Saturday, December 25, 2010

My favorite birds of 2010

I thought I would do a post showing my favorite bird sightings of 2010. They are not all lifers for me but just ones that I enjoyed seeing. I have to say most of the favorites were from my trip to Costa Rica. The Toucans were so cute.

Three different kind sof toucans in my mosaic are the Collared Aracari, Chestnut Mandbiled and the Keel Billed Toucan.

Parrots on the grounds at our Arenal hotel in Costal Rica

Another Costa Rica bird the Montezuma Oropendola,  very cool and different looking bird.

This Barred owl was not a lifer but it was cool sight to see it out in the open.

The Clapper Rail sighting was another favorite, I was excited to even see one out in the open they are very timid birds.

This Bombay Hook Blue Grosbeak was seen at Bombay Hook another one of my favorite birds.
The Eastern Bluebirds nesting in my yard are always a treat to see.

 This Chincoteague Egret eating a snake was an amazing and cool sight to see

One of my all time favorite sightings is of the Little Blue heron below and on my header shot.

This is another Littel Blue below.

Now I am looking forward to another great year and adding to my list of lifers. My life list is at No. 251 and my last two lifers were the Golden Crowned Sparrow seen yesterday here in Maryland and the Wilson Snipe NO.250.

I am linking up with Misty Dawn's Camera Critters  thanks Misty Dawn for hosting. I am also linking this post to Sally's Blue Monday and Drowsey Monkeys Mellow Yellow Monday and Mary's Mosaic Monday

Thanks to our host and  for stopping by to see my post.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots. Love those toucans in particular.

Small City Scenes said...

Wonderful birds!!! Great shots. Birding is great fun I think.



Jo said...

Amazing shots, Eileen. The toucans are spectacular. We have nothing like them here in South Africa. You certainly "captured" wonderful birds in 2010. Thanks for sharing. Hope you're enjoying a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. Greetings from Jo

Jidhu Jose said...

superb shots.

Merry Xmas

rainfield61 said...

The toucans seem to be very interesting, especially the "tooth-like" shape on their beak.

Elaine Yim said...

I like to see your bird photos. Merry Christmas!

magiceye said...

superb captures!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Such amazing shots!!! I love all of these...especially the make wonderful photos!!!

Bill S. said...

Wonderful shots. I love the snake going down. It is aways interesting to look back over the year and see what we caught.

Happy New Year.

NatureFootstep said...

nice to see your CR birds. Next year you will see a lot of them on my blogs. I am going to Costa Rica on a birding tour in the end of January. I only hope now that it will be nice weather here so the plane don´t get snowed in.

I really hope to see this Montezuma Oropendola, it looks so cool.

Müge Tekil said...

What a wonderful collection of photos! Costa Rica birds are really fantastic!

I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year dear Eileen!

Ciao ciao! :)

eden said...

Hi, Eileen!

These are wonderful shots. I love all your bird photos. Thank you for sharing all your favourite birds.

Elaine said...

I can see why these are your favorite shots! I always enjoy coming and seeing what different birds you have captured. Happy holidays to you and your family.

Kim, USA said...

Wow this is wonderful!!
MYM-The village

SmilingSally said...

I used to frequently see green parrots flying around when I lived in South Florida; perhaps you'd enjoy a visit there.

I wish you a Happy Blue Monday and a Happy 2011, Eileen.

Mary Bergfeld said...

You've captured some wonderful shots here. I'm so glad you've shared them with us. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Donnie said...

Such beautiful photos. I really enjoyed seeing them.

Lina Gustina said...

Wow, thanks for sharing these lovely birds, Eileen...

Thanks for dropping by
Happy New Year :)

Fifi Flowers said...

GORGEOUS birds!!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous bird parade Eileen!

Here's my Blue Monday post, hope you can drop by.. happy holidays

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Most amazing photography! I love visiting with you, Eileen!

Sending Happy New Year wishes and looking forward to visiting with you for another year :)

Jeanne said...

Beautiful birds to share. Your photos are delightful. We too love birds but we see very few parrots. Beautiful colors to see.

Have a wonderful New Years Eileen and thank you for your visit.
Hugs, Jeanne

Unknown said...

these are fantastic photos. the birds are beautiful!

genny said...

what a wonderful pictures you have shared. i love those birds. happy holidays!

Redzlan said...

Beautiful 2010 collection.
Happy Holiday!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos of the birds! These are so great to see..

Have a wonderful New Year!

DeniseinVA said...

Awesome collection of birds Eileen. Those toucans are amazing and I would love to see them in their natural habitat like you did. My other bird I would love to see is an owl in the wild. Happy New Year and thank you for all the enjoyment you have brought to us through your photography.

Eden said...

Love all your photos, Eileen. Great shots.

Happy holidays.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your shots are beautiful, your life list is impressive. I could be envious, but instead I'm just very grateful that you choose to share. Thanks -- and Happy New Year!!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...