Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Birding the mudflats

Following the lead of some posters to my listserve I was able to pick up a lifer- the Wilson'sSnipe at the Paper Mills Flats.

The mud flats is a great place for the birding, in the last month reports of a Golden Eagle and a Black headed Gull have been seen at the flats. I was thrilled to finally just to see my Wilson's Snipe. I have been wanting to see the Wilson's Snipe for years and the bird was always hard for me to find. On this day there were twelve of them together, great sighting for me. Sorry, my excitement over seeing the snipe might seem boring to some.

The Wilson's Snipe below they were a good distance away. But with my binoc's I was able to id them. Sorry, for the awful photo but since the Snipe is a lifer for me I just had too save it.

 The Wilson's Snipe has a very long straight and dark bill. Its head and back have bold patterns in pale yellow and brown and a stripe across and near its eye. It seems that mud flats anywhere are a big attraction for birds. I assume they find a lot of food in mud flats when the water is low.

The mudflats also had a good count of ducks. After my visit at the flats I was offered a used Swarvorski scope. It was perfect timing for getting the scope to take on my Outer Banks trip. The scope really comes in handy for the birds in the distance like the ducks in the photo below.

I thought the bridge's shadow was a cool photo.

I am hooking up with Watery Wednesday, thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting.
Also, thanks for stopping by to see my post.


Dejemonos sorprender said...

Beautiful pictures.. i liked..

Martha Z said...

It is always exciting to add to one’s life list. Congratulations on acquiring the scope, that should add to your birding enjoyment.

Ben and Carrie Tracks said...

We are a big fan of mud flats for birding too.... so much goes on there. Would have to agree with you on the bridge shot - shadows always seem to add something extra to a shot :)

Happy Holidays!
-Carrie and Ben

caite said...


I am such a bad bird identifier...

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm excited for you, Eileen! I'm just a beginning birder but know the feeling of seeing or identifying a new bird.

Anonymous said...

i like the tiny rippling on the water on the last image. very nice.

diane b said...

It is refreshing to hear about someone's excitement on seeing or doing something special to them. I am happy for you.

Kim, USA said...

Wow the landscape is awesome! Happy Wednesday and keep warm.
Watery Wednesday

Grammy Mouse said...

beautiful! You find the most interesting places, esp w/critters Eileen :)
~Faythe @ GMT~

Dawn Fine said...

So cool..Seems like you are always Birding! Congrats on the snipe.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Congrats on the lifer.It doesn't matter how many birds are on ones list a new one is still exciting.Great pictures.

Shahz said...

Wow.. Fascinating... I love it!!!:-)

Unknown said...

this is an awesome place. i don't know much about birds but it's always a delight to see them.

Marie said...

I´m not soo good in birds but I love the sight and song of them. Lovely postand interesting information. Thanks for stopping by.

eden said...

Beautiful place. Great shots as always. Thanks for sharing, Eileen.

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, I agree with you, the bridge casting its shadow makes a great photo!!!

My Wednesday Link Do take time to stop by if you can. I also have a Christmas Day Gift Giveaway for you if you'd like to click on the very top button [Santa button] on my blog that'll direct you to another page, to view my gift,...sign up for your chance to win!!

rainfield61 said...

Seeing a lifer is always wonderful.

I share your happiness.

NatureFootstep said...

congrats to the lifer. Of course you shall show it. And, as a nature photo, it is good anyway. :)

DeniseinVA said...

What a neat place for birding Eileen. Happy you got to see a lifer. Always exciting when that happens.

Carletta said...

What a gorgeous place to do birding and photographing!
Wow - it looks lovely there.
Congrats on your lifter find. I assure you some of us know very well your excitement. :)
Hope your having a great week Eileen!

Indrani said...

Great captures, The last one is too good.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I like the third photo, looks like the oyster catchers in Auckland, where I found at walker park.

2sweetnsaxy said...

What great views. I love visiting places like this.

Dimple said...

Congratulations on achieving another milepost in birding! I can understand your excitement, and it's good to see the photos!

Robin said...

Congratulations on your find, and what an interesting looking location too.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...