Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jacana and a Croc for Watery Wednesday

This is my Outdoor Wednesday  and myNature Notes post to see more click on my links. Thanks to both Michelle and Susan for hosting these fun memes.

During the 1 1/2 hour boat ride to our Tortuguero lodge in Costa Rica, we were able to stop and see some of the wildlife along the river. All along the river we could see Little Blue Herons, three species of Kingfishers, Anhinga, Great Egrets, Cattle Egrets, White Ibis and lots of monkeys. Part of the river is in the Tortuguero and only so many boats are allowed in the park at one time.

The Northern Jacana and this huge Crocodile was a neat sighting. The Northern Jacana was a life bird for me and a first time for seeing a Croc in the wild.

The Northern Jacana is found on freshwater bodies with floating vegetation. Jacana's are called lilytrotters for their ability to walk on this vegetation. With this huge croc laying there I hope the Jacana moves quickly.

Thanks for stopping to see my post and my Watery Wednesday and to see more click here 2sweetnsaxy's Watery Wednesday


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful contrast, the bird and the crocodile. Haven't seen the latter one in my life, must have been feeling incredible.
Please have a nice Wednesday.

daily athens

Jim said...

Great nature shots.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Judy said...

Interesting wildlife! I love the way you have taken us from the super wide view, right down to a close-up of the lilytrotter!

Carolyn Ford said...

Last year at this time I learned the difference between an alligator and a crocodile...now I cannot remember what I learned, hmmmm...I do know I saw a lot of alligators in Florida (in the wild) last spring. They were amazing. I couldn't stop photographing them. Your croc would have had the same affect on me, I am afraid.

Johnny Nutcase said...

jacanas are cool birds! Congrats on the life bird! And a croc- totally neat!

Ebie said...

I am still scared of crocs or gators, but your shot looks he is a little on the cool side. Yikes, he can devour!

What a lovely adventure!

Randy Emmitt said...

Enjoyed your Northern Jacana! We saw them for the first time in Belize back in January. The best photo moment with them of course I did not have the right camera with me.

Hilda said...

That looks and sounds like such a fascinating tour!

Animor said...

What a nice wildlife experience, crocs is dangerous but you still capture very close. It's an amazing photo.

Al said...

Oh! I didn't notice the crocodile on the second photo! It scared me LOL!

Unknown said...

wonderful wildlife! being on a boat and seeing crocodiles is exciting and a bit scary, too.:p

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Great captures Eileen. I haven't seen Jacana. Looks like they are so light and cute. Last week I went to the zoo and I saw some huge crocodiles. It must be a different feeling to see them in the wild.

Unknown said...

Hope the Jacana didn't turn Lunch ;)
What a beautiful bird.
And the Croc's amazing!
Scary, but amazing :)

Marie said...

Lovely nature shots. Thanks for sharing.

Tania said...

Wonderful shots and what a lovely bird!

luna said...

Beautiful photos and wildlife!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, what a beautiful photo of the Northern Jacana. We have the AFrican Jacana and the Lesser Jacana in Southern Africa. Reading your blog shows me so many birds I've never seen. Thanks! Have a wonderful day.

NatureFootstep said...

the crock is almost white, is it the right color. maybe the sun.

Lovely bird. :)

diane b said...

Wonderful wetland wildlife there, it reminds me of our trip to northern Australia. We have birds that walk on the lily pads. I wonder if they are the same.

ladycat said...

Great shots!!! Feel great seeing that kind of bird.

Stacey 18 said...

Great photos. A little too close for my liking, but we can leave the brave photos for you. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

Müge Tekil said...

Extraordinary! What a courage for such a little bird! Very nice photos of a unique instant in the wilderness!

Have a beautiful and happy dayt, ciao! :-)

Cindy said...

Ohhh...great photos! How wonderful to see these things in real life in the outdoors. Hugs, Cindy S

rainfield61 said...

I have wild crocodiles in the wetlands, and rivers in the neighbourhood, but hopefully I won't see one suddenly.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great pictures - Thanks for sharibng your trip with us.

Phil Slade said...

That sure is a huge croc and a small jacana Eileen. Nice work to show us the size difference like that.

Blondie's Journal said...

Awesome pictures although I have goosebumps from the croc!


Elaine said...

I wonder if the Jacana is on the croc's menu for lunch or if they coexist peacefully. Nice series of photos.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots! I especially like the crocodile :)

Anonymous said...

Two cool sightings.

Baba said...

Hi Eileen, thanks for your visit to my place today..very cool shots of the colorful birds and the crocodile..we have had some alligators removed from the cove behind our house .. I would never swim in that water.. I enjoyed my visit here.... Baba

Ladynred said...

It sounds like you were having fun. I love that bird and the crocodile looks comfy!lol

Hootin Anni said...

Wonderful....and such a treat you've taken us on...to see the world from a lens like this.

I'm trying to catch up on my wonderful visitors from Wednesday. I thank you for dropping by and leaving such a kind comment. It's always so much appreciated.

Thanks, and do come again sometime soon.

Hope your day has been treating you well so far!!

Anonymous said...

wow...that's a huge croc, and wonderful photos, Eileen! Hope the bird was safe..

Faythe said...

I am wondering like some others, if the jacana became lunch! I am so enjoying all your lovely pics in all your blogs. I am traveling the world through your eyes, am I have barely ever made it out of my home state of WI! Thanks for stopping by too :)
Have a beautiful week!
Faythe @GMT

Serline said...

Hey, I don't like the cliffhanger... did the croc get its lunch? Fly away, little bird, fly!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Eileen-- those are wonderful photos. I'd love to go to Costa Rica. We went to Belize several hundred years ago ;>) and loved it -- we did see a croc, but that bird is wonderful.

I loved your post below as well.

Carver said...

It must have been so exciting seeing so much diverse wildlife. You took some great shots. I've enjoyed this series so much.

Anonymous said...

I am with Carver..this has been a great series Eileen...I hope the bird didn't fall victim to the croc.. Michelle

MyMaracas said...

What a great bird! I've never heard of that one. Not too crazy about the croc though. Those do scare me.

Euroangel said...

what a watery wednesday indeed! i guess the crocodile is a bit scary..lol!
Euroangel Graffiti

RA said...

Wow, what an adventure it must have been! The crocodile seems so close. Have a wonderful week.

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