Thursday, January 28, 2016


I am linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences
I hope you can join in on the fun and share your fence scenes and pretty skies.

Sharing some image from our Blizzard of 2016, they are calling this a record snowfall. I saw there was a poll asking to vote on a nickname for this EPIC storm. Snowbanaza, Snowzilla, Blizzarama are some of the names. I just want it to melt and go away now, I guess you can tell I am not a snow lover. But, here I am sharing some SNOW photos, I hope you enjoy.

A couple of my yard birds during the storm, the White-breasted Nuthatch and a male Downy Woodpecker.

Hubby made a trail next to the fence out to the wood pile.

During the storm, I spread the bird seed on the deck railing for the birds to have a buffet.

Our wonderful neighbor used his snow blower to clear our driveway.  God bless nice neighbors, we are grateful. Is it just me, I see an angel with red wings to the right and above our neighbor.

Snow covered street.

Thanks to our neighbor, our driveway is mostly clear.

After the storm, we saw a pretty sunset.

Not quite a full moon a couple of days after, the moon setting on Jan 25th.  I guess we can still have more snow storms, winter is not over yet. Stay warm and safe, praying spring comes early. Thanks for visiting and for the nice comments.

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check for more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences this past year it has been fun looking for fences for my post. Also, thank you to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for doing such a great job at hosting Skywatch Friday.    I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..


  1. Your neighbour is a real treasure and the snow lools so pretty. kepp feeding the b

  2. Apesar de não gostares de neve, as fotos são lindas e a lua muito linda! bjs, chica e ótimo dia!

  3. Beautiful, Eileen. I know you don't care much for winter, but wow--you have to admit, it's gorgeous out there.
    I'd be out on the skis all day!!
    Sending you WARM wishes.......

  4. The storm did make it look beautiful, Eileen. It is good to have kind neighbours. My cousin in Norway had to wait for 3 days till her grandson could come to clear her driveway for her. Good luck for the early spring you hope for.

  5. I did enjoy seeing how much snow you have even though I am not a snow lover myself. The little birds were certainly glad of your feeders & buffet!
    It does your heart good in hard times to see neighbours being so kind like an angel!
    Have a lovely week, Eileen.

  6. Hi Eileen,
    marvelous photos of the snowy days and the birds and the moon !
    Fabulous !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  7. Hello Eileen!:) That was such a heavy snowfall! It does look beautiful on your photos though, however I can appreciate that you want it gone now. Nice neighbour!:)

  8. Dearest Eileen, so majestic your photos ! It is lovely to have near you good
    neighbors !Have a nice day !

  9. So nice to have a good neighbour ...
    Your photo's do look so lovely, just love the blue sky in them, nice to be sitting in the warm at my computer looking at your selection of pictures.

    Enjoy the rest of your week

    All the best Jan

  10. Dearest Eileen; OMG!!! I remember hearing a heavy snowfall some parts in America through TV news and worried a bit friends in your country. We cannot complain the amount of snow we had this year.
    Oh, your neighbor sure is an angel and I wonder how that red wings appeared in picture; just God gave him♪
    Wonderful birds shots in snow; pretty sunset and beautiful moon☆☆☆

    I really appropriate your comment despite my manner. Wishing you will have a wonderful rest of the week.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  11. Hello Eileen marvelous photos!That was such a heavy snowfall!
    Happy day
    hug Crissi

  12. Oh my goodness, you really got it! A nice snowfall is one thing, but that's way too much snow to get at one time. At least yours will melt soon, I think. Thank God for kind neighbors. It does make a pretty picture. :-)

  13. That was a LOT of snow ....and I DO see the Angel!!!

  14. We melted snow, and you almost buried. You have an angel neighbor. Regards.

  15. Gotta love neighbours who help others out under difficult circumstances! Yep, he's sprouting wings.

  16. This Floridian got a shiver.

    (I love twilight)

  17. a snowblower angel. :) lovely sunset. thanks for linking your blizzard views!

  18. Hari OM
    Definitely I see an angel... and a great deal of white!!! Fabulous shots making the best of a cool thing. YAM xx

  19. Personally, i wish we had snow like that!

  20. Neighbors can indeed be angels in disguise. Your photos are very pretty Eileen. Have a great day :)

  21. it is shocking to see all the snow folks got. it is always lucky for the folks who have snowblowers. my parents have one. not us though. i love seeing the heights of where the snow got. amazing!! i know some folks are not getting out yet. that is wild. i guess it depends on where you were to how much you did get (snow fall.)
    ( :

  22. what a great neighbor! you really got a lot...are you getting out yet? wonderful photos and how sweet of you to leave a bird buffet!

