Friday, February 26, 2010

Barnegat Lighthouse and beach

Last weekend we enjoyed a trip to the Barnegat Lighthouse and beach. My main reason was to see the birds of course we did which is my Camera Critters post and the Lighthouse and beach is the scenic post for my Scenic Sunday

The beach is just lovely for a walk even in the winter.

The jetty along the pretty Barnegat beach is a perfect place to see the ducks in the winter months.


Hubby and I counted 30-40  Harlequin ducks along the jetty.

These are Brants and there were many of them along the jetty.

Brant, Common Eider (lifer) and a Harlequin

There were numerous Ruddy Turnstones and Purple Sandpipers along the jetty.

Please click on my links to see more of Misty Dawns Camera Critters


To see more beautiful scenic shots click on my Scenic Sunday link.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks to Misty and the Holleys for hosting these fun memes.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A visit to the Jersey shore

Check out the Friday Ark to see more wonderful birds and other animals.

Hubby and I visited the Jersey shore this past Sunday and an overnight stop in Atlantic City.  I had fun checking out the ducks and shorebirds at Barnaget and hubby had a little fun playing poker in AC. So we both got to do something we like to do although my type of fun is free. I have some photos to show of the ducks I saw and my header shot of of the Barnaget beach. This is a great spot to see ducks up close and different kinds of ducks and shorebirds. I saw the Harlequins, Brants, Common Eider, Surf Scoters, Long Tailed Ducks and some others I am trying to id.

                                 Harlequin Ducks

                                   These are just some of the Brants

A row of ducks...Brant, Common Eider (lifer) and a Harlequin

Surf Scoters

Long Tailed ducks

Purple Sandpiper

Wednesday are wonderful days for memes another great one to visit is Michelle's Nature Notes

To see more wonderful Outdoor Wednesday photos click here Susan's Outdoor Wednesday

Thanks to  Michelle and Susan for hosting these fun memes.

To see more Watery Wednesday entries, please click on my link.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Water Wednesday

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

My Bird Photography Weekly photo, click on my link to see other entries. Bird Photography Weekly

My Camera Critter this week is the Yellow Billed Cuckoo. To see more cute critters go
and visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters.

This is one of my cool summer visitors, seen in the woods next to my house. According to my field guide they are a common woodland cuckoo and they like to be near outreaks of tent caterpillars.

To see more Nature Notes go and visit Michelle at Nature Notes at Rambling Woods

and to see more wonderful birds and critters please visit the Friday Ark

Thanks for stopping by to see by Cuckoo and thanks to the host of these great memes

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

From my archives I thought these cute babies would make a cute entry for Watery Wednesday
to see more great watery photos click on link and visit 2sweetnsxy. Also my entry for Susan's Outdoor Wednesday.

These cute babies were seen in the water next to the trail we were walking on. I took some shots when we first past them and then again on our way back.

Thank you for stopping by to see my watery/outdoor post and my cute ducklings now you can go and see more Watery Wednesday and more from Outdoor Wednesday

Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Watery Wednesday and thanks to Susan for hosting Outdoor Wednesday. Two fun meme with wonderful photos.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Red Shouldered Hawk

My Camera Critter entry is this Red Shouldered Hawk hanging around my backyard. To see more cute Critters go and visit Misty Dawn and Camera Critters
This hawk has been hanging around my yard now for the last two weeks. This time I saw the hawk sitting near the top of a pine tree in the back of my yard. I'm sure it is terrorizing my poor yardbirds because it was watching my birdfeeders.

This Hawk looked huge and if I remember correctly the female is larger in size than the male. I am glad that I have lots of trees and brush piles for my little birds to hide. Any Hawk is an awesome sight to see and I realize that they need to eat but,  I would much rather see this hawk move away from my yard.

Having a hawk hanging around my yard will have a huge effect on my Great Backyard Bird Count

To see more post go and visit Nature Notes  and to see all kinds of animals go and visit Friday Ark

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for commenting.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Egret pond for Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

From my archives for Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday are shot of Egrets at the wildlife refuge. During the summer months it is cool to see so many Egrets in one place. They are beautiful birds.

I like this shot for the reflections of the trees and the egrets.

To see more go and visit 2Sweetnsaxy at

To see more Outdoor photos go and visit Susan at Outdoor Wednesday

Thanks to 2Sweetnsaxy and Susan and thanks for stopping by to see my Watery Wednesday.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Yellowbird for Mellow Yellow Monday

Since, I love birds and during my birding outings and travels I come across a lot of different species of yellow birds. I thought I would post a group of Yellowbirds on a mosiac for Mellow Yellow Monday

To see more Mellow Yellow Post go and visit Drowsey Monkey's site

Thanks for stopping by to see my Yellowbirds and thanks to the host of Mellow Yellow Monday.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Just owls

The owls are my post for Mosaic Monday to see more wonderul mosaics go and
visit Mary at :  Little Red House

Thanks to Mary for hosting the fun meme called Mosaic Monday.

These are owls I have seen during birding trips and some seen while on my fireroad walks near my house. One Barred owl was seen in Washington State and looks a lot different than the Barred owls I see here in my woods. During one of my early morning fireroad walks I came across two owlets begging for food from the adult Barred owl. I could hear two owlets but I could only see one of them sitting in a tree. The other owlet must have been on the ground. I think the owlets are just adorable. The Screech owl was actually being held by a ranger in Shenandoah, the rest were all free and wild and OH so cool looking. I love owls and I thought it would be fun to make mosaic with my owl photos.

In this mosaic, I have the Barred owlet, Long eared owl, adult Barred owl, Snowy Owl center, botton row is Barred owl, Screech Owl,  Snowy Owl and the Washington State Barred owl.

Top two fireroad Barred owl, botton left Washington State Barred and the fireroad Barred owlet.

Snowy Owl seen on Maryland beach  last January. 2009

These are my Camera Critters and to see more cute and wonderful critters go and visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters

I hope you enjoy my owls and mosiac, thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Male Scarlet Tanager

See to more nature Notes go and visit Michelle at Rambling woods, Nature Notes
check out all the animals at the Friday Ark

Scarlet Tanger,click for a larger image. This bird nest in the woods next to my house. The header shot is of the woods and taken during my fireroad walks. In the spring and summer I can see and hear them in the treetops when I take my walks on the fireroads. The male is such a pretty red with black wings.

My Wordless Wednesday entry and to see more fo to : Wordless Wednesday

To see more wonderful outdoor photos go and visit Susan at Outdoor Wednesday

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...