Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Longwood Gardens birds, butterflies and dragonflies

My Critter photos from Longwood Gardens for Wordless Wednesday

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

I love this one below, it just glittered in the sunlight.

American Robin on one of the water fountains

Click on my link Wordless Wednesday to see more.

I hope you enjoyed my Wordless Wednesday entry and thanks for stopping by my blog.


John B. said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Amazing shots.I really need to work at getting more dragonfly pictures.At least ones that are sharp.:)

Anonymous said...

The photograph in your header is exquisite! Great job on the composition and DOF.

caite said...

they are all fantastic..I especially love that 2nd one..and the last, especially after you pointed out the robin.

Indrani said...

Wow! Great collection of critters.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Exquisite so crisp and clear each more stunning than the next.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful collection of photos! Love the oranges.

Al said...

Wow I like the dragonfly, it glitters!

Jan n Jer said...

Great photos...don't you just love Longwood Gardens...its a photographers heaven.

Faythe said...

I have never seen an orange dragon fly! we have some big ones this year, but they do not stay still long enough to see them let alone put a camera lens on them!

Stan at NewToReno.com said...

Nice job. Those are some very enjoyable nature shots.

Dan Huber said...

My family and stopped on way from DC to home at Longwood Gardens in PA (if the same spot) and it was amazing, all the flowers in bloom and the birds. Great photos .


diane b said...

Great shots. How on earth could you capture a humming bird? They are so quick. Well done!

jabblog said...

Lovely photos! The orange dragonfly is amazing - we don't any that colour here.

Anonymous said...

I'm terrified of Dragonflies but those are beautiful pictures!

Already Happy said...

I adore hummingbirds. Gorgeous!

Carrie said...

Pretty pictures! Love the hummingbird. Wow! Happy WW!

LadyNoor said...

Beautiful shots! Love the dragonfly.

Elaine said...

Beautiful photos! I love the gilded dragonfly.

We are going to be in PA during September, so I was excited to see your photos of Longwood Gardens. I've put Longwood on my list of things to do.

~Cheryl said...

I really enjoyed your set of critters! Terrific photos!

SquirrelQueen said...

The little hummingbird and butterfly look so pretty on that gorgeous flower. Great capture on the dragonfly, he is a beauty.

Catharina Maria said...

This are beautiful photos , nature is great .
Love ♥RINI♥ the Netherlands

My name is Riet said...

oh wow Eileen. Your photo's are beautiful. Gems all of them

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen! Thanks for coming by my blog for Pink Saturday! You have some lovely photos and I've enjoyed looking at them :) Thank you for sharing them

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...