Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday's Critters #43

Saturday's Critters #43

Happy weekend everyone! I am looking forward to seeing everyone's critters this week..I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. I am sharing some more of my Colorado critters.. I hope you enjoy them..

The Pine Siskins are cute birds and easy to id with the yellow on the side of their wings and tails. I was tickled that our hotel in Estes Park had a line of these pine trees with all the pine cones at the top. The birds were loving the seeds from the cones. I could stand on our balcony and just snap away at anything that moved..HAHA.

A female Red Crossbill was a lifer for me.. We walked ( I was birding) a few mornings at the Matthews-Reeser Bird Sanctuary in Estes Park.  It was part of the trail that loops around the Estes Lake.

The female cow elk and the bull elk seen on the parking lot at Estes Lake.

A young elk or calf.. not too far from the adults.. I use my zoom lens on all photos. I am not getting close to or in the way of these wild animals.

I would say this man is too close, but did he know what was behind him.. The people were checking out the females and some young elk on the other side of the car..

The white car is our rental car, hubby laughed at me because I would not walk back to the car until the Elk moved away.  I was not getting close to him.

Picnic anyone?

I was told that this bird could be a lifer also, the female or juvenile Cassin's Finch.  They have a forked tail and the male has the raspberry color like the Purple Finches. It can be confusing with the Cassins's Finch, Pine Siskin's  and the square tipped tailed House Finches all being seen in the area. I may have some better photos of this bird, I have to look some more..

This post is just about the 2nd or 3rd day in Colorado and the Rocky Mtn Nat' Park.  LOL, so sit back and enjoy the show..more elk to come...

Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to  Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin. Also, sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Definitely what a zoom lens is for -- it is never a good idea to get too close to the wildlife. Isn't RMNp
a wonderful place!

Unknown said...

The elk are beautiful animals, but I wouldn't want to be too close to them either. Have a great weekend, Eileen!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Eileen Managed to link myself in but thanks anyway. Loved your post and seeing the wonderful Elk. Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting.

NatureFootstep said...

elk on the parking lot? That´s kind of weird. Don´t think it would happen over here unless one was strayed off. Witch happens maybe once a year. Great shots and you did right staying out ot the way.

Jocee said...

Wow, great photos. I love those pine cones and the birds enjoying them, the Elk I would be happy to admire from a distance. :)

diane b said...

I would be waiting for that huge elk to move too before i went back to the car. The antlers look like they could do some damage. For once I have a critter post with which I can join the party.

Jo said...

I would give those lethal-looking horns and hefty hoofs a wide berth as well. They are magnificent animals though. Thanks for sharing. I'm linking one new wild critter and seven cuties to your meme. Have a wonderful weekend. Jo

Ela said...

Eileen, your pictures are so great as always ! I admire shots of the elk and deer, and the courage of these people !
Have a nice weekend :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

That is one humungous elk. I would wait till he moved away from my car too. And the pine siskins are so cute.

Hannah said...

I can't imagine having elk in my garden, I wouldn't have the nerve to shoo them away. But can they jump over fences? Cool shots, and captures of the birds.

Irma said...

Hello Eileen.
Beautiful pictures, the moose are very close to the houses.
Maybe they are hungry, the bears do this I hear.
I wish you a very nice weekend.

Elaine said...

I think you were wise to wait for the elk to move away from your car. Even though they are in the parking lot, they are still wild animals, and large ones at that. You got some excellent photos, by the way.

chica said...

MARAVILHOSAS e adorei ver a 1ยช com as pinhas e os passarinhos! Lindas! bjs, tudo de bom,chica

lina@happy families said...

I guess the man didn't know there's an elk behind :D
Enjoying your shots!

Ranten said...

Fascinating to get as close to the animals! In Norway you can in cities far north meet reindeer in the street, but not here west of Bergen. Have a nice weekend!

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

The elk are amazing. So majestic, and BIG! :) Off to check out the prior post too :)

Bob Bushell said...

Woe, he is big boy, great photos.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Wow.....these animals look strong and powerful....and very handsome.!
The Siskins have plenty to eat right now in their beautiful cone laden pines.