  23. I see that Angel too! That is a lot of snow in one storm: sending out love to good neighbours everywhere!

  24. Love the first one. Can you imagine eating upside down?
    I got the same shot of the moon thanks to your help with camera settings. Happy Day.

  25. most of the time when i see gorgeous photos i will write i sure would love to visit there or see that. for yours today i am enjoying looking but hope to never see that for myself..

  26. The snow looks so pretty!

  27. He sure was an angel,my dear brother snowblowed me out.Everyone else up here got a backhoe in,lovely angel shot!phyllis

  28. That was quite the snow event for you!

  29. Wow! That is a lot of snow!
    I don't see why angels could not have red wings, so yes that's an angel watching over your neighbor!

  30. Hi Eileen, yes an angel watching over the helpful neighbor. Yes, it is a blessing to have nice neighbors like this.
    Lovely photos of the snow. I remember these snow days well having grown up in Michigan and living in the midwest. We still have a snowblower but haven't used it in over 20 years living in Texas. Just can't part with it however. It's like a keepsake now! haha
    Have a great day and stay warm.;)

  31. i do see an angel!!! most of our neighbors have snow blowers but we all help out those who don't. it looks like you may have gotten more snow than we did, did you measure???

    you got some wonderful images of the snow and the birds, they sure do eat a lot during a storm!!!

  32. Very beautiful and interesting photos! The fourth is my favorite,Eileen.

  33. Well it was a monster storm, but look at the beauty ... as if Mother Nature is trying to appease you. Yes, there is definitely an angle looking over the shoulder of your wonderful neighbor ... he certainly deserves some saintly intervention. We have had snows like this over the years and they all continue to stand out in our minds as an "event" not to be forgotten. I am glad all is well and that your birds were able to get to their food, thanks to your quick thinking. Enjoy it all, Eileen and hopefully you have seen the worst(best?) of it ... though I have to say this is a very unpredictable winter.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  34. Great snow pictures. I guess you know by now that I love the snow!! : )
    As always your moon pictures always amaze me!!

  35. My back is sore from all the shoveling. And I told a nice woman who lives down the street that I'd get her car out, too.

    But it sure makes for pretty pics!

  36. What a nice neighbour. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, Eileen!

  37. Hello Eileen!!
    I miss your posts!1
    Wow!!So much snow in your area!!
    Lovely pictures!!Such beautiful birds!
    I hope you are safe and warm!
    Have a great new year!

  38. I like the new look of your blog!!

  39. Wow that's a lot of snow! Good for you for feeding all the birds. Hope it all melts soon.

  40. Yikes! That is way more snow that I ever want to deal with!

  41. Such a wonderful neighbour. As always, your photos are so gorgeous!

  42. Mercy me! That's a lot of snow. Fences covered in snow look very nice, though. Yippee for a neighbor with a snowblower!

  43. My darling Eileen, I feel so amazed both for your lovely birds and for the great amount of snow .. onluy once, a few years ago, we had so much snow here ... when you wake up and look at the landscape with the light of the sun, you seem to live in another world !
    Thank you so much, sweeetest friend, with all my heart
    sending much dear love

  44. It's good to have such neighbors! Your photos are wonderful.

  45. Man oh man that is a lot of snow! - You have a great neighbor for sure. That was so nice of him to plow our your driveway. I love that you left the birds food on the railing of the fence. Best thing to do when it's that snow outside. - I'm thankful today for our rain once again as I like it better than snow.

  46. I see an angel to, Eileen!!!!
    My god!!!!! Your blog... it is so beautiful!!!!...
    Remarkable images!!! I love them all!
    Thanks for sharing!!!
    Have a great weekend ahead!

  47. Thats a lot of snow no matter what you call it.

  48. I imagine you got some snow! My goodness, and your neighbor's snowblower really blows it out there. A very manly machine I would say. Much more so than a mower but not as much as a chainsaw.

    And I love your moon shot.

  49. Gorgeous wintry shots and great moon shot too ~ Yep ~ see the angel wings above your neighbor ~ He is an angel to do your driveway ~ Wow!

    Wishing you a fun weekend ~ ^_^

  50. Lovely sky shot through the trees ~

    Wishing you a fun weekend ~ ^_^

  51. Even though you're ready for the snow to melt, the photos of it are really pretty. Looks like you had blue skies to enjoy it, too.

