. How great it is to be able to share one’s love of the animals with the grandies!

    1. Thank you Marie for the comment!
      I appreciate the visit! It was a nice outing with the family, great to see our grandson enjoying the zoo and critters.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  35. That certainly looks like a fun day out.
    Wonderful critter photos too.

    1. Thank you Karen for the comment and visit. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  36. I love how you are making learning about nature fun for your grandsons and making some great memories.
    Thank you for hosting.

    1. Thank you Alan, for your link and comment. It is great to share my love of nature and the critters with our grandsons.
      Have a happy weekend.

  37. That's a fantastic reserve -- such diversity in the animals and birds. I love it!

    1. Thank you Jeanie! It was a fun place to visit, I love all the animals. Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  38. Hello Eileen
    I so enjoyed this post.
    Lovely photographs of the fun outing with your son, DIL and grandsons.
    You've shared a wonderful mix of photographs ... special memories made.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan! It was a fun day for the whole family! Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  39. Your grandsons look so cute. Was this place once known as the Catoctin Zoo?

    1. Thank you Linda, for your link and comment. Yes, I think it was the Catoctin Zoo back in the 1960's? Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  40. Hello Eileen :=)
    It looks like you all enjoyed your day out at the Zoo. It's such fun to see the various animals, but also to observe the excitement on children's faces. Lovely photos of yours, they have grown so much since I last saw them, and the outing will be a lovely memory for all of you to treasure.. The tortoises kissing was a sweet photo.
    I have nothing to share this week, as I haven't felt so good.
    All the best, and thank you for hosting Eileen.

    1. Thank you Sonjia, you are kind to visit and comment. I hope you are feeling better. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  41. A great place to take your grandchildren for a visit.

    1. Thank you Inger, for the comment and visit. Yes, it is a great place for the kiddies to visit, they loved seeing all the animals. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  42. Outstanding photos of what looks like a fun family trip. Your grandsons must have enjoyed that immensely. They are so cute! Happy Sunday and week to you Eileen!

    1. Thank you Denise! It was a fun family outing, the grands do love the animals. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  43. Gorgeous - I love the tortoises at the end. So amazing those creatures!

    1. Thank you Lydia, for your link and comment. The tortoises did look cute! Take care, have a wonderful week!

  44. Great outing with family, especially kids. The owls look like Angels to me. Beautiful photos and subjects. Thanks for hosting and take care.

    1. Thanks so much for your critter link and comment. I love the owls, a favorite bird for me. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  45. It is a wonderful thing to take young children to a nature park or zoo so they can learn about the birds and animals, particularly if they live in a city. I see they saw some kangaroos! Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thankyou again for the linkup.

    1. Thank you Jill! It is a fun place for all of us, the grandsons did enjoy all the animals. Take care, have a great week!

  46. Hi Eileen!! Very nice place for children... Happy week..

    1. Thank you Ana, for the comment and visit. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  47. Critters overload. I love the lineup of owls.

    1. Thanks Sharon, for the critter link and comment. Take care, have a great week!

  48. What a neat place to take the grands! A perfect family outing. Gosh those handsome happy boys are growing! fast!

    1. Thank you Sallie, for the visit and comment. It was a fun family outing. Have a great week!

  49. your grandsons look so happy....
    great place to visit

    1. Thank you for the comment and visit. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  50. the Barred Owls look so cute....
    they visit our yards sometimes

    1. Thank you Tanza! I love seeing any owl. Have a great day!

  51. Wow... the grandsons are growing. There are some sweet, sweet scenes. You must be proud and glad, dear Eileen. It`s heartwarming with the family. There are time, who stay in the remembering, isn`t?!

    There are many other interestings things here to see, to read. I enjoyed your post.

    Thank you for sharing and being part at

    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun

    1. Thank you Heidrun! I appreciate your comment. The grandson are sweet, always nice to have get togethers with the family. Take care, have a great day!

  52. proof that animals and kids are beautiful!! lovely pictures eileen, i enjoyed them all!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, I appreciate the comment and visit. Take care, have a great day!

  53. Me alegra que lo pasaran todos bien. Tus nietos se ven preciosos, se ve que han crecido mucho desde las últimas fotos que compartiste. Abrazos.

    1. Thank you Teresa! Take care, have a great day!

  54. Such a fun trip, Eileen.
    Your grandsons are adorable.
    Beautiful photos as always!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thank you Veronica, for the comment and visit, Take care, have a great day!

  55. Dear Eileen Maryland looks amazing and unique place on earth through your photos :)
    your love for birds and animals is exceptional and i share it with you a lot
    the dazzling owls made me wonder if they were of silver wow
    so true about yoga pose lol
    your grandchild is precious!

    1. Thank you Baili! It was a fun outing for the whole family. Take care, have a great day!

  56. Your grandchildren are adorable Eileen. They must have loved this place. Thank you for sharing all these great photos and have a wonderful end of the week.

    1. Thank you Denise! We all enjoyed the zoo visit. Take care, have a wonderful weekend!

  57. Que maravilha, a diversidade de fauna e flora que o Parque nos permite apreciar!
    Estão lindos os seus netinhos, Eileen! Grata por nos deixar acompanhar este passeio familiar, por um local tão fascinante!
    As imagens como sempre, estão incríveis! Um beijinho! Saúde e felicidades para si e todos os seus!

    1. Thank you Ana! We do love our sweet grandsons, they enjoyed this park and the animals! Take care, have a great day.


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...