Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday's Critters #19

Saturday's Critters #19

Hi, everyone! It's time for Saturday's Critter party.  Link up your post and have some fun seeing all the different critters.   It is fun to visit with some new bloggers and catch up with some old blogging friends.  Either way, I hope everyone enjoys the critters.

I am sharing my chickadee today, aren't they cuties!

My yard seem to be home to a few Carolina Chickadees.. They are one of my cute yardbirds, I even love their cool Chick-a-dee-dee song..

I was told once you have a good photo, if you can see the chickadee's eyes clearly. I was happy with this shot above.. They are quick moving birds.

Here is a new photo for the meme Saturday's Critters, you are welcome to add it to your next post you link up.. a creation made by Jennifer from Cottage Country Reflections

I hope you enjoy my Carolina Chickadees. I am looking forward to seeing your critters.

Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends..

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin. Also, sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.

 Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy weekend.


  1. They're great! It's so cute and chubby!

  2. You do have some cuties Eileen! I was sitting on my deck yesterday after filling the feeders and the chickadees are usually first to arrive. I love hearing them sing too.
    I've read the part about having the eye in focus too. It isn't always easy but very cool when it happens. Not easy with the chickadee and it's black feathers around the eye.
    Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

  3. What sweet little featherballs !

  4. hallo Eileen
    ähnliche Meisen haben wir hier auch niedlich wie du sie erwischt hast :D

    einen LG zum Wochenende vom katerchen

  5. What a gorgeous bird the Chickadee is. Lovely shots.

  6. Dearest Eileen;
    Your Chickadee is really cute and adorable♡♡♡ It sure must be hard to have a quick moving birds! Love the way he is kind of in thoughts in the last picture :-)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Entzückende Fotos von den kleinen Piepmätzen!

  8. the chickadees are very personable Eileen; sweet photographs

  9. Good morning Eileen!!
    Lovely birds the Chickadees are!!
    Great shots and captures!!I really enjoyed your photos!Wish you a happy weekend!

  10. I can almost hear that cheeky "chick a dee dee" song from way over here Eileen. Lovely shots and thanks for the hosting.

  11. What beautiful photos of gorgeous bird :)
    Have a happy weekend !

  12. Good morning, Eileen
    I love the chickadees--and am impressed with your pics. They are such busy little birds, it's hard to capture them sitting still!
    We always have a pair nesting on our deck in my planter. I have never been able to use the planter because they get in there so early. Maybe this year? Ha!
    Have a great weekend

  13. Linda coleção de pássaros na natureza! beijos,tudo de bom,chica

  14. I like his white handlebar moustache

  15. Your chickadee shots are beautiful and show how adorable they are..

  16. Thank you Eileen. I love the chickadees. We used to have them in Oregon. (Guess they were Oregon chickadees, not Carolina;).....a favorite yardbird back then.

  17. i love chickadees - such a gorgeous tune they do sing pretty. ( :

  18. They are cute, quick and good singers :)
    Perfectly captured,Eileen.

  19. Hi,Eileen. They are truely cute. They are very happy in your yard. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  20. Very nice photos! They're one of my favorite little birds! Fun to watch!

  21. I love them and their happy song

  22. Perfect photos Eileen! A darling little bird that you have captured beautifully. I will be linking up hopefully before I leave the house this morning. We have family visiting this weekend.

  23. You have some nice captures of the Chickadee. It's really hard to get the eye on birds with black heads, You did a nice job!

  24. perfectly adorable tiny things! great shots, eileen, and thanks for hosting!

  25. your carolina chickadees are adorable... very sweet birds but hard to photograph as they're very quick. very nice captures. have a great weekend...

  26. Beautiful pictures of Carolina Chickadees.
    Perfect photographed, Eileen.
    Greetings Irma

  27. Great photos of nature's little bird gems ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  28. Very good photographs of a sweet looking bird!

  29. These are great shots of your little Chickadees!

  30. Awwww.....what a cute little bird! Fab photos!

  31. Adorable little birds! Enjoy your weekend.

  32. Super shots of the delightful Chickadee.

    Hope you are having a great wildlife weekend Eileen.

  33. all the while looking at this i kept smiling. what beautiful little birds, eileen.

    i so enjoyed your photos.

    happy weekend!

  34. Very beautiful Chickadees and a nice weekend.

  35. I spied some in our yard this afternoon, were really friendly, probably thought I was going to give them some food, nice series of shots.

  36. You got some great photos of the chickadees. They are all wonderful.

  37. i love to watch them, fluttering around the yard!!

    awesome captures eileen!!

  38. Lovely bird.
    I am delighted with your photographs.
    Eileen, I wish you a nice Sunday.

  39. Hello Eileen,
    What a cute little bird, this chickadee!
    Amazing photo where you can see its eye clearly!
    Great shots, congrats!!
    Enjoy your sunday!

  40. Such cute little sprightly characters. And love the turn of the head in the last photo.

  41. Great bird photos! Have a great Sunday!

  42. lovely photos, chickadees are so cute and very like our coal tits

  43. Sweet little fellow you got in your garden! Very good photos too!
    Thanks for your comment in my blog!
    Greetings Pia

  44. ...wishing I could spot some of these 'cuties'!!!!

  45. Great to see these beautiful Eileen matkopmees. Or is it a black / Marsh Tit? Again many beautiful bird items in your ctitters. Birds stay beautiful and very photogenic.
    Very nice new week.

  46. Hi Eileen,
    the Carolina Chickadee ist very beautiful and cute! Amazing how close you get to the little bird.
    The new photo/ button for „Saturday's Critters“ party i like even more than the last.
    It is a beautiful photo edit from Jennifer - good work!
    Thank you for hosting and sharing and being a friend.
    I wish you a happy evening and a great new Week, Wieczora (◔‿◔)| My photoblog

  47. I've seen them, but rarely manage to get a good photo. Good job! My favorite is the one with his head cocked.

  48. love the chickadee. :)
    Thankd for hosting!

  49. Hi Eileen. Great looking little bird. I notice you did not link me in this weekend when I was away on Copeland which was a pity. I will do it now although I think it might be too late for most people to see!

  50. Chickadees are fun little birds. They obviously think they are bigger than they are.

  51. They are some of my favorite backyard feeder birds also, great shots.

  52. They are some of my favorite birds at our feeders also, great shots.


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

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