Sunday, May 16, 2010


  Bluebirds are one of my favorite yardbirds. This couple seems to be on their second nest and has found another house in my yard to use for their home. The male is such a pretty blue and seems to take great care of the female.

This is my mosaic for Mary's Mosaic Monday  Thank you Mary for hosting this fun meme.

And my post for  Blue Monday
Thank you Smiling Sally for hosting Blue Monday.

And thanks or stopping by to see my post and mosaic.


  1. Fabulous shots, Eileen! Blue birds are also my favorite and we just had a couple nesting in one of our houses. I thought they were usually done nesting by March, but I'm thrilled to see them regardless!
    Have a great week!

  2. Great shots! Love the mosaic of the birds!

  3. Hi Eileen,

    That shot you captured where the bird is sitting on the hoop looking at you quizzically - priceless!

    And your header is a showstopper - those clouds all lined up!


  4. I get so excited when I see bluebirds here. Love your photos and mosaics.

  5. These are sweet and beautiful. Wow.

  6. Oh Eileen, they are just gorgeous! I se them in our local park, but not in our garden. You have gotten some amazing captures here. Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  7. Your bird mosaic is very artistic! I love the blue feathers for blue Monday as well.

  8. The male sure does stand out and adds a beautiful colour to your yard.
    Can't say I've seen any around here although there are bluebird houses on fenceposts at some of the farms.

  9. Oh they are so cute! Love your captures and your mosaics!!

  10. The bluebirds would nest along the fence rows on the farm when I was a young girl. It has been years since I have seen one. Thanks for sharing yours.

  11. You are so lucky to have the BLuebirds nesting near by.I love the blue of the Male and their sweet song.
    Have a fantastic week.

  12. Wonderful photos and beautiful blue birds!

  13. Such beautiful birds...I don't think I've ever seen a bluebird in thanks for sharing!

  14. What beautiful little birds. We don't have them in UK - despite the song 'There'll be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover'!

  15. They are such beautifully coloured birds. I haven't seen them here.

  16. A beautiful birds, it looks like our Robin with a blue wings, but, I know it is not.

  17. I like your bluebird-photos too!
    Happy BM and happy MM!

  18. Hi again, Eileen! Just wanted to thank you for "following" my blog and for your sweet comments!

  19. I have seen a lot of bluebird boxes out along the country roads here and last week I FINALLY saw my first bluebird. They are sooo cute. They are not that common here though with Global Warming people are talking about them more and more.

  20. Wonderful pictures. The bluebirds are just beautiful! Well done! Cathy

  21. I agree that blue birds are the most beautiful. Happy Blue Monday, Eileen.

  22. Pretty blue bird...happy blue Monday.

    Mine is here

  23. Your blue makes my heart go pitter pat. I adore it.

  24. Hope that these blue birds will not have a blue Monday.

  25. Eileen, I love your bluebirds. They are such a happy little birds. Thank you for sharing these photos for Blue Monday.

  26. Your blue bird photos are very lovely! I always enjoy wildlife photography and marvel that people can get such great shots!

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  27. they are gorgeous, its pretty clear they like your place.

  28. Bluebirds are so allusive around here. I have maybe seen one or two in my lifetime. They are a beautiful bird. Valerie

  29. Nature seems to find a way to present us with lovely blue birds for blue day. I love all your photos.

  30. How heartwarming to see all the photos of the lovely birds in blue. I can never seem to get good shots of birds close up and nor do we have quite the variety coming to stop at my patio in the city.

  31. That is a beautiful bird indeed, such a pretty mosaic too.

  32. The images that you chose for the two collages on this page are both just splendid captures of some of natures loveliest gifts. Well done~

  33. Love your mosaic! Wish we had Blue birds here, they're so pretty

  34. They're beautiful! I think there are bluebirds in eastern Washington, but we don't see them here on Puget Sound. I saw a goldfinch this morning, though.

  35. I always love your mosaics, and this one is lovely. We don't get the bluebirds here. Sigh....

  36. Bluebirds are one of my favorites but I never see them in this area. Great shots of this beautiful little bird.

  37. Eileeen, I'm just green with envy for your fantastic bluebirds. I love the collage.

  38. They are so cute and beautiful birds. Very nice collage. And thank you for sharing.

  39. Such gorgeous photos of your bluebirds, Eileen. We do not have them here, and I always enjoy seeing what birds and other wildlife live in other parst of teh country. Thank you for sharing your mosaic with us!

  40. They are beautiful birds and these are fabulous photos of them. The mosaic is just beautiful!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

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