Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday's Critters # 581

Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!

 If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

Click on images for better viewing.

On Dec 30th hubby and I enjoyed a good weather day and a walk at the North Point State Park. This park is on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Edgemere Maryland, Baltimore County Maryland. It is a great park for birdwatching, we walked on the fishing pier and on the Black Marsh trail.

1.  Various ducks can be seen on the bay, we saw a large group of Ruddy Ducks, a female Long-tailed Duck, the Snow Bunting and a few Song Sparrows. 

2. The male Ruddy Duck retains it's white cheek in the winter months. They have a stiff tail that is often raised.

3. I am pretty sure this is a female Long-tailed Duck. These ducks have a white head, tan face with a brown neck patch, a white body with dark wings. The juvenile can look similar to the winter female.

4.  A larger photo of the Long-tailed Duck.

5. In the winter months,  Snow Buntings have become annual visitors and can be seen on the long pier that goes out into the bay. 

6. Below the Snow Bunting was hanging out with a Song Sparrow.

The non-breeding male looks similar to the female. The male has more white on the wings. 

A view of the fishing pier that juts out into the Chesapeake Bay. The Snow Buntings are found at the very end of the pier.

7. We walked on the Black Marsh trail, looking for birds and any kind of wildlife.  I think we were the only people that were not walking a dog. Below images of the trail and wetlands, Gadwall, Northern Mockingbird, Slider Turtles, Mallards and a few Bald Eagles. 

8. It was one of our warmer December days, the Slider Turtles came out to sun themselves on the log. 

Bald Eagle in flight over the parking lot.

I am linking up to Heidrun's Mosaic Monday  I hope you can stop by and visit Heidrun and check out the Mosaic Monday post.

Thanks to all my visitors and for your past and present comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves and respects wildlife. Thank you for linking up a critter post.

Here is my linky:

Thank you for sharing your critters and post!


EricaSta said...

Good Morning, dear Eileen. First it the look at the neighbour cat, who make noises outsude... than coffee, than the view on the Blogs. I enjoyed reading your post. Visiting the sea, viewing on the water brings calm. I know about. Wonderful here!
Thank you for sharing and for hosting.

Have a wonderful weekend, best wishes

Mae Travels said...

Snow Buntings are a great find. How interesting that they are just at the end of that pier. All your birds look good.
Thanks for hosting... mae at

Shiju Sugunan said...

Seeing a Bald Eagle is always a treat! What a memorable walk.

roentare said...

I had to look up snow buntings. Great shots as usual

Rostrose said...

As usual: See you later, dearest Eileen! :-D

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
A great series of photos of your walk through North Point State Park.
I really like the male Ruddy Duck and also the female Long-tailed Duck, species that we don't see here in the Netherlands.
I also think the American bald eagle in flight is great.
I wish you a nice weekend.
Greetings Irma

Iris Flavia said...

This is such a variety of wildlife, wonderful. Here in the city... aw, well, glad I can pop over and see yours, have a wonderful Saturday!

rupam sarma said...

Hello, Hope you are doing well. Awesome series of photos, Amazing Birds. Have a nice weekend. Thank you so much for hosting.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Love the wintry blog banner! Ducks never fail to entertain... and I apologise, but still don't have any new offerings for the month of February to join in the linky... can't wait till spring!!! YAM xx

italiafinlandia said...

Thanks for sharing these beauties. I do think that is a Long-tailed duck too.
Love the Snow Buntings and the overflying Eagle.
Happy weekend and stay warm!

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,
The Ducks and the Snow Buntings are so beautiful. The Turtles are very cute.
Take care, and enjoy your weekend!

chica said...

Que lindo parqque para observar esses bichos! Lindas tartarugas, patos, pássaros todos!
Feliz FEVEREIRO! beijos, chica

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Excellent shot of the turtles, they are sometimes hard to get and these are in bright sun. that long tail duck is adorable, looks cute enough to cuddle. ha ha. I like they put grass between the rocks and the path you walk on...

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Long-tailed Ducks and Snow Buntings add a real northern touch to your sightings. All the best - David

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Hello, Eileen, another lovely set of photos today. I really liked the buntings. Have a great new week, and as always, thanks for hosting.

Caroline said...

Beautiful photos Eileen, I never saw snow buntings but they live here too. Have a nice weekend !

Rostrose said...

