Saturday's Critters #50
Happy weekend everyone! I am so sorry it has been three weeks since the last Saturday's Critter post. So much was going on with my computer, I could not visit everyone. And I missed visiting and commenting. But, for now I am glad to be back..
The Carolina Chickadee is a common bird in my backyard.. They come and go quickly to my bird feeders.
The Blue Jay is feasting on the peanut suet nuggets..
A Tufted Titmouse waiting for the feeder..
This little devil is a piggie and likes to sit in the feeder. As always I hope you enjoyed my post and critter photos..
And here is my great-nephew Neill and his dog Ajax.. a 150lb mastiff.
Ok, it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit..Also, I hope you can check out the post at Annis's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.
Special thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.
Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
Happy weekend everyone! I am so sorry it has been three weeks since the last Saturday's Critter post. So much was going on with my computer, I could not visit everyone. And I missed visiting and commenting. But, for now I am glad to be back..
The Carolina Chickadee is a common bird in my backyard.. They come and go quickly to my bird feeders.
The Blue Jay is feasting on the peanut suet nuggets..
A Tufted Titmouse waiting for the feeder..
This little devil is a piggie and likes to sit in the feeder. As always I hope you enjoyed my post and critter photos..
And here is my great-nephew Neill and his dog Ajax.. a 150lb mastiff.
Ok, it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit..Also, I hope you can check out the post at Annis's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.
Special thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
The bluejay has stained glass wings!
I like Ajax and his pal
Nice to see you posting, E!
ALOHA from Honolulu
the boy seem to be well taken care of :)
Hello Dearest Eileen;
Wow, such great pictures of birdies and how sweet to see the picture of your great-nephew Neill and his dog Ajax♡♡♡ He didn't seem to be afraid of at all♪
I'm happy that Google's problem solved and starting to meme, visiting us,my friend.
So sorry that I didn't wrote blog for today's link. I was sleeping all day today, so tired p;)
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*
It's good to have you back, Eileen! The squirrel is adorable and I love the birds. Thank you for hosting!
Sempre maravilhosas tuas fotos! Gosto muito de todas! bjs ótimo fim de semana,chica
Your birds look great, I also get Chickadees and Jays, but I don't think I've ever seen a Titmouse. It is a cute little bird. I partly solved my squirrel problems by putting some seed down on the deck as well as up on the railing, then the squirrels tend to go for the seeds on the deck and leave the birds alone more. That's a big dog for such a little boy, he could be a dog sofa!
HI Eileen Lovely post. That Mastiff surely makes a great cushion for Neill.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hello Eileen,
Beautiful series of photos.
I love the photo of the dog and the baby.
A very nice weekend.
Best regards, Irma
Welcome back after your misfortune with technology Eileen. I hope everything is OK now.
Young Neill has a big buddy to look after him there.
Have a great weekend and thanks for the hosting again.
A great start to the winter season to see your garden birds pop up again at the feeders! Many must remember them from one year to the next!!
I wish I could have squirrels visiting but no such luck!
Keep well Eileen, glad you've got your PC working again!
Hi Eileen, I'm so thrilled to link to you via Phil's post today! I thought you didn't have this meme anymore. I'll try and put up my first critters (since returning to EA this week) and link to you. I love your Great-nephew. I always love to see children who are comfortable with animals! Greetings. Jo
Hi Eileen, I'm so thrilled to link to you via Phil's post today! I thought you didn't have this meme anymore. I'll try and put up my first critters (since returning to EA this week) and link to you. I love your Great-nephew. I always love to see children who are comfortable with animals! Greetings. Jo
Hi Eileen
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Love the detail on the BlueJay's wings. Have a good weekend
Bom dia, não conhecia a ave com lindas cores, é linda e é merecida de ser bem fotografada, é o caso.
Wow, that dog is HUGE!!! Either that, or your great-nephew is really tiny, haha! Hope you're having a lovely weekend - I'm back too after a LOOOOONG absence! And now I've seen your great photos again, I'm REALLY glad to be back!
Amei o post. A última foto é incrível!
Ajax é um gigante!!!
A criança é tão pequenina perto dele!!!
Bom fim de semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil。♫° ·.
Hi Eileen, lovely to see your birds again! The blue jay is beautiful.
I know squirrels can be a pest but I love their agility and cleverness and the dexterity with which they use their nimble toes.
Neill is really cute!
Happy weekend!
Hi! Eileen. Your photos are very beautiful. I uploaded my photo in your meme. Thanks for sharing.
I like very much seeing the critters that spend time at your feeders. The titmouse and the Carolina chickadee I never see here but we do have black-capped chickadees that fly in quickly like your chickadee does. And we also have blue jays. OH, and we also have piggy squirrels!
hey there!! i am glad you are back and running again. sure hope things continue to work well on your computer. hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
i love your birdie. chickadees are my fave. so cute. have a happy weekend!! take care. ( :
Welcome back! How I miss having a backyard feeder. I could get fined by the Homeowners Association and also violate local laws if I feed the Muscovy Ducks that mob to any food source and made quick work of the feeders that I set up when first moving to Florida.
The last pic is my favorite.
Hello Eileen!!
Welcome back!!Great post!
I really enjoyed your yard birds!My favorite is the Blue Jay and the chickadees!!What an adorable squirrel!!What a sweet little boy Neill is!I'm sure you had a great time together in Thanksgiving Day!
