Monday, November 24, 2014

More on the Bald Eagles

I am linking up with  :Our World Tuesday    Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

For this weeks Wild Bird I am sharing more photos of the Bald Eagles we saw at the Conowingo Dam and the Susquehanna River in Maryland..

As many of you know I have had some computer problems lately..I have not been able to visit everyone's blog post and make comments.. I believe I am back to normal now. I am using Google Chrome because the IE-11 was not compatible with blogger and my computer was reformatted..I lost some photos and documents.  I do hope everyone is backing up their computers. I learned it is not good to keep too much on your computer. I have been using my backup external hard drive and deleting photos from my files..

An adult Bald Eagle in a tree above the parking lot..

During the month of November this spot below the Conowingo Dam seems to be a gathering spot for the migrating Eagles.. As many as a hundred or more Bald Eagles and juveniles Bald Eagles can be seen during a day's visit..

A juvenile Bald Eagle with a couple of Black Vultures..

A juvenile Bald Eagle in a tree above the parking lot..

There was a contest going on with the professional and amateur photographers taking the best Bald Eagle photos... This shot above show some of the photographers and their equipment..

Hubby and I walked further down the trail next to the river,  this Eagle was sitting on some rocks in the middle of the river. I hope you enjoyed my Bald Eagle post..

Wishing all my USA blogging friends a very HAPPY Thanksgiving..

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit :Our World Tuesday thanks to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.

 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.

Thanks to both of our hosts... Michelle for Nature Notes and our host Stewart of Wild Bird Wednesday.  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


  1. so very cool to see these eagles! and glad you're back up and running!

    i use google chrome only since it plays well with its own product (blogger) and gmail, too. and i also move stuff off to external hard drive storage once i use photos for my blog. but, i sure hope my laptop keeps trucking for a while... :)

  2. I just despise computer woes!! happy to see you back, your images are wonderful!!!!

  3. I hope you know how glad I am that you are posting again!

    Also I'm jealous that you have such neat shots of the eagles! :)

  4. Gosto muito das fotos que consegues fazer com essas aves! Belo trabalho! bjs, chica

  5. HI Eileen I am so glad you are back to blogging and we will have the Saturday Critters again. These shots of the birds are excellent. Have a great week.

  6. It's good to see you back Eileen! I have an external drive and a subscription to BackBlaze. I'm sorry you lost some docs and pics.

    I most certainly enjoyed your eagle post. The first one and the juvenile eagle are superb shots. I thought I saw one flying the other day, but I couldn't confirm.

    Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Very nice shots of the eagles! Glad your technical problems are out of the way now.

  8. Such a pity to lose such beautiful photos ! Your a good photographer, Eileen.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  9. Hello Eileen!
    I'm glad you are back!Sorry you lost some pc.Excellent shots of the eagles!Such beautiful and impresive birds!I like the picture with all those photographers waiting to take pictures of the eagles!
    Have a lovely week!Wish you no more problems!

  10. Powerful images of teh eagles. :)

    Nice to see you back. I am mailing backups now and then. And I make copies on everything I post. But accidents happen nevertheless.

  11. Great photos. I liked the one showing all the photographers.

  12. FAB shots! Yes, I use Chrome. Glad you are fully back with us, E

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  13. Gorgeous shots of the Eagles ~ what a gift to see them and photograph them !

    Yes, know how important back up especially for photos that you love!

    Happy Thanksgiving in the USA
    artmusedog and carol

  14. Glad you're back!!..Gorgeous eagle shots..What a great opportunity..I don't back up my computer..My pictures are all on Picasso and everything else is retrievable...pretty much!! Happy Thanksgiving..

  15. I like the juvenile and the one sitting in the rocks at the end. they are amazing. sorry you had computer woes glad you are almost through them. i love Chrome and have used it for almost 2 years, now i can' stand Firefox or IE. hubby uses IE

  16. I love eagles and these are great photos! I've only seen two here and they were both fly overs.

  17. Wow … all those photographers lined up along the shore must be a very curious sight for the birds. I sympathize with the pc problems and agree that backing up files is one of the most important things we can do.

  18. All great captures, and it's good all is well in computer land again!

  19. I am SO glad that you are back up and running, Eileen!! Those computer problems can be and are SO frustrating!! The shots of the eagle are superb!! So beautiful!! Hope you have a great week!!

  20. Great photos of magnificent birds. That photo of the birders and all their equipment is quite amazing!

  21. 1. I love your eagle shots!

    2. Microsoft gave up on Internet Exploder a ways back. It's not safe, as you already know.

    3. I use Chrome sometimes, but my main choice is Firefox. No regrets.

  22. Wonderful shots of bald eagle. Very poised.

  23. So amazing birds! Your shots are so gorgeous!

  24. You got some wonderful photos of the eagles. I hope you entered the photo contest.

  25. Fascinating post and amazing shots of the eagles.

  26. great images of the Bald Eagle. I am glad to hear you have resolved your computer problems. I keep my fingers crossed!
    Have a great week Eileen.

  27. Hi Eileen!! Your photos truly are among the most amazing of Eagles that I've seen! I saw an eagle today and thought of you, I am always in awe when I see them, and miss being able to see them as we did when we lived in Alaska.

  28. Such an elegant bird...I think you should win the contest.

  29. Nice eagle shots! Glad to see you're back in business.

  30. More amazing shots! Happy Thanksgiving Eileen.

  31. Outstanding Eagle photos . . .
    Happy you are back.
    I am taking your advice and doing some clean up in the next few weeks!

