Welcome to Saturday Critters!
Hello and happy Saturday!
If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!
I am sharing a variety of photos, some from our yard, our neighborhood walk on the fire roads and to our local Prettyboy Reservoir. There are some photos from our outing to Conowingo Dam and the Susquehanna River State Park and more from the local NCR bike trail. BTW, my header photo now shows a view of neighborhood Prettyboy reservoir and the Prettyboy watershed.
1. Sept 17th, usually I see various species of Warblers in September they love to eat the berries from the Devil's Walking Stick plants in our yard. This year I am not see as many different species as in previous years, that can not be a good thing. I did see the male and female Black-throated Blue Warblers but I was not able to get their photos. The Cape May Warblers and a few Tennessee Warbler pictured in the mosaic below.
Click on images for larger viewing.
2. Sept 19th, more images of the Tennessee Warbler and the Cape May Warblers.
3. Sept 19th, another walk to the local reservoir. Again I am seeing the same Great Blue Herons, Belted Kingfishers, Solitary Sandpipers, unknown raptor standing in the mud, more images of the Sandpipers, Great Blue Heron and the Green Heron.
4. Sept 30th, in my yard is a Northern Mockingbird enjoying the Devils Walking Stick berries.
On the same day as above, these our the birds seen during our walk to the lake. Below are the Canada Geese, Solitary Sandpipers, Belted Kingfisher, Double-crested Cormorant and the Great Blue Heron.
5. Oct 1st, the Blue Jays are sitting in our rhododendron bush outside the den window. Some times they are attacking the window or just sitting there fussing loudly.
On the same day as above our walk was at the NCR Bike trail, we saw some fall flowers looking beautiful and some colorful leaves and berries. I heard more birds than I actually saw, the birds were hiding from me.
6. Oct 3rd, we drove to the Conowingo Dam and the Susquehanna River State Park. Below are the Bald Eagles seen around the dam and on the towers. We also saw lots of Great Blue Herons, some Double-crested Cormorants, Vultures and Pigeons.
We drove a little further, and took a walk at the Susquehanna River State Park trail. Views of the river and bridge, mushrooms, the Rock Run Gristmill, Great Blue Heron and more Cormorants.
We enjoyed our lunch at the picnic area and then tried to walk (the little trail was overgrown with weeds) around the nearby pond. Here I was able to see some Eastern Bluebirds, Mallards and some Wood Ducks.
7. Oct 4th, another walk to our local Prettyboy reservoir. The lake water level is still very low. We need more rain. In the mosaic below are views of the reservoir, fungi, a Great Blue Heron and the Solitary Sandpipers are still hanging around and we saw a small group of Killdeer.

It looks like I am staying behind sharing my photos, almost a month behind and I have one more day from our Ireland trip to share.
I will be away from my computer for a few days after Saturday, just a heads up I will be late commenting.
Thank you for sharing your critters and post!
Thanks to all my visitors and for your past and present comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves and respects wildlife. Thank you for linking up a critter post.
Here is my linky:
I am linking up to Heidrun's Mosaic Monday I hope you can stop by and visit Heidrun and check out the Mosaic Monday post.