Dear Eileen, when I read "on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay" I had to think fondly and a little wistfully of Apoll, my brother's former dog who has since passed away - he was a Chesapeake Bay Retriever... So I'm not surprised that there could be a lot of ducks in this region, because I believe this kind of dog was originally bred for duck hunting. (In Apollo's case, this trait was only evident in his love of water.) However, the beautiful breeds of duck that you show are all new to me, or rather, they don't exist where I live. And I think I've never heard of snow buntings before, thy are very cute. I'm also happy to see the animals that you saw on the Black Marsh trail. I always find it particularly funny how turtles stack up on top of each other - I've seen that several times, but I don't know why they do it. To protect each other? ... or to keep warm? Or to ensure that everyone is sitting in the best place at the same time? 😉 Who knows! In any case, thank you for taking me on these lovely walks!
All the best, Traude

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sandra! I always enjoys seeing the turtles. It was nice we had a warm day in December for the turtles to make an appearance. The Long-tailed Ducks are cute.
Take care, have a happy weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Heidrun, for your link and your comment.
I do love a pretty water view!
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Mae, for your link and your comment.
The Snow Buntings are a treat to see, so pretty.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Shiju, for your link and your comment.
Yes, the Eagles are always a treat to see.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Roentare, for your link and your comment.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

See you later, Truade! Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Irma, for your link and your comment.
The Long-tailed ducks are beauties.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Iris, for your link and your comment.
I am glad you could pop over for a visit and for your link.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for your link and your comment.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you YAM, for your comment.
No worries, thanks for your visit.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Luisella, for your comment and your visit.
They are beauties and a treat to see.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marit, for your link and your comment.
The Snow Buntings are beautiful birds.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Chica, for your comment and your visit.
It is a beautiful park, one of my favorites.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Jeanie said...

So delighted to have something to finally share this week. That blue water and those ducks are lovely. Happy Saturday!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you David, for your link and your comment.
Your Costa Rica birds are all a treat to see, I enjoyed your post. I do love seeing the Long-tailed Ducks and Snow Buntings close to home. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Nick, for your link and your comment.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Caroline, for your comment and your visit.
The Snow Buntings are a favorite and a treat to see.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Jenn Jilks said...

I haven't seen a snow bunting in ages! So cute. And the ducks. We haven't seen open water in ages, either!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Traude, for your link and your comment.
The Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are well known dogs in Maryland, the duck hunters love them. But, they also make great pets. I am lucky to see some great winter ducks and birds close to home. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Angie's Recipes said...

Today we saw lots of ducks too and I couldn't tell the we usually have Nile ducks though. Love that elegant Snow Bunting..

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jeanie, for your link and your comment.
I am glad you have some critter to share too.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jenn, for your link and your comment.
We are lucky to see the Snow Bunting here, just in the winter months. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Angie, for your comment and your visit.
I love seeing the ducks and all the birds.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Tom said...

...the turtles caught my eye,.We had a wonderful spot to view them, but they seem to have abandoned it. Thanks for hosting, take care and be well.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Tom, for your link and comment.
It is a treat to see the turtles, We were lucky to see them in December. Have a wonderful weekend.

William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots.

Alexandra said...

With all that you saw on that December 30th day, it was like a belated Christmas gift you got to unwrap!

Barbara Rogers said...

Hi Eileeen...good to have you visit my post today, but yesterday was when I did my critters! Loved seeing some birds I haven't ever seen, on your post today! It's funny that blogger is putting all your replies together on the first version of comments, but with each person's comment when I clicked into the pop up comments page. Silly blogger!

Bill said...

Wonderful photos, I like seeing the turtles. Have a great weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you William, for your comment and your visit.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Alexandra, for your link and your comment.
I did have some great sightings that day!
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Barb, for your link and your comment.
I am happy to share the birds I see, it is nice to get outdoors and enjoy nature. Blogger seems to have a mind of it's own, I could never understand. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Bill, for your link and comment.
I like seeing the turtles too, they are cute.
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

Red said...

Snow buntings can be in very large flocks that are hard to see out in the fields.

RedPat said...

I love the shots of the Snow Buntings and always like to see a Song Sparrow, Eileen. Thanks for hosting.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Red, for your comment and your visit.
I have seen flocks on the beach, they like the sand dunes.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you RedPat, for your link and your comment.
The Snow Buntings are so pretty and a treat to see.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Thanks Eileen for always having great nature photos ~ love the little Slider turtles ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

ellen b. said...

I enjoyed seeing those ruddy ducks and the snow bunting, too. How nice that you could have this winter walk with sunshine and blue skies! Happy February to you!

baili said...

