Saturday, February 6, 2016

Saturday's Critters #112

Saturday's Critters #112

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

Happy Chinese New Year!!
February 8th is the Chinese New Year and 2016 is the year of the monkey. I noticed that my hubby, son and I were all born in the year of the monkey. Just a bit of info for you, I am a monkey. 

These are the years of the Monkey: 19201932,1944195619681980199220042016

What is your Chinese Zodiac animal.  The sign of the monkey means that we are quick-witted, charming, lucky, adaptable, bright, versatile, lively and smart. I am sure LOL, if you know me well you already know I am all of these wonderful traits. 

Above is a Howler Monkey (maybe a relative of mine) we saw while touring Costa Rica.

Back to my backyard birds and critters..a cute Carolina Wren outside my dining room window.

The Red-bellied Woodpecker pecking his way through the ice on this feeder.

I am not sure what we can do about these critters that have made holes all around our yard. We have well water and can not use poison. So for now they are just cute critters. This is the first time I actually got to see one of these critters out my treadmill window.  

I hope you enjoyed my post and images. As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters..

Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Tom said...

Thanks Eileen for hosting Saturday Critters.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, great to read about your "family tree". You are a clever monkey! LOL. Those little critters look like moles/voles. Hope they're not too pesky. I can't link up? Have a great day. Jo

Joyful said...

Wow! Your entire family born in the year of the monkey. That is cool. Happy Birthday to all of you, lol.

I love the little wren your back yard. I don't think I've ever seen a wren in person.

Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen.

Pat Tillett said...

Nice photos! really like the face on the woodpecker.
Is that a gopher in the video?

chica said...

Sempre tão lindas tuas fotos!Adoro passar aqui e ver! beijos, lindo fim de semana! chica

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Cute little monkey!!
Lovely birds visiting your yard!
Great captures!I like your video and the cute little critter!
Love the music!!Have a great weekend!

Betty Manousos said...

good morning, eileen.
what a spectacular! it’s always fun to see the variety of birds that come to your backyard.
your bird photos are absolutely exquisite.
happy weekend~

rupam sarma said...

Nice to read your post :) Happy Chinese New Year in adv.
Beautiful pics. Have a nice weekend. Greetings :)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That cute little Meadow Vole is great food for hawks and owls and prefers digging in the ground rather than invading homes. He will like to eat anything you try to grow! Well, I was born in the month of the monkey but the year of the pig, which makes me sort of a split personality. The pig is late for everything but I am out looking for birds before sunrise (and this is my excuse for often being late to post on Saturday mornings).

Alexa T said...

Happy New Year, Eileen! Hope to be a good year and to have lots of joys!
Also, a lovely saturday observing nature in your yard!...And the monkey is cute!
Best regards!

Gayle said...

Wish I could say I enjoyed the video ;/ ;)
Is it a shrew?
Happy Day.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Really puts a smile on my face seeing that Wren up close, Eileen...:)JP

Cranberry Morning said...

You'll be glad to know that I don't see any physical resemblance between you and the monkey, Eileen. ;-) Good thing the red bellied woodpecker has a strong beak to make his way through the ice to the suet. We have pocket gophers here (I think that's what they are) that make mounds of dirt wherever they go. They're very destructive to a yard. I imagine your bird feeders attract those little critters? Thanks for hosting.

riitta k said...

Hello Eileen you adorable monkey :)) We do not have monkeys here though I saw some in Gibraltar... I'm a tiger... I love that woodpecker with some red on it!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I've only seen a wren for long enough to photograph one time - sweet little birds. In one blog they tell of scooping up the dirt put out by the critters that dig holes in their yards and adding it to their garden space because it is such nice soft dirt. I wonder if over time their yard will sink. LOL

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) How cool that you and your family were all born in the year of the monkey:)) Thanks for the added monkey info too, and the cute photo. Eileen, the way we catch unwelcome moles in the garden is by digging a hole and placing a long metal/could be glass tube under ground. The moles go in but can't reverse, so are trapped there untill we remove, and relocate them. You have to have a lid ready to close the tube ofcourse. It's worth a try!:)

Indrani said...

You have awesome captures for the week.
Thank you for hosting.