  32. It is really nice to see you posting again. Love the eagle shots as well as the other great images!

  33. What a lot of people taking shots. Love your eagle photos!

  34. Wonderful photos of these majestic birds, Eileen! I just love seeing them up close. The shot with the vultures is great! Glad you got your computer problems sorted out - too bad about losing some photos and docs, though. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! xo Karen

  35. Beautiful eagle pictures! Have a nice Thanksgiving.

  36. I love all your eagles photos--what a wonderful place to sight them! It seems like many photographers know about it.

    I've been using Google Chrome for awhile, Eileen. I can't say it is without problems from time to time, but I have a feeling all browsers have their moments...sigh. Yes, backup is important! I use Picasa to backup my photos and I also have an external drive.

  37. Beautiful images of the Bald Eagle, excellent filming Eileen.

  38. Beautiful pictures of the bald eagle.
    Like a contest for amateur photographers.
    There are a lot of photographers.
    Perfectly captured this eagle Eileen.

  39. Beautiful pictures and what a proud looking bird !
    I only use Firefox and Google Chrome, Internet Explorer I gave up years ago, a real trouble maker !

  40. Loved these photos Eileen. How very exciting to see the Bald Eagles and the juvenile one also. Happy Thanksgiving!

  41. ...those juvenile eagles are just as impressive and the mamas and papas!!

    Ewwwwwwww, I never liked IE before, and now that you're telling us it's not compatible with blogger makes it even more so 'no-good'!!

    Happy Thanksgiving Eileen.

  42. Thats a nice bird and a lot of people - many the Eagle Unions should organise some kind of fee!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  43. oh, good i was worried that you computer/google issues were more difficult to fix. glad to hear it was something more simple to fix. i have missed your posts. ( :

    i will have another post to link up this weekend. i am happy i can share with your critter friends. so fun!

  44. I love seeing them, and I never tire of it.

  45. Majestic birds! I'm glad your computer troubles are over. I try to copy stuff to my external hard drive on a regular basis.

  46. Wow-Eileen! Such beautiful close-ups of the BE.
    Very beautiful!

    Peace :)

  47. Wow, amazing shots. Majestic birds!

  48. Wow, what fantastic photos - and a timely reminder of backing everything up, hope you didn't lose too much. #ourworldtuesday

  49. Hi Eileen!
    Hope you're fine and your PC will work right. It scares me to think of such problems (and I feel that is like as a matter of time till will happen something with my "blogging tool", too..) Pfiuu... not funny at all! your advice is so good about external drive...
    Amazing photos of these majestic birds... we called them "vulturi plesuvi" - bald eagles... a variaty that can be seen in our part, in mountains, as well!
    All the best till next time and thank you for your thoughts! Alexa

  50. What majestic sights those bald eagles are! Your photos - especially the first one - are breathtaking!
    I'm glad you are done with computer issues. Your photos are far too valuable to risk.

  51. Sorry to hear about your computer woes....losing files is heartbreaking...especially when they are photographs.
    I enjoyed your eagle shots.. I have never seen an eagle..except high in the sky.

  52. Welcome back, Eileen! Great shots of the bald Eagles, love them!

  53. So good to have you back, Eileen. Computer woes are no fun at all. I appreciate your tech advice, and do back up my files on an external drive, though perhaps, not as often as I should. As for those eagles, they are magnificent! Had to smile at that long line of photographers. We see that sort of thing here in the best bird-watching spots, even when there is no contest. I often wonder what the birds think :) A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!

  54. that's an impressive number of Eagles to see during a visit, oh how I wish we had the same opportunities here in the UK..... I love the juvenile with the two vultures

  55. Beautiful Eagles!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours~

  56. Awesome Eagle shots. What a privelege you had to see these birds up close like that. I also liked your shot of all the photographers.

  57. Hi Friend, Just stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving to you. Even in places where Thanksgiving is not celebrated (or celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November like ours is) —it can be a time for each of us to take time to thank God for our blessings and also not to forget the “Giving” in the word, ThanksGIVING. We all have lots of blessings —but many times, we ignore the giving part….Not just on Thanksgiving Day, but all of the time, please take time to contact family/friends just to say HI… And remember that a big SMILE can lift someone’s day…. Little things like that can really HELP..

    Your Eagle photos are marvelous --probably much better than those 'professional' photographers... ha

    God Bless…
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  58. Wow..I love the close I have an older laptop and IE is useless. I also turned to Chrome when Firefox isn't cooperating. After my last crash, I signed up for Carbonite which works in the background and I back to a hard drive..I am sorry this happened to you... Happy Thanksgiving.. Michelle

  59. How exciting! You got some wonderful photos! Neat that there is a contest there for the bald eagle viewers. That picture reminded me a little of the shots of lines of people in NY watching the redtails nesting on the skyscraper. I haven't thought of that book/documentary film in a while. :-) You also made me think of my childhood with your mention of the Conowingo Dam...I remember it from living in Havre de Grace and also Bainbridge as a child. I am so sorry you have been having so many problems with your computer. All my photos go on disks immediately but I don't back up my computer. Nothing else really on it these days, but that may change. I don't understand enough about computers to handle problems like that, and I am just happy you got yours figured out and are back and running! Have a blessed, wonderful Thanksgiving today....gotta get in the shower! :-)

  60. Welcome back! I had to switch to Chrome a while back, as well. An external drive to store my photos sounds like a good idea.

    Wow, you didn't even have to leave the parking lot to get great photos of the eagles! Nice!

  61. Oh Eileen, I cannot stop the goosebumps running up and down my leg!!!! Thank you for sharing these!!!...:)JP

  62. You got great shots here Eileen. You got really close on that first one. Lovely!

  63. Your eagle photos are gorgeous, I like the expression on the juvenile's face who looks like he is really scrutinizing you as well. The line of photographers is funny.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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