Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saturday's Critters #141

Saturday's Critters #141

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

I am sharing one of my Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and various species of Butterflies.

Great Spangled Fritillary


Fritillary, Monarch and two Swallowtails.

I hope you enjoyed my hummer and the pretty butterflies. I was thrilled to see at least one Monarch in my yard this season. As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful collage of hummingbird and colourful butterflies. Its amazing you managed to capture 4 butterflies in one snapshot! Have a beautiful weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

Enjoyed the hummer and butterflies Eileen. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

NatureFootstep said...

Love all of them. :)
Thanks for hosting!

ulla laiho said...

Oh dear, so beautiful!!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

All your butterfly images are stunning Eileen. I hope you have a lovely weekend and thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots you got!
Happy weekend...
Cheers, Firasz

ekullumanali said...

Nature at its best. Nice pictures.

Sue said...

Good Morning, Eileen.
I'm so happy you're having butterflies. They are sure in short supply anymore, aren't they? I used to have hundreds at a time on all my flowers, now there is just the occasional one. It's so sad.
Hope you have a good weekend

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) Lovely captures of the Hummers and gorgeous butterflies images. How great to see three different species in the same shot, and I'm glad you got to see the Monarch, perhaps the most beautiful of them all.:)

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen many hummingbirds this year. Your photos are so sweet. Looks like the butterflies are enjoying the butterfly bush. I hope you enjoy the weekend, Eileen. Thanks for hosting.

Breathtaking said...

Eileen, is it OK if I share two of the posts I made this week?

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Loving your post today Eileen.
The butterflies are simply beautiful and the hummingbirds gorgeous!
Thank you for sharing and hosting Saturday's Critters today.
Have a truly wonderful Weekend :)

Christine said...

Hello Eileen! What a delightful mosaic in hearts! Your photos of the butterflies are just stunning! The sunlight streaming through is just lovely!
Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

chica said...

Shoe de fotos, como sempre por aqui! Lindo fim de semana! beijos, chica

The Yum List said...

Butterflies, flowers and bright blue skies - beautiful!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
My word, I have struggled to see any butterflies this year (it was even commented upon in our news the other day) so you really scored! Love the collage cutout... have a great weekend, Eileen!~ YAM xx

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

I especially like the two Frits on the flower, so nicely staged and tack-sharp. I am seeing relatively few butterflies and fear that intensive spraying spurred on by the Zika panic may be the cause. There are certainly fewer mosquitoes despite our abnormally excessive rainfall. I hear thunder as I write!

Marit said...


Wonderful photos of the birds and butterflies! The Monarch and The Swallowtail are so beautiful! I love them all :)

Happy Saturday, and enjoy your weekend!

Stone Cottage Adventures said...

What wonderful photos! I love how you captured four butterflies in one shot! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

Thank you for hosting this lovely party! Do you know I host a linky party on Tuesdays? It's called Tuesdays with a Twist. If you have time to link, I know my readers would love your photos!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that spangled b fly is Stunning.. so beautiful

Jenn Jilks said...

Aren't they fun, our summer critters?!!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! The photos of many butterflies are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The little hearts are a pretty frame for your hummers. Wonderful photos today! Happy Saturday!

TexWisGirl said...

i was watching and listening to the zoomers here this morning, too. :)

Gosia said...

I love your first photo, Greetings from Poland

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh, your three butterfly pictures are just lovely, especially the first one.

I love the way you've used the heart shaped mosaics too ... very nice.

Wishing you a lovely weekend, here in the UK it's a three day 'bank holiday' weekend

All the best Jan

Noushka said...

I wish I could see those Ruby-throated one day, they are gorgeous!
Congratulations for your butterfly photos, Eileen, they are wonderful!
Warm hugs, enjoy your weekend

Summer said...

Beautiful! Have a lovely day ♥

Sharon Wagner said...

I love the framing! Such a pretty post.

Debbie said...

all of my very most favorites!!! the hummers are stunning!!!!

Inspired By June said...

Hummingbird love!!! and fabulous captures of the "flying flowers" Eileen!

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Awesome shots today Eileen!!! The monarch shot is perfection!

Hootin Anni said...

Stunning images of the butterflies today Eileen.
And of course, the cutest bird ever, the hummer!!!

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous hummingbird shot and lovely butterfly photography also ~ Always excellent photography that you do! Thanks for visiting ^_^

Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

Cloudia said...

Thanks for being such a good friend to everybody!

21 Wits said...

Good morning Eileen, what a lovely critter collection, and your hearts are just the coolest, and happy-heart makers of all! Enjoy your day.

Linda said...

What a magnificent and gorgeous collage and series, Eileen! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope you are enjoying your weekend. :)

Lois said...

I did enjoy your hummer! The butterflies are lovely too.

