Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday's Critters #21

Saturday's Critters #21

The Gentle Barn TheGentleBarn on facebook

I was asked if I would do a review on My Gentle Barn. I was not offered money and I am doing this because I want other reason. I would highly recommend reading this book, hubby and I had fun reading the book at the same time. Two different bookmarks kept our place and we enjoyed talking about the book as we read. 

On my post this week I am including a review of Ellie Laks book called My Gentle Barn. A true story begins with Ellie’s life as a child and shares her love of animals. Being an animal lover myself, it was sad reading about some of the animals being abused.  But, this story made me feel good that the rescued animals received necessary medical attention, respect and lots of love. Ellie loves all her animals and in return the animals loved Ellie.  

Ellie takes it a step further in helping at risk teens. Ellie knew from her own experience just how much animals can bring a person comfort.  Ellie’s rescued animals were perfect to teach, heal and share compassion with the special needs of the at risk youth. There were many happy and sad times throughout Ellie’s life.  I think the happiest of times were made at the Gentle Barn. It would be nice if there were Gental Barn rescues across the USA. Thanks to Ellie and her husband Jay who run the Gentle Barn in California. 

Now for my critter part of the post.. I am sharing some various animals you might find on a farm or in a barn.

To see more cute critters, check out the link below. If you get a chance, I hope you read the book My Gentle Barn.

I am looking forward to seeing your critters.

Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends..

I am  sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.

 Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy weekend.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Eileen. That sounds like a good read. Love all your
Barnyard animals today. That pig is big!

Jocee said...

I think every country could do with places like this. Lovely post.

Unknown said...

They're all cute! Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen;
I admire your sweet thoughts for animals! Blogging sure broaden my views in many ways.
None of them I've ever seen here in your pictures(^^;)

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

katerchen said...

lesen werde ich dieses Buch wohl nicht..die Spache ist die Hinderung.
Glaube aber es ist eine sehr schöne Geschichte die da vorgestellt wurde.

LG vom katerchen zun Wochenende

Sue said...

I like the pig photo--so cute!

Have a wonderful weekend, Eileeen!

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures, Eileen.
The pig I find really beautiful.
Greetings Irma

Icy BC said...

The book sounds very interesting and your critters are fabulous..Happy weekend..

DIMI said...

Good morning Eileen!
The book,sounds very interesting!I like your Saturday's critters!Great shots!Wish you a lovely weekend!

Carole M. said...

well done on your book review Eileen; yes sadly, there is always a need for places like that. A nice 'mixed bag' of animal treats from you

Phil Slade said...

Good morning Eileen. Thank you for hosting again. I'm loving the porker - such a friendly looking soul and what beautiful long ears he/she has.

Hootin Anni said...

Sweet images!!
The book sounds like something I would definitely enjoy reading. I started reading a book on the emotions of animals and stopped...years ago....just found a copy of it the other day and hope to begin reading it again.

Snap said...

Barn yard animals are some of my favorites. I follow one of the Gentle Barn's on FB. Nice post and thanks for hosting!

Kate said...

Thanks for the review of the book! Great photos, too.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

That sounds like a book that my niece would really love!

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

cute animals, we love visiting the farm

sandyland said...

such clear pictures camera??

Naquillity said...

so many different animals in need of gentle care and love... i think it's great what Ellie did. sounds like a great book. your barn yard critters are precious. hope all is well. have a great day~

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

It sounds like a wonderful book! :)

Pat said...

Love seeing the farm animals and I really like the pig's ears!

diane b said...

I like Mr Pig, he looks happy and contented.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love that you & your hubby read at the same time ... that is super cute. that you can talk about what you learned or read. give each other opinions or thought. so smart. i find i read a lot when camping or just away from the net. i need to quiet the brain more. it is tough for me to do so. ( :

have a birdie weekend!!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Interesting to see the llama/alpaca(?) with the cows

Roan said...

Sounds like a good book. I'll put that on my reading list. That looks like a happy, contented hog.