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Chinese New Year Eileen and your post made me smile this morning. I was born in the year of the tiger so don't know what that makes me. Very enjoyable photos and thanks for hosting.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
cute little rodent... though I appreciate they can become nuisance value... (I'sa PIG... in the nicest possible way of course!) YAM xx

Dina said...

Happy Chinese New Year to your monkey family. :)
And good luck with your yard, although it is fun to see the video of a shrew (?) in action.

Laura. M said...

Beautiful pictures!!
They are voles "Topillos". and they reproduce quickly around here was a plague I send you the link.

Buen fin de semama, Eileen;)

Lee Ann L. said...

We saw a woodpecker here for the first time twice recently and we were thrilled. Loved your picture of the woodpecker!

Jenn Jilks said...

It look to me like a field mouse! The cats regularly bring them in! harmless!

Maggee said...

Well, my birthday is the start of their New Year... interesting. But I was not born in the year of the Monkey. Interesting little Vole. Too bad it is in your yard tho! Maybe there is a humane way to get rid of them... Hugs!

Brian King said...

Love the Red-bellied - looks like he's watching you! Nice bokeh there, too. We've had voles in the yard and I was concerned at first, but they didn't seem to cause any real damage, unlike moles. I haven't seen any in quite some time.

Kathie Brown said...

Cute monkeys. I have a brother who loves them, but my husband hates them. Love the birds, as always. Happy weekend, Eileen!

Jeevan said...

That’s a cute monkey species and interesting to know about the money years… Lovely capture on the birds!

Sharon Wagner said...

I'm glad you snuck a monkey in the mix. We saw a fun lion dance last night.

photodoug said...

Eileen, Happy Chinese New Year. All great people are born in February, just ask Abe. Thanks for sharing.

Al said...

Great critters - that woodpecker is so beautiful.

Pondside said...

In our family, only our son was born in a year of the Monkey - me? I'm a dragon.
I loved the little clip you filmed from your treadmill. Saucy little critter!

John's Island said...

Happy Saturday Eileen! First of all, What an excellent header! Very nice work! Congrats on another fine Saturday's Critters. I have only known you for a year or so but I can already confirm that you are definitely fitting the characteristics of the Year of the Monkey. :-) Thank you for answering my question last week about your Alaska cruise out of Seattle. Let me wish you a Happy Chinese New Year in advance! :-)

Inspired By June said...

Thanks for hosting, Eileen! Maybe an American Kestrel will come and visit to take care of those voles for you, lol. Great feeder captures! Have a wonder-filled week!

Bob Bushell said...

Cute little Monkey's, and the rest, ciao Eileen.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful nature shots always ~ Love the monkey ~ ^_^

Happy Weekend to you, ^_^

Linda W. said...

Nice shot of the woodpecker! Is that a mole in your yard? We've had them in our yard and they are indeed a nuisance (but you're right they are cute).

Christine said...

Hello Eileen & once again thanks for hosting! Amazing photos of the birds at the feeder, especially the woodpecker!
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend!

Helma said...

Beautiful photos and woodpecker with its red crest is great. You clip with keine animal is really fun to zien.Ik have no idea what kind of animal this is!?.
This time I have no animals or birds but next time I'll do it again. I wish you a nice weekend Eileen.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what ever he is he is cute.. happy hole digging.. great shot of the howler monkey. i don't know anything about year of the monkey or signs of any kind. but i was born in 1944

Florence said...

I Googled Chinese Zodiac sign for 1947 to find that I am a Pig. I was somewhat dismayed until I read that Pigs are compassionate, generous, easy-going, responsible, and modest. And my best suited careers are medicine (I am a retired pharmacist) and veterinarian (oh that I were with my cat menagerie.) Go Pigs!
Love your Carolina wren and woodpecker.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.

rainfield61 said...

Surprise, surprise.
Suddenly all these critters are greeting me Happy and prosperous Year of The Monkey.

Phil Slade said...

Hi Eileen. How good of you to show pictures of your dear relatives LOL. I do think you should have a word with that one from Costa Rica - his table manners leave room for improvement.

Not so the Red-bellied Pecker - he's nust determined to get a meal despite the ice.

Thanks for the chance to join in today. Have a great and warm weekend.

Country Gal said...