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous shots of the hummingbirds and butterflies. Glad to be able to link in this week. I will try to visit who I can. Love your meme and appreciate your consistency! Have a great week!

Phil Slade said...

Hello Eileen. I hope you are having a lovely Saturday. I must5 say that your butterflies today are just beautiful. And I love that Valentine's Day hummningbird picture even if you are a bit late! Thanks for inviting me along today to join in.

HappyK said...

First picture made me smile. Looks like he's walking on stilts to me. : )
The butterflies are beautiful.

Sandi said...

So lovely!

baili said...

Loved the cute birdy and butterflies are so well taken and so beautiful
Glad you shared the pleasures dear

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Congrats on another fine Saturday's Critters. I enjoyed the photos, especially the Monarch! Your photo is just excellent! Butterflies and Hummers ... now that is a neat combination. Have a wonderful weekend ahead! Take care Eileen!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Congrats on your Monarch, Eileen.

I was just chasing one on the trail, but it wouldn't land.

Vilt og vakkert said...

Heisann...thanks for your comment... and this reminds me of your hosting, so I join this week, Eileen! Have a nice Sunday... I plan to meet my dog´s brothers on a picnic..

Small City Scenes said...

Super shots. So clear and detailed.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Eileen the butterflies are beautiful - lovely collage too, just right for the subject! Thanks again for hosting.

Have a wonderful week!

RedPat said...

The butterfly shots are fabulous! And I love your little hummingbird, Eileen!

Ela said...

Gorgeous photos of the birds and butterflies !!
Happy weekend !

Daniela said...

Just taking a step to enjoy all the charm of the posts you always share, dearest Eileen - this last one is truly gorgeous - and to wish you all my best for the end of your week,
sending blessings across the many miles

Xx Dany

Linda W. said...

Love your butterfly photos! Have a great weekend.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all

Love the butterflies. They have been so busy flitting about that my Humans hasn't been able to get a decent shot this year.

Y'all come on by
Hawk aka BrownDog

Anonymous said...

Am I glad I wished you a happy weekend. It returned these great pictures

Lynne said...

Loved seeing the three butterfly varieties in one photo.
What a gem!

genie said...

Buddy LOVES his hummers and is continually taking photos of them. They have battles on the front porch for their sugar water there are so many. Me, I go for the butterflies. As a child I was told that a butterfly is the soul of a loved one who has come back to check on me and say Hello. genie

Lea said...

Magnificent butterfly photos!

rupam sarma said...

So beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.
Greetings. Happy Weekend.

Stewart M said...

That second picture sums up my relationship with hummers!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hard to pick a favorite between the hummingbird or butterflies. Both are favorites! I've seen a few more Monarch's than in years past, so the effort to save them by providing more milkweed for them to eat and lay eggs on must be working.

September Violets said...

Wow! Eileen, you got some great shots of the hummingbird and the butterflies. Love that first shot of the hummer ... he looks huge! I've linked up my moose post, but I know you already visited it (thank you!). Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

Pietro Brosio said...

Great images, all so beautiful!
Many greetings.

Linda said...

Marvelous flying critters and the flowers too.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


I love flutterbys

amo sin blogg said...

Beautiful sommerflies !!

Have a nice sunday.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

HI Eileen,
so beautiful to see this special hummingbirds. The butterflies, you´re catched, are amazing !
Best regards, Synnöve

Anni said...

I'm back Eileen...knocking on your door----

Thank you, kindly, for stopping by I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend to add this post to the linking tool. It's always appreciated by us birders and nature lovers!!

Gail said...

Your pictures are fantastic. Seems our butterflies were less this year. People don't think much about the poison they use and how it affects nature. Hopefully it will stay well balanced.

Have a blessed week.

rainfield61 said...

A beautiful day with so many beautiful critters.

Uppal said...

Wow! Butterflies are awesome. How could you capture them so well?

My Desktop Daily said...

Great shots of all the critters, Eileen, but I really liked the butterflies. Those monarchs are wonderful.
Thanks for hosting.

cedarmerefarm said...

Good morning Eileen. I have seen a hummingbird sitting still only once. They are such busy little birds. My first monarch has finally shown up. I have planted lots of milkweed and other flowers for them. They are such spectacular butterflies. Have a great day Eileen. Christa

This N That said...

Beautiful butterfly shots..I'm jealous...The birds must get any that we have around here..

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Fabulous photos of the butterflies - I'd love to have more in our yard - I'm working on that with plantings.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful variety of butterflies for you, that's for sure, Eileen!...:)JP

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely to see your butterflies - not many over here this year. And of course we never get hummers (though we do get humming bird hawkmoths somethimes!)

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

Beautiful photos Eileen. Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!

Connie Smiley said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen! I especially love your Great Spangled Fritillary photo. Thanks again for hosting!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...