Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday's Critters #20

Saturday's Critters #20

Happy Easter everyone! 

 Above is my neighborhood Great Blue Heron on the nest..You can just barely see the heron's beak and eye. My view with the camera will disappear as soon as the leaves show up on the trees.  But, it is cool to be able to watch their progress. 

One of the local breeders the American Goldfinch.. The male is already showing off his pretty summer colors.

A male Downy Woodpecker outside our dining room window.. I hope you enjoyed my birds, they are always a treat for me.

Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends..I am looking forward to seeing your critters.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin. Also, sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.

 Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy weekend.


Suzan said...

Love your GoldFinches Eileen!! I love watching them flitter around - little specks of yellow from branch to branch. I've had the thistle out for nearly a year and they have finally found it! YEAHHHHH! I have little Goldies visiting now consistently everyday!! Nice Woodpecker shot too!!

Merlesworld said...

The yellow fellow is a cutie and the woodpecker always reminds me of our kookaburra's to look at.

Cloudia said...

Real character shots

ALOHA from Honolulu


diane b said...

They all look happy that Spring has sprung. Can't get over a big bird like a heron can sit in a nest on a tree branch.

katerchen said...

danke Eileen
so schöne Bilder aus der Welt der Vögel

einen LG vom katerchen zum Osterfest

Carole M. said...

..I'm especially favouring the Golfinch's the yellow that does it for me

FAB said...

Eileen ... Have a very Happy Easter.

DIMI said...

Good morning Eileen!!
Such beautiful birds!!Great shots and captures!!Lovely bird the Woodpecker!!Wishing to you and your family a Happy Easter!!Enjoy your holidays!Hugs!

Sue said...

Our goldfinches have completely disappeared--and I guess I didn't realize that until I saw your photo. We usually comment on their "mottled" coloring until they fully turn. Hmmm. I wonder why they are gone?

Anyway, hope you have a Happy Easter, Eileen.
Enjoy the day

chica said...


FELIZ Páscoa e tudo de bom! beijos, chica

Irma said...

Hi Eileen.
Great series of pictures, especially the yellow bird is great.
All perfectly photographed compliments.
Happy Easter, Irma

Phil Slade said...

Thanks for hosting the critter party Eileen.Your pictures are just super today. Love the peeping heron - enjoy while you can. The American Goldfinch is certainly in wonderful Spring attire, and so is the Downy 'pecker. Happy Easter.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those little yellow birds are the perfect color for Easter week end.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy Easter Eileen -- and thank you for the weekly gift of this meme!

Spring is looking wonderful in your yard ... lovely birds.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Nice set of these beautiful birds .. Have a great day..

Icy BC said...

Love love your goldfinch, and your birds.
Happy Easter!

Louisette said...

Wonderfull fotos and birds Eillen, happy Easter.

EG CameraGirl said...

Our goldfinches are not so bright yet. Lovely photo, Eileen.

Haddock said...

Nothing like loosing the view when the trees grow, but nature has to move on.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

How wonderful to have a great blue heron nest to spy on :) The goldfinches look splendid in their bright yellow feathers.

Brian King said...

I'd love to find a heron rookery. We have them, but they're difficult to locate. The finches have really brightened up! Nice shots!

Unknown said...

I love the goldfinch, he's so pretty! Happy Easter!

don said...

Thanks for commenting on my Mission shot. I hope you have a great Easter.

Ela said...

Wonderful photos of birds !
Happy Easter !

Montanagirl said...

I always enjoy the Goldfinches, but we haven't had any show up yet.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen;
Today, I had guest and was busy also a bit sleepy(^^;)
Tomorrow, I'll come again after reading your blog and visit other friend.

Good night for tonight, from Japan.

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Debbie said...

oohhhhh i just love "yard" birds, the ones that come to us for a visit and pictures!!

the male goldfinch is almost at peak and he is looking mighty fine!!

ps...close call with brian, good thing i slept a lil longer today!!

Naquillity said...

how exciting you get to watch the great blue heron nesting so close to your home. i have a friend who took me where she'd found 8 nesting herons. what a sight that was. i got lots of pics. i may have to start sharing some of them for your Saturday Critters and for Wild Bird Wednesday... your goldfinches are pretty. i have about four different ones showing up at my feeder so far. i wish a woodpecker would come to my feeder but alas... none yet. hope all is well. have a great weekend.