Debbie said...

i enjoyed the book review, having a genuine love for all animals is so important. i am, obsessed!!

you know i adore those alpacas, and that pretty fence in the last picture!!

great images for today eileen, thanks for hosting!!

DeniseinVA said...

Good morning Eileen, this is a great review of a book I would enjoy reading. Lovely animal photos too. Have a great weekend :)

TexWisGirl said...

it sounds like a wonderful place - one my niece would love to work at. :)

thanks for hosting! love your farm critters!

Beth said...

The book sounds very interesting. I love all of your crittere!

Bob Bushell said...

I do love the Barn, and, I love the Wild Boar, cheers Eileen.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a wonderful way to pay back the abused and forgotten, Eileen! Thanks for sharing..:)JP

Montanagirl said...

Nice post, Eileen!

lina@a happy family said...

Thanks for the book review. Hope I can find it here.
Love seeing your critter shots. So cute.

HappyK said...

The book sounds good and one I would like to read. : )
Nice shots of the animals. Love them all.

Karen said...

Oh, I LOVE that pig! Llamas are so sweet too. I'll have to look for that book at the library.

Thanks for hosting Eileen!

Ida said...

The book sounds interesting. I've written it down to see if our local library has it.
Loved your animals, especially the pig.

Kay said...

I actually live about 8 miles from The Gentle Barn and I even volunteered there for awhile. It is a great place.

Alexa T said...

It sounds so interesting the subject and who knows when the book will appear in Europe or the idea of barns, actually I've heard of farmers doing this!... lovely pictures to illustrate and the grey pig is so awesome... Thanks so much for sharing with! Have a great weekend!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww that pig! Great shots.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I love your farm critters ... I drive in the country a lot and always stop to watch the animals. We have llama's here too and they are such charaters. Very nice post Eileen.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Black Jack's Carol said...

Hi Eileen,
Thanks for this wonderful meme! Your book review was especially interesting to me. Compassionate people are treasures; they enrich our lives and make life good. Loved your farm critters too :)

sunshine said...

It looks like a great place and beautiful photos.

NatureFootstep said...

a great idéa with Gentle Barn, but I can´t help but wonder why it has to be needed. :(

Thanks for hosting.

Ela said...

Eileen, I love all your pictures :)

Our photos said...

Very nice, these animals

Connie Smiley said...

What a cute pig!

Maude Lynn said...

Love these pictures, Eileen! That sounds like a great read.

George said...

Thanks for the review of the book. Thanks, too, for the great pictures of the critters this week.

Stephanie said...

I love the one of the pig. Sorry I was in this morning to post my link and forgot to comment. Going to look at the other blogs while I am here.

Brian King said...

The pig made me the easy life!

Linda W. said...

Love the llamas and the big ol' fat pig! Cute photos.

Noushka said...

These farms should mushroom everywhere WORLD WIDE!!
Thanks for sharing this Eileen!

EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks for reminding me that I need to get out and take some photos of some of my favourite farm animals.

Anonymous said...

I love your critter pictures, and the book is my kind of book!

Lynne said...

Sounds like a great book and mission!
I liked your Barn edition to your critter post. Hopefully I can join you soon!

Jo said...

What a different and inspiring post for today! I will check the book on my Kindle shortly.

Laura said...

love the critters you've shared Eileen:-)

Louisette said...

Hi Eileen, cute fotosanimals, have a nice sunday.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love the pig! He looks happy. Rescue farms provide a great service and that sounds like a very good book!

Ileana said...

:) Beautiful !

Susan Cook said...

I've heard of the Gentle barn on the Ellen Degeneres show.

Love all your critters esp the big pig :)

Anonymous said...

Love that pig!

Suzan said...

I will have to read this book!!! Ellie has to be a very special person to love and take care such very special animals!! God Bless her!!

Maria said...

I agree Eileen, there should be more sanctuaries like these; thanks for bringing attention to the book.

Helma said...

So you gget reviews on books that I did not know. Now about the animals and they do look very of. I think the pig really beautiful to see. Very nice photographed :-)
Very nice evening. Greetings, Helma

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...