Happy weekend!

Mersad said...

That was quite an event. Good thing you had your camera ready.

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE all the Elk!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love all the pine cones. i wonder why they were so plentiful on this tree? so curious.

have a great weekend. & thank you for the link up - always fun when i have a critter to share. enjoy the day!! ( :

Jenn Jilks said...

What an experience!
Do you think you could give me credit for creating your meme badge? I need the positive karma!

Debbie said...

the birds among the pinecones are just so pretty, these images remind me of what's coming!!

the elk look big and powerful and oh so beautiful!!

Alexa T said...

I see such animals only in documentaries... Fantastic to have the chance to watch them so close!! And the instant with the youngest is so precious!! lovely!! Thanks for sharing with us! Have a great weekend!

orchid0324 said...

Wow, The Pine Siskins on the pine tree. Lovely birds with kind of same colored tree p:)
And various elks you find the parking are SO gorgeous♡♡♡ And I admire the way you respect the wild life, Eileen. Your zoom pictures are great♪♪♪

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Michelle said...

I have been to Estes Park and, like you, I would not get near the Elk!!!

Linda Kay said...

The elk are great, but hubby would be looking at hunting them. The male in that one picture is elegant.

Misty DawnS said...

How awesome! What gorgeous animals!

TexWisGirl said...

wow! those elk are beautiful! and those people are too close! sheesh! congrats on the crossbill! and thanks for hosting!!!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

You excite my memories of living in the mountains of New Mexico and my several stays at the YMCA in Estes Park. Look forward to more Colorado photos!

Ileana said...

Beautiful pictures of these strong animals! Have a nice weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

I think you were smart not getting too close Eileen. Those elk can be unpredictable and move very fast when they want to. Gorgeous animals! Your pine siskins were lovely and how nice that your balcony gave you such a great view. Pretty pine cones also. A super collection of photos! Must have been a great trip. Happy weekend to you and thanks for hosting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your critter pics are always amazing and these are fantastic.. makes me so jealous... i want to see these guys to. and the two pine cone pics are wonderful. they would make great Christmas cards

Sharon Wagner said...

What awesome close encounters you had!

rainfield61 said...

I am also never want to get close the monkeys over here.

Laloofah said...

What a change of scenery (and climate) for you visiting Estes Park must have been! You were more in my neck of the woods. :-) The elk are so beautiful, and I'm glad you kept a cautious and respectful distance, for their sake as well as yours. You captured some magnificent photos of them! And weren't the pine siskins fun to watch? We had them in abundance when we lived on the side of the mountain and I miss them. They were always so tame and friendly, they'd often land on me while I was refilling the finch socks (maybe it was impatience more than tameness on display!) :-)

Adrienne said...

Crazy! Can't believe those big animals - gorgeous big animals - were so close to the human folk! Great shots!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
What a lovely post!!The Pine Siskins are so cute!!Wow,the elk looks so big and not friendly!Glad you used your zoom!!!Great shots!!I really enjoyed your photos!Have a happy weekend!

Pat said...

Those are pretty impressive antlers on the bull elk! Great shots.

Suzan said...

WoW Eileen!!
I've never seen a pine tree with so many pine cones on it!! Bet the birds are just loving all those delicious pine nuts!! And bet they are fat little birdies!! I'm taking notes on your trip to Colorado!! When exactly were you there?? We have never been to Colorado and we may need to make the trip for next years Fall break!! I WANT TO SEE ELK!! Awesome shots!!

A Colorful World said...

Looks like we hit Estes Park on the wrong day, or went through there too fast. We stopped briefly at the Visitors Center and stood on the little bridge overlooking the stream, but we drove through town with our friends (they were so kindly showing us the sights) and didn't make any other stops. We were so anxious to see elk closer than a half mile away! :-) But it didn't happen for us then. I DO have some elk photos, but haven't found the right time to post them yet) Your photos are amazing!!! How we would have loved an encounter like this. Love the pine cones and the siskin too.

Gail Dixon said...

Beautiful shots of the elk! You were wise to steer clear of the males. During rutting season they are quite aggressive. Thank you for hosting the meme!

