Thursday, April 30, 2020

Happy Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone, 

I wanted to share more Spring scenes from around my yard.  The trees are still blooming, the birds are chirping, the bleeding heart is blooming and the azaleas are looking pretty. 

I am thankful for Spring blossoms. 

A look at the dogwood and the redbud trees from side of our yard.

 Images from the deck and around the back yard, side yard and the front.

"My favorite weather is bird chirping weather."

The Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Chickadee and the Pine Warbler love the suet. 

 The male Northern Cardinal loves the sunflower seeds.

 A view of the forest from our deck.

The azaleas are looking pretty. 

 The blueberry bushes  and the bleeding hearts are blooming.  The bees are happy..

I am thankful for the pollinators, the happy bees.

 This is the view out our kitchen window. 

I am thankful hubby and I are staying virus-free. I pray everyone is feeling good, stay safe and calm.

Some of my favorite book finished last week are:
Devonshire Scream by Laura Childs in the Tea Shop Mystery series.
The Mapping of Love and Death by Jacqueline Winspear in the Maisie Dobbs series.
A Lesson in Secrets by Jacqueline Winspear in Maisie Dobbs series.

I am always thankful for your visits and the comments.

Live simple and be happy!  😊 Spread joy & happiness!

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday


  1. You certainly have a beautiful view.

    I think the redbuds are my favorite. We don't have one in our yard (yet) . . . thinking about purchasing one when the garden centers open up again.

  2. Those are a lot of different kinds of blossom welcoming the spring! I love them all so much Eileen! I have heard Azaleas but it's just now I've seen a photo of them, beautiful!

  3. You have some very pretty blossom at present eileen adn are fortunately to have the wood so close. Stay safe.

  4. Hello,

    The view from your windows are so beautiful! The trees are very pretty, and so are the birds. You are lucky to have such nature around you.
    Have a nice day!

  5. Hello Eileen,
    Nice series of photos of your garden, great to be able to photograph there, I sit on a balcony and there are no birds.
    The Northern Cardinal is my favorite.
    Best regards Irma

  6. Hari Om
    Love the new mosaic style - shows off the images beautifully!!! So glad to have you among my blogpals!!! YAM xx

  7. Beautiful nature, you have so many in different places. Thanks for showing us.

  8. So, so beautiful. All so beautiful photos. Love nature.

  9. Hello,
    you live in a beautiful area, with woodlands and wilderness.
    We have the bleeding hearts in Finland too, but they bloom in June. :)
    Happy Thursday! Keep safe!

  10. and I have a lot to be thankful for!

  11. Tão linda a primavera em tuas fotos! Beleza! beijos, ótimo dia! chica

  12. It looks as though you are a few weeks ahead of us with the bloom times... that salmon hued tree is beautiful!

  13. You have a wonderful view. Spring has come and you can enjoy all its brightness. Love the flowers and the birds.

  14. These are lovely! We are getting closer to spring, but a bit later than you.

  15. Oh what wonderful blooms there! Great to see the views in your surroundings. We have lots of time to look at our own perspective these days!

  16. Beautiful blossoms and lots of friendly visitors makes spring a great time of year.
    Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful day and stay safe.

  17. You have avery colorful location with the many shrubs on your property.

  18. We have not hit the tree blossom time yet but it is to be warm this weekend so that may change next week. Love your spring post, Eileen!

  19. Que linda é a Primavera, vista a partir do seu quintal, Eileen!
    As imagens estão fantásticas! E quantas variedades de pássaros! Adorei ver! Mas fico sempre fascinada, pelo vermelho! Pois por estes lados, não se vêem... nem parecidos!... :-))
    Belíssima partilha!!! Beijinhos! Estimo que todos por aí, se encontrem bem! Por aqui, já se fala em aliviar as medidas restritivas para se circular, e o comércio vai começar a abrir... mas existindo ainda bastantes casos de contágio... temo por uma nova vaga da epidemia... vamos a ver, o que sucede nas próximas semanas!...
    Tudo de bom, por aí! Beijinhos!

  20. You are surrounded by beauty! Love all the blooming things...

  21. so much beauty around you, you have such a lovely yard!! you are bringing in a lot of beautiful birds, the images of the male cardinal are stunning. i love when they have their tops up!!!

    my azaleas are in full bloom, i am waiting on my dogwood!!!