Lovely post and photos ! I was born in the year of the Horse good thing cause I love horses and had a few in my younger days on the farm lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Pretty shots, Monkey Lady!

Ela said...

Your critters are beautiful, Eileen !
Nice to watch your photos !!
Have a nice weekend :)

sandyland said...

great stuff especially birds

Ana Freire said...

And I am a monkey, too! :-D
It'll be a great year! No doubt of that!... :-))
I love your images, Eileen! Specially that one... with the monkey!!!
Have a nice weekend! All the best!

Anonymous said...

Great post thank you for sharing

Donna@LivingFromHappiness said...

How interesting you are all monkeys....I am a Rooster!

A Colorful World said...

Not sure what to do about your little critters! They are really cute. I am a Dragon lady, and so is my daughter. My husband is a Tiger.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, You can guess my favorite. Have a super good day tomorrow and Happy Chinese New Year to you, too!

The Yum List said...

Oh, you're a monkey! As you might imagine, this part of the world is getting very interesting leading up to the big celebrations.

Sunshine and Elephants said...

You really captured some great shots. Its unique that you, your husband and your son have the same Chinese New Year symbol. Take care. ~Lowanda of Sunshine and Elephants

Rose said...

I about laughed out loud at your comment saying maybe that Howler Monkey was a relative of funny. Love the wren...and of course I like the woodpecker. It is just that I love wrens so much.

As for the critter, I sure hope they don't cause you problems. Critters are cute but can cause so many problems. I hope you find a solution to them. How big are they? I wondered if you had a cat or two if they might help.

Linda said...

Congratulations on being a monkey... I guess.

Unknown said...

I love the wren and the woodpecker. I'm sorry about the holes in your yard, but it's a cute critter. Have a wonderful week ahead!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Great images, as always, Eileen. I think I am a Dog in the Chinese zodiac.
Thanks for hosting!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Eileen what a great selection of pictures and details.
I'm not a monkey - must go and find out what I am!!!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend

All the best Jan

Lois said...

So cute to see the birds pecking through the ice! Thank you for hosting.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

I like your idea of filming the digger.....maybe it is attracted to animal lovers! The woodpecker is so cute and cheerful. Thanks for hosting.

Have a lovely week!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelente trabalho.
Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

Anonymous said...

Fun post. I am also a monkey!

Ileana said...

Hello Eileen! I was born in the year of the monkey, too! Great critters!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Hello Eileen- I hope you can get those moles to move on- they can really do some horrible damage! Love your backyard birds...right now I have cardinals, starlings and lots of sparrows...oh and crows...they are always hanging around.
I don't know what I am because I wasn't born in any of the monkey I want to know? LOL!!

Betsy Brock said...

We had a woodpecker this winter but I haven't been able to capture him on camera!

Wrens are one of my favorites!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We have a very noisy wren on our feeders every day. I look forward to seeing him though! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

TexWisGirl said...

cute mole or vole. like your birdie shots. :)

NatureFootstep said...

I have no idea whatsoever of what animal I would be. Have to check that out. :) Monkeys are great ones :)

Daniela said...

I'm in love with your birds, especially with your Carolina Wren ... Hallo again, we have already met, don't we ???

Sending big hugs to you across the many miles,
with so much love and gratitude

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i didn't stop by till today just catching up on these posts i missed. what an amazing time!! so cool. i love the monkey shot. what a cutie. ( :

GreenComotion said...

Never seen the red plume, up close and personal like in your 3rd photo - lovely.
Thanks for hosting Saturday's Critters.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Bethany Carson said...

Thanks for hosting Eileen! Neat shot of the monkey, and love the brilliant red feathers on the woodpecker's head.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
marvelous photos of all these critters, especially the curios monkey. Amazing !
Best regards, Synnöve

Black Jack's Carol said...

I did indeed enjoy this most informative post, Eileen! Bill is a Monkey and I am a Pig.. but I don't take it personally :) I am so glad you can't use poison. Your backyard hole-digger might be a pest, but I don't want him/her to die or be harmed and am quite sure you don't either. We (Bill read your post along with me) loved your wonderful photographs. Bill especially enjoyed the Red-bellied Woodpecker. We don't see them here. Thanks so much for your faithful meme-work. We appreciate you!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...