Small City Scenes said...

Wow those Elk are huge. I'd stay away too. MB

Anonymous said...

These are amazing photos, Eileen. I can't blame you for not getting too close. Enjoy your weekend. xo Mildred

Black Jack's Carol said...

Wonderful photos, as always, Eileen! I especially appreciate your reminder that we should avoid going too close to wildlife. Those long lenses are invaluable, aren't they? Had to smile at the fellow, though. I'm guessing he had no idea he was being observed so closely. Oh.. and congratulations on a lifer!!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Congrats on your Red Crossbill.

The elk are spectacular!

Memaria said...

Impressive photos!!
Have a great weekend!

Karen said...

Oh, terrific shots of the elk. This reminds me of the time I was in Banff (Canada) and there were elf walking along the streets downtown!

sunshine said...

Great to see them so close, it is no fun to them so close and in the garden, our Red Deers eat everthing.

Maude Lynn said...

The elk are amazing!

Rose said...

What a great bunch of photos...I am with you on staying away from the elk. Not sure when their time of rut is, but I know deer is getting ready to start here.

Stephanie said...

Beautiful animal shots, Eileen. Finally got in to link my blog here. Been a busy day so far. Have a good one!

Stephanie said...

Great animal shots!

Our photos said...

Very nice photos !

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Wise decision on your part, Eileen to keep your distance!!! They are big!!...:)JP

Betsy Brock said...

Wow...that is amazing! The whole family! Look at that rack...I wouldn't have gotten too close either!

Christian Perrin said...

Beautiful, impressive animals! I like that you treat them with respect and give them space.

HappyK said...

I think you were smart to stay back from the elk and used your zoom. You got some great pictures of them.
Love all those pine cones. There are lot of them on the trees in my yard. Yesterday a squirrel was knocking a bunch of them off the tree.

Liz said...

Oh wow! What a sight to see Elk so close to houses and cars. Is this a common sight?

Linda said...

Fun to see these elk!

Kim said...

Very sensible Eileen! I'd love to be able to watch elk like that, thanks for sharing your images and experience. I love the way the birds' feathers mirror the cones, great camouflage.

Phil Slade said...

Good morning Eileen and thank you for hosting once again.I think you did right to keep a respectable disatnce from those huge Elk, especially since they have youngsters in tow. It's too late if they use those antlers on you.
Can't help with the finch ID I'm afraid, maybe at your next post.

Anni said...

Thanks for sharing your link today at I'd Rather B Birdin'!!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! The bird among many pine tree cones is very impressive. I enjoyed your elk photos very much too. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.

Edith DUTERTRE said...

merci de ton passage
j'ai mis ma petite vignette sur
ton blog , j'espรจre que j'ai bien fait
ton blog est super
j'aime beaucoup les oiseaux enfin tous les animaux
c'est impressionant l'approche de ces
รฉlans auprรฉs des maisons
bon dimanche
edit (iris)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Pine Siskins are pretty much a winter species here, but if they irrupt then I have them on my feeders. I have my fingers crossed!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely to see crossbills, I have yet to see any tyoe pf crossbill (there are three species in the UK, all very elusive)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The pine siskins are sweet eating the seeds from the cones. They're hard to tell from the goldfinches for me when not that close.
As for the critters by your car - better to be safe than sorry. Great shots of the animals as they moved throughout the area.

Helma said...

Very nice Eileen and the birds. The crossbill I hope someday to photograph but you Siskins are great to see. But the best thing is the moose! What about those nice sharp and clear up!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

ha ha...laid back elk

They're clearly acclimated to the two-footed being didn't have anything to worry about :O)

Ida said...

The birds were interesting to see since I've never seen them before. I've got to say though that the Elk stole the show here. I'm with you on not getting to close. It amazes me how (dumb) people are getting that close to wild animals. I've seen videos where people are being charged by Elk while trying to get photos. Not something I would care to try.

Maria said...

I think this post is beautiful, I know the people may have gotten too close, but the elk seemed tranquil and it all looked harmonious. I'm glad places like these exist.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...