Have a happy weekend!
worth the wait so great
That one of Ajax and your g-nephew is the one that steals the show today!
You have posted back beautiful pictures of this two-tone tit and the Marsh tit you have a moie photo / The Blue Jay is also such a beautiful bird. The Eenkhoorn is very mischievous lol .... Great photo of Neill and his dog Ajax. Very nice weekend Eileen.
You are so good with your photos of birds. And I loved the big mastiff.
I love the nephew and his dog. so cute both of them and that titmouse is a sweetie.
as my cute varmint said, we're happy you're back, too! :)
thanks, eileen! you're a great host and we missed you. :)
and love that big, gentle giant of a dog!
Hello Eileen!
Beautiful bird pictures. Wish I could do that, but they always fly away when I come closer :)
The Blue Jay is my favourite.
And I like big Ajax with little Neill :))
Nice variety! We see all these guys except our chickadees are Carolina's. Love the photo of your great-nephew!
The squirrel made me smile. The dog is huge! Visiting from Camera Critters. I'll join in the party here too. :-)
such a great variety of yard "friends"....with the addition of one adorable boy and one huge dog!!!
so happy to be back, so happy that you are up and running!!
and there are some pretty amazing peeps in the blogging world!!!
Glad you're up and running! Love your line-up of critters today. That last photo is priceless!!
I know today's post is great Eileen...especially Ajax, but I keep going back to those EAGLES!!!!...:)JP
Sweet photos of your great nephew Eileen, and of Ajax also. Loved the bird photos and the cute little varmint :-). Have a great day!
Loved your pictures, especially the stuffed Titmouse and the 150 pound Mastiff . . . wow,
I tried to link up, doesn't look like the picture went on!
Eileen, welcome back!!
I really enjoyed your yard Critters ! This little squirrel is very funny ! Great pictures !
Happy weekend :)
Love the shot of a boy and his dog.
Glad to see you back!
Cute bird photos, and that is one big dog! Good to have you back. Wish I had a critter post for you.
Very beautiful capture on the birds! Wonderful detail on the Blue Jay and Squirrel
How kind being, Ajax, though has a terrific physique. Cute photo:)
Birds are great- but how cool is that pooch! Lovely picture of the two.
We have the same birds here ... sharing the pine siskin this week.
Beautiful images! I missed your posts, love the Blue Jay and Chickadee. Love seeing squirrels as we don't have any here.
Great bird images Eileen.
Peanut suet nuggets huh? Sounds good enough for humans!
Hello Eileen
I understand you. Also had big problems with your computer.
I admire in you beautiful animals. I love your blog.
Charming is your nephew and the dog is big and beautiful.
Have fun, joyful weekend.
What marvels Eileen!
Amazing photographs Eileen! The pictures of the birds are wonderful and your last photo is just adorable!
cute shots
the chickadee is one of my favorite birds
Hi Eileen! I have enjoyed this fun series of critters and photos, especially the last one!
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!!
Love all your critters! With all the wildlife rescue I've done, squirrels have my heart. :)
enjoy your weekend,
He's not heavy, he's my doggie!
Wonderful pics, Eileen.
These are amazing birds! I love the last shot!
love the blue jay - glad you've sorted the computer problems.
Eileen, your photos (all 4!) are really great! Thank you to share them :)
Oh my word, but Ajax is huge. Big dogs scare me, glad to to see they don't scare your nephew!
Good to have you back!
Very nice. I love the Blue Jay !
Hello Eileen, I love watching the birds crowding around my birdfeeder too. I have about 4 squirrels who visit regularly too. Thankfully only one of the squirrels jumps right onto the feeder and stuffs himself ... he's getting quite plump I noticed! Now when I see him I send the dog out to chase him off. The birds all rise up to the trees, and then settle back again when the dog trots to the back door. Love your little titmouse, I wish we had those here! Wendy x
Love the bird shots. What a great close up of the squirrel.
Aww- they look like great pals! Nice shots of your feeder birds and of course the sneaky thief!
I always enjoy your critters! Enjoy your weekend my friend! Hugs, Diane
Wow, Ajax is huge!
Hi Eileen,
Feel great to be acquainted with your blog. Thanks for giving me the chance to participate. your critters look grand, especially the dog supporting the toddler!
Hi, again Dearest Eileen; It is evening time here. Naughty me wrote a blog today with out visiting friends, whew...
I hope I can go back to normal pace soon, Love to you, Miyako;
I'm glad you're back in action!
Good to have you back. I should have linked up my post. I'll try to remember this week.
Loved the birds but the squirrel and that huge dog and cute little boy stole the show for me.
Ajax and Neill are such a beautiful sight together! Love all your little and bigger birds though you'd think they would gang up and tell Mr/Ms "Piggy" squirrel to show some manners :) Welcome back, Eileen. You were missed. Many thanks for hosting!
I love the Chickadee photos. I see them often, but still have no photos.
I'm catching up!!! what a huge dog with your nephew Neill!! Ajax doesn't look very old either!!
So glad you got your 'puter problems fixed. It's been our bi-annual seasonal move time lately, 'so I didn't have too much time to miss you ;>)~ Back soon to blogland -- today I'm just catching up with my favorite people and getting inspiration!
haha love how your great-nephew and HUGE dog get counted as critters. I think Neill fits in the category of "critter" more than the dog, at least :D Great shot of the blue jay. I'm a sucker for squirrel pictures though, as well :)
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