Such a great series of lovely photos dear Eileen ♥️
I enjoyed the each bit of it thoroughly
Ducks of various kinds awesome creatures indeed
Loved the birds particularly 👍😍 neat images wow
You are very smart to learn names of most of them 👌

Linda G said...

Wonderful pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for taking us on your walk Eileen, you certainly saw a lot of lovely birdlife. Happy February to you :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You have such an eye and love for critters. I love all the variety of wildlife you saw.
I always wonder where sliders hangout when it is cold but they sure do show up on warm winter days.
Thank you for posting!!

Polly said...

Beautiful critters, the turtles are so cute😊

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Carol, for your link and your comment.
The turtles were a cute sighting.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ellen, for your comment and your visit.
It is nice that we had a great weather day for this walk in December. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Baili, for your comment and your visit.
I do try to learn every bird I see or hear.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Linda, for your comment and your visit.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Denise, for your comment and your visit.
I do enjoying sharing my walks, not just for my followers but for my own memories. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Yogi, for your link and your comment.
I do love the birds and any wildlife.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Polly, for your comment and your visit.
It was nice to see the turtles in December.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

HappyK said...

Lots of great critter pictures. Love those turtles. Would like walking down the pier!!

Marie Smith said...

What a great place for a hike. You took great photos. There are snow buntings here this time of years but I’ve never seen them. Love those turtles, as always! Have a great weekend, Eileen.

magiceye said...

Thank you for introducing the long tailed duck, never seen one before!
Happy weekend!

Linda said...

You found some great birds! Thank you for hosting.

Tanza Erlambang said...

Bunting, not snow visited our areas once in the last several years.... never seen Snow Buntings in the nature.

Thank you for sharing beautiful photos

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Karen. I appreciate your comment. I love the turtles too, they were a surprise to see in December. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marie, for your comment and visit. The Snow Buntings are a treat to see, they are pretty birds. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for your link and comment.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Linda, for your link and comment.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Tanza, for your comment. The Snow Buntings are a lovely sight to see. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

Leslie's Garden said...

Those turtles on the log are just adorable. They are enjoying the sunshine. Love the picture of the soaring bald eagle. Beautiful!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for your comment and visit.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Eileen, I hope you've been enjoying this first weekend of February. Lovely to see your sightings and I especially like the Snow Buntings and the turtles.
Have a good week ahead.

All the best Jan

Teresa said...

Preciosas todas las aves que has visto, me gustan mucho. Te deseo que tengas una feliz semana.

Mbul Kecil said...

I enjoy every photos in this post Eileen...the 3 turtles are cute
but the long tailed ducks make me remember about Swan fairy tale in my childhood memory..they are gorgeous...

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jan, for your comment and visit.
The Snow Buntings are pretty, it is a treat to see them.
Have a great day and a happy week ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Teresa! All the birds are a lovely sight to see.
Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for your comment and visit.
I think the turtles are cute too.
Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

Majo Dutra said...

The lagoon is very beautiful and enhances the photos...
I enjoyed meeting the snow finch...
Thanks for the post...
Have a good week and a very happy February,

Sharon Wagner said...

Nice eagle shot!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sharon, for your link and comment.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for your comment. Happy February to you!
Take care, have a wonderful week!

EricaSta said...

It's Tuesday, my time to write comments. January is already over, now we're moving into February with another round and I'm looking forward to another week of wonderful posts for MosaicMonday.

Thank you so much for participating, dear blog friend.
Greetings from Heidrun

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Heidrun, for hosting Mosaic Monday. A fun linky party. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

Debbie said...

mother nature provides us with so much to see, even during the winter!! that is an awesome capture of the eagle!!

Hena Tayeb said...

So many great critter pics!

Veronica Lee said...

What a beautiful walk at North Point State Park! I love the variety of critters you spotted, especially the Ruddy Ducks and Snow Buntings. The photo of the Long-tailed Duck is gorgeous, and those Slider Turtles look so cute. Thanks for sharing your wonderful day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Debbie, nature is grand. There is always something to enjoy! I hope you are feeling better. Take care, enjoy the rest of your week.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Veronica, for your link and comment. The Long-tailed Duck is a beauty! Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for your visit and comment.
Take care, have a happy day!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Eileen
Ducks never seem bothered by the cold! We see them sitting pon ice flows in a reservoir near us. We;ve had a few warmish days but anither arctic blast is coiming next week....brrrrr.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Pat, I appreciate your comment.
The ducks do not seem to mind the cold icy weather and water. We may have more snow/sleet tomorrow and again on Tues/Wed. Happy Friday! Take care, have a happy day!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...