  22. I loved those bird photos. Hubby and I went trail running this morning and I heard the woods were just full of birds - warblers, towhees, wood thrushes. I wanted to go back this afternoon with binoculars but it's pouring. Maybe tomorrow! Thank you for sharing.

  23. You have a lovely spot to quarantine. It's a gloomy day here, but the birds are still chirping and I enjoy that. I know you do too! Thanks for linking up.

  24. Gorgeous photos of nature and lovely area you live in ~ have read those books you mention too ~ great reads ~ Am reading Anne Hillerman mystery series in Southwest ~

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. Lovely blue sky shot with the beautiful pink azaleas ~ ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. The pink dogwood is gorgeous. We had a 'first' bird for 2020 atMuldoon today. You might have to wait for Saturday to see it ;) Happy Day.

  27. Bird chirping weather....I'll have to remember that! We sure have lots of birds and blooms here in Florida right now! Love seeing your feeders and cute backyard birds! And you have some beautiful trees and flowers blooming now too! Stay safe! Oh and I LOVE Maisie Dobbs too! Hugs!

  28. Beautiful photos Eileen. Spring is such a great time when all the colour returns after a dark winter. Enjoy your weekend ahead. xx

  29. Red buds and red birds. Two of my favorites -- and a lot of other beauty here, too, Eileen. Have a great day!

  30. You are in full bloom for sure. Just beautiful!

  31. Your yard is like a beautiful park! Wonderful photos, and a great place to be sheltering in place. Have a safe and healthy weekend!

  32. Happy Thankful Thursday to you. I enjoyed the images from around your home! You have nice views. Hope the rest of the week and weekend are good for you!

  33. You have turned your yard into an oasis for your family and your extended family of birds and bees. Beautiful shots.

  34. Nice that you live so close to the woods.
    Lots of pretty blooms. I know of only one red bud here in town and it has yet to bloom this year. Love those trees.

  35. You have such lovely views out your windows. And your flowers are beautiful.

  36. Would Love A Nice Cup Of Joe While Relaxing On That Deck - It Appears That The Old Deck Could Use Some Stain - Such Beautiful Cardinals


  37. Oh we had blueberry bushes when I was growing up! It's always so lovely coming through it feels like a walk in the springtimeoh we had blueberry bushes when I was growing up! It's always so lovely coming through it feels like a walk in the springtime, E

  38. You have the most beautiful property, Eileen! It must be a pleasure for you to agve so much beauty surrounding you during this :stay at home: time. Seeing Spring come alive is always a pleasure

  39. The birds and flowers look lovely, and it sure makes being around home more enjoyable. I can't imagine not having my little homestead to wander around on when there is no place else to go. Def something to be thankful for.

  40. Hello, Beautiful post.
    Awesome pics.
    Stay well.

  41. The spring blooms are Much the same as here in Oregon. And so beautiful..,I too am truly grateful for Spring flowers. You have more and better birds in your yard though!

  42. Beautiful signs of Spring!
    Have a great weekend!

  43. Thank you for this nice bird pictures

    Have a good start into May and stay well

    Best regards from Germany


  44. Bird chirping weather! Indeed!! Beautiful time of year around your property!!

  45. your trees and flowers looks better then ours. Ours was freezing during cold nights and damaged. A pity really :(

  46. I love The male Northern Cardinal. Orange is my favorite color. It´s a shame we don´t have those. Keep Safe!

  47. Thanks for sharing the beauty.

  48. Complimenti per le splendide foto che racchiudono in se tutta la bellezza della primavera.

  49. It’s so beautiful and refreshing to view your yard birds and spring blooms! I enjoyed your collage work and the cardinal looks stunning. Glad you both staying safe and far away from infects.

    Take care and enjoy the nature out there.

  50. Your yard and property are beautiful. So nice to see everything blooming and your bird shots are always a pleasure. I just got back from a walk along the towpath and was rewarded with a view of a Great Blue Heron!

  51. Isn't it just amazing!?! It seems that the trees are blooming longer than they have before, or maybe it's just because I have more time to cherish them. Whatever the reason I have so enjoyed your post and the photos of the cardinals are just wonderful! Thank you and have a grand week! Please visit me at

  52. So lovely to see this beauty, many thanks for sharing your photographs … they lift the spirit :)

    All the best Jan


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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