Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Green Heron...Wordless Wednesday

Click here to to view more of Wordless Wednesday  and Watery Wednesday

Thanks to the host of Wordless Wednesday and to 2sweetnsaxy the host of Watery Wednesday

Happy WW and thanks for stopping by to see my Green Heron.


Coffeeveggie addict. said...


Kerri Farley said...

Super shots Eileen!!

DeniseinVA said...

Super photos Eileen, love the heron.
An English Girl Rambles

Animor said...

Nice photo fo the green heron, love the view of the lake it's so peaceful I can hear the birds humming only.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful shots.

Photo Cache said...

nature watching is so much fun. lovely photos.


caite said...

what a beautiful bird and a great capture.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous capture!

~Cheryl said...

What a plump little guy! The last photo is so lush and lovely.

LifeRamblings said...

lovely bird and i love the lush greenery in its natural setting.

Judy said...

Wonderful shots!! My usual view of the green heron is his backside, fading in the distance!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

I'm guessing a king fisher. I see these at the river near my daughters house when I go for walks. Great capture!

Mona Sweden http://fotoentusiastenfotoblogg.blogg.se said...

Love your header. The green heron is a beautiful bird and your photos are gorgoeus!

EG CameraGirl said...

Green herons are such interesting birds! :)

Jan n Jer said...

Great shots...love to watch the herons!

Chubskulit Rose said...


My Water Wednesday

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Wow! Very cool. I don't believe I've ever seen one of these birds in the wild. Great pics. :)

eden said...

Beautiful photos as always, Dennis.Great captures.

eden said...

Oh, I am sorry Eileen! I made a mistake. It was meant for you not for Dennis. Sorry about it.

Al said...

Nice capture Eileen!

Indrani said...

Great captures. They do sit still at times. Luck you.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Those Herons? Have some charming expressions! Wow the last is an enchanting emerald green with nice reflection! I forgot to say last time -the flowers are lovely above (I loved those lilies too) Eileen- have a wonderful day tomorrow-

Unknown said...

delightful photos of birds.

your header is stunning!

Stan at NewToReno.com said...

Nice pictures. I saw some great blue herons over the weekend.

NatureFootstep said...

is this some kind of heron?

Cezar and Léia said...

Adorable bird and you did a fabulous job with your camera.
I used to see a cute eron in a park near my home,but I'm so worried about him because since some weeks he is not there.I wonder if he could fly away...but I really don't know.I hope he is fine.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

This heron doesn't have a neck. Have a great day.

jabblog said...

Lovely captures, though he doesn't look very green to me, apart from the eye-stripe. You do take some very clear photographs - beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Boy is he a handsome feller! Heheheee

Have a good one

Anonymous said...

Great capture - been trying to get one of a great blue in the creek neaby!

Unknown said...

very very good looking creature.

lovely captures Eileen.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Great shots! I think in all the time I've been taking photos I've only seen a green heron 3 times and never really close enough for a good shot.

Marice said...

awww so cute! and the last photo is beautiful! great spot :)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Wow! I can now say I've seen one in a photo. Thanks for sharing such great photos. I like your banner photo of the white flowers a lot, too.
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.

Tara said...

Oh, look at those green green eyes.

Dave Dorsey said...

Very nice! Happy WW!!

Ingrid said...

The heron was quiet friendly to pose for you ! beautiful !

diane b said...

I love the bird life around wetlands. He doesn't look green.

DoanLegacy said...

Beautiful green heron!

Linnea said...

Terrific! Isn't it amazing how the bird's coloring blends right in with the surroundings!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

Cool photos! I wish I could get some great shots of birds, but I don't have much luck when it comes to photographing birds. lol
Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up. Don't forget to come on back and see if you guessed right with yesterday's mystery photo. Have a great day.

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of the heron. You have such beautiful photography. I'm catching up with blogging as work has been busy. I've missed some great shots.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Eileen,
I enjoyed your photos. I think I've said this before, but you sure get to see some awesome places and critters.

I love that butterfly with the thistles, too.

Mary said...

This appears to be a fun blog Eileen - love the heron shots, they are such interesting birds and I saw some beauties in Africa!

Happy day - Mary
A Breath of Fresh Air

Phil Slade said...

Wow Eileen. That sure is a fine picture or two of a super little heron.

SquirrelQueen said...

He is a very handsome fellow, great shot Eileen. I love the lush green of your last photo.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...