  52. I hope the bird population fared well with the blizzard.

  53. In my old neighborhood, we had a neighbor who did the whole block..He's still doing it and I think he just turned 80..Pretty pictures.. Look familiar..

  54. Beautiful snowy captures, Eileen!!! Thank you, as always, for sharing the beauty!! I hope you have a lovely weekend!! Enjoy and stay warm!!

  55. Wow. It looks so beautiful against those blue skies.

  56. Yes, I definitely see the angel! Wow, you really got hit hard with all that snow. I was supposed to go to the East Coast for a meeting but all the flights were cancelled (I didn't want to go anyway!).

  57. What a sweet neighbor you have and yes I think I do see those angel wings! I love the pictures of the birds in the snow. I'm sure they were glad you left food out for them.

  58. Beautiful photos. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  59. Oh, I know it must be stressful to have that much show, but oh, my, it is beautiful!

  60. Snow-clearing neighbors are grand indeed!

  61. A beautiful sunset in the thick snow

  62. Beautiful snow captures Eileen - everything looks so pretty

  63. Your winter pictures are just beautiful but oh Eileen, that is SO much snow. I don't know if I could handle that (we didn't even ever have that much in Oregon). It's a good idea to scatter seed for the birds on the railing -- that makes it easier for them and the poor things sure deserve a break in that weather. So do you -- I hope you are staying warm and cozy.

  64. That is a lot of snow. Such a long driveway. Nice neighbor! Beautiful shots!

  65. Amazing snowfall - and what a wonderful neighbor (with an angel watching over him). Great photos. I'm glad we are just having rain.

  66. Lovely collages made. I like the snow shots very much.
    Happy SWF!

  67. a lot of snow, but I like the beautiful winter scenes.

  68. Unas estupendas imágenes..un saludo desde Murcia.

  69. Bom dia, lindas fotos com a bela paisagem da neve e uma linda lua bem captada, as fotos são maravilhosas.

  70. It's snowing there, climate change.

  71. More snow than us in Ringle, Wisconsin. Love the woodpecker

  72. You got a LOT of snow!! Wow! That is one nice neighbor!! I saw the 'angel'... It's a rare bird for Tidewater to get that much snow... it has happened a few times in the time I have been here, but certainly not the norm! Warm Hugs!

  73. such a lot of snow! I like the contrast of the snow with the blue sky. Lovely woodpecker too

  74. What extraordinary weather you have been having, Eileen. It has been gale after gale here for days, but mild and for the most part dull. The plus side has been that the birds have congregated around our feeders and I have had the joy of watching them and trying to work out their pecking orders etc. Spectacular shots, but like you, I would be wanting a thaw by now. Happy weekend!

  75. You must admit . . .
    made for some mighty fine picture taking!
    (Yay for great neighbors!)

  76. Snow is beautiful yet it comes with consequences. We're still trying to get to normal pace at work, but I did welcome having three days of snow days. I hope you're keeping warm. I think we'll be putting a snowblower on our to-buy list soon.

  77. Beautiful views and clicks.
    Take care. Greetings

  78. love the photos and blizzards just give us the opportunity to enjoy nature in its other face. And such a great neighbor you have here :). Happy Skywatch Friday..

  79. Wonderful photos, Eileen! It looks like a norwegian winter :)
    You have a very nice and helpful neigbour!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  80. Wow, that is a lot of snow ! We did not get any, so far.

  81. whereabouts in the US are you btw Eileen? yes that does look like a huge load of snow, kind of glad we don't have that here as it's nice to be able to get outside still in winter.

  82. Oh my, what a wonderful winter world with all those snow. I love snow, but I can imagine that this is a little too much.
    Thanks for sharing this white beauty and enjoy your weekend.

  83. Here it is a week later and we are still slipping and sliding getting up and out of our driveway out here in the boonies. I am ready for it to be gone. Your photos are beautiful and make the whole nightmare look like it was a stroll in the park...I think not! Glad it is over though the photos are lovely and make it look so beautiful.

  84. Stay warm. Stay safe.

    Beautiful pictures with a bonus pic of an angel!

  85. What a nice snow! All very nice images, Eileen, so beautiful the moon.
    Happy weekend!

  86. Your surroundings are beautiful.....and so much snow!
    I'm glad I don't have to deal with it tho'.....


  87. So glad you had a helpful neighbor! I will say, it made for some beautiful images. I'm also glad it wasn't me.

  88. It is beautiful and you have more than we do right now. It will be gone before you know it.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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