TexWisGirl said...

really love that you have the herons nesting nearby! i've never seen one here. and your goldies are beautiful!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful birds, my fave is the Downy Woodpecker, fantastic.

Roan said...

Beautiful finches. Would love to find a blue heron nest. Lucky you!

sandyland said...

exceptional photos what kind of camera??

Pat said...

Great shots, Eileen. It will be really exciting to watch the heron chicks grow. Love your little backyard visitors. Have a nice Easter!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love the shot of the heron peaking through the nest! The goldfinch here as just starting to get their color.

lina@a happy family said...

Pretty birds. Awesome captures, Eileen.

Liz said...

Beautiful images Eileen! You have some wonderful neighbourhood birds!

Hootin Anni said...

Love 'em all Eileen!!!

Black Jack's Carol said...

Some of my favourite birds in your post, Eileen. I, too, have been watching the action at a heronry (Stanley Park). Thanks for this fine meme!

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely, sweet birds! Happy Easter Eileen :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Eileen, that pic of the Heron is great!!! When sitting on eggs they sit low just like the eagles!! I know what you mean about the leaves...I am anxious for them, but my view will diminish too!!! Happy Easter, my friend and keep snapping away...:)JP

Kristin_Texas said...

The Heron pic is awesome!

I'm never able to get any pics of the woodpeckers in these parts. Back when I was living in Burton a few months ago, I named one of them "Sir Wickel" but never got a pic of him.

I guess he's shy.


George said...

It's a shame you will soon lose your view of the heron nest, but it's great that you can see it at all. We've got lots of pretty goldfinch at our feeders nowadays.

Our photos said...

Very nice. I love the Goldfinch

Linda W. said...

Fantastic bird pics - especially the "peekaboo" heron. Happy Easter!

Stephanie said...

Love the bright yellow birds!

Clytie said...

That downy woodpecker is adorable! I saw one yesterday, but didn't get close enough to get a good pic.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Hi, again :-)
Wow, Great Blue Heron on the nest; lovely orange beak and sweet eye. Goldfinch has BEAUTIFUL summer color and the sweet eyes too♡♡♡ I am amazed your feeder and food ; Downy Woodpecker has different one as I remember from your former post. Haha, I wonder how many feeders you have(^_^)v

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

betty-NZ said...

I so love to see your birds. They are always so colorful and pretty. I certainly enjoy the woodpeckers a lot.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous yellows. what a beautiful finch. happy Easter!! have a lovely weekend. hoping for nice weather. ( :

Christian Perrin said...

The Goldfinches are flashy little things, aren't they! My eyes like the patterns on the Woodpecker even more though!

Unknown said...

You've got an awesome view of these critters. :)

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen
For sure I enjoy your birds!
Especially because they are quite different from ours! ;-)
The weather is back to rain and I can't take pictures...
So I am happy to see yours!
Enjoy your sunday!

Willow said...

Was great seeing that blue Heron in the nest !

Sheila at WolfSongBlog.Com said...

Beautiful photos of the American Goldfinch! I don't see many of them sorry to say.

Helma said...

The blue heron is very easy to see in his nest, but only the yellow males putter I find beautiful. woodpecker also have very nice man know to photograph. Bravo!

Sorry for my late response but I had last week, from Sunday afternoon toto no internet.

Alexa T said...

Lovely instants with birds, once again! Please excuse me that I have no reference to the wonderful world of critters, only a stone yellow bunny that it seems "so lost among coloured eggs"... lol... but I want to say thanks for sharing!! All the best!

Anonymous said...

Love the wood pecker. Never seen it before. Beautiful shot.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

nice shots.

NatureFootstep said...

love the great blue in it´s nest :)

Celeste said...

How wonderful to have herons nesting nearby. Your birds are beautiful.

Maria said...

I love the yellow of the Goldfinch!

Ida said...

Very nice bird shots.
The Heron is so cool.
Love that little Goldfinch, it's Washington State's